Chocolate Bunny

Tokyo Boy Cafe


Suhoon came by the cafe every day for the next few weeks. He enjoyed working on his graphic design projects in the cafe. It was warm and comfortable there, unlike his cold intern office. Injun just kept getting clumsier and clumsier with each passing day that Suhoon came to the cafe. He couldn't help it; he tended to get clumsy when he was nervous. And Jihwan wasn't helping any when he would make Injun wait on Suhoon's table, even though it was on Jihwan's side of the cafe.

One day though, Suhoon came in later than usual, his eyes as red as Jihwan's hair. He plopped himself in a booth far in the back corner, away from his usual seat. He laid his cellphone on the table and let the cool surface of the table comfort his face. He twirled the phone around and just solemnly watched it spin.

Injun watched Suhoon all day, barely concentrating on his work. He hated seeing Suhoon sad. He needed to talk to Hyunchul.

Hyuuuung~ TT^TT... y does my <3 hurt? /pouts

Injun put his cell back up and waited patiently for a reply. His reply came when he was cleaning the cafe; he and Suhoon were the only ones left.

Don't u already kno wat 2 do? :)

Injun sighed at the text message. Yes he knew what to do but that would mean a serious blushing fest by him for trying to cheer Suhoon up- possibly ending with him breaking something. He sighed and made his way over to Suhoon. Whatever happened to him, it would be worth it to see Suhoon smile again.

"Hyung? Something wrong?" Injun asked Suhoon. But he didn't answer, not even hearing Injun. He just kept solemnly watching his phone spin in circles.

"Hyung!" Injun shouted, this time slapping his hand on the phone. Suhoon popped his head up and looked surprised to see Injun in front of him. He rubbed his tired eyes.

"Is it late already? I guess I'll go if it's closing time," Suhoon said as he stood up. Injun grabbed his hand before Suhoon could move any further.

"You know you can tell me why you're sad," Injun said, lowering his gaze from Suhoon's sad face to the floor. Suhoon sat back at the table and put his head back down on the table top.

"It's nothing.. it's just... I caught my girlfriend cheating on me. We've been dating for 5 years now and I was seriously considering asking her to marry me." Suhoon let out a small, sad laugh; Injun's heart could only shatter at the sound. "Hyunmin even told me she was cheating on me and Hyunchul tried to seriously convince me that she was. But I just didn't believe either of them, and now look where I am." Suhoon rubbed his eyes again. He wanted to stand up and leave, but something kept him there. He wanted to keep talking to Injun; it somehow made him feel better. 

"I see... I'm sorry hyung..." Injun said sadly. He put his cheek to the table and faced Suhoon. He put the cellphone back on the table and they both watched it spin between them.

"I would say more but honestly, I've never gone out with anyone so I wouldn't know."

"You haven't?" Suhoon asked surprised as he lifted his head up. He ruffled his disheveled hair and stretched, leaving Injun to gaze at his pale skin.

Injun started blushing and shook his head. He sat up and his brown eyes wandered over Suhoon's pale skin be uncovered by his rising shirt. Silence passed between them.

"I got it!" Injun exclaimed as he jumped up from the table. Suhoon's blue eyes widened. "I know how to make you feel better." There was a large grin on Injun's face. Suhoon found himself warming up to Injun's smile. It had been the best thing in his life since he broke up with his girlfriend.


"Surprise~" Injun teased as he slowly walked back to the counter. As he walked back, he felt warm arms wrap around him from behind.

"Thanks for all your help Injun," Suhoon's smooth voice laced around Injun's ear. He could feel his body temperature shooting through the roof.

"F-For what?"

Suhoon smiled and bent down even closer to Injun's ear. "Your smile."

Injun's heart rate changed to a million beats per minute. He tightly gripped to the end of his shirt, wrinkling it under the pressure.

"W-W-Wait here!" Injun said flustered as he hurriedly ran to the counter, almost falling flat on his face on the way. He hoped swiftly over the counter and dashed into the kitchen. Suhoon laughed to himself as he watched the cute bunny scamper off.

In the kitchen, Injun leaned up against the wall and let himself slide to the floor. He clutched his heart, begging it to calm down. He planned on making chocolate for Suhoon since that always worked for Jihwan and him when they were sad about something. Nothing special, but chocolate always makes people happier. But if he was nervous while making the chocolate, he could seriously hurt himself. Injun pulled out his cell and texted Hyunchul once more.

How do I not mess stuff up? :D

Within a few seconds, Injun eagerly looked at his reply.

-______- ... it'll be cute if you mess stuff up...

Injun gaped at his phone, wondering what in the world Hyunchul was thinking. He really didn't want to embarrass himself in front of Suhoon. He suddenly realized Suhoon was still waiting at the table. Peeping his head around the kitchen corner, he watched Suhoon twiddling his phone and staring around. Injun hopped up from the ground and got to work, albeit quite distractedly, on the chocolate.

For a while, Suhoon patiently waited for Injun to finish his surprise. He went to the bathroom and cleaned himself up. The least he could do for Injun was make himself a little more presentable. After washing his face and tidying himself up, he looked much better. His eyes were still a little red and puffy, but it was still much better than before.

He straightened out his clothes and left the bathroom. A sound of metal clanking against the ground rang out through the empty cafe.

"Injun?... You okay?" Suhoon called out. He listened closely for a reply but couldn't pick anything up. He slid himself over the counter and walked into the kitchen.

Chocolate was spewn onto the floor, painting the tiles in front of the fallen metal bowl brown. Injun was still standing next to the stove, blowing on his hands and trying to turn the stove off.

"What happened Injun?" Suhoon asked frantically as he carefully stepped around the spilled chocolate.

