His World

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Mingyu sighed.
He stared at Wonwoo and Minghao. They were sitting in a small café drinking coffee like ordinary people. Minghao was reading a newspaper, and Wonwoo was playing with his mobile phone.
Two girls were watching them. One of the girls desperately tried to get Wonwoo's attention, it was embarrassing. Both Wonwoo and Minghao ignored them entirely, of course.
The es probably wouldn't have found him attractive if they had known he was carrying a semi-automatic gun and two knives under his jacket.
"Well, sooo...." he whispered, looking at them.
Minghao flipped through the newspaper. Wonwoo growled just something.
"I don't want to seem paranoid, but how are we supposed to go to Japan now?" Mingyu was pissed off.
"Good question..." muttered Wonwoo, at which Mingyu clenched his fists. This guy had the gall to drink coffee and play with his mobile phone when Joshua had been sitting behind him just an hour ago.
"Incheon airport is impossible."
"And what about the others? Daegu? Busan?" Mingyu massaged the back of his neck. It was killing him, and all the tension of the last days had gathered at this spot. He sighed in relief.
"I don't think the airways are safe anymore. Joshua will be monitoring every action on them."
"And what about the ferry?" asked Minghao.
Mingyu was surprised. "What do you mean?"
"We can head to Busan and take the ferry to Fukuoka. Then it's only two hours to Nagato.
"Is the house in Nagato?"
"Nearby, yes."
"How long will it take? Busan is about 200 miles from Seoul. By car, we could be there in four hours." Wonwoo said.
Mingyu nodded. That was a good idea.
"Which ferry do we take?"
"There are three options. Two that take about two hours. The other takes about six hours. Only a few people will use that one. They always take the faster one."
"If we leave now, we could be in Busan by 7 pm. The departure time of the ferry?" Wonwoo asked.
"One departs in the morning, one in the evening, around 9 pm. We would arrive in Fukuoka in the middle of the night. Convenient."
Mingyu bit his lip. It was a good plan. But he was beginning to live in their world of misdirection.
"Joshua will probably try that route too. Do we have an additional option if we run into him again?"
Minghao looked at him in surprise. "Since when do you think like us?"
Mingyu stared at the table."I haven't. "
-Or had he? - He thought.



Wonwoo was worried.
The ferry was a dangerous route. Once they were on the ship, they had six hours of no other options. They had nowhere to run or hide. If Joshua showed up, they would be in trouble. But airports were a stupid idea, too.
"Should we go?"
He saw Minghao nod and didn't even bother to wait for Mingyu's reaction. He didn't give a damn about his opinion.
"We don't have a car." noted Mingyu.
Wonwoo grinned. "Look out the window. There are plenty of cars."
"What do you mean?"
"Just pick one." Minghao chuckled.
"You want to steal a car?!"
Wonwoo got annoyed and glared at him. "Do you think we'll go and rent a car? With formalities?"
Mingyu met his gaze. "Is there anything you guys do that's legal?"
"I bought a coffee and paid for it." Wonwoo sighed.
Then something unexpected happened. Mingyu started laughing.
He looked at him in surprise.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing..." he chuckled. "You guys are too much..."
"Let's go." Minghao stood up and grabbed his jacket.


