Welcome Party

Fate of the Winx Saga

"I got chill all over my body. Do you feel it too, unnie?" Asked Yeri.

"Of course. Sorry but I don't want to be here at the moment," said Joy as she took her to leave.

"I'm sorry...guess I was too dumb earlier," said Wendy apologetically. 

"Though I hate to say this yes you were, unnie. You knew Joohyun unnie very well," said Yeri.

"Not that well though," said Wendy to herself. 

Joohyun leave all of them and went to her room, shutting the door behind her, harshly. She ignored Seulgi's offer for a handshake. The room left in silence and all of them felt the intensity between the two girls.

Seulgi didn't take it to her heart. It just made her even more curious about the girl. However, in the meantime, it is best to create some distance. She wouldn't want to fight the hero of Kwangya.

Therefore, she asked Wendy where her room and the mentor told her they will share the same room. Wendy gave Seulgi a little privacy for now since it's probably what she needs now.

Consider the girl would probably have a hard time digesting all these new things and she is not wrong actually.

"Hey, mom," said Seulgi who is on a phone call.

"Hey, sweetheart. How is the United States?"

"Well, umm...foreign," said Seulgi.

"Have you met new friends? How is the room there?" 

It's big and has enough space for both people to live in it. Nothing made her uncomfortable in terms of the place but for the people...yeah she has one person that makes her very uncomfortable.

"The room is great. Plenty of room for both people in the room," said Seulgi.

"Well, I and your father wish you all the best at your new school. You will do great there," said her mom genuinely. 

"Thank you, mom. Oh, where is dad?"

"He's at the hospital. Duty calls," said her mom.

"Ah, I see. Mom,"

"Yes, honey?"

Seulgi took her time to think about whether she talks about this with her mom or not. She doesn't want her mom to be worried. 

"What is it, honey?"

"Uhm...I just thought...do you think this is a good decision? Me being here in the United States?"

"Why do you think that way, honey?"

Seulgi shrugged lazily.

"I don't know. I think...I'm just scared...of who I will be during my study here," said Seulgi. It's true though. She's afraid of what she is capable of and who she will become.

What if she can't control her emotion and she is stuck here at Kwangya? What if she becomes evil? Greedy? What if she lost control? Will she be able to kill people?

"Honey. Whoever you become, I know you will be an amazing person. I and your father always knew you are different from everybody else and we have our hope that one day you will be a great person. You just have to try and be open, Seul," said her mom.

She would love to believe what her mom said. Perhaps she needs to...try and prove that she is not what she thinks she is. She can be a great person. 

Far more different than she believes. While she was deep in her thought, someone knocked on the door.

"Hey, Seul. The party is about to start," said Wendy with an apologetic face.

"Who is that, Seul?"

"Oh, sorry mom. I have to go, good night mom," said Seulgi before she ends the call.

"Sorry to interrupt," said Wendy.

"All good," said Seulgi.


"Joohyun unnie! We will bet at the hall," said Yeri.

The older girl remains quiet as she is currently in deep thought while staring out her window.

Two fairies in GG school of Fairies...what a complete mess. At least the other one doesn't own the dragon flame...maybe...she doesn't know, yet. All she knows is that the dragon flames are only possessed by her mom and herself.  

She always thought, whoever owns the power of fire is cursed. This power has...killed many people. Maybe the rumors about her are right...that she's a killer...that she's evil.

Well, they didn't know the whole story and she doesn't give a about any of those rumors because she has no time to please people with the truth. 

Kang Seulgi...a changeling? Rare..., thought Joohyun.

She has been thinking about what Wendy said earlier in the living room. Did she even know she's a changeling? There is a possibility that Taeyeon didn't tell her.

Just like how Taeyeon didn't mention her true power and the real reason why her birth parents left her when she was born. For the first three months in GG school, she learned not to trust Taeyeon at all.

Until the end of last semester, Taeyeon told her there is a possibility that her birth parents are still alive somewhere out there. 

It's been a year for Joohyun studying at GG school working together beside Taeyeon and the perk of it, she has more information that she shouldn't know. 

One she shouldn't have known is the fact that although the burned one and the blood witches are gone, Kwangya is never safe. No where is safe in Kwangya. Even in her school.

She found out about it from her last mission which she hasn't told anyone, about yet. Not even Taeyeon. 

Last summer, Taeyeon sent her on a mission to Exo City. Another city 8 hours away from here. Her informant told her two unregistered citizens were found there. They thought it could be Joohyun's birth parents. 

However, Joohyun has discovered something bigger. Secrets that maybe even Taeyeon doesn't know.


She turn around to see who called her. Jennie.

"Did you knock?"

"I did but you didn't hear me. Are you coming to the hall or not?"

