I say I can live without your affection, but I can't

When the day arrives

"Shuhua" Miyeon says , capturing the younger's attention. They were currently seated in the living room of their dorm, having it to themselves as the other members were busy with their schedule.


"Hmm?" Shuhua hums in response. Miyeon turns to her , "You should treasure the times where I say I love you to you" Shuhua sends a curious glance to the elder - this is random. "You'll never know if I stop saying it one day, you'll feel sad." Miyeon sighs. 


Miyeon knows for a fact that she was Shuhua's least favourite out of all the members - in her eyes at least. Shuhua looked weirdly at her. "That's sudden , I won't be affected though." Shuhua nonchalantly says. Miyeon felt a twinge of stinging on her heart, like acid was dropped onto it. She turned to look out the window , a sullen look dawning her face.


"Ah , I see..." Miyeon says, disinterest suddenly coating her voice. Shuhua looked at Miyeon , noticing the way her eyes were almost empty like 2 black holes. Devoid of anything. Shuhua thought that Miyeon would've understood that she was joking by now. But clearly she didn't, Shuhua wanted to explain herself when the door opened.


Soojin stepped inside the apartment , closing the door behind her. Shuhua immediately stood up and ran to her. "I missed you , I was stuck with Miyeon the entire day!" Shuhua groaned , hugging Soojin tightly.


Miyeon's heart felt as if it had been ripped out from her body , like it was being torn to shreds in front of her. She closed her eyes and willed herself not to leave the room. "Hi Soojin" Was the only thing Miyeon could meekly muster up as some kind of greeting so she didn't look like she was dreaming of stabbing herself in the neck right then and there.


She feigned a yawn, heading upstairs, citing some excuse along the lines of Shuhua draining all her energy and she was tired. Shuhua had looked at her perplexed, Miyeon was very hyper just now. Why was she - oh - Shuhua had completely forgotten about her abandoned mission to apologise to her elder.


She let go of Soojin's arm and headed upstairs stating that she was going to take something. She dashed to Miyeon's room, trying to get the door open. After a few tries, she left. Miyeon wasn't going to let up , and Shuhua couldn't blame her. She was mean.


Shuhua was known for teasing Miyeon excessively, but these days there seemed to be more sharpness in her voice than her usual playfulness. She guesses that Miyeon would've noticed that. As she climbs downstairs, she tries to assess why the was she being such a to Miyeon.


Had Miyeon done anything to get on her nerves? Well no. Had Miyeon been the cause of anything bad recently? No. Why was she acting like a huge baby then?


Shuhua was so engrossed in her thoughts , she didn't see Soojin come up to her. "Shuhua, you're zoning out. Are you okay?" Soojin questions , concerned. Shuhua smiles lopsidedly, "I'm fine. Just tired, from being with ...Miyeon all day." Those last 3 words were so incredibly hard to mutter out. She felt as if it had gotten lodged in , she just wanted to swallow it down. But she couldn't , Shuhua's pride wouldn't let her.


The next day - well the next 2 days - to be exact. Miyeon was totally distant from Shuhua , sure they had a conversation here or there , but she wasn't acting like...Miyeon. she wasn't professing her love to the younger every 5 seconds. She wasn't trying to kiss Shuhua every time she made a cute face. It was totally bizarre for Shuhua, for she had grown to get accustomed to her olders ever so bottomless pit of love.


It had gotten to the point where even the members were noticing the distance Miyeon was creating between herself and the younger. Yuqi was the first one to confront Shuhua about this. 


"Shu , what's up with you and Miyeon?" Yuqi knew how Shuhua normally acted towards the older , but she always knew that Miyeon would still shower the younger with love - for reasons unknown. So, the fact that Miyeon was completely keeping her distance from Shuhua was... bizarre to say the least.


"What do you mean?" Shuhua knew exactly what she meant , she was just acting dumb in hopes that Yuqi would leave the topic alone. Clearly, that wasn't happening. 


"Shuhua, I know you're stupid but you cannot be this stupid." Yuqi deadpanned. Shuhua felt somewhat offended over the first statement , but the glare Yuqi was giving her was enough to push that feeling aside and address whatever needed to be addressed.


"Ugh. So well...I kind of told Miyeon that I wouldn't care if she stopped saying 'I love you' to me. Or well , if she stopped showing me love at all. I didn't actually think she was going to stop doing it! I thought she was joking... I was joking too!" Shuhua's voice came out as defensive and jumbled. She tried to reason with - what seemed like herself. Yuqi gave an unimpressed look. 


"Shuhua , you know Miyeon's love language is physical affection. Why the would you tell her that?" Yuqi scolded. Shuhua faltered , she knew she'd messed up. "Well , I.." she tried to produce some kind of response, but that was basically impossible. She was stunned , guilt coursed through her veins. She looked down, eyes flickering from her feet to the carpet.


"You should apologize." Yuqi emphasized apologize, she knew Shuhua's pride could get in the way of - well everything. But mainly admitting that she was wrong. 


"I...I will, Yuqi." She muttered quietly. Yuqi seemed to be pleased with the reaction and let Shuhua go. She walked out of the room , not before reminding Shuhua that she actually had to go apologise.


So, that's how Shuhua had found herself in front of Miyeon's room at 1 am in the morning. She was certain the older had to be asleep right now, so when she opened the door, she was surprised to see Miyeon lying on her bed using her phone. Shuhua contemplated leaving the room since Miyeon hadn't seemed to notice her presence, but her conversation with Yuqi was replaying in her head. So, she breathed a big sigh before quietly walking over to Miyeon's bed. She was careful not to wake Soyeon.


"M-Miyeon." Shuhua stuttered, she felt her heart rate spike. Her hands were clammy and she could feel her face heat up. "Oh. Shuhua?" Miyeon had looked up from her phone, surprised. Shuhua took in a deep breath before beginning, "Okay, I know what I said that day was extremely mean. I shouldn't have, even if I was joking. Miyeon, I love you a lot and I...I'm sorry. I'm sorry I said that, the past 2 days have been agonizing." Shuhua breathed out. 


Miyeon seemed to be mulling over the apology. "Shuhua, it's not just that. It's like, I've been doing everything to try and get you to like me. Even just a little. But all you do is push me away, all you ever do is go away from me to your precious Soojin. I'm never going to be first, I've accepted that. But could you at least act like you appreciate me?" Miyeon's voice wavered, the cracks in her voice had indicated that she was close to tears.


Shuhua's heart broke. Had Miyeon really thought that all this time Shuhua had really hated her. She wanted to say something, but her words seemed to die in .


"If that's all. You can leave. Don't bother with your fake apology." Miyeon spat. Shuhua was completely speechless, never in her life has she had Miyeon look at her with this much hatred and disdain in her eyes. She was completely stunned. She nodded her head, quietly leaving the room.


If this is how Miyeon thought of her, she would have to prove her wrong. Show her that Shuhua does love her.