Mingyu sat in the car.
He stared at the road, and Wonwoo sat behind the steering wheel. The atmosphere was awkward. Minghao was ahead of them with his lady, and he would check out the area and look for a hotel. They had decided to take the ferry the following morning. Tonight it was likely that Joshua would have the same idea.
So basically, they were alone.
They had been driving for two hours now, and they only talked about Wonwoo's order to buckle up.
Mingyu was jolted out of his daydreams when the car drifted slightly to the left but was in the lane again a second later.
"What the hell?" Mingyu snapped at Wonwoo.
Wonwoo shook his head and cracked his neck several times. Mingyu pouted.
"Do you want me to drive? You look tired."
Mingyu got no reaction at all from Wonwoo.
"Hyung, let me drive so you can get some rest, okay?"
Another awkward silence followed.
"Don't be so stubborn. I bet your wound hasn't healed yet, and the last few hours have been hard on all of us. You too. Please don't push it. Let me drive." Mingyu tried again.
"I told you to mind your own business." Wonwoo hissed at him.
Mingyu's microphone rasped. -I'm leaving now. I'll see you in a few hours.- Minghao's voice popped into his head.
"Okay." muttered Wonwoo.
"Take care." Mingyu had tried to ignore it several times, but he was starting to like this brat. He had spent about a week with them and still couldn't get over the fact that he killed people so emotionlessly, but he was starting to like them. On the contrary, Wonwoo and his whole appearance were a mixture of danger and.... loneliness. But he wanted to know more about him. It was a feeling of curiosity. Like a new book or what the next episode of a popular drama would be like. Mingyu was shocked at his thoughts.
The car lingered again. A little, but Mingyu noticed it.
"Let me drive! You need to rest. You haven't recovered yet."
"Can't you say something else!" Mingyu pestered.
"Aish...." Mingyu ruffled his hair. This guy was giving him the biggest headache of his life.
"Let's rest for at least ten minutes." he was still staring at Wonwoo.
He heard him sigh. After a few minutes, Wonwoo slowed down the car, and Mingyu saw a gas station. "Only ten minutes..." muttered Wonwoo.
This was proof that he was exhausted. Normally, he would continue to refuse. But Mingyu had figured him out at least that much.
They stopped at the next gas station, and Wonwoo turned off the engine.
"I'm going to get a coffee." Mingyu said and was about to get out when a painful grip on his wrist made him hiss.
"Don't step out of the car." he heard Wonwoo growl. Wonwoo opened the driver´s door and left.
"Great ..." he muttered. Mingyu let his eyes wander. It was a small gas station. The gas prices were almost a crime. Only one clerk and another car parked, and in it sat a woman typing something into her phone. The cashier was a young guy, maybe in his twenties. The window in front of him was enormous, and he had no cover at all because the counter was on the other side of the window. Another door outside of the building, probably a public toilet with a tiny window. He saw three cameras and noticed that two of them were not working. His eyes searched the roof. It was flat with many covers—the perfect place for a sniper.
Mingyu wanted to slap himself as he realized he had scanned the area like a killer for the first time. Shocked at his thoughts, he opened the car door and stepped outside. He in the fresh air and turned around to get his phone. He reached out and was about to grab it when he heard a clicking sound. Something in his head just reacted, and instead of him holding his phone, he reached out to the left for the gun Minghao had given him and pointed it at the sound without noticing it. Wonwoo stood in front of him. Before Mingyu knew what was happening, he felt Wonwoo's finger on his elbow and was knocked backward. His fingers dropped the gun in the same movement, and Wonwoo almost broke his wrist. Mingyu turned his upper body away and pulled Wonwoo in his direction with a quick workout. Not another second passed, and Wonwoo groaned in pain as Mingyu rammed his other elbow into his ribs. In that exact second, Mingyu felt something cold against his temple and heard the gun he had just been holding being unlocked, and he stared directly into its muzzle.
"Not bad. You get the hang of it." Wonwoo mumbled at him, and Mingyu turned his head away in horror but sighed in relief when Wonwoo lowered the semi-automatic again.
Mingyu slowly let go of Wonwoo and stared at his hands. Wonwoo held a coffee out to him, but Mingyu couldn't hold it because his hands were shaking so badly that he would have spilled it all.
"What... happened?" he whispered, aghast. Wonwoo looked at his gun and seemed surprised.
"Wow. This is Minghao's favorite gun. He doesn't usually share his girls. It seems he wanted you to be able to defend yourself." Wonwoo sipped his coffee and hissed as he burned his tongue.
"It's a ing gun. Not a girl. What's wrong with you guys?! And why... can I do that? Talk to me!" yelled Mingyu, but Wonwoo ignored him.
Mingyu stared at his fingers. He was shocked at his reaction. "What did I do?"
"Just ignore it and wait until we are at the house. I am not allowed to give you any information about this. It´s simply your instinct."
"But... I could have killed you." Mingyu mumbled.
"Don´t get ahead of yourself. You are a few decades of training too early to be able to kill me." Wonwoo said and sat down in the driver´s seat again.