Honestly, Joohyun preferred to stay in her room rather than socialize. She bet that the moment she walks into the hall, all eyes are on her. She hates it very much.

"I heard there's tteokbokki," said Jennie bribing her.

Jennie is her cousin. It does make sense how Jennie knew her favorite food and that's a good trick to bribe her. Joohyun groaned and rolled her eyes.

"You should stop bribing me with tteokbokki," said Joohyun.


"It's the school tradition that every new term starts, all of the students will gather in this main hall and party all night. You may use your magic freely here!" Wendy explained.

Fairies can party too, noted, thought Seulgi. 

She learned there are a few categories of powers here in the GG School of Fairies. As Wendy said, students are welcome to use their power publicly. 

Here she can see mind fairies who play with your emotion. You better stay away from them unless you want them to play with your mind. Water fairies...she learned they can be very...very talkative...like Seungwan.

Earth fairies are attractive like Joy. Seulgi couldn't help but admit that most of them are pretty and handsome. You can say they are the princesses and princes of this school.

Moving on, air fairies. Pretty much far from what she expected. Tinkerbell is an air fairy. Thought that most of them will be cute and innocent like Tink.

But they are far different from Tink. 

Seulgi learned enough. However, she's not interested to know them. She's more interested in finding ways to control her powers. That secret which she believes Bae Joohyun has the answer. 

The way the girl stared at her earlier...she looked like she was holding her anger, grudge, and pain at the same time. One thing for sure is that Joohyun disapproves of her presence in the suite. 

Seulgi doesn't know the reason why but perhaps because now there are two fire fairies. Perhaps she's jealous? No. She's not sure if that's the case. There must be much bigger than that. She could feel it deep in her heart. 

"What do you feel about the school so far, Seul?"


"Wait. Where are you from again, Seulgi Unnie?" asked Yeri. 

"Seoul. South Korea," said Seulgi openly mentioning she's not from Kwangya. 

"Oh, you're not from around here," said Yeri.

"How did you come here?" asked Joy who joined the conversation out of nowhere.

Seulgi would like to think first about whether she should talk about this with someone she barely knew. This is her privacy. 

Taeyeon said she was a changeling before she came here. Maybe her birth parents sent her to the first world. Reason? Taeyeon didn't know. Of course, that information was too much for Seulgi.

Knowing that her parents are not her real parents...it's devastating but Taeyeon promises her she will help her find her birth parents. She just needs more time. 

"Look! It's Bae Joohyun!"

Suddenly, all attention in the room diverts to Kwangya's hero who is walking to the main hall. Students start to talk about her. Well, to finally see the savior of their world in real life is truly an honor for anyone who adores her. 

Due to her powerful magic, she was able to kill the two most dangerous creatures in this world. Fairy's existence was threatened by those two creatures. However, with the power she possessed, she was able to kill all of them.

All fairies are grateful to her. Even the Queen of Kwangya gave her the honorable badge and called her the Knight of Kwangya. It was the headline news for months. 

Some students are yelling and screaming due to their excitement. Meanwhile, the main attention seems trying to ignore the attention. 

"I'm surprised Jooohyun unnie is here," said Yeri. 

"I bet Jennie unnie persuaded her," said Joy while sipping the wine in her glass.

"Don't give Joohyun unnie the impression of a caveman. She's not," said Wendy.

"She acts like one, unnie!" said Joy trying to argue with Wendy.

"You know the reason, Joy," said Wendy.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Anyways, Seulgi unnie abo-"

Before Joy could even finish her sentence, Seulgi walks away from them. Leaving Joy and the others confused.

"Rude!" said Joy which earned a slap from Wendy.

Seulgi's attention only focuses on the girl who standing by the bar. Her only reason to come here is that someone promises her control and finds her birth parents.

And she has found someone who can teach her that despite the warning Miss Kin had mentioned to her. Walking closer to the only person who could help her, she catch a glimpse that the girl recognize her presence. 

"Teach me how to control my power," said Seulgi directly. 

The attention in the main hall is now on both girls. Just like Joohyun, Seulgi doesn't give a about those stares. Her eyes focusing only on Joohyun and others didn't matter to her. 

"Who is this?" asked Jennie who seems to completely vanish in Seulgi's point of view. 

Joohyun took a sip of her tea. She hates alcohol because the burning sensation in reminds her of her power and her victim's pain and scream.

She still remembers the scream that came out of those bloody witches' mouths. Scream for their life as the dragon flame eats them. That memory is still vivid in her mind. 

"Seeing how desperate you are to know how to control your power, makes you look pathetic. Let me guess, did you kill someone?"

"Joohyun," called Jennie kind of giving her a warning.

Everyone who witnessed their interaction could feel the intensity between them. As if Antarctica move to Kwangya. The two seem to enjoy the staring contest between them because none of them said anything after that.