So that's exactly what she did. The day after, when they had some time to watch movies as a group together. Shuhua had chosen a spot beside Miyeon. Miyeon, side glared at Shuhua but said nothing. This was the first time that Shuhua had held Miyeon's hand first. 


She slipped her hand into the older's and intertwined them. Miyeon was taken aback. Shuhua was never the first to initiate skin ship. So, she was completely surprised. But, she had relaxed her hand, allowing Shuhua to hold it.


She might be mad at Shuhua, but she could never refuse physical affection from the younger. Especially, if it's a once in a Lifetime opportunity for her.


What's next though, completely left Miyeon frozen like a deer in headlights. Shuhua had cuddled against her. Slipping her hand around Miyeon's waist and resting her head on Miyeon's shoulder. Miyeon could feel her heart rate skyrocket. She had to constantly remind herself not to give in.


She was scared. She was scared that once she did, everything would revert to normal. That Shuhua would stop paying attention to her like this. So, she pulled back from Shuhua's touch. If she didn't allow herself to get used to Shuhua's touch, there wouldn't be anything to worry about.


Even if she would really really like to get used to this.


Miyeon pulled Shuhua's hand away from her side, leaving the younger in a state of disapointment and shock. Shuhua tried to slip her hand into Miyeon's but the older pulled her hand away, slipping it into her pocket.


Shuhua was hit by a wave of unending guilt, all of this had been her doing. The reason Miyeon was pulling away was because of her. She couldn't blame anyone else. She couldn't turn to anyone else for the fear of judgement.


But Shuhua was a big girl. She'd deal with it by herself - which is what she told herself, so why was she in front of Soojin's room again?


She had unconsciously knocked on the door, as Soojin opened it, she really wanted to bail and just run back to her room. She didn't want someone else involved in her own mess, but Soojin was the only one she could turn to right now for advice.


"Soojin, I know! I messed up, I seriously didn't mean to say that! I love Miyeon, I just...can't express it to her. I want to try, but I don't want her to push me away like she did earlier! I get that she's upset, she has every right to be. But why did she do that?" Shuhua exclaimed, she was clearly in a state of guilt and sadness. 


"Shuhua. You clearly told Miyeon that you wouldn't care if she stopped showering you with affection. And here you are complaining to me about the thing you told her you wouldn't bother about. You should really admit to your mistake, please don't justify your words. I know you didn't mean them, but it hurt Miyeon a lot. Oh - Miyeon loves chocolate." Soojin said, adding that last bit for... emergencies. Shuhua nodded, mentally noting that last part.


"Also Shuhua, Miyeon loves physical affection a lot, especially the meaningful ones. And if all else fails, Shuhua, if god forbid she pulls away from caring affection. You know damn right you ed up big time. You should reciprocate the love she's been showering you for the last 2 years, if you want to even make it seem like you love her. Good luck. If you truly do love her like you say you do, you can definitely pull this off." Soojin said, she had seemed to know what Miyeon liked and how to deal with her.


Shuhua nodded her head, thanking Soojin before leaving her room. Reciprocate the love. Alright, Shuhua could do that. Let's start with the smaller moments. The really unnoticeable moments no one notices unless you are paying extremely close attention. 


Lucky for her, she always paid close attention to the older. 


"Shuhua!" Soyeon had called her over to take a look at her part of 'Lion'. Soyeon had explained to her that she wanted Shuhua to be the one to open the song. Shuhua was extremely nervous to fulfill the role, if the audience was underwhelmed in the beginning, that would cause them to lose a ton of attention. 


Miyeon had noticed the younger's eyes looking frantically at everything. She had noticed the way Shuhua was nervously fidgeting with her clothes. She took a step towards the younger, "Shuhua, you'll do great! I can't wait to see your performance. You're always so good, everyone will love you." Miyeon said, trying to make her voice sound as bright as possible.


Shuhua has blushed from the compliment. A surge of confidence through her body. "Alright, Soyeon. That sounds amazing! I'll do it to the best of my abilities." Shuhua promised, she hadn't missed the way Miyeon's lips turned upwards into a proud smile


Today was the first day that Miyeon had received her script for her upcoming drama. She paced around the room, nervously glancing at the pages of script that she was supposed to memorised. 


Shuhua noticed the way that Miyeon's hands were gripping onto the script like it was life or death. She noticed the crease in her eyebrows, and every step she took had jerky movements.


Miyeon was stressed, and Shuhua wanted to comfort her. "Miyeon, your acting is wonderful. You'll do amazing! I can't wait to watch your drama, it'll be my favourite." Shuhua tried to be as nonchalant as possible. But perhaps she showed a little too much enthusiasm. 


Miyeon still found it endearing. But she wouldn't admit it now. Maybe a month ago. "Thanks. Although, I'm not doing this for you to watch." Miyeon spat bitterly, turning around to focus her attention on the paper in her hand.


Shuhua sighed, looking down. She seriously couldn't take this anymore. She really wanted her Miyeon back.


"Well, the audience will love it. I promise. They'll love you as much as I do. A lot." Shuhua muttered in a near last ditch attempt to at least tell Miyeon how much she loved her. But she didn't want to wait for the remark Miyeon was going to give, so she rushed to her room not bothering to look at the confused yet smiling Miyeon.


Ever since the conversation, things have gotten a bit better between the 2. But Miyeon was still reserved to staying by Shuhua's side. She tried to avoid her as much as possible. 


Shuhua had showered Miyeon in so many compliments by now, it was probably ingrained in Miyeon's head. 




"You're so gorgeous"


"You're so cute"


"You're amazing" 


They were all on repeat all day from Shuhua. The leader had noticed that the roles were being reversed with the 2 and decided to talk to Miyeon about it.


"Miyeon, why have you been acting like that to Shuhua?" Soyeon tried to ask as firm but gently as possible. Miyeon shrugged, not wanting to give a definite answer.


"Cho Miyeon. I won't ask again" Soyeon said, more authoritative than before. Miyeon knew she couldn't fool Soyeon.


She explained to her about what happened that day and what Shuhua had said to her. "Miyeon...That must have hurt a lot to hear from Shuhua. But, you know Shuhua doesn't mean it. She doesn't know how to express her love to you. Her being mean is how she shows it to you. Sure, she takes it too far sometimes - this being an example. But, you know that's how she is. I'm not justifying anything. But, she's putting in effort now. She's trying to work things out Miyeon. Listen to what she has to say, okay?" Soyeon spoke, gentle on her tone but firm enough to keep Miyeon in check.


Miyeon nodded her head, sighing. "Okay. I will. I promise" Soyeon seemed to be pleased with the response, she got up and strolled out of the room. "Remember, Shuhua isn't good with words. So be patient." Soyeon added. Miyeon nodded in agreement, she would be. She had been waiting for Shuhua to reciprocate for 2 years after all.


She was very patient.


