Ch 04

When Flowers Bloom
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04 | Intentions




Opening his locker, Yoona placed his stuff inside and took his lunch box before he make his way back to the office, wherein he was greeted by noise from everyone, especially those that got arrested for gambling.


"Yah, Yoona-ssi. Shouldn't you be the one doing this instead of me?" His comrade asks but he just smiles and proceeds to the table where the other detectives having lunch. 


"That's mine." He didn't think twice and snatch the plate of jjajangmyun from his fellow officer and attempted to hit his head.


Pulling the plastic lid off it, he grabs the chopsticks and mixes the noodles well. But as he opened his mouth and was ready to take a bite, someone barged into the station that stopped him.


"Salute! My name is Seo Joohyun, the rookie detective from Jeonju!"


Yoona turned his head to the girl nearby, introducing herself to their captain. "We have another rookie?" He raised his eyebrows.


"From Korea Police University. I heard she came second on her batch when she graduated a few months ago." One of his colleagues shared.


"Oh, you already know about her?" He chuckled in amusement.


"Well, I read her profile." 


"Salute!" The named Seohyun approach them with the same attention. "I'm Seo Joohyun. Please take care of me." And she bowed deeply to Yoona.


"Uh... it-it's nice to meet you." The doe-eyed get up and bowed in response. 


Seohyun straightened herself and stretch her hand out. "It's nice to meet you, Lieutenant Im." She smiled brightly.


"Yes?" He got surprised.


"You're going to look after her, Lieutenant." Their chief announced before he stepped out of the station.


"What?" Yoona is agape and unsure as he looks back at Seohyun while smiling and still offering her hand. "Aigoo... okay." He shakes hands with her and smiles awkwardly. "It's nice to meet you." 'Why do I always assign to rookies?' He felt pressured knowing it was going to be tough giving training to new cops. 


Seohyun bowed again. "Where should I do my work?" then she looks around, in search of empty desks.


"You're going to share a desk with me. Bring your stuff to the locker first then let's discuss what should you work." Yoona instructed.


"Yes." Seohyun did another salute and excuse herself to the locker.


Yoona rolled his eyes as he returned to his seat and sighed.


"You're the best rookie trainer, Yoong. Fighting!" His colleagues cheered on him but with chuckles. 


"Tsk." He shrugged it off and decided to continue with his meal.




Seohyun returned and was met by a black small box on the desk next to Yoona. She looks at him in question without saying a word. 


"Oh, that's your welcome gift from Deunjon Police Station." Yoona noticed right away and he explained.


"T-thanks." Seohyun smiled shyly and take her seat to open the box, only to realize it was a tag necklace. It has her name and birthdate imprinted.


"How'd you like it? I got mine as well." Yoona showed his necklace under his shirt, smiling brightly at the rookie.


"It's cool. Thank you again."


"Also that necklace has a tracker, so if something happens to you, the team will immediately track you." He further shared. 


Seohyun nodded. "That's even cooler." She giggles as she put it around her neck. However, she couldn't lock it behind because her hair is blocking it.


Yoona instantly got up and help her lock it. "You know, you should tie your hair or cut this too short. You're a police officer and we catch bad people. This might give you a hard time." he suggested before returning to his seat.


"I was actually planning for that but it didn't comes to my mind until it was my first day. Maybe tomorrow." Seohyun replied with a brief smile. 


"I see." Yoona answered smiling back as well.


"By the way, how old are you?"




"You look younger and like a rookie too." Seohyun couldn't help and share her thoughts. She thought she will be assigned to an older officer but the doe-eyed looked like he is in his 20's only.


"Oh, I'm 25. You?" Yoona casually shared.


"Omo, I knew it. So you're new too?"


"Nope, I started young. I mean, I'm 20 when I started. Actually skipped college and got trained to be a policeman only and now I'm a detective."


Seohyun gasped. "You must be so skillful."


"A little." Yoona answered shyly as his cheeks turned red slowly.


"Whoa, so you can be a policeman without going to college. I didn't know that."


"There was recruitment. I applied and got accepted." He further explained. "You didn't know about it?"


Seohyun shakes her head. "I was looking forward to Police University. So." she shrugs her shoulders in the process.


Yoona was about to ask her when his telephone on the desk rang, averting his attention to it immediately. "Deunjon Police Station." He answered.


'Help! Someone is being held hostage!'


