Chapter 34

The Mugunghwa Crown
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A few police cars lined near the main gate when the crowd became uncontrollable. After the news about the royal family's corruption topped the web search, the crowd doubled. Therefore, the royal guards couldn't handle them anymore. Unavoidable fist fights occurred between some of them and the royal guards.


“Bring all the royals out!”


“Yeah! Come out and admit all your mistakes!”


The polices quickly took over the situation and made a human barricade outside, blocking the mass crowd and eventually making them angrier.


“Why are you all protecting criminals?! Step aside!”


“The government is siding with them!”


The crowd roared.


A few moments later, when the crowd saw PM Kwon and Seungmin dragged out of The Palace to the police car, they cursed at them and some even tried to punch them but the polices prevented their movements. Then, the crowd realized that King Seungjo, the other suspect, wasn’t dragged along with them.


“Where is King Seungjo?!”


“The Palace is protecting him! We have to drag him out!”


The crowd roared once again until they saw someone wearing a hanbok walking toward them. It was one of The Palace’s secretaries. They thought, he must’ve carried an order from The King.


A few reporters immediately gathered around him, waiting for the announcement. At the same time, two ambulances were also seen, and a few doctors rushed inside. It baffled the crowd because when PM Kwon and Seungmin were dragged out, their faces were severely injured.


Just what the heck happened inside?




Gojong Hall.


The situation inside The King’s chamber was dreary. All the royal members surrounded the bed where King Seungjo’s cold body lay. Queen Soohyang cried at the end of the bed and Sohee could only stare blankly, remembering what happened a moment ago when her husband aimed and fired the gun at Seungwan but the bullet pierced The King’s chest instead, instantly killing him.


Seunghoon held The King’s hand in despair as the royal doctor along with the doctors from Seoul Hospital announced his time of death.


Meanwhile, Seungwan kneeled beside her brother, seemingly lost because her father, whom she despised, just saved her life so she couldn't fathom her feelings right now.




The wooden door suddenly opened from outside and a worried Joohyun hurriedly walked in but her steps stopped mid-way when she realized what happened inside. She bit her lips as her eyes met Seungwan’s vulnerable eyes.


Wasting no time, the young princess came to Seungwan’s side and pulled the latter’s head to her chest. Not long after, she felt her shirt wet with tears. Her wife sobbed in her embrace. Pouring all the feelings that she held inside. A feeling of a child who just lost their parent.




Dongmyun Hall.

Seven hours after The King passed away.


Seungwan and Seunghoon stood aside when the royal priest lit up a few incenses on the table below The King’s casket. Both of them already changed to white hanbok and wore a white silk headband on their head as a sign of grieving. They stood side by side near the casket on the upper floor of the hall.


All the royal family was present in the hall along with the heads of the royal institutions. All of them wearing the same white hanbok and sat on the lower floor. They would give their last respect to the deceased King before the royal cremation today.


At the same time, the news about The King’s death already spread across the country. The public was shocked and wondered who would take the reign now that Seungmin was dethroned and held in for investigation.


After chanting a few prayers, the royal priest looked at both of The King’s successors in front of him. One of them would take the reign. Based on the Mugunghwa Law, the second born should step up.


“Crown Prince Seunghoon,” he called the oldest son respectfully before kneeling down in front of him. “By The Mugunghwa Law, you’re the next in line so we shall announce your reign now because you have to lead the royal cremation today. Then I will prepare for your coronation in two days. ”


Hearing what the priest before him said, Seunghoon suddenly kneeled down mirroring the priest, and said firmly, “I am nowhere worthy of the throne.”


“Orabeoni why?” Seungwan whispered behind him. She was alarmed by the sudden turnout event. They made a deal before and Seunghoon wanted to back out now??


Still kneeling, Seunghoon turned around and bowed to his sister who stood with a bewildered face. “Your Majesty, instead of me, you have to step up and lead the kingdom.”


The youngest royal widened her eyes and replied, “What are you talking about?! Stand up, Orabeoni! You’re second in line!”