"I didn't kill anybody," said Seulgi firmly. Joohyun chuckled before she drank all of her drinks and then turn her attention back to Seulgi. 

"It's a matter of time before you kill one because people like us...we don't control our power. We lose our temper and then *SNAP UPS! Everyone's gone because of this power. Yeah...we are cursed," said Joohyun before she walks away from the main hall, leaving Jennie and the other students scared. 

Seulgi couldn't believe what she just heard. Perhaps, Miss Kim was right that it's better not to encounter Kwangya's hero. But...it doesn't stop her from trying.

"Ah. So...you're the new girl! I'm Jennie by the way," said Jennie offering her hand for a handshake. 

She's here not to make new friends. She rather follows Joohyun who seems was asking her to follow her. The invitation was vivid and clear if you look closely at Joohyun's eyes and then Seulgi left.

Leaving Jennie's hand untouch.

"All fire fairies are the same I guess," said Jennie before drinking her wine. 


Following where Joohyun goes, she is brought to the forest outside the school barrier. Deep into the dark and quiet forest. 

Seeing how far Joohyun is leading her, she could sense that this is for the greater good. If one of them happens to lose control, at least the school is saved. That's what she thought. 

However, Joohyun...just wants some privacy. Away from the crowds that can't seem to leave her alone for once. Away from all the attention. 

She stops somewhere in the middle of the forest. She remembers the first time she arrived at GG School of Fairies last year. She came to this forest...all alone. 

Practicing her power only to attract a burned one and almost got killed if Taeyeon didn't come and rescue her. That day...she learned that by coming here... she was not safe.

Because the power she possessed is the reason why the burned ones came back after 1.000 years. The burned one and blood witches were after her power. The most powerful magic in the entire world. 

Since then, Joohyun has been practicing her power. How to use the dragon flame properly and try to understand it rather than controlling it. Well, to be honest, she gets the hang of it.

"Want to know the ugly truth?" asked Joohyun.

The silence instructed her to continue.

"Despite how much you try to control your power, you are still you. The power inside you...is too powerful for anyone...even yourself"

She turned around, facing Seulgi who seems to be confused with her answer.

"The ugly truth is that...there is no control..." said Joohyun.

It's true. She learned it for the past year in the GG School of Fairies.  Despite how much she tries to control her power, it's useless because at the end of the day, there is always a way for her to lose control.

Joohyun smirked. She would like to try this with the new girl. Say it's how she welcomes her to this school. 

She walks slowly, circling Seulgi. 

"How do you feel when you found out that you're a changeling?"

"How did you know-"

"Doesn't it bothers you? To know that your real parents abandoned you?"

"They didn't"

"How did you know? Did Taeyeon tell you that?"


"Of course not. She doesn't always have the answer to everything," said Joohyun with a smirk. 

Such an optimistic girl. What Joohyun learned is that Taeyeon kept many secrets from her students. Some of them are to protect them...but what does it mean to protect others?

"You don't know anything," said Seulgi firmly.

"True. But I do know desperation is not good. Therefore, this will be my only advice for you," said Joohyun firmly as her eyes stare intensely at Seulgi.  

"Try to deal with yourself first before you hurt anybody else. Find out what you want to know before it's too late. Your mind and emotions are the problems and the solutions too," said Joohyun before she walks away and leave Seulgi all alone deep in the forest. 

One has to feel the power inside and embrace it. Too much thinking will bring you nowhere. Instead of controlling your emotion and power, try to embrace them. 

Accept who you are and your power. Although, in the long run, you will find disgusting truths about your power, understanding your power is far more important. 

Trying so hard to control is useless. Students should have practiced more for what's coming next. Joohyun is just afraid they won't be ready for the worse...









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Hello, I'm not saying I'm back but I miss this place and my imagination pop out. Still busy with work and university as well, I'll try my best to find time to come here often. Cannot promise it but...I'll try :). Meanwhile, enjoy the new chapter! Miss you guys!


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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 11: finally 😭😭😭 welcome back author nim 🩷
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
please update author nim 😭
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 10: Finally 😭😭😭, thank u very much author nim 😭hope u doing great and can't wait for more 🤍🤍🤍🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #4
please update author nim 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Oct_13_wen_03 #5
Chapter 9: Thank u so much author nim for update, please don't go hard to yourself, please stay healthy, take care yourself there author nim 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #6
where are u now author, how are u?
Oct_13_wen_03 #7
Oct_13_wen_03 #8
Chapter 8: Thank u so much author nim for update, god I can't wait for next 🤍🤍🤍
zjkdlin0121 #9
thanks for the update, can't wait for the next chap
zjkdlin0121 #10
hmm who might it be?