Chapter 2

The DEVIL in Me.


Chapter 2


"I'm home." Irene announced as she stepped inside the inn. "Sunny?" She called the eldest as she walked towards her room. She opens the door only to sees it was empty. The bed is still neat and the lights are off. Irene guessed Sunny must be out somewhere. Weird, though. The eldest always tells her whenever she is away from home. Must be urgent business matters. Irene left to the comfort of her own room. She put her bag and books on the usual spot. She opens her drawer and sees all the empty potion bottles organized neatly inside. A sigh escapes through her lips.


The dark past has been making her life difficult. Sunny told her that one day, she will move on from it. But she never did. It still haunts her until this day. She cannot sleep without the nightmares attacking her. It felt real, at least to her. As if she was reliving the same event over and over again. She looks at her palms. The orange dusty lights are not as bright as before. She's losing her magic slowly due to the potion's effect. It would not be long until she will eventually lose her power.  


Her thoughts are interrupted when there is knocking on her window. She can sense who is the one behind the glass. She opens it and sees a huge, black-fur wolf staring at her. "You need clothes?" She chuckled. The wolf embarrassingly nods. Irene goes to grab a shirt and a pair of pants from her closet. She puts the clothes on her window pane before turning to her desk. Soon, Seulgi climbs inside; fully clothed with her usual dorky smile.


"Sorry, running here was faster than riding my bicycle." She spoke.


"Why are you here? I thought you’re going hunting with Tiffany and the pack." Irene felt curious.


"Well, that's the plan. But Amber told us that Tiffany is handling something. So, no hunting." Seulgi replied. She lays on the bed and stretches her body. Shape-shifting into her wolf form is still a painful process. Although now, she can handle the bone-breaking pain easily.


"Huh, Sunny's not here too. She's usually in her room at times like this. I wonder what happen." Irene wondered.


"Probably Legacies meeting." Seulgi guessed. "I'm hungry. Can you cook dinner for me?" She shamelessly asked. Well, Irene has been her friend ever since she was a child. The woman practically spent the last 20 years as her babysitter.


"You can't go hunting so you went here to eat?" Irene arched an eyebrow.


"Hey, a wolf got to eat. Besides, your food has always been the best. Trust me." Seulgi smiled. Of course, the wolf pup's cuteness made it hard for Irene to reject her request. "Fine." Irene giggles seeing Seulgi's expression brightening up even more.


Soon, the kitchen becomes busy as Irene cooks a hearty big-meal for the werewolf who patiently waits at the dining table. She even cooks extra for Sunny. She can eat when she gets home. As she is busying herself with frying the flour-coated spicy chicken, her mind wonders once again where exactly the eldest's current whereabouts. If there is indeed a Legacies meeting, something bad must have happened. She just wishes it's not.




"Demons?" Taeyeon's eyes widen in shock. "Are you sure?" She asked once more. Sunny nods to the question. "We thought it was a vampire. But, there's no scent other than the dead victim. There is also a mark on his neck. It looks like a Demon's bite." Tiffany explained what they have examined. The Legacy vampire leans back in disbelief. When the war ended, there were no Demons left in this world. They have wiped its entire existence.


For years, they live in peace in that small town, believing that there will be no more destructions and chaos. If it is true that those monstrous Demons resurface again, this means that there will another war ahead of them. "We have to tell the others then." Taeyeon said.


"Well, I said the same thing too. But Sunny thinks otherwise." Tiffany replied. Taeyeon looks at the warlock sitting opposite to her.


"The Council will need more than just speculations. The mark on the human's neck is a Demon bite. But, that’s not enough. You see, after a Demon devours a soul, the body usually rots quickly. This one look fresh." Sunny stated. Tiffany has no idea that a Demon's attack will cause that effect. She is a third generation Legacy. She is younger than Irene and she has never been included in the war since she was still a child when it happened. But it is different with the two Legacies sitting with her in the room. Both of them have experienced the gruesome war. So, they knew better than anyone.