Wonwoo had been surprised. He hadn't expected him to react like that after all the years of no training, especially with such a quick reaction. Mingyu had unlocked the gun while taking it out and probably hadn't even noticed it himself.
His reactions seemed flawless. His body still knew how to do it. Only his brain refused to remember.
Wonwoo sighed.
"Drink your coffee. Don't try to understand things that are happening at the moment."
"What do you mean by instinct?" he heard him whisper.
"It's not the first time you've held a gun."
"I don't know what you're trying to say, Wonwoo."
"Wait until we get inside the house. The family will explain things to you."
"What things?!" snapped Mingyu at him.
Wonwoo was about to punch himself. Something had slipped his lips again. It was none of his business. He had to turn him in, which would end the job. And then the critical part would start because he knew he had ed up with the higher-ups when he had shot another hitman and started a war with Joshua.
"Explain it." Mingyu persisted.
"The family will explain. Just wait another damn 24 hours." hissed Wonwoo at him. Surprisingly, Mingyu didn't say another word.
He saw Mingyu reaching for the gun again out of the corner of his eye, but he hesitated.
Wonwoo grinned.



It felt so strange to hold the gun in his hand. And the worst part was that Wonwoo was right. It felt familiar. He had no idea what he was doing, but his fingers retraced every inch of it, and it felt almost satisfying.
He took a deep breath, and his fingers touched the chamber.
He stared at his hands as they did things he didn't know how to describe.
His fingers found a small button. He pressed the magazine release. He slowly let the magazine fall out.
"What the hell..." his fingers dropped the gun again.
"It's instinct." Wonwoo said again.
Mingyu stared at Wonwoo. "What are you talking about?"
"When you were three-four years old, you could reload a gun better than you could go to the bathroom."
Wonwoo's expression was emotionless as ever. Mingyu was shocked. He didn´t believe a single word.
"I would remember that."
"As a four-year-old?" Wonwoo almost said mockingly.
Mingyu swallowed nervously. "That´s bull."
"Do it ." he heard Wonwoo's voice.
"Reload the gun."
"No." Mingyu stammered.
Mingyu didn't want to touch the gun again. Never again in his life. He was still confused about the movements of his finger.
"You're lying. This is bull. I grew up in my foster family since I was a baby." Mingyu´s voice was shaking.



Wonwoo had NO ing idea why he was doing it, but he did.
This guy was messing with his brain. He couldn't think straight when he was around him. He knew he had to stay on the road. He knew he didn't give a if he believed him or not. But when he saw a parking spot on the side of the highway, he slowly steered the car to the right and parked.
"What are you doing?" Mingyu asked him.
"Give me the gun."
Mingyu handed it to him without hesitation. Wonwoo groaned. This guy was still way too carefree.
He grabbed it.
"Pay attention."



Mingyu's eyes widened as Wonwoo reached behind him and pulled out a second magazine.
He handed him a cell phone and opened the app for the timer.
"I'll start when you start." Wonwoo stated.
Mingyu had yet to learn what was going on.
"Do it."
Mingyu pressed the button and almost dropped the phone when he saw that the magazine was already out of the chamber, and Wonwoo´s hands slid the second one in. His hand grabbed the top slide and pushed it back, letting go, and it latched into its original position.
Without thinking, Mingyu stopped the timer. He stared at the display.
"Five seconds... This is... fast," he whispered.
"Now you try." Wonwoo handed him the gun and t