But Seunghoon didn’t budge as he said, “I may be the second in line but we can’t ignore the fact that since the start, the throne is yours. The one who is born under the blessings of the stars. Your Majesty, please accept my respect and loyalty.”


“Blessings of the stars?”


Seungwan knew the tale of those who were born under the stars but she was never told that she was also born under it. All her life, she only knew that her brother Seungmin was chosen by the stars and so, she never believed the stars anymore. For they chose someone like him as the Future King.


If I was really born under the stars, then does it mean there are two stars in The Palace? How could this happen?? Unbelievable.


Seungwan still had a hard time believing it. She thought Seunghoon schemed to run away from his responsibility. After all, her second brother was never interested to take the reign.

“Hoon-orabeoni, why are you making up a story? I wasn’t born under the stars!” The youngest royal frowned. “If this is your way to throw your responsibility to me, I won’t …”


Seunghoon lifted his head. “I’m not lying! You were really born under the stars!”


The royal priest widened his eyes. “Crown Prince Seunghoon, are you sure about it?” he asked carefully. He also never heard of it. For more than 20 years, he believed that only Seungmin was chosen by the stars as told by the former royal shaman.


“A few days after Seungwan was born, I overheard the former Royal Shaman talk about it with PM Kwon. I told my father but he asked me not to tell anyone because my life and Seungwan’s life would be in danger. If you don’t believe me, check the royal children's birth records and the record of two stars in the Joseon era. You’ll understand why Jeonha hides the truth.”


Seungwan was lost for words. She was beyond shocked by the revelation.


On other hand, the royal priest immediately instructed his helper to search for the birth record and the old record from the Joseon era.


“You won’t find them in the royal library. It was hidden in The King’s chamber, the second drawer of the mahogany study table,” Seunghoon told the helper.


Not long after, the helper came back with two old yellowish books. One of them was the royal children's birth records. The priest skimmed over Seungwan’s birth record page and found some scribbles in the corner.


It was King Seungjo’s handwritten notes. After serving him for more than 25 years, the royal priest knew his handwriting very well. Furthermore, it was stamped with the royal seal on top of it.


The Priest then opened the record about two stars in the Joseon era and he was shocked to find out the meaning of it. Two stars mean revolution. One of the stars will dethrone the other and lead the revolution within the kingdom to start a new era. The fate of the ruling dynasty will be in the hand of the chosen star. Based on the record, there were five cases of two stars in the Joseon era.


Closing the record quietly, the priest was now certain that Seungwan was indeed born under the stars. The youngest royal started a revolution just like how it was written in the record and validated in her birth record. Moreover, Seunghoon already said that he wouldn’t take the throne so there was nothing else to prove anymore. As the third in line, Seungwan deserved the throne as much as Seunghoon.


He quickly down to his knees and bowed four times. “Your Majesty Queen Seungwan.”


Seungwan who saw what the priest was doing immediately shook her head. “No! I can’t accept it.” Then she turned to Seunghoon. “Orabeoni, no matter what, you're the next king, stand up!”


Seunghoon sighed as he stood up to face his sister who looked so troubled with the truth that was hidden from her for 26 years.


“Priest Beom. May I have a moment with my sister?”


The royal priest nodded. “Yes you may, Your Highness. I will start the cremation once everything is decided between the two of you.”


The two royals then descended the stairs with a few eyes following them. Including Joohyun’s eyes who saw the troubled look on her wife’s face. After witnessing her wife cried her heart out in her embrace a few hours ago, she became highly protective of the latter. Especially at a hard time like this, she wanted to be her strength. She didn’t want Seungwan to hold her feelings and bear the pain alone.




King’s study room.


“Seungwan, listen to me,” Seunghoon started as soon as they entered the room. “The main reason why I’m so reluctant to take the reign is that I was born without the blessing of the stars. I could be a King as I’m the second born, the second in line, but I wouldn’t reign for long because the one who is born under the stars will eventually take the throne. It’s you. It’s written in your destiny.”