"If it's not a Demon, what is it then?" Tiffany asked.


"That what scares me. I don't know if it’s even a Demon." Sunny sigh heavily. "I fear it would be something that we never have seen and face before. When I examined the body, I saw something that the rest of you don't." She shows her palm and green dusty light surfaces into the air. "I saw traces of dark magic. It was already weak but warlock eyes can still see it."


Taeyeon and Tiffany look at each other. Magical beings like fairies have pure magic. Warlocks or Sorcerers as they are called nowadays, are the only ones capable of possessing dark powers. The war happened because of that very reason.


Years ago, before Sunny became the leader of her kind in this town, her father; Lux was the ruler. He led his people alongside his most trusted ally, Beelze. Despite being close, they were different from each other. While Lux believes in peace and unity, Beelze believes that the existence of humans was the cause of the world's damnation. He sees human beings to be fragile, weak and useless. They are only worthy as slaves as its best. Yet, humans are the ones living freely while they are forced into hiding.


Beelze knew of a powerful sorcery that existed in ancient times. It was a magic ritual that can be used to create beings that will wipe out the entire human race. Demons. Of course, Beelze knew Lux will intervene if he ever tries to perform the dark ritual. He was also well-aware that the warlock was far stronger and he had many loyal followers willing to sacrifice themselves fighting in his name. Hence, he began to secretly seek his own followers within the clan and corrupted them with his ideology. He knew sooner or later; his doings will be exposed and Lux will definitely use all in his power to stop him.


When Lux discovered the truth, it was too late. Beelze had corrupted half of their people along those of other kinds. Their hatred towards humans were the only things needed to complete the Beelze's plan. The war began. Lux managed to get those who remained loyal to him to fight against Beelze. Other beings such as vampires and werewolves also joined, since many of their own kinds betrayed them by pledging alliance with Beelze. The war was gruesome. There were too many deaths yet no time to grief and rest. Not a second to feel any doubts and fear.


The Demons were creatures they newly faced on the battlefield. The monsters were nothing they have encountered. When it devours a soul, Demons became stronger and faster. More violent. It can heal; almost as if it were immortal. A pack of six werewolves can barely take down even one.


The only way to end the war was to kill the one who summoned the Demons. Lux faced Beelze and fought one another with all their strength. The battle started becoming one sided when Beelze was getting stronger from his dark powers. Lux believed that the only way to stop all this madness was by sacrificing his own life. Hence, he performed an incredibly strong spell; one that will imprison an immortal such as Beelze for eternity in the dark realm. Where none can ever reach him. As the bright light emerged from Lux's body, he fought off against Beelze's dark powers and held him tightly. His body became the vessel for the realm's portal. The light slowly disappeared along with the two. The Demons vanished. Beelze's pupil retreated. The war ended.


It has been years since they last saw a Demon. Sunny always suspected that Beelze's pupil will soon return to finish what he started. She was right. They came back and whatever they did, it seemed to invite danger to the peaceful town. It won't be long until the threat spreads throughout the country, thus the world next. What's scarier is that Sunny predicts that they have created something new. Far more terrifying and eviler.


"Gather your strongest pupil." Sunny spoke. "We'll scout the whole area and keep a close eye on anyone suspicious. If those witches did something, we'll catch them before they can kill. For now, it’s best to keep it between us. If the Council hears this, our own clans can be their main suspects." Taeyeon and Tiffany nodded.


"But first, we need to see someone. I doubt she'll welcome our visit."




Wendy sits silently at the bar as her eyes searches for any potential prey to feed on. Despite having her focus somewhere else, she can still senses someone is staring at her. "What do you want?" She asked without turning her head. The person chuckles at her question. "Sorry, I just wondered why you're sitting here for an hour now and not order anything." The woman spoke. Wendy looks at the bartender with long black-haired and pale skin.