That day, once again, Shuhua had come to visit Miyeon at 1 am. And just like last time, Miyeon didn't notice Shuhua had entered the room


"Miyeon.." Shuhua whispered, she was completely blown away by Miyeon's face glowing in the moonlight. Miyeon was sketching randomly on her sketchbook with her phone flashlight on. And oh my god, Shuhua was completely mesmerized by the older's beauty.


She was snapped out of her trance by Miyeon calling her. "Shuhua?" Miyeon broke the silence, Shuhua took a deep breath before taking a step forward.


"Miyeon. I know I'm not the best at expressing my feelings. I know I'm not the best at reciprocating the love you give to me. I really, truly do appreciate your love. I never know how to respond to it because it's so overwhelming. You always come back even after I've been so ing mean to you. I really love you. A lot. Please, forgive me." Shuhua said, her voice cracked a bit as tears welled up in her eyes.


The week that Miyeon hadn't been interacting or showering Shuhua with love had been the worst week ever. In her life. 


"Shuhua. I could never stay mad at you. I know what you said was...to tease me. But, sometimes, you have to dial it down. I can take your teasing, really. But, sometimes harsh words like that hurts. A lot. I've been distant because I don't want to continue hurting like that." Miyeon whispered, in an attempt to keep herself from letting the flood gates break.


Shuhua processed Miyeon's words. Seeing as how the older had stated it, she nodded her head. "I promise. I won't take it too far." Shuhua sighed out. Miyeon smiled, gratefully. 


"Alright Shuhua. We can start again, brand new start. Now go sleep, I'll be here in the morning." Miyeon ushered Shuhua out of her room.


"Good night, Miyeon."


"Good night...Shu shu." The nicknam felt so foreign yet so familiar, it rolled off her tongue so easily but somehow it got caught in .


Miyeon closed the door, tonight had been a while lot to process. But she felt lighter, the conversation with the younger had taken a weight on her shoulders.


True to her word, Miyeon stopped avoiding the younger the next day. But, she was being less touchy and less affectionate. She complimented Shuhua every once in awhile, but nothing too drastic. As she said, a new start.


Shuhua had also kept her teasing on the low end. Only making a few remarks, nothing that had any significant impact. Soyeon noticed this and smiled at the rekindling of the 2's relationship.


"Shuhua! We have to go." Miyeon hurriedly knocked on the younger's door. Shuhua had only groaned in response. 


Miyeon quickly entered the room, worried for the younger. "Are you okay?" Miyeon asked, concern in her eyes. She placed her hand on Shuhua's forehead. "Jesus! You're burning! I'll message our manager. Once I get back from schedule, I'll take care of you. Rest well, I'll come as soon as possible." Miyeon kissed shuhua's cheek and headed out.


Shuhua unconsciously smiled at Miyeon's retreating figure. She soon succumbed to sleep as she hugged her bolster.


True to her word, as soon as Miyeon was back, she never left Shuhua's side unless to get medication or food for her.


"Ah! !" Miyeon exclaimed, a thud echoed throughout their practice room. They had been practicing their dance routine for DUMDi DUMDi when Miyeon had misstepped and fell.


Her foot was at an irregular angle and she was in extreme pain. Shuhua was the first to rush to her side. "Miyeon, here come I'll help you up. Yuqi, go grab an ice pack or something. Minnie, can you help me? Soojin, get a staff or doctor or something!" Shuhua spoke, very quickly. Her voice was laced with worry.


Shuhua quickly brought Miyeon over to their couch which was placed in the back of the practice room. "Miyeon, how pain is it?" Shuhua asked in a whisper. Miyeon grunted, sitting more upright, moving her foot a bit on the chair it was being held up on.


"Pain. So much." Miyeon managed to grunt out. She was trying to focus on anything but the seering pain through her leg.


Shuhua's eyes dampened a bit, she hated seeing Miyeon in this much pain. Her forehead creased as she tried to think of a way to make Miyeon feel better.


She quickly gave the ice pack to Minnie, "I'll be back very quickly." She stated before rushing down the hall to the nearest vending machine in the building.


She scurried back to the room Miyeon was in and handed Miyeon the chocolate bar she had bought. Miyeon reached out for it, Shuhua quickly moved closer and handed it to her.


"Aww...ouch. Shuhua, that's so...fu-.. sweet!" Miyeon managed to utter, her foot was killing her right now, and if it weren't for the dizziness she was feeling from the extreme pain, she would've hugged Shuhua.


Just then, Soojin and Soyeon came back with their manager. "Let's get you to the hospital." As their manager was about to carry Miyeon to bring her to the van, Shuhua immediately intervened. "I'll carry her, just get the car started." Shuhua commanded. Their manager was a bit taken aback by the sudden leadership of the youngest but obliged anyways.


Shuhua immediately carried Miyeon bridal style - grunting a bit while trying to maintain her balance. Miyeon clinged onto the younger, tugging her by the neck. Her members looked at her with a mix of awe, knowingness and downright surprise.


Shuhua being concerned this much about Miyeon. This is very new. As everyone accompanied Miyeon to the hospital in the van, they decided to try and distract Miyeon for the rest of the drive. Since the nearest hospital was about 40 minutes away, this would take a bit. 


Soojin had tried to talk to Miyeon in the most calming voice she could muster up. But the only response she seemed to get was grunts and an occasional "yes - ouch, " and a random string of curse words. So it seemed this approach was going nowhere.


Next, Minnie had tried to tell the funniest stories she could think off. Miyeon laughed at a few, but followed by that was another string of curse words. Which pretty much indicated that this too didn't work.


Yuqi had also tried to be as comedic as possible, but she had accidentally bumped into Miyeon's leg which caused Miyeon to cry out loud and the entire group to glare at her. Shuhua had nearly pounced on Yuqi right there. Yuqi had apologised profusely, Miyeon forgiving her. But, Shuhua made her stay at least 2 seats away from Miyeon.


Soyeon had tried to distract Miyeon by explaining the lore of some of their songs, but, Miyeon was clearly in more pain then she was focusing on the lore of their ing songs. So Soyeon's approach was a bust.


Finally, Shuhua had just chosen to nuzzle up against Miyeon. Careful to avoid her leg to prevent a further Yuqi incident from happening. The members were amused by the situation.


But, 10 minutes had passed with only 1 string of curse words - which had come from when Yuqi tried again which ended up in Miyeon laughing too hard. - Shuhua had kicked Yuqi there.


"Seriously? We were all trying that and all Shuhua had to do was cuddle Miyeon and now Miyeon doesn't feel any pain?" Yuqi exclaimed. Shuhua shut her up with a glare, Miyeon had fallen asleep halfway through the ride. Shuhua not once let her gaze trail away from the older, except for when she had to either shut Minnie or Yuqi up - mostly Yuqi.


