Chapter 27

The Mugunghwa Crown
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An unknown place.


PM Kwon and Seungmin who just arrived from Ulleungdo gathered together to talk about the recent incident.


“Your sister is the one behind it, Your Highness.”


“I wish it was her so I can convince Jeonha to punish her,” Seungmin picked up his soju glass, “But you didn’t find any wound on her arms so what made you think so?”


“This kind of incident never happened before she joined our department. Why do you think she wants to join us other than to ruin you, Your Highness?”


“Do you really think she wants the crown?”


PM Kwon nodded. “She is greedy just like her mother. I can see it in her eyes. She wants what you have.”


“Then she can keep dreaming. Once I am crowned, she and Hoon will be sent to another palace, far from Seoul!” Seungmin slammed his glass down.


“Sending them away won’t stop them. Better get rid of them completely.” PM Kwon picked up his own glass and downed its content.


“Do you think so? Should we get rid of her now?”


PM Kwon pushed his glasses up. “Royal member's assassination would attract public eyes. Especially at a time like this, nearing your coronation.”


Seungmin filled his glass again, “Can’t you do it quietly?”


“Let’s talk about it after your coronation. The only thing we can do now is to fasten the ceremony. Six months are way too long. A lot of things could happen.”


Seungmin stilled while holding his glass. “Do you think I haven’t suggested that to Jeonha? He still insisted to wait for the best month for the ceremony!”


“Tell him that the intruder was targeting you. It’ll leave him with no choice.”


Seungmin smirked before gulping his soju. “You have a plan, don’t you?”


“This incident is actually a good reason for us to push His Majesty. I would suggest having the ceremony in 2 months,” PM Kwon said with an evil smile. “The sooner you get crowned, the sooner you can get rid of your enemies because we only need one royal blood and that’s you, Your Highness.”


Seungmin chuckled, satisfied with his loyalty. “I’ll talk to Jeonha tomorrow.”


PM Kwon nodded in response. “Let me figure things out to ban your siblings from entering Junjong Hall, especially your sister. I’m sure she’s planning something to ruin the ceremony. Many bad things happened after she joined the royal institution.”


Seungmin slurred, “I’m serious when I said you should get rid of her quietly if you can.”


PM Kwon didn’t reply, he just kept filling his glass while his thoughts wandered back to the past when the young baby girl was born. His aunt, who was appointed as the royal shaman at that time, had warned him about the birth of two stars in The Palace. A case that only happened once in a thousand years. Two stars are known as a sign of revolution. An unavoidable change. Something big would happen to The Son Dynasty and the future of Korea.


It was widely known by the generations of royal shamans that there should be only one star among the royal siblings and it should be the first born or there would be bloodshed in The Palace like it had happened many times in the Joseon era. A lot of crown princes, the first born, were killed by their own siblings because they were not destined to take the throne because they were not the chosen ones by the stars. The fight would only stop when the chosen one takes the reign.


Now the case is a little bit different for Prince Seungmin and Princess Seungwan who both were chosen by the stars, but that doesn’t mean it’d be any less frightening. As they carried their own destiny, both of them will unavoidably fight with each other because there can’t be two stars in The Palace. In other words, this dispute between them is the work of fate.


His aunt further told him that when she saw the baby girl for the first time, she felt an immense aura surrounding her and instantly knew that baby was the other star. But what baffled her was why the crown prince’s star was different. His star glowed differently than the baby girl. Then it hit her that the night when the baby girl was born, the Sun had moved to the northern hemisphere across the equator. As written by her predecessor, those babies who were born at such time, carried a big destiny in her hand.


With the fact that two stars were born in The Palace and one of them carried a big destiny, no doubt, a revolution would certainly happen. Furthermore, his aunt was very certain that the baby girl, Son Seungwan, would be the one who would lead the change of the future Son dynasty.


A revolution?


PM Kwon slammed his glass down as he looked at the drunk crown prince in front of him. The latter had passed out on the table after mumbling some incoherent words.


He can control Seungmin completely but he can’t touch Seungwan. Therefore, he needs to make sure that Seungmin will get crowned without any trouble by keeping Seungwan away until the coronation day. After that, with the power of the reigned King, he can get rid of her easily. No more Son Seungwan in his way.


He gripped the glass in his hand tightly with hatred in his eyes. He did everything he can to get rid of Seungwan in the past but it all failed, she kept coming back to ruin his plan.