"I don't drink." She simply said. Well vampires do not eat or drink. They only feed on human's blood. Which made Wendy feel that any fictional stories or movies where vampires supposedly can survive by drinking animal's blood is funny.


"Well, you haven't tasted any of my drinks yet." The woman claimed. Wendy scoffs. "There's nothing you can offer that I can drink anyways." She spoke. The bartender simply shook her head with a smile. She knows she cannot convince Wendy anymore. It's better to let her be. She goes back to wiping the glass in silence. Wendy looks at her.


"You're not human, aren't you?"


"You don't want any drinks. Now you're telling me I'm not a human." The bartender arched a brow.


"I know a human when I see one." Wendy further stated her reason. The woman once again turns her attention to her. She smiles as her irises turns into a dim-colored blue. "Your senses are better than expected, vampire." She puts the glass down and offers a handshake. "Eunbi, you?"


"Wendy." The vampire looks away and continues for her search. But that does not mean she has taken off her attention from Eunbi. "Why haven't I seen you before? Warlocks are the longest living residents in this town."


"I used to live here. But I moved away. Toxic family.” There was a momentary silence. “After years of moving to different places, I've decided to go back."




Eunbi takes a minute before answering. "This is my home." She simply replied. Wendy did not say a word back. Well, not when her eyes are set on the prey of the night. Before she leaves the bar, she puts a few bills on the counter. Eunbi sees it. She is about to return the money but Wendy have already disappeared from her sight. The bartender chuckles. "Interesting lil' cutie."




Seulgi fell asleep on the couch in the guest waiting "hall" after the meal. Irene simply lets her be. There is no guest in the inn anyways. Besides, Seulgi spent the last few months training with Tiffany. It's a rare opportunity for her to slack off at night like this. As the werewolf is peacefully enjoying in dreamland, Irene continues to read the book in her hands. She is enjoying her quiet time when suddenly, a drop of blood lands on the written page.


More blood starts dripping down, reddening the white, printed pages. Irene wipes the blood coming out of her nose and quickly left to the bathroom. She anxiously looks at herself in the mirror where she sees her nose is bleeding badly. She tries to wash it away but the bleeding never seems to stop.


She can see her eyes are shifting into the bright reddish-orangey color. "No, no, no…" She rushes to the showers and turns on the water; soaking her whole body. She did not even care if her clothes are getting drenched. She can see her palms are emitting orangey-golden light. She quickly submerges her hands into the pool of water at the bottom of the tub. "No, no, control yourself, control...yourself." Irene shut her eyes tightly in fear and anxiety.


Somewhere at the back of the pub, Wendy has just finished feeding. She lets the unconscious victim falls onto the ground. It would not be long until someone will come out to the back. She kneels down and holds the victim's head to wipe out his memories when suddenly blood starts dripping down from her nose. She blinks confusingly as she wipes the red blood with her thumb. "What the hell?" Wendy stood up, feeling more confused than ever. Vampires are basically the living dead. They do not get sick, no, let alone having a nose bleed. This is certainly very new to her. She did not know why, but she can feel her chest is burning up inside, as if it’s on fire.


"What's going on with me?"


To be continued.




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Chap 8 is posted!


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Chapter 9: Cant wait for the next chapter🙏🏻
Chapter 9: it's fantastic!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Thank you so much author for the updatee, I'm so excited for the next one aaaa wenrene slowburn? jkk
1703 streak #4
Chapter 9: Wow this is awesome! Guess the one who took them is demon's leader...
WluvsBaetokki #6
Chapter 8: What???? Who took them??? Is it Gandalf??? Dumbledore??? Merlin??? Whoooo????
Chapter 8: Who took them, I want to know more. This getting more interesting
cptncat #8
Chapter 8: i can vividly imagine their fight scene oh god😳 and the cliffhanger? interesting
no_face #9
Chapter 8: The cliffhanger... waaaah im dying to know what happens next
Chapter 8: WHAT 😲 the cliffhanger though arghhh