Finally, they arrived at the hospital. Shuhua gently poked Miyeon, "Miyeon, we're here." She said. Miyeon groaned, accidentally moving her leg which caused the pain to come back in waves. 


Shuhua's eyes softened, she quickly carried Miyeon in the way that she wouldn't get much pain.


Miyeon rested her chin on the younger's shoulder, eyes closing as they entered the hospital. 


They quickly explained the situation to the nurses at the reception and Did some paperwork, before all of them had to go sit at the waiting area. Miyeon had fallen asleep again, in Shuhua's arms. Yuqi couldn't help but let out a small amused chuckle at her friend.


Shuhua acted oblivious to Yuqi's not so subtly laugh, instead focusing on the sleeping beauty currently in her arms. She intended to place Miyeon on the seat beside her, but when the older tugged onto Shuhua, not wanting to let go , she had flushed a deep shade of red but continued to hold onto her - All the other members saw what happened, giggling to themselves.


"I bet Shuhua will confess first." Soyeon says, looking discreetly at the currently occupied girl. "Oh yeah? Bet you dinner that Miyeon will confess first." Yuqi challenged, Soyeon rolled her eyes. "I think Shuhua would confess first." Soojin says, backing up Soyeon.


Yuqi rolls her eyes, "Minnie what do you think?" Yuqi asks - her voice was a bit demanding, as if telling Minnie to pick her side. "Uh...uhm...Miyeon will confess first. I guess" Minnie muttered, her voice was unsure. But Yuqi immediately lit up, shoving it in Soyeon and Soojin's faces that Minnie had agreed with her.


Shuhua coughed, an unamused look on her face. "As much as I would love to hear about you betting on my love life, I would appreciate if you guys could help me take care of Miyeon while I go get something." Shuhua states, walking off without hearing a response from the rest.


"See Yuqi! You talk so loudly!" Minnie whined, Yuqi looked offended. "As if!" She retaliated, getting a few glances from the people next to them. She blushed slightly, apologising a bit for her ruckus.


"Jeez, you 2 cut it off." Soojin mumbles, glaring at the bickering duo. Soyeon nods, a stern look on her face. At that moment, a groan was heard from the waking oldest. "Where's Shuhua...?" Miyeon asked, still slightly dazed - also wincing from pain. Her voice was still raspy and her eyes were droopy. 


"Shuhua said she went to take something, she'll be back soon" Minnie explained. "You just woke up and you're in pain. And yet you still ask for your Shuhua." Soyeon teased lightly. Miyeon blushed slightly, sinking back into her seat about to doze off.


"Ah! Miyeon, you're awake." Just then, the voice of their youngest had interrupted Miyeon's return to Dreamland. "Here, have this." Shuhua mumbled, handing over a chocolate bar to Miyeon.


"Thanks, Shu" Miyeon said weakly, smiling slightly up at Shuhua who seemed to find the floor more interesting than her. "Cho Miyeon! Please go to Dr. Jung's room." The nurse who was sitting at the counter shouted. Miyeon jumped slightly at the sudden loud noise, groaning in pain.


Shuhua's eyebrows furrowed, she grabbed Miyeon gesturing for her to get on her back. Miyeon did as told, letting Shuhua piggyback her all the way to the Doctor's office.


"Hi, I'm Dr. Jung. Please explainwhats wrong with your friend here." Dr Jung asked, gesturing to Miyeon. "She broke her leg, or sprained it." Shuhua explained, glancing at Miyeon who was struggling to stay awake. "How did this happen?" The doctor asked, typing something into her computer.


"We were practicing dance, Miyeon made the wrong step and presumably twisted her leg and fell the wrong way." Soojin says, Soyeon nodding along. By now, Miyeon was seriously contemplating sleeping on the Doctor's floor, her headache only worsening from the amount of talking going on in the enclosed space.


Shuhua was in the toilet, near tears. She had rushed here when she was surrounded by a hoard of paparazzi and invasive people. She had walked as fast as she could to escape from all the loud noises which seemingly gave her a headache.


She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the bathroom door creak open. "Shuhua, are you okay?" A familiar voice asks her in a hushed voice which Shuhua is grateful for.


"I'm...fine. just. Too much noise." Shuhua explains - well the best she can in this state. Her head was still throbbing, she could hear phantom noises of those eerie camera clicks.


"God. Those paparazzi are so loud." Miyeon smiles as she sees Shuhua chuckle at her remark. "Yeah, it gives me a headache. I hate noise, especially when it makes your migraine worse." Shuhua says, her tone was as if she was going to take on those paparazzi 1 on 1 - well 1 on like 42. Miyeon smiles, "well then, I'll leave you alone. In quiet. But, come back in 5 minutes." Miyeon says, waving to the girl before exiting the bathroom.


Shuhua appreciates it. She appreciates how Miyeon stopped talking as loudly when she told her she was sensitive to noise. How she kept it down so Shuhua wouldn't be affected the rest of the day.


Shuhua appreciated all of that.


Shuhua clears , drawing her members attention. "Sorry, Dr. Jung for interrupting. I think it's best if only one of us is in here. Miyeon is a bit claustrophobic and she's sensitive to noise right now, I think only one of us should stay to explain things for her." Shuhua states. 


Dr. Jung nods. "Yes, that's fine. Miyeon is that what you want?" Dr Jung's voice was gentle as she looks over to Miyeon who nods her head.


"Very well, I guess Shuhua can stay then. Anyways...", Dr. Jung asks a few more questions, the other members waiting patiently outside.


"I think we will give her an x-ray. Then go about from there, I don't think this will have a completely permanent effect on your dancing." Dr Jung says, typing some stuff in her computer before facing Miyeon. "Okay." Was all Miyeon could muster up.


"Alright. You can rest awhile outside. I will get my team to prepare everything." Dr Jung smiles charmingly, before grabbing her things and heading out - presumingly to go talk to her fellow nurses and doctors about the situation and her decision.


She arrives back, greeting Shuhua who was worriedly glancing at Miyeon. "Alright. We have decided what's best for her is to have her take an X-ray scan so we can pinpoint the problem. It's most likely just a small fracture, so it won't take much time to heal. Are you okay with that, Ms Cho?" Ms Jung asks Miyeon. Miyeon weakly nods, her head still spinning from the aching pain - and the fact that Shuhua was holding her arm.


"Alright. We'll get everything ready and our nurses will come and fetch you. For now, you may rest here." Dr. Jung says, smiling once more before heading out to inform the other members of the decision.


"Yah! Shuhua, you okay?" Miyeon asked, her voice laced with concern. "Yeah..." Shuhua mumbles, a slight hiss leaving . Miyeon's eyebrows furrow. "You're in pain. What hurts?" Miyeon asked, her eyes glancing at Shuhua's arms and legs, checking for any signs of pain. 


"I'm...okay. Just...a headache." Shuhua managers to utter out. She clenches her fiat, trying to get the pounding headache to subside. "You don't look okay. What's wrong, Shu" Miyeon asked softly, her honey voice had managed to lessen the throbbing sensation.