Seungwan frowned. “Then I could just strip my title and stay away from The Palace forever. I won’t do anything to take the throne from you.”


Seunghoon sighed while brushing his hair with his hand. “You can strip your title but you can’t defy the royal blood in your veins. You told me so before, right? Do you remember? As a royal, I have my responsibility and I’m doing my part right now. I’m trying to make it right between us. I don’t want us to have a useless sibling fight in the future because of the throne. Therefore, you have to face your destiny and take what is rightfully yours.”


“No!” Seungwan stubbornly replied.


“You told me you want to make everything right. You defeated Seungmin and PM Kwon when you could just ignore it and live your life, why? Because you always think of our people more than yourself. Admit it Seungwan, you’re born for it. You’re born to rule. No matter where you go, you will always come back to your destiny.”


Seungwan lowered her head as she was very conflicted inside. She knew that what her brother said is true. Maybe she doesn’t have any intention to go against Hoon for the throne but the latter would step down eventually because someone who is destined for it is still alive out there. No matter where she goes, the crown will always call for its destined owner.


Seunghoon sighed for the nth time. He realized that it was hard to convince Seungwan, so he walked to one of the racks on the left and retrieved a thick brown-covered book.


“This is Jeonha’s diary. He gave it to me when you were kept away by PM Kwon. I think you should read it and tell me what your answer is. If you still don’t want the throne then let’s just abolish the Kingdom.”


“What?! What are you saying, Orabeoni?!”


“I will step up and be the last King.”


Seungwan looked at her brother in disbelief. “Tell me you’re not being serious right now!”


“I’m serious. I will step up to abolish The Kingdom since you don’t want to bear your destiny.”


“Why are you threatening me?!”


“Because you’re stubborn as hell, Seungwan!” Seunghoon let out his frustration. “If I was born with the blessing of the stars, I will shut up and take the throne!”


“Then just take it, Orabeoni, and be the King!”


“You missed the point, Your Majesty!” Seunghoon scoffed.


“Don’t call me that!”


“I understand, Jungjeon-mama.”


They look at each other angrily and were ready to pounce when the door suddenly opened from outside. It was Joohyun.


Seeing the two royals about to fight each other, the young princess widened her eyes and quickly stood in front of Seungwan, trying to protect her wife with all her might. She forgot that she was as small as her wife and her brother-in-law could throw her in one shove any time.


“O-orabeoni what … what is happening?” Her voice was shaky when she asked her brother-in-law.


“Tell your wife to read the book and find me later.” Seunghoon gave the diary to Joohyun and walked out without giving any glance to his sister. Right now, he was too upset with his sister.


Once the door was closed, Joohyun turned around and wandered her eyes over Seungwan’s body. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”


Seungwan’s stare soften as she stared at her wife. “He didn’t hurt me.”


Exhaling in relief, Joohyun asked, “What happened? Why are you looking so troubled?”


The young royal bit her lips before pulling her wife into her embrace. “I’ve missed you.”


“Well … that didn’t answer my question but I miss you too.” Joohyun rested her head on Seungwan’s shoulder. “You made me worry a lot. I fought everyone to get inside The Palace. They are awfully loyal to your command. I don’t know whether I should be happy or not.”


“I’m sorry you had to experience that but I only had one chance to bring PM Kwon down.” Seungwan closed her eyes inhaling her wife's calming scent. “Please forgive them, they did that to keep you safe.”


“If that’s what you wish then I will,” Joohyun muttered quietly. “I’m glad you came back to me as you promised.”


“Of course. You’re here waiting for me.”


“About Jeonha … I’m sorry for your loss,” the young princess whispered in regret.


“Jeonha saved me,” Seungwan told her wife solemnly. “If not because of him, I would be the one getting my last honor today. The gun was aimed at me.”


Joohyun’s body stiffened upon hearing her words so Seungwan soothed her. “Don’t worry. I’m here now.”


The young princess nodded as she tightened her hug on her wife’s waist. “You’re here. You’re safe now.”





