My Choice

Reflection of Life
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She just turned 18 years old and all of a sudden people start telling her that a certain someone is waiting for her.


Someone she has to spend the rest of her life with.


It felt like a joke.


Her opinion didn't matter.


She could not decide on anything regarding her soulmate.


What kind of sick world is she living in?


When she had enough time to accept the fact, she decided to not give a . Even if there is someone who exists to be with her for a lifetime, she will not listen, finding her happiness on her own.


For the next two years, it worked just fine.

Sure, some people got on her nerves, telling her this and that, trying to explain to her the importance of having a soulmate, but she ignored them.


Then there was a phase where she saw a lot of soulmate couples walking around.


There was a spark of Jealousy for sure.

She hated to admit it but her stubborn still thought that deciding who she spends her future with is better.



Everything changed when she met Yujin.


Her soulmate.


The person she never wanted to meet.


The person she wanted to hate and despise.




The two met casually at Wonyoung's 21 birthday which was spent in a resort out in Jeonju.

She doesn't want to call it destiny but Yujin's parents are the owners of the said resort and their daughter was working there part-time since they were on summer break.


When she first met her soulmate she couldn't look at her, couldn't say something. Yujin seemed to have the same problem, and just like that, they both walked away.

Gaeul, Wonyoung's best friend tried to persuade her in talking with the girl but the tall girl didn't want to even give the girl a chance.



The next day she did her best not to bump into her.

It was hard because everywhere Wonyoung looked, Yujin was there.


Her mark also started to burn or rather tickle which made it even more annoying.

Not wanting to spend her whole birthday trip like this, she asked a girl who worked at the Ice cream shop where to find the girl.


It was very awkward at first but she was glad that Yujin seemed mature enough to talk it out.

It surprised Wonyoung when she heard that Yujin was rather excited to meet her soulmate and even more impressed when the girl explained that it's easier with a soulmate because you don't have to live through all the pain some go when they pick someone

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Chapter 9: wow that was srsly hot
Nirvi90 #2
Chapter 3: More annyeongz pls TT this was so cute
Chapter 3: annyeongz TT
brokeness #4
Chapter 2: my gadd!!! so cute!!!!!! some flufff finalyyyyyy