After all the hard work that I put in, I’m finally just a step away from being a president and ruling this country with another puppet king in my hand. I won’t let that kid ruin it!




Same time, different place.


Seungwan just got back from a meeting with Taeyeon and the gank. They agreed to stay low and see PM Kwon’s next moves. None of them mentioned it but they all knew that the war between Seungwan and PM Kwon is going to come sooner. They were aware that PM Kwon was the mastermind, and Seungmin and The King were only his puppets.


With the last incident in the server room, PM Kwon would surely be more careful and try to find who is the culprit. Even though he never gets any solid proof that Seungwan is behind all the unfortunate events surrounding his business, he should’ve gotten a hunch by now. After all, he was the one behind Seungwan’s outcast a few years back and also the one who was strongly against Seungwan involvement in The Royal constitution and her appointment as the 3rd in line. Nobody can exactly pinpoint the reason behind PM Kwon's vendetta against Seungwan.


Humming softly, the young royal opened her briefcase and took out a box of chocolate candy. Sua just got back from her short business visit in Suwon and she brought a few boxes of Chocodongi for her colleagues. Seungwan, being the closest colleague among them all, received two boxes from her. She gave one box to Seulgi who was still resting at Ground Zero. With her speedy recovery, the latter would start working again in two days.


So how about the other box?


No doubt, Seungwan is a big fan of chocolate, but she would let Joohyun have it. That’s how much she loves her wife.


Love? Is this love? Seungwan smiled inwardly, finding the word strange yet amusing to her. It was less than 2 weeks since they got intimate. Too early to say that she’s in love, isn’t it?


After closing the door behind her, she walked stealthily to their bedroom, wanting to surprise her wife. But Joohyun who sat in the living room facing the door immediately caught her figure.


“Why are you walking strangely like that?” she asked in a soft voice.




Well, the young royal planned to surprise her wife but she got surprised instead. “What are you doing there in the dark? Wait …why are you drinking tea in the middle of the night?”


“I was waiting for you.”


“I told you to not wait for me anymore.”


“I can’t sleep and who knows, you might need my help again.” Joohyun shrugged indifferently.


Truth be told, Joohyun always waits for Seungwan’s arrival every night. The young princess is worried if bad things are gonna happen to her wife. After she learned about the risk of her goal, she can’t help but think more about her wife’s safety.


“Nothing would happen to me, Jagi.”


The same answer as usual, but it still does not ease any of Joohyun's worries. Heaving a deep sigh internally, Joohyun only stared at her wife.


Meanwhile, Seungwan walked to her wife with a blooming smile on her face. She showed the chocolate box in her hand and said, “Look, I brought you a gift.”




“A box of chocolate!”


Joohyun eyed it briefly and asked, “It’s different than the chocolate bar that you usually have.”


“My workmate just came back from a business trip. She gave me this as a gift.”


“She is nice to you.”


Seungwan smiled proudly. “I’m nice to them, so of course, they would treat me nicely as well.”


The young princes smiled back and patted the sofa beside her, asking her wife to sit. “Want to eat it together? I will brew your tea.”


“In the middle of the night? Sure, I’m ready to get fat together with you.”


“I mean just tasting a few, not finishing the whole box, Your Highness.”


Seungwan chuckled as she poked her wife’s belly, “Afraid to get some fat here?”


Joohyun glared playfully, “No, I’m afraid that you’ll get high and will not let me sleep properly tonight.”


Truthfully, since their first time that night, they haven’t done anything intimate again and it kinda disappoints the young princess because sometimes, the feelings of wanting to get closer intimately with Seungwan are hard to ignore but she tries her best to understand Seungwan’s situation. After all, it’s not the right time to demand all her attention.


Seungwan needs to focus more on her goal so as the result, they don’t have much time to spend together since Seungwan is often back home so late. Therefore, Joohyun wants to take the only available time to get closer to her wife, even if she has to stay awake and wait for her until midnight like tonight.


It’s strange. They sleep on the same bed every night but she’s still missing her.




Calming chrysanthemum scent soon filled the living room, Joohyun who learned the art of tea-making because she married a royal, now expertly brewed the tea for her wife.


On the other hand, Seungwan stared at Joohyun with a proud smile on her face. The once clueless noble now looks like she has been making tea since birth. Yes, she’s exaggerating!