"I think I have a fever, a slight one. I'll be okay, just a small headache." Shuhua partially lied, trying to downplay her symptoms. Miyeon notices and frowns, she knows Shuhua doesn't want her to notice so she acts like she doesn't. 


"Okay... I'll give you some medicine in the dorm" Miyeon mumbles. For the rest of the practice sessions, she makes sure that Shuhua isn't pushing herself hard. She keeps an eye on the younger. When Shuhua looked like she was completely drained she immediately asked Shuhua to rest. 


"Teacher, she's sick she should rest." Miyeon tells their dance instructor who immediately agrees and asks for Shuhua to rest. Shuhua grumbles but obliged, allowing Miyeon to whisk her away to the couch.


"Stay here, Shu. Don't get up..I'll be back." With that Miyeon left, Shuhua was left to ponder upon the loud thumping of her chest.


Miyeon had came back with some medicine and water, handing it to Shuhua. But Shuhua was too spaced out thinking about her reaction just now to thank Miyeon properly.


"Miyeon, here. For your headache." Shuhua mumbles quietly, handing her a bottle of water. Miyeon takes several gulps, letting out a smal sigh of relief.


There was a cough from behind them. "Yeah, Ms. Cho? Everything is ready." A nurse - Park Chorong , by her tag says. Shuhua nods to Miyeon, helping her up and bringing her to the nurse who sits her down on a wheelchair.


"Everyone is outside, I suggest you wait there..." Ms Park says, her voice trailing off as she doesn't know Shuhua's name. "Yeh Shuhua." Shuhua says, a small smile on her face.


"Alright Ms Yeh. You can go ahead and wait outside, I'll bring Ms Cho to the room." Ms Park smiles politely, gesturing for Shuhua to go out. Shuhua glances at Miyeon, she hesitantly exists the room to go sit with the rest of the members.


The members notice how tense she is and try to calm her down. "Relax Shuhua, the doctor said it was most likely a small fracture. Don't need to worry so much, it might not even be a fracture." Minnie says, trying to keep the youngest calm.


Shuhua nods, she knows Minnie is right. But Shuhua can't help but think about the horrible possibilities. She read somewhere online that there was massive amounts of radiation from the machine, she worried - although she knew that there was a very unlikely chance Miyeon we're to get radiation poisoning and grow a second head.


"Okay. I'm fine." She mutters, trying to convince what seemed like herself.


About 45 minutes later, a few nurses bring Miyeon back to the members. Dr Jung following closely behind.


"Miyeon has a slight fracture on her ankle bone. She will need time to recover, it is best if she takes a steb back from all her activities." Dr. Jung explained, a sort of wistful look on her face as she glances at the people beside her.


"Anyways, we will put Ms Cho-" Miyeon but in all but groggily , "Please stop calling me Ms Cho. It sounds like I'm old or something," she said, her voice a bit slurred. Shuhua had guessed she was extremely tired. Ms Jung looked amused for the most part.


"Well. Miyeon, uhm, we will put her in a cast and tell your manager about this." Dr Jung says a bit quieter. "All of you can follow us to put her cast on." Ms Park says, following the doctor after. The members all raced to catch-up.


"Eunji , that hurts." Miyeon whined, still groggy as the nurses began putting the cast on Miyeon. Dr Jung gave a pointed look at Miyeon before rolling her eyes. "Miyeon, remain professional. Anyways, you all want to sign her cast?" Dr Jung asks, Shuhua nods excitedly albeit confused from the interaction just now 


"Come on, Eunji. I'm your friend after all, why be professional. Plus, my members know about you. Kind of." Miyeon says, her voice more alive than before. The nurses that were casting Miyeon's leg were a bit tense.


Shuhua raised an eyebrow, as if asking Miyeon to explain. "Eunji and I went to the same college. We were friends, she's that college playgirl I talked about." Miyeon explained. Shuhua nods her head, slightly tensing her shoulders.


"You mean. The one who made you find out you were gay?" Shuhua asked, her tone sharp and pointed. Miyeon furrows her eyebrows. "Yeah." Miyeon says, the nurses finished putting on the cast.


Eunji looks between the 2 girls and at the members - who were looking like they were about to make a run for it. Shuhua glared a bit at Miyeon, but she seemed to calm down. "Were you 2 a thing or anything?" This time, Shuhua asks Dr. Jung, who got a little flustered at the question. "No! I mean..no, we had a fling but that was it. I swear, I have a girlfriend now" Dr Jung didn't know why she felt so nervous under Shuhua's glare 


Shuhua's eyes softened after she heard that, glancing back at Miyeon. "You couldn't think to tell me that , Dr Jung - Eunji, was your college friend?" Shuhua asks, a bit hurt by the fact that Miyeon kept it a secret.


Miyeon rolls her eyes, " Don be jealous Shu shu, my eyes are only on you! Also , Chorong right here is her girlfriend." Miyeon nonchalantly says, dealing a blow to 3 out of the 4 women who were standing in front of her.


Shuhua immediately flushed after hearing what Miyeon said to her. Chorong and Eunji both were flustered and were a blushing mess hearing their relationship being blurted out loud. "As if that's new, why are you so flustered for?" The other nurse - Yoon Bomi had teased.


"Well, uhm... Dr. Jung. Will uh, will Miyeon be able to go home today?" Shuhua asks, still recovering from Miyeon's sentence. "Yeah, she will. Her injury isn't serious or anything. Just make sure she gets rest, and don't dance so hard." Eunji directed that last phrase to Miyeon.


"Yes, yes, Dr Jung. Enjoy working with your girlfriend, we will get going." Miyeon says, getting up with the help of Bomi and a flushed Chorong. "Miyeon, I'll get back at you when you start dating that girl." Chorong whispered to Miyeon, who let out a small chocked sound. Eunji glanced curiously at the 2, she had notice the evil glint in Chorong's eye and chuckled.


Once the duo was out of the room, Chorong smiled to Eunji. "We can tease Miyeon about that Shuhua girl." Chorong muttered to Eunji. Eunji pressed a chaste kiss on the older's lips, feeling the girl melt in her arms. "Less kissing more working." Bomi had said, opening the door and heading out. Eunji chuckled, pressing one last lingering kiss on Chorong's lips before leaving to do her rounds.


When the members got back home, they were exhausted. Especially Miyeon. Shuhua had helped the older push her wheel chair to her room. Insisting on staying by her side. "How will you shower?" Shuhua asked timidly, a slight blush colouring her cheeks. "Shuhua, just get me into the bathroom, Eunji told me what to do, don't worry. You won't have to shower me, although that'd be nice." She says, confidence firm in her tone rendering the younger speechless and looking like she was about to explode.