"Well..." Injun blew on his fingers some more. "I... uhmm... tried to take the bowl off the pot to let the chocolate cool but I wasn't paying attention and I burned myself and dropped the bowl while trying to take it off the stove," Injun rambled as he looked sadly at his spilled chocolate.

"Are you okay though? Let me see your hands," Suhoon said as he grabbed Injun's hands and held them in his own.

"Y-Yeah it's fine..." Injun said shyly as he looked down at his hands. Suhoon softly blew on them to cool them off, making Injun heat up with each cool breath that Suhoon blew for him.

"You don't have t-to do this hyung," Injun mumbled under his breath.

"But I want to. After all, you are trying to cheer me up."

"Yeah but now only the floor can enjoy my surprise for you," Injun said sadly looking at the chocolate on the floor. Suhoon let go of Injun's hand and picked up the bowl from the ground. The majority of the chocolate was left still so he dipped his finger in the chocolate and his finger clean. He thought he heard Injun gasped so he smirked.

"Hyung... you-..." Injun was cut off by the cool, sticky blast of chocolate to his red cheeks. Suhoon laughed at the cute chocolate now on Injun's cheeks.

"This isn't funny~" Injun whined as he sneakily dipped his finger in the chocolate and wiped it on Suhoon's nose. He the chocolate off his finger triumphantly while he watched Suhoon's eyes widened.

"You think... you are so cute don't you~?" Suhoon said sarcastically as he slyly dipped his finger in chocolate again and placed the chocolate at the tip of Injun's nose. He laughed as he watched Injun go cross-eyed from trying to see the chocolate.

"Yes I do." Injun said as he wiped another chocolate stripe under Suhoon's mesmerizing eyes. They continued running around the kitchen and painting each other's faces with chocolate until there was practically none left. Suhoon and Injun sank against the refrigerator doors and the ends of the bowl.

"I think you are cute too," Suhoon said as he stared at the other side of the room and the last of the chocolate from his finger. Injun could feel his cheeks turning red and stared at the ground, watching his finger draw circles on the floor. Suhoon stood up and looked at the still spilled chocolate on the ground.

"You're hands okay?" Suhoon asked. Injun nodded and looked over at the chocolate on the ground as well. "Good. Help me clean this up then." Suhoon looked around a little and found a mop in the corner of the kitchen.

"N-No I'll clean it up hyung that's okay," Injun said as he swiftly snatched the mop from Suhoon and took the pail. He went to the sink, filled the bucked with water, and dipped the mop and started cleaning the chocolate up.

"You can at least let me help right?" Suhoon hugged Injun from behind and held the mop on top of Injun's hands. Injun could feel Suhoon's warmth emanating from behind him; his heart almost stopped. Injun could barely move and Suhoon smirked at the triumph over the younger boy.

They finished cleaning up the spill like that and Suhoon wiped his brow. He felt something sticky on the back of his hand and turned it to see the chocolate still there. He looked over to Injun and noticed that the younger boy still had all the chocolate on his face. He quickly pulled out his cell phone and took a picture of Injun with chocolate on his face while Injun wasn't looking.

"You're the cutest chocolate bunny you know?" Suhoon said. Injun looked a little puzzled until he saw his picture on Suhoon's cellphone. He had chocolate whiskers and a chocolate nose and he had to admit, he did look like a rabbit in the photo. 

Injun attempted to snatch the phone from Suhoon. "Delete iiiiit~~" Injun whined but Suhoon would not give in. He was determined to keep the picture forever. It took a few minutes but Injun realized that fighting against Suhoon was futile. He was weak to begin with under Suhoon's gaze and it was hard for him to be in such close contact as they were now. 

Suhoon went over to the sink and Injun followed. They both washed their faces and got all the chocolate off their faces. Injun pulled out a towel and they both finished drying their faces. After that, Suhoon looked into Injun's eyes happily. He smiled because Injun really had cheered him up. He could care less about his ex-girlfriend because she had never made him as happy as Injun had in the hours after closing they had spent together. Suhoon unknowingly embraced Injun.

"Thank you for everything," he whispered into Injun's ear.

Injun's heart pounded against his chest and collided with Suhoon's own heart. Injun was fighting inside himself to get the courage to return the hug, but Suhoon pulled away before he could do it. 

"Anytime hung," Injun whispered, so soft that no one was meant to hear it. And no one did.

Suhoon put on his jacket, waved goodbye and left, leaving the cafe colder than it was before. Injun shivered a little and made one more bowl of melted chocolate before he locked up the cafe for the night. He took the bowl with him to his house so he and Jihwan could share. He had too much to talk about with Jihwan.



A/N: And there's chapter 2 :D I'm writing the last chapter at the moment so it'll be up soon >< 

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Chapter 3: So fluffy and cute!
Chapter 3: Aaawww this story was soooooooo cute *________*
I didn't know about the Couples of DGNA, but I think, Injun and Mika are really cute together :)
Especially in your story. I couldn't stop smiling^^
zyixingsgrowl #3
Aww! That was soo cute! :D I loved it!
You've converted this girl to a Sujun shipper ^^
This is amazinggg <3
Galdy42 #5
Wonderful story! So glad to see the BOSS! Thank you for writing!
KYAaaaaa i'm so happy!!! A daeguknamah fic!!! Even if i kinda of ships injun with hyunmin or jay and mika with karam instead... but just the fact that you are writing their fic already got me squealing before even reading it... keep the good, the world needs more daeguknamah fics!!!
ParkHara #7
This was so cute ^^ Can't believe nobody commented yet! And your writing is good! Interesting plot, good grammar. Keep doing it! <3