Seungwan drinks tea occasionally, by occasionally means only during important business events or tea ceremonies held by the royal family. Once she married Joohyun, she grew accustomed to the smell of fresh brewing tea in the morning, most of the time prepared by Chaeyoung since Joohyun likes to have a cup of tea before having her breakfast.


“Your tea is ready.”


Seungwan mouthed a small thank you before unwrapping the chocolate box. An excited hum left her lips and it didn’t go unnoticed by Joohyun who was observing her keenly. Something that she unconsciously does whenever Seungwan is around her. Her eyes will always find Seungwan’s face and stay there, staring for a long, long time.


Popping a chocolate ball into , Seungwan nodded in approval as she savored the sweet and bitter taste. Meanwhile, Joohyun continued watching her behind her cup as she blew her tea. A small smile appeared on her face as she heard her wife humming in satisfaction.


“I take it you like the chocolate.”


“I like it! Good quality chocolate with the combination of sweet blueberry. I don’t usually like chocolate with filling, but this one is delicious.”


“Really? Then I should try it.”


Joohyun likes chocolate as well but not as much as her wife. As her hand was about to pick up a piece, Seungwan took the box away.


“Excuse me, I thought the chocolate is your gift for me?” the young princess asked confusedly.


“It is but we have to eat it like this.” Seungwan put one in between her lips, urging Joohyun to take it from her.


“So cringy. I didn’t know you like that kind of stuff.”


Seungwan ignored her and motioned her wife to come closer with her finger. Despite her protest, Joohyun with her reddened cheeks slowly inched closer. She tilted her head to take the choco ball, but before her lips could make contact, Seungwan plopped the choco back into and munched it.


Joohyun stared at her grinning wife with a frown on her face.


“Very childish. Fine, you can eat them all and get fat by yourself.” She sipped her tea aggressively.


“I thought you said I’m cringy so I changed my mind,” Seungwan said while blinking innocently like she didn’t plan to trick her wife at all.


The young princess only rolled her eyes but a moment later, she felt her cheek poked by a ball of chocolate.


“Sorry. Here, have a taste.” Seungwan moved the chocolate in front of her lips, urging her to take it.


Thinking that her wife finally stopped teasing her, she opened her lips eagerly to take the choco ball. As she was about to chew it, her chin was pulled to face her wife who immediately kissed her. She didn’t have a chance to taste the choco ball as it quickly passed back to Seungwan.


Joohyun pulled away while wiping her lips and yelled, “What the ... Seungwan!!”


The young royal made a peace sign with her fingers while chewing the chocolate.


“What is wrong with you??”


Seungwan laughed. “I can’t believe you got fooled twice. What is wrong with you??”


“That’s it!”


Joohyun pushed Seungwan's body away so she could reach the chocolate box hidden behind her wife. But Seungwan, who has a quick reflex, immediately hugged her wife’s waist, preventing her to reach out behind her while laughing out loud. The more the young princess tried to push her wife’s body, the more the latter held her still.


Joohyun only stopped struggling when Seungwan became quiet while hugging her waist.


“I should take you on a proper date,” Seungwan mumbled absentmindedly as she rested her head on Joohyun’s chest. Relishing the warmth that emitted from her wife’s body.


Aware that the atmosphere between them has shifted, Joohyun caressed the back of Seungwan’s head lovingly. Allowing her hand to play with the short tresses before replying softly, “We could if only you’re not so busy every day. I feel like I have a wife and don’t at the same time.” A little whine unconsciously escaped from her lips and it surprised her.


“No, I … I mean I understand the reason why so don’t feel pressured to take me on a date. I just miss you a little bit more nowadays. No big deal.” Although Joohyun felt a little bit shy to admit it in front of her wife, she wanted to come clear because pressuring Seungwan who has a lot on her plate, is the last thing she wanna do.


Seungwan didn’t say anything but deep inside she was aware of how busy she becomes these days. She Joohyun’s back to relay her sorry.


Not hearing anything from Seungwan makes Joohyun a little bit worried.




“Is there any place that you wanna go?”


“I’m serious you don’t have to take me anywhere.”


“I can’t take you anywhere soon but still I wanna know.” Seungwan sighed. “Aside from time, honestly, I don’t know where to take you. I never really took a woman for a date. If you ask me of a good hotel for fun activities in bed, trust me, I know.”