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740 streak #1
Chapter 16: It took me a couple of days to binge read all the chapters, but I am finally caught up. I feel sorry for Mingyu and Wonwoo, they’re both victims of circumstance, through no fault of their own. The entire life that Mingyu thought he knew, has been completely blown to bits. I wonder what will happen once they leave Thailand. I’m also waiting for Wonwoo to deal with Joshua, once and for all. Looking forward to the next update.
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 16: In his place, I would go crazy too. To be limited to a few rooms and no one to talk to, no radio or tv. Mingyu litterally feels like the only one who actually care for him being alive is Wonwoo. I wonder how they will get through this with everyone after them to kill them. They can't keep being alert 24/7!
Shinee2020 #3
Chapter 15: Holy s***!!! To be attacked by the one you considered your mother all these years... To see your whole life, that you thought you knew, disappear in front of your eyes in a few minutes, must be horrible. He is the cause of Wonwoo's parents execution, but it was not really his fault. That is so sad that his existence by itself is a problem, just for being born and alive. He has been used as blackmail by both family, lied to, lot of people have die for him and kill because of him. I would have a nervous breakdown earlier than that. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Shinee2020 #4
Chapter 14: Could Wonwoo's parents be Mingyu foster's parents all these years? Being taking away to take care of Mingyu at 4 years old because he chose them.. So they had to abandon their own child since first family always come first? (just a fun theory , to be confirm... Can't wait for the next few chapters! This is so good!!!)
Shinee2020 #5
Chapter 14: Wow... This chapter is intriguing: So who's that body Mingyu had thrown over the cliff? His foster mother is someone from the second family too? What is going on? I have more questions as you give more informations. Can't wait for the next chapter! 😊
Shinee2020 #6
Chapter 13: This chapter is amazing! We started to understand a bit more about Wonwoo's past. And it seems like Mingyu might be the reason Wonwoo's parents are death. We can see that Wonwoo takes his responsibilities very seriously and try not to let his emotions take over his job, but can't help developing some softness toward Mingyu. He's gonna do this job even if it means dying at the end if it. Mingyu is starting to rely on his instincts more but on top of his old reflects coming back, he still have a softness that he wouldn't have if he had stay all his life with the first family. Can't wait for the next chapter ! THANK YOU!!!😊
Shinee2020 #7
Chapter 11: Wow... They are all blood-relate family, but they are always trying to kill each other, help each other or fight... In a kind of caring way?! lol :P Very strange indeed. Mingyu is completely lost with everything he is learning and hearing every day! They will probably be a lot more surprise in Thailand. Poor Minhyu... wanting to be more than a ''job '' for Wonwoo, but that poor man is already breaking all of his personal rules and unable to think coherently to the point of making a rookie mistake trying to get him faster to the first family just because of a kiss... Can't wait to see what is in store for them in the next few chapters! :)
Shinee2020 #8
Chapter 10: Holy cow! This was so exciting. I was also wondering why he was in such a hurry to get to the house, because just like Joshua, if I know where they are heading, I would go wait at the house (final destination). I really got a feeling that Joshua has been hired by someone in the first family to get rid of Mingyu before he get to the house. I look forward to learn more about the traitor and who had killed his biological family and put him for adoption. The person who put him for adoption probably did it to protect him, but who was the traitor who cause him to need to be put somewhere safe in the first place. Anyway, it is getting more exciting every new chapter, so I can't wait to read more. :) I really hope Minghao will be alright, he really doesn't look like he wants to kill Wonwoo, so maybe he'll try but ''miss''.
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 9: Thanks for the update! :) Very unfair for Minghao & Wonwoo when you think about it. Mingyu accuse them of being heartless and not just walking away or saying no to all the killings, but if they did, they would be the ones being killed. Their own family have been killed in the past too. Basically anyone who call themselves the first family can order anyone in the second family to kill people for them or protect them or take the blame for them. And the second family have no choice but to follow orders. If Wonwoo had killed Mingyu as originally planned, wouldn't he have been killed to after for killing a member of the first family? I can't wait to read more... Please don't wait too long to share the next update... This is too good! I need to know more! :)
Grats on the promotion