"I wasn't going to do that! I just...was wondering!" Shuhua lied through her teeth, her cheeks burning up. Miyeon found her very amusing and cute. "Alright alright, whatever you say sweetheart. Now please lead me to the bathroom so I can take a shower." Miyeon teases, Shuhua blushes at the endearment. She shakes her head, helping Miyeon to the bathroom.


"I'll stay out here, call me if you slip and fall or something." Shuhua said, Miyeon assured her she wouldn't fall. "Don't peak" Miyeon winked and laughed as she was pushed into the restroom. Shuhua rolls her eyes, her cheeks were seriously taking some heat today.


What's gotten Miyeon so flirty anyways?


"Jeez, Miyeon, you're still as reckless as you were in college." Eunji teased, her arm was side hugging Chorong who was unamused - she was telling the girl that they didn't have time to chit-chat, which to be far they didn't. Eunji assured Chorong that it would take no less than 3 minutes, and Chorong could never say no to Eunji's puppy dog look.


"It was an accident. It's not my fault Shuhua was looking so pretty in the mirror." Miyeon whispered, a little blush creeping up her cheek. "Ooh. You have a crush now, tell me about that later. Once I'm don't with your x-ray. Chorong here says we should hurry" Eunji says, smiling to her girlfriend and bringing Miyeon into the x-ray room. She had gives the clothing for Miyeon to change into for proper protection against the radiation.


She moved to the other room, giving the signal that she was about to take the X-ray.


After, she had shown Miyeon the issue and addressed it. "It was a minor fracture, thankfully. A simple cast will do. Now, tell me about this Shuhua girl. Was it that girl from just now?" Eunji asked. Chorong and Bomi following behind as they wheeled Miyeon to where her members were. "Yeah. She's really...I'm totally in deep." Miyeon sighs. 


"Well, I think you should be bold. She obviously likes you but can't show it. You should make the moves, help her realise she likes you."


Miyeon was sat in the toilet, pondering over the words of her friend. She will try to be more straightforward if thats what it takes. Eunji and Chorong also have a similar dynamic to her - except Eunji loved to annoy and tease Chorong, while Miyeon loved to shower Shuhua with love. But, both Shuhua and Chorong couldn't express their feelings well at first. Well shuhua still can't, but she's improved.


Miyeon was resolute in pining for the younger, after all, she was starting to reciprocate the 2 years worth of unrequited love. Maybe she would really be affected if Miyeon truly never said I love you to her again.


Miyeon began thinking if she should pull back, to see truly and observe the girls reaction. Because the last time, she was doing it out of pure spite. But what if, Shuhua needed to realise she wanted Miyeon's love, in other ways that don't especially scream platonic.


She sighs, wrapping herself in her towel. . She forgot her clothes. She blushed, she knew her only option was to call Shuhua.


"Shu!" She shouted, after a second Shuhua opened the door, flushing from the sight of the older wrapped in a towel.

"Shuhua, can you please get me my clothes. I forgot them in my room, thank you, love." Miyeon chuckles, seeing Shuhua nod her head a little too hard, her eyes widening and her visible gulp 


She really wanted Shuhua to realise it by herself. Maybe pulling back completely wasn't the answer as seen by the first time. It was a tiny push, but it hurt both of them more.


So, what if Miyeon made Shuhua jealous. After all, Miyeon was the only one to express jealousy in her relationship with Shuhua. Why not start to get the tables to flip. That should help Shuhua discover her feelings for the older. Hopefully.


So that's why she's here, texting Minnie to come to her room - stating that she needed help with getting up. Minnie had arrived, seeing Miyeon lying on her bed, a devilish grin on her face. She knew she was not here to help her walk, but rather something else.


"You're up to no good." Minnie states, deadpanning to Miyeon, knowing she was about to get roped into whatever her best friend had planned. "You know me too well," Miyeon chuckles. "Help me make Shuhua realise she's fallen for me" Miyeon says. Minnie was surprised, "How? And why do you even think she's fallen for your cringey " Minnie playfully teased. Miyeon rolls her eyes, "I'm hoping she has anyways," Miyeon mutters , her voice sounded so weak.


Minnie nods her head as she listened to Miyeon's plan. "Alright. So I just help you make Shuhua jealous, easy. But what do I get in return." Minnie asked, her eyes lighting up. Miyeon hits her friend, "Can't you do something out of goodwill for your best friend?" Miyeon asks, groaning. 


Minnie shakes her head, "Come on~" Minnie whined. "Alright, how about...I buy you whatever you want for lunch once this is over." Miyeon reluctantly suggests. Minnie nods her head vigorously - Miyeon's wallet is probably crying right now.


So, Minnie helps Miyeon go downstairs to eat with the girls. "Oh wow, it isn't Shuhua babying Miyeon anymore!" Soyeon exclaims, faux innocence tainted her voice. Miyeon glances to Shuhua who was blushing, but she was noticeably glaring at Minnie's arm places on Miyeon's arm.


Minnie chuckles, "Shuhua should take a rest from this annoying girl. I'll help her for now." Minnie says, her statement seemed to be directed at something else rather than the situation now. Miyeon noticed the way Minnie squeezed her arm at that last sentence. Shuhua had looked away, her eyes looking at the floorboard instead.


Miyeon slightly smiled at the reaction, Shuhua seemed jealous. Minnie chuckles too as she glances to the younger. "Minnie push me there, I wanna eat." Miyeon's voice was more high-pitched, signifying this was some sort of cute-acting whatever that was cringey to almost everyone at the table.


Shuhua was surprised - Miyeon only did this to her. Why is she doing it to Minnie now. "Yah! Just sit down and eat, don't need to be so annoying with that cut act." Shuhua manages to choke out, hiding the fact that there was this raging pit of lava bubbling inside of her. Shuhua's feelings worsened through the course of the dinner. She had the urge to take Minnie's hand off of Miyeon's waist. She wanted to just grab Miyeon and kiss her in front of Everyone , especially Minnie.


Shuhua had enough, she had been holding on long enough at the dinner table so that nothing seemed amiss. "I'm full, I'll go to my room now" she got up quickly, grabbing her plate and putting it haphazardly into the sink before storming upstairs.


"What's up with her?" Yuqi asked, surprised by her best friend's behaviour. She had seemed more violent than usual. "Maybe she had a bad day?" Minnie suggests. Soojin eyed Minnie's hand on Miyeon's waist, "Maybe someone caused that bad day." Soojin said, as unbothered as possible. 


Minnie knew exactly what she had been referring to. She quickly retracts her hand from Miyeon's waist, "Oh god. Do you think she was jealous of me and Miyeon?" Minnie asked innocently, her eyes looking more curious than ever. Miyeon had to hand it to Minnie - she was a great actress. "Probably." Soyeon decided to chime in. "Shuhua was basically staring lasers at you" Soyeon said, glancing at Minnie, then at Miyeon. 