"Where exactly is this?" He immediately grabs his pen and wrote it down. "We're coming. Please don't do anything." He added and ended the call.


"Wae? What is it?" One of the detectives asked.


"There's a hostage-taking at E-mart convenience store, detective Kim." Yoona informed as he get up. "Let's hurry."


All the detectives immediately started preparing their selves. Seohyun also got up and block his way. "I'm coming."


"Are you sure?"


"I'm a police officer too."


"But it's dangerous for a rookie like you."


Seohyun opened the drawer and found a gun. "I'm maybe a rookie but I'm ready for anything." She said seriously as she cockled the gun and smiled slyly at the doe-eyed.


"Okay, follow me." Yoona instructed as he leaves the station together with the others.


Seohyun however stopped and look for a tie for her hair. She luckily found one on top of the dispenser and ties her hair while following them out of the station.




As soon as they arrive at the scene, they were greeted by a small crowd while a young lady is by the entrance of the store, being hostage by a middle-aged man holding a knife under the lady's neck. He's giving a threat to everyone who wants to get close.


Yoona noticed an ahjumma nearby, crying and asking the man to let go of her daughter. "Go stay by the mother's side." He immediately instructed his rookie cop.


"Yes." Seohyun nodded and approach the woman. She supported her by her shoulder blades, to prevent her from fainting. 


Yoona stood behind his colleagues who are starting to talk to the hostage taker. He is watching closely while at the same time looking quietly around the place, hoping to find a way to the back door of the store. The convenience store is part of a building which means they're connected to the next store. But they're all close. 


Seohyun on the side noticed the doe-eyed and she wonders what is he planning.


"What can we do so you will let go of this lady, Mister." The negotiation started. "I mean, we can just talk about this."


"Nothing! I am going to kill this lady if you will get close!" The hostage taker yelled and swings the knife at everyone, earning squeals and gasps.


Seohyun was about to suggest a question when she realize Yoona has left his position. She wanders her eyes and spotted him entering an open store. 'Is he planning to get the man from the back?' She thought so. 'Smart.' And it impressed her. While the detectives and police negotiates, he went there to find the back door, giving him the time to do so. 


However, after a few minutes, the hostage taker suddenly holds up his knife and is ready to hurt the lady when a stun gun was shot on his wrist, everyone is shocked as the hostage taker shakes and the lady quickly runs to her mother. The police instinctively went to the man and took his knife as they watch him calm down first.


"Where did that come from?" The chief asked and noticed Yoona appeared from the back but she was staring behind him. As he turns, he finds the rookie holding her stun gun forward. "You-you... shoot him?"


Seohyun panics and quickly puts the gun back in her pocket. She bowed so deep knowing she was doomed. "I'm sorry. I just want to save the lady. I'm so sorry, Chief." she keeps apologizing. 


'That was a good shot.' Yoona thought, totally didn't expect that. She acted so quickly and she shot him on his wrist which is hard to do. He snickers as he watches her keep bowing to their chief. 'Looks like there's no need to be pressure.' He is glad that finally he was assigned by a smart rookie. 


Present day...


Pulling over the car in the garage, Seohyun immediately unbuckled and stepped out of the car together with her husband. She opened the car door from the backseat while Yoona close the gate.


"Let's put this off, hmm?" She gently took the headphone off from her son and gently caressed his ears before she allowed him to step out of the car. 


"Yah, don't run!" Yoona got alarmed when his son runs out.


"He's excited again." She giggles.


"With new superman movies and his toys."


"Totally like you when you get to eat your favorite food." Seohyun commented as she opened the trunk and handed the other paper bags to the doe-eyed.


"You're not going to make dumplings again tonight, are you?" Yoona teasingly asked.


"Of course not. Tsk." She replied and walk ahead to their house first.


Giggling, Yoona closes the trunk and locks the car before he follows his wife inside.




While busy checking his emails on his laptop, he heard a knock on the door which made him wonder and turn his head. "Chanyoung? The door is open, honey." He inquired softly.


Chanyoung opened the door gently and stepped inside with three books in his arms. "Appa, I have homework." He said with a cute pout.


"Chincha? Let me help you then." Yoona got excited in an instant. He closes his laptop and pushes it aside as he pulls an extra chair near him. 


Chanyoung got difficulties as the chair is a bit high so his father helps him take his seat. 


"Alright, what homework are these?" ask Yoona as he checks the books. 


"You know a lot about math, science, and literature, Appa?" Chanyoung raised his eyebrows as he look at him.