“So what is this book about?” Joohyun eyed the book in her hand.


“I don’t know. Orabeoni said it was Jeonha’s diary. Can you read it with me?”




Seungwan pulled Joohyun by her hand and brought her to sit side by side behind the study table. They sat in silence for a moment. The young royal was a little bit hesitant to open the diary. Joohyun noticed it so she put her hand on top of the latter.


“If you’re not ready. We can read it later,” Joohyun said with concern in her voice because Seungwan just lost her father. The young princess didn’t know what was written inside but she had a hunch that it was very important and could change everything.


The young royal smiled at her wife’s attention before shaking her head solemnly. “I have to make a decision soon.”




When Seungwan flipped open the thick book, she realized that the book started with her parents' first meeting and only half of the book was written. Her father wasn’t the type who dwells on emotion too much and as a King, he was very busy. Therefore, he didn’t write day by day. Sometimes he skipped a month or two or didn’t write for the entire 6 months. It seemed like he only put everything that was important to him.


(Only showing entries that related to Seungwan)


1st entry

Summer 1992. I met a woman today. Baek Wanhee, the daughter of Lord Baek. I have never seen a woman as bright as her, as courageous as her. I think I’ve fallen in love.


2nd entry

It’s been 3 months and I keep thinking about her. PM Kwon advised me to marry her but I already have 2 wives and 2 sons. What should I do? She makes me go crazy.


3rd entry

She said yes. She said yes!! After 4 months of courting her, she finally accepted my proposal today! I’m so happy! I’ll make you the happiest woman alive, Wanhee!


5th entry

It’s been a year. A wonderful year since I married my beloved Wanhee and my 1st daughter is born today. I feel so blessed. I have two sons and a daughter now. My daughter looks like Wanhee. So pure and beautiful. Welcome to the world, Princess Son Seungwan.


9th entry

I’m starting to doubt PM Kwon’s loyalty but I'm powerless against him. He knows a lot of things behind The Palace. He could use it against me.


12th entry

Hoon told me about what he heard and I couldn’t believe it. I traced for another lineage of Royal Shaman to confirm it and he said the same. Seungwan was born under the stars. Why did PM Kwon and the royal shaman hide the truth from me??


Nobody shall know the truth or else the stability inside The Palace would be shaken. Right, I also have to think about Seungwan’s future and safety.


24th entry

Summer 2010. I fought with Wanhee. She knew about Seungwan’s birth stars and asked me to get rid of PM Kwon. I couldn’t do that. It’s not that simple. After all,

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Hi everyone! Seems like there's an error, the last chapter is ch.37, not ch.36 🥺 so for regular subs, you'll read the last chapter next week (21/09). Thanks!


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0 points #1
it's 2am in my place right now and suddenly i have the urge to ask the chaeyoung the maid in this story is a park or son, i know this is so random but I'm curious 😭😩😂
i hope you're doing well author! come back to us with new story soon yeah? 👋🏻👋🏻
I'm curious
1697 streak #4
Chapter 30: Aye, re reading this for today.
Chapter 1: i love it so far!!! i can't wait to read more
Ohyeah13 #6
Chapter 37: This is such a beautiful story🥹😍💯
Chapter 28: Reread this again and still feel pain
1697 streak #8
Chapter 37: CK jacket and that cuddling wr photos reminds me of Taenyeo and Wangyeo and I'm sure not the only one thinking that
Chapter 37: Here again after rereading restart. A lot of things happened these past few days. We've been in a series of emotions. It feels like the heavens are playing with our emotions. I have to leave and take a breather for a while. As i was reading this the teaser photo drops. Its very timely, especially that photo of 'em hugging. Its like mugunghwa crown taenyeo and wangnyeo. I think it would suit as a cover photo of your story. My editing skills nowadays. I hope someone edit it. Do it for the gays pls
Chapter 33: gonna pause reading to say:
my gahd... Joohyun is so frustrating here!!! graaaaaaah!!!