Miyeon had taken acting classes before. She could lie. "Seriously? She gets jealous easily then, why tho?" Miyeon had asked, her eyes shined the same innocence at Yuqi. Her voice spoke nothing but genuine curiosity to the other girls. Minnie too was a little taken aback - and kind of frightened - by how genuine that sounded. And maybe, it was a tiny bit genuine.


"Shuhua normally doesn't get jealous that easily, even for me. Probably because- nevermind." Soojin had cut herself off, stopping herself from revealing secrets she swore to take to her grave. Miyeon, this time, was actually curious. "Beacuse what, Soojin?" She asked, a little more stern than she would have liked.


"Nothing." Soojin said curtly, and Miyeon knew better than to push. Soojin was always good at keeping secrets, Miyeon knew she wouldn't spill.


Miyeon nodded her head, ending that discussion there. She then asked Minnie to bring her back to her room. She had more acting to do for tomorrow.


Miyeon was lying in bed, she decided to text Eunji. 



Hey, you busy rn?



No. Why?



Okay so like..I decided to do something about the shuhua situation



Omg, you're making a move?



Kind of..??



Wtf do you mean "kind of" it's a yes or a no



Okay so like, I might have bribed Minnie into helping me make Shuhua jealous so she can come to terms with her feelings that she may or may not have for me



Idk if this is extremely stupid or extremely smart of you.



Ask Ur gf for me



Ask her yourself, you have her number



Also, you and Shuhua would totally look good together just saying



Better than you and Chorong?



Maybe not *that* good



I'll show you



Hope you do, whatever this plan is. Idk what you're trying to do going this route, but good luck



And when she asks about it, tell her. Don't cause any miscommunication



I'll try. Off to texting Chorong now, bye



Don't annoy Chorong too much, that's my Job. Bye, good luck Miyeon



Thanks, bye Jung


Seen 11:54 pm


Miyeon smiles to herself, getting Eunji's messages about how she's rooting for them was really heartwarming to her. But she knew Eunji wasn't the most rational person. I mean college told her a lot. Like that one time Eunji had stripped in front of a party they were at, and went to Chorong to confess her undying love for the girl - Miyeon has no idea why Chorong liked Eunji when she witnessed that.


Anyways, Miyeon swiftly finds Chorong's contact and texts her.



Hi, you free rn?



Mhm, why are you texting me instead of Meung (Miyeon finds that nickname sickeningly cute and she's kind of jealous of Eunji.)



I did text her, but she isn't the most rational person, despite being a Doctor, so I wanted a second opinion.



That, I agree on.



It's a fact, not an opinion



Anyways, the basic situation is that I'm trying to get Shuhua to realise her feelings , if she has any, for me. So I'm trying to make her jealous by bribing Minnie to help me.



In my opinion, this could go both ways. Shuhua understands her feelings of jealousy, connects the dots and causes after you before she thinks she'll lose you. Or, the feelings will confuse her more and she'll distance herself to get away from these feelings. It's a gamble, Miyeon.



If theres a slight chance this will help me I'll do it. A gamble is a risk I'm willing to take for her above many others.



Good luck then, Miyeon. 



Thank you, Chorong, I'll assume Eunji wants to spend time with you so I'll leave you alone



I hate that you're right. Bye then


Miyeon chuckles at Chorong's statement. The nurse was quite shy but she was also sharp and witty, she gets why Eunji fell for her. Miyeon brings herself back to her current situation.


She contemplates on Chorong's words, it was either a pull or a push. A 50/50 chance. A hit or a horrible miss. Her shot for heaven or hell. Basically, it was a hell of a risky gamble. 


But, Miyeon had waited. Miyeon had waited for 2 ing years for Shuhua to at least show signs that she liked Miyeon back and realised it. 2 ing years for Shuhua to actually respond to Miyeon's pining.


It kind of annoyed and irritated Miyeon that Shuhua could be this oblivious. But, then again, it's Shuhua we are talking about. 


She doesn't notice the door open at 1 a.m in the morning. "Miyeon?" A soft and gentle voice greets her ears. Miyeon whips her head around, seeing Shuhua glow under the moonlight. Ethereal. Miyeon shakes her head, snapping herself out of her trance. "Yes?" Miyeon asked, her voice slightly hoarse.


"I..I uh... I had a nightmare. Can I ...uhm. Can I sleep, with you?" Shuhua asked timidly, and Miyeon had to stop herself from inserting an inappropriate joke when she saw how small Shuhua looked. Her eyes immediately softened, "Of course, Shu. Come here" Miyeon gestures for the spot beside her, pulling Shuhua into her arms when she was close enough.


Shuhua had stiffened, her heart rate skyrocketing. Jeez, why do these heart spikes keep happening around Miyeon. She asked herself, slightly relaxing at Miyeon's touch. 


Miyeon the younger's hair, helping Shuhua in relaxing and drifting off to sleep. Once she ensured that Shuhua was asleep, she planted a small kiss on Shuhua's forehead.


She tugged Shuhua closer to her and held on tightly, making Shuhua feel safe and secure in Miyeon's arms. Miyeon too, then began to drift off to sleep.


"What..?" Miyeon looked around, the landscape was dark. Her head hurt. She managed to stand up, balancing herself on what seemed like an invisible wall.


"Miyeon!" A voice shouted, it sounded familiar. Shuhua! Miyeon recognised the voice. It was Shuhua. She began to panic, was she in trouble?


Miyeon sprinted forward, no clear direction in her mind. Just , Shuhua , Shuhua, Shuhua. She came to a halt when the room began to morph into their waiting room - MBC waiting room specifically.


Shuhua was pushing Miyeon away, talking to the camera about how annoying Miyeon was. Miyeon felt s light jab in her chest.


The room then morphed to their practice room. "Miyeon! Are you okay? How much does it hurt?" Miyeon witnessed as Shuhua ran to her, being the first and most concerned girl that surrounded Miyeon.


Her heart fluttered, so Shuhua cared. "Thank you." She whispered under her breath. 


The room once agained changed. This time, they were at their dorm rooms. Shuhua was lying on the bed, sick. "Thank you, Miyeon. For staying and taking care of me" the younger had thanked Miyeon. "Of course," Miyeon had responded smiling softly at Shuhua.


"I'm in so ing deep" Miyeon cursed under her breath. 


Miyeon jolted awake, her alarm finally doing its job for once and waking her. "Oh, Miyeon. You actually woke up to the alarm" Shuhua had muttered, surprised by the older. Miyeon rolled her eyes, her arms still wrapped around Shuhua.


She could definitely get used to this. Waking up with Shuhua's legs entangled with her's.


Her mind has to remind her of what she's paying Minnie to do. She quickly opens her phone, slightly ignoring Shuhau's remarks.



Minnie, come get me from my room. 