"Oh, you're just in your kindergarten 1, why is this like you're in your grade school now?" Yoona is surprised but as he opens the book he was glad it was just simple math questions. "Well then, this is easy. What page?"




"Okay." He giggles and flipped the pages.


Chanyoung noticed that his mother is nowhere to be found. "Where is Omma?"


"She went out to buy some snacks." Yoona replied simply, handing his son the pencil, and began to teach him how to answer his math homework first.




After paying for the snacks, Seohyun casually walks out of the store, opening a popsicle while walking on the side of the street. She started it while enjoying the walk and the few bright stars she can see. Being in the city means they won't able to see most of the stars, she missed being in the mountain where she enjoys it with her late parents and her only younger brother. All of them died in a plane crash years ago, the same year when she married Yoona. And now that she is reminded of them, she misses them and it made her sigh heavily.


Upon reaching a post, she suddenly felt someone has started following her. She felt goosebumps but she continued her way and stopped suddenly so she could turn and confirm if she was being followed. But much to her dismay, she's alone. She shrugged it off and continue her walk while enjoying her popsicle. 


However, she really felt the footsteps. So she fasten her pace and got an idea. Instead of stopping, she turns to the right alley and waited until a figure appears, she grabs the person's hair-


"AH!" And realize it's a girl. "Let go of me!"


Seohyun turned her only to recognize her. "Ji-Eun-ssi." She quickly let go. "Were you the one following me?"


"M-Mrs. Seo." Ji-Eun is surprise. 


"So it's not you." 


"S-someone is following you?"


Seohyun nodded and look from right to left. She couldn't find any suspicious person. "Mianhe. But you live in the same neighborhood?"


"Y-yes. And you... guys too?" Ji-Eun got excited upon learning.


"We just started living here." Seohyun shares. "Aigoo, I'm so glad I was wrong. I mean, I really heard footsteps following me and it made me think someone was up to something bad against me. Anyway, do you want to see Chanyoung?" She brightly asks.


"Nah, I have to return home immediately, Mrs. Seo. I'm glad you guys are living nearby. See you next week." Ji-Eun smiled and wave her hand as she jogs away from the young mother.


Sighing, Seohyun smiled and wave back at the lady until she disappeared into the left alley. She felt relieved and continued her walk until she reached home. 


Ji-Eun on the other hand returned and peek her head behind the post. "So this is their house." she looked up and steps back to have a better look at a two-story modern house. She took her phone out and captured some photos of the house. "Chanyoung must be happy he has a home with his family now." She giggles as she imagines the young lad before sending the photos to Dr. Kim. "And he's probably playing around in this big house. Auntie Shin's house isn't this big." she mumbles as she continues her way to her apartment. Now that Chanyoung lives with her parents, she also has to change her address, to stay close to the family, especially to Chanyoung.




Walking into the house, Taeyeon felt his phone vibrates and he casually check the photos Ji-Eun sent to him. 


'They're from NIS for a reason.' He wasn't surprised at all that the Im-Seo owns a big modern house. And he felt glad Chanyoung is living well. 


"Appaaa!!!" Jaehyun's loud voice came from upstairs which cause him to look up and his little boy to run downstairs. "Appa I got top 1 on the race! I beat Omma finally!" 


Taeyeon chuckled upon hearing it. He bends down and rubs his son's head. "Good job, honey. But aren't you supposed to study tonight?" He ask as he straightened himself.


"I already did with Omma. We're playing the kart rider now." Jaehyun grinned.


"Omma is spoiling you, isn't she?"


"Come upstairs, Appa."


Taeyeon smiled as he allows his son drags hold his hand and drag him upstairs. "You're not hurt earlier in School, weren't you?" Then he remembers the incident. He was bad for asking Ji-Eun about Chanyoung immediately before he called his wife to check on their son.


"Yes, Jaehyun is fine, Appa. I'm so fast running out of our room." Jaehyun replied with a cute smile. "Oh, due to the incident, we will return to school next week." He got excited and shared it as well.


"Oh, so more playtime with Omma, eh?" Taeyeon teases his son.


"Yes, I'm so happy." Jaehyun brightly said. They stopped in front of the master bedroom as his father opens the door for him. "Omma, Appa is heeereee!!!" He excitedly announced, running towards her.


