Healthy foods are for the Rich

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Dear You :

It really has been a while since I have seen your face. How much I'm missing you can't be described. I have to be honest with you... Where are you? Where are you hiding?

When I see your face or think about you I feel like a completely different person, I feel as if I have become someone new. You make me feel happier, pure, prettier even, Why? I can only wonder. 

The last time I saw you I could get a glance at your coffee, the brand, it took me a while but I manged to find it, but I couldn't find my courage to go, was nowhere to be found. Could you believe I'm scared to go there and finally run into you or worse, bump into you? 

You should know I always pour my sorrows on anything sweet, and I constantly think if I'm eating my feelings or eating my tears...

On the other side of things that sound more merrier, I'm finally resisting the urge to buy cosmo or anything like that. That's great right?

You see I have move on to books, books about love, relationships, how to win your man (those are from the states and the sixties, pretty wild). I even got a book full of songs about love and their stories, honestly I shed a tear or two with that one. I'm waiting for my next pay so I can buy a book full of movies about love, I don't think this is an obsession, I'm just looking for answers, probably in those 250 movie list I'll find myself, I have only felt related to Bridget Jones and that's not good, I mean I usually feel awkward or pathetic when it comes to love so. 

Also, I need to tell you I tried the telepathic thingy and I'm not sure it worked, I guess I need to know you and see if it actually did. Meanwhile I have my drafts for any type of "contact" with you, this and maybe my dreams. 

This time I don't have to much to say, I keep eating anything sweet, I'll keep eating until I get sick and puke those sugary feelings out of my system, maybe the tears for you will get out. 

I'm not obsessed right?... 


P.S I'm still trying the telepathic connection, I might as well dedicate you "350 songs about love : Are you Romeo or Juliette?" That's the tittle of the book, but to answer that... Neither... I'm the pot of flowers next to Romeo's bed...


2P.S I might as well stop eating sweets if I want to fit in the dress my mom bought for me, or either she'll make me give her the money she "wasted" on me. 


3P.S Books are more expensive than magazines... This is how much I "love" you. 










Healthcare magazines sale us recipes in December and by January "Gym at home" or "How to loose those ugly 10 pounds"... Christmas parties are clearly over... 
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2031 streak #1
Chapter 6: That was Madonna's album on his desk? Just confirming... Also, she's memorizing his name wrong. I can't stop laughing at it. I think after your last comment reply, I'm starting to get the hang of it. Just to clarify, so far we have seen only Taemin and Kibum right? I mean the others haven't made any appearance yet right? Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2031 streak #2
Chapter 4: Although I'm not exactly sure what's happening here, I liked Taemin's replies to her especially the "to Neverland or back to the future" part. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2031 streak #3
Chapter 3: Hello there, I came across your story while searching for something interesting to read. I just read the first chapter and gotta say it's intriguing. But before I continued further, I just wanna clear some things. Firstly, this is an idol x OC fics right? I mean not a boyxboy pairing, is it? Also, hope you wouldn't mind if I read one chapter at a time and left a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^
Taeminahhh #4
Chapter 13: I can't believe how annoying Taemin can be.
Taeminahhh #5
Chapter 11: Hahaha you're so funny. I agree with everything you say. I always start my diet in October. Good luck to me.
Taeminahhh #6
Chapter 10: Gosh hahaha. How many times must she get his name wrong. I love that Kibum still thinks she's cute.
Taeminahhh #7
Chapter 9: Hahaha! Love what you say about models. I think both Kibum and Taemin are making really good points. But at the end of the day we know it's all about making lots of money.
dawnsun #8
Chapter 11: Men think they know what women want. It was nice to get into Kibum"s head and Taemin's head to find out what they think we want. Looking forward to the next chapter.
dawnsun #9
Chapter 8: I share your convictions 🤣🤣🤣
dawnsun #10
Chapter 7: I haven't read this chapter yet but I just want to say I'm enjoying your story. I couldn't comment before because I had a problem with my phone. I'm so relieved I can now make comments.