Okok coming 


Miyeon puts on the best 'im so in love I smile at their text message' smile she could muster. (She had to look at Shuhua's texts for this to remotely look believable)


Minnie came into her room a second later. "Did you really have to text me, could've just called me. And you have Shuhua here to help you" Minnie exasperated, but there was a faint smile on her face - Not too faint for Shuhua to not pick up on. Shuhua narrowed her eyes, "Miyeon.." she muttered.


Miyeon smiled at Shuhua, though it was strained. "Mhm, but I wanted you!" Miyeon exclaimed, a giddy smile on her face - formed from when she noticed Shuhua's jealousy.


Shuhua pursed her lips, glancing between the 2. She silently judged them. "Oh. It's fine, I didn't want to take care of her anyway." Lies. A bunch of lies. Shuhua knew it so well , she wanted to repay the older for taking care of her last night. But obviously Miyeon had Minnie. Shuhua wasn't needed.


Shuhua wasn't needed


That stung her. Really deep, her hands tingled as if it came into contact with something acidic. But, she gave a weak smile to the duo before silently walking out of the room, closing the door a little too loud.


Miyeon smiled, "Giving her a taste of her own medicine." She muttered. Minnie rolled her eyes, she hoped the 2 would stop dancing around each other like ing ballerinas and face their feelings instead of doing whatever this bull is - Minnie only put up with this for free food.


The following days were a blur , Miyeon felt slightly better with her leg and Minnie helped her whenever she could, Shuhua had been more reserved and silent, choosing to observer Miyeon and Minnie.



Miyeon, how are things with Shuhua?



I think it's working, she seems jealous. Idk if she realised her feelings yet.



Help her



How? Aren't I helping her rn?



No. Ask her out. Help her. Stop playing stupid games.



Is this Chorong?






Makes sense. Okay chorong , I will. 



But let me talk to Eunji, please?



Hi I'm back.



Sorry, my girlfriend took my phone hostage



Yeah, could tell



I agree with her tho, stop playing games and confront her.



The more you do this, the more you'll drift apart. She'll think she has no chance and then she will lose feelings.



Ok. Thank you, Jung and future Jung.



Chorong's blushing, thanks



No problemo, amigo. Now it's my turn to make a girl blush.



Thank your girlfriend for her advice.



Will do


Miyeon stares at her phone screen, the conversation replaying in her mind. Maybe Miyeon should stop being a chicken and just ask Shuhua out.


Easier said than done.


The first attempt, the 2 girls were in the practice room alone. Miyeon observing Shuhua in her wheelchair. Shuhua had asked her about her and Minnie, Miyeon wanted to admit that it was fake - but she chickened out, going on with the lie.


The second attempt, the 2 girls were in their dorms , alone. Shuhua had asked her about Minnie yet again. Miyeon wanted to tell her the truth, but she chickened out.


The third attempt. Well right now. Miyeon was nervously glancing at Shuhua who was reading a book on her bed. The younger had come in earlier and just silently sat down on her bed.


"How are you and Min-" Miyeon couldn't take it any longer, the cold glances, the constant pushing and pulling. This was the last straw for her. She snapped. She so desperately wanted the girl in front of her.


"Shuhua, god damnit there is no me or Minnie! God, I just wanted to make you jealous. Make you experience what you did to me for the past 2 ing years. I just...I wanted to make you feel this ing pain." Miyeon shouted, her voice began to waver as the adrenaline rush faded.


Shuhua fell silent, her eyes trained on the ground. "So. There's no you or Minnie?" She clarified, her voice hopeful. Miyeon nods vigorously. "I...I'm sorry. I just, I just wanted you to come to terms with whatever feelings you have" Miyeon mumbled.


Shuhua nodded. She was kind of mad for what she had been put through, having to silently watch the 2 as she wished it was her in Minnie's place. But then she also realised, that had been Miyeon with her and Soojin. She silently sat there, going through all scenarios.


"I think...I think I am ready to come to terms with the fact that..." Shuhua's voice trailed off, her cheeks turning a bring pink. Miyeon found it adorable. "The fact that I'm in love with a moron." Shuhua sighed, her chest suddenly feeling ten times lighter. 


Miyeon smiled so widely she swore it could've ripped her cheeks. "I love you too, you oblivious ." Miyeon moved closer to Shuhua, her faces inches away from the younger.


Shuhua's eyes flickered from Miyeon's eyes to her lips, unconsciously, she inched further towards the older. Miyeon's eyes darted back and forth, she looked for confirmation in Shuhua's eyes, and the way they gazed at her and fluttered shut gave her what she needed.


She pressed her lips gently against Shuhua's, it felt so ... Euphoric. The cherry taste of her lip balm, how her lips had parted slightly for her to be able to slip her tongue into the mouth.


Eventually, the girls had to seperate as oxygen was a necessity. They gazed into each others eyes, both seemingly entranced. 


"Hey!" The door suddenly burst open, breaking the 2 girls out of their spell. Minnie was standing at the door, she glanced awkwardly between the 2 , "Bad timing?" She asked. Miyeon glared at her, "No ! Whatever, we can have lunch tomorrow. I owe you." Miyeon exasperated. Shuhua giggled, Miyeon sighed happily at the sound, her arms wrapping around Shuhua pulling her closer.


"My wallet's going to hate me." She whispered into Shuhua's ear causing the younger to chuckle.


"That's not my problem." Shuhua teased.






It worked.



Congrats, Yeon



Thanks, maybe we could have a double date sometime soon



Yeah, let's. Tomorrow maybe?



Sure! I'll just bring one more though






I owe her, for helping me



Oh , okay. 



See you soon





"Honestly Miyeon, I can't believe you managed to bag someone as fine as that." Eunji teased Miyeon as she gestured to Shuhua. "And I can't believe Chorong put up with your annoying for 5 years." Eunji rolled her eyes, smiling lovingly at her lover who was oblivious, conversing with Shuhua.


"Has to be hard being the only logical one in the relationship right?" Chorong asked, jokingly. Shuhua smiled mischievous, "Right! They're so stupid it hurts." Shuhua grumbles. Chorong smiled fondly at Eunji, her eye smile had always been one to put Chorong in a trance. "And yet we are in love with them" she mumbles. 


Shuhua glances to Miyeon, in love with that playful smile on her lips. "Totally in love. Head over heels." Shuhua acknowledged.


"When I said treat me to lunch, I didn't mean make me 3rd wheel all of you!" Minnie exclaimed. Miyeon rolled her eyes playfully, "Wasn't stated." She teased, going back to admiring Shuhua. Eunji stuck out her tongue at Minnie, turning back to her girlfriend who was rolling her eyes, "whatever, I guess those idiots still owe me money from our bet." Minnie grumbled.


Shuhua thought, at that moment that maybe, just maybe, Miyeon truly was her one. 


She could never live without hearing Miyeon tell her she loved her everyday.


She couldn't live without her whispering nothings in her ear.


It took her this long to realise


She couldn't live without her.





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Chapter 1: This was so good! A ship that is definitely underrated