Jessica's attention from her phone shifted to the bright voice of her son. Her features broke into a soft yet big smile when her eyes landed on Taeyeon's. "Have you eaten dinner, hon?" she asks as Taeyeon bends down and she meets his lips briefly. 


Taeyeon takes his seat on the sofa next to their son. "Not yet, to be honest. Glad you guys aren't sleeping yet." He honestly shares as he pouted cutely while hugging his son behind.


"Appa, Omma cooked without help this time." Jaehyun couldn't miss the chance and told his father.


"Chincha? Like there wasn't any chef?" Taeyeon teasingly smiles at his wife.


"Yah." Jessica hit his shoulder. "You're talking as if I don't cook on my own."


"Well, you usually have help with our chef. Let me taste it then." Taeyeon giggles. 


"You will forget your name. I'm sure of it." Warned the young mother and she got up, excitedly leaving the room animatedly.


Jaehyun can't help giggle. "Omma really cooked Appa. Because she thinks you're going to have dinner with us tonight." 


"Mianhe. I have to finish my meeting a bit late. But at least, you get to see me have my dinner and I will eat you alive." Taeyeon immediately started tickling his son on his stomach, earning his laughter and the latter quickly got off of the sofa, running away from him. He didn't think twice and he chase him around their bedroom.




The next morning comes, Yoona took the chance to wake up early and prepare a simple breakfast for his family. He felt so good since last night's bonding with Chanyoung, he wants to repay his time studying with him by making dumplings. 


Seohyun walks into the kitchen, yawning so big, and immediately smelled the food along with the dumplings.


"Did you wake up early?" She asks in surprise.


"Good morning, baby." A sweet smile formed Yoona's features as he wink at her. "Chanyoung work hard last night even though he knows there's no class today. I'm giving him a treat." He explains.


Seohyun scoffed. "And you're making dumplings as well." She approaches him at the counter only to be greeted by a sweet kiss on her cheek. She lightly hit him. "Will our son love that, eh?"


Yoona ponders then smiled goofily. "Our son loves me more now you know, so yes."


"What?" Seohyun literally hit him hard on his back. "Don't you ever say that. Aish. We're his parents, we're not competing." she sent him a quick glare.


"I'm just kidding." Yoonaa giggled. He placed the dumplings one by one on the steamer after making them and sighs in relief. "He hasn't woken up?" 


Seohyun took a bite on one of the egg rolls and feed the doe-eyed casually. "You guys stayed up late, he will probably wake up around eight." She sweetly smiles afterward.


"Yeah, but it was worth it." Yoona replied as he smiled back and pick up the plates of the breakfast meal he prepared.


Seohyun took the rest of the plates as she follows him to their dining table, setting it at the center.


"So we have our alone time for a while then." A big grin plastered Yoona's face as he hold his wife's hand.


"Yeah... but we have to do a lot of laundries." However, Seohyun slaps his hand to remind him. She stuck her tongue out and took a bite of her food.


Yoona snickers, picking his chopsticks in the process and taking a big bite of the rice first.


"By the way, Ji-Eun, she's living in the same neighborhood." Seohyun said when it crossed her mind.


"You saw her last night?" 


"Yes, I was walking back home when I thought someone is following me. Then I accidentally pulled her hair."


Yoona almost chokes on his food. "You what?" As he coughs a little. 

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1120 streak #1
Chapter 22: Good friends? Yulsic... Shin Hye Sun one of my fave actresses
1120 streak #2
Chapter 3: oh my Taeyeon is the villian here? and also Ji eun? im sure Chanyoung will be sad if he knows that his only friend is only being friendly because she was being ordered by someone obsessed to him
1120 streak #3
Chapter 1: Aww Chanyoung is proud of his appa
Chapter 18: Welcome home yoong.

Chanyoung and jaehyun are so adorable.

The trauma that chanyoung has was kind of severe,poor baby.

What if minho is just fooling around?
multistory #5
Chapter 22: Nice surprise...
multistory #6
Chapter 21: Thanks for wrapping this up!!
Chapter 21: wow, finally Kim Taeyeon was died and The Im's live happily ever after

Thank you for your story author-nim
multistory #8
Chapter 20: Interesting the IM’s not seeing eye to eye…

Looking forward to the next update and how you plan to close this out.
Chapter 17: Ok new character reveal. My yulsic heart is pumping again. I probably want for them to be together but i know taeyeon will return for his family.

Im family is really the ideal family.
Chapter 19: oomoo.. omo taengsicku