“Seungwan, why do I keep hearing women and bed from you? Are you testing my patience?”


Seungwan chuckled as she slowly eased her tight hug on her wife. Putting a distance between them, she said, “I’m not, I just want you to know that I didn’t really date in the past. You’ll be my first.”


Fighting a blush creeping on her face, Joohyun replied softly, “Now I know so you can stop mentioning other women.”




Seungwan released her wife completely before placing the chocolate box back on the table. “Go ahead. Enjoy your gift.”


The young princess picked one and soon she indulged herself with another one and another one. “I think we have another problem here.”




“Kang Seulgi. I have a hunch that any places we wanna go, she will reject them due to safety reasons. You don’t know how much I have to beg her in order to take you to the greenhouse. I’m your wife and yet I have to beg her to have you go with me.” She playfully added, “My heart hurts.”


Seungwan laughed out loud. “Joohyun, you’re a princess, you can just give your command and she’ll have to follow.”


“Excuse me, even with you, she still talks back. Do you think she’ll listen to my command??”


“No, she won’t.” Seungwan chuckled, “Seulgi is a hard nut but she is excellent in her job. She does everything she can to keep me safe. Honestly, I’m still here thanks to her.”


“I know and I really appreciate her effort. She’s the best guard.” Joohyun agreed, she’s actually glad that Seulgi is so protective over Seungwan. Knowing that her wife tends to break the rules, she is thankful that Seulgi is there to reprimand her.


“I will make sure to relay your praise to her.” Seungwan laughed again as she watched Joohyun enjoying the chocolates.


“Have I ever told you that you look pretty even when you’re eating?”


Joohyun chokes violently.


“Oops. Here, take a sip.” The young royal chuckled as she filled Joohyun’s cup and gave it to her.


“Why did you have to randomly compliment me when I’m eating?”


Seungwan shrugged indifferently as she yawned.


“Are you tired? Then we should …”


“No. Let’s stay here for a while. You already waited for me, but this is the only thing I can offer to you for now. I can’t even take you on a date.” Seungwan was really hopeless. She felt like she was a bad wife. Well, she never planned to get tangled in a serious relationship while doing her mission in the first place.


“I told you I understand. You don’t have to feel bad. I know you have to focus on your goal.” Joohyun smiled as she put her cup down, “You don’t have to take me on a date soon, but once you reach your goal, I want you to make time and come with me to my house in Jeju, yeah?”


Seungwan knew that she shouldn’t make a promise. She really shouldn’t …


“Alright.” The young royal nodded. She didn’t have the heart to say otherwise.


Joohyun beamed as she caressed her wife’s cheek tenderly. “I will show you the places where I used to spend my time together with my parents. Mama said that the tangerine trees in our backyard are still in good shape, so next year when we come to visit, we will get to pick them up. I swear you won’t be able to eat other tangerines after you get a taste of them.”


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Hi everyone! Seems like there's an error, the last chapter is ch.37, not ch.36 🥺 so for regular subs, you'll read the last chapter next week (21/09). Thanks!


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it's 2am in my place right now and suddenly i have the urge to ask the chaeyoung the maid in this story is a park or son, i know this is so random but I'm curious 😭😩😂
i hope you're doing well author! come back to us with new story soon yeah? 👋🏻👋🏻
I'm curious
1697 streak #4
Chapter 30: Aye, re reading this for today.
Chapter 1: i love it so far!!! i can't wait to read more
Ohyeah13 #6
Chapter 37: This is such a beautiful story🥹😍💯
Chapter 28: Reread this again and still feel pain
1697 streak #8
Chapter 37: CK jacket and that cuddling wr photos reminds me of Taenyeo and Wangyeo and I'm sure not the only one thinking that
Chapter 37: Here again after rereading restart. A lot of things happened these past few days. We've been in a series of emotions. It feels like the heavens are playing with our emotions. I have to leave and take a breather for a while. As i was reading this the teaser photo drops. Its very timely, especially that photo of 'em hugging. Its like mugunghwa crown taenyeo and wangnyeo. I think it would suit as a cover photo of your story. My editing skills nowadays. I hope someone edit it. Do it for the gays pls
Chapter 33: gonna pause reading to say:
my gahd... Joohyun is so frustrating here!!! graaaaaaah!!!
