Let me be Annoying: Him

2005 E-mail

"So... Hyung" Ugh... Not again... I hold the urge to roll my eyes because at this point Taemin not only had tried the nerves of Director Kisun he managed to get on all of us nerves. 

For a strange reason Taemin has tried his not so very best (I know him, it could be worse) to annoy Director Kisun, however I was impressed by the level of patience Director has, been me I would have already snapped... 

I bet this would be a memorable company breakfast for some and probably the first and last one for Director Kisun.

At the breakfast Taemin had been touching the, what I would think "nerves" of age, singleness, thoughts of marriage, work and money, and for every answer Director Kisun gave, Taemin retorts as if Director had said something wrong. 

To my dismay I was seated a couple of seats afar from Taemin (far away enough to whisper in his ear to settle it down) so I was only an observer for the weird and awkward display. 

This company breakfasts are held five times a year. The hours we don't work are still paid as for the food. Being honest, I never had a bad expirience, the restaurants were pretty nice and the food decent, nothing fancy and nothing to woo us.

For unknown reasons everyone opted to walk back to work instead of taking the subway as we always do. Good to say it was only a twenty minute walk that felt eternal to me. At one point someone even asked me if I was alright... Probably the face I had, between anxious and upset gave that I was feeling unwell or in need of a restroom. 

"How was your first "we are a team" Breakfast?" Taemin asks sarcastically. 

"It was a delight" Director Kisun is a good player and keeps the pace with Taemin, annoying him with his answers, showing the other he is not easy to defeat, surprising us with his wit and mischievous. 

"You really lack a life of your own?" Taemin clicks his tongue and I know by a fact that my eyes and mouth are wide open with utter shock "None of us would ever say that, the lack of it makes you look forward to this?" He says that with a menacing glare and the biggest smirk he can muster. 

"Taeminssi?!" I exclaim irritated and confused with his attitude "That was to much -" but before I can say something more Director speaks with a wide smile. 

"Well Taemin for the lack of life you have brought quite the entertainment! I have to say I'll be looking forward for more" Director Kisun says with a smirk, and without helping it I think he looks way too handsome.

"Okay okay... That's enough" Someone steps in just in time "How about we quick our steps the building is right in front and some of us needs to use the restroom"

"Wait look!" A coworker speaks signaling in front  "Does the other building also had a breakfast? Is way too crowded at the entrance!" 

"Do they?" I ask to no one in particular.

"Of course... But as far as I know their's are on different dates" Lead Director Choi and manager of the marketing department answers. 

The company has two establishments in Seoul, neighboring buildings, ours is all about marketing and the adjacent one is all about finances and accountancy. Building where certain someone who wakes me up at the middle of the night or keeps me daydreaming in the day works... 

"Let's see if someone can tell us what is going on" Someone speaks and we all follow. 

As we are almost at the entrance a man, clearly from the other building walks to us "We can't get in, the electricity went off" he says with a stern face. 

"What?!" Lead Director exclaims.

"They told us to wait until it's fixed, it'll take 20 minutes or so"

Lead Director Choi sighs "Fine... I'll go and check" he says and hurries to the building.

"Is this the reason all of you are out?" A young coworker asks.

"Yeah" The man answers. 

I can't help but sigh in frustration, with all honesty I'm not looking forward to work but staying outside in the cold winter and hot sun doesn't sound so great. 

"Don't you want to go back to perfect Japan?" Taemin speaks again to Director Kisun, and before I hear an answer I walk away annoyed and pretty done with this strange fight or whatever it is. 

I walk as far away as possible right under a three to seek some shade of the blazing sun and some tranquility. Taemin and I will definitely have a long and extended talk later... What has gotten to him?!... I have never seen him like that. 

"Mr. Kim!" Someone yells and I turn around startled, coming almost face to face with him... The man I have fallen for. 

He is kneeling down caressing a cat with a soft smile, he then stands and bows. He is wearing a long blue velvet coat, underneath is a black pristine suit combined with a dark red tie and of course finished with polished shoes, nothing but perfection. 

It's him... The man that got into my heart without any permission, without any notice. 

"Mr. Kim! Let's go back!" The man that had shouted at him pats him in the back and they walk away. The strong back and confident steps get lost in the mass of office workers walking back to the other building. 

I stand there, frozen and dizzy, unable to think or move, with my heart beating as fast as it can and the butterflies hidden inside me fly out of my body and flutter around, I can see them following behind him and If I could I'll fly to him too. 

After that, the rest of the day I'm a lizard... 

I only recall someone grabbing me by the arm and walking me back to the office, and from then on I'm seated and doing who knows what. 

I believe the state I am is me being robbed, my heart has been robbed by the man that only had a face and now a name, or part of it, Mr. Kim, this perfect man had a name and for some reason all my feelings had gained life by themselves and physically became real, I can swear I saw the butterflies flying around, real butterflies, bathed in a soft yellow color, and I could almost swear I saw my heart leap out of me and safely hide itself on this perfect man's pocket. 

As I observe the terrible poster I'm working on I fall into the notion that I don't belong to myself anymore. I'm truly in love. I no longer hold a heart inside me instead there has been an exchange. A heart for a name and a face. 
























It says low in calories. 
It says low in carbs.  
But they always forget about the saturated fats. 
Those are never low. 
Those are food chains favorite. 
Let's all eat vegan oreos... 




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2030 streak #1
Chapter 6: That was Madonna's album on his desk? Just confirming... Also, she's memorizing his name wrong. I can't stop laughing at it. I think after your last comment reply, I'm starting to get the hang of it. Just to clarify, so far we have seen only Taemin and Kibum right? I mean the others haven't made any appearance yet right? Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #2
Chapter 4: Although I'm not exactly sure what's happening here, I liked Taemin's replies to her especially the "to Neverland or back to the future" part. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2030 streak #3
Chapter 3: Hello there, I came across your story while searching for something interesting to read. I just read the first chapter and gotta say it's intriguing. But before I continued further, I just wanna clear some things. Firstly, this is an idol x OC fics right? I mean not a boyxboy pairing, is it? Also, hope you wouldn't mind if I read one chapter at a time and left a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^
Taeminahhh #4
Chapter 13: I can't believe how annoying Taemin can be.
Taeminahhh #5
Chapter 11: Hahaha you're so funny. I agree with everything you say. I always start my diet in October. Good luck to me.
Taeminahhh #6
Chapter 10: Gosh hahaha. How many times must she get his name wrong. I love that Kibum still thinks she's cute.
Taeminahhh #7
Chapter 9: Hahaha! Love what you say about models. I think both Kibum and Taemin are making really good points. But at the end of the day we know it's all about making lots of money.
dawnsun #8
Chapter 11: Men think they know what women want. It was nice to get into Kibum"s head and Taemin's head to find out what they think we want. Looking forward to the next chapter.
dawnsun #9
Chapter 8: I share your convictions 🤣🤣🤣
dawnsun #10
Chapter 7: I haven't read this chapter yet but I just want to say I'm enjoying your story. I couldn't comment before because I had a problem with my phone. I'm so relieved I can now make comments.