
I can cook!
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Hyukjae was checking the angle of the camera before hitting record and going to stand on the other side of the counter.


"Hi guys! I know you must be confused as to why I'm standing in my kitchen right now so let me give you a little context. I was peacefully live on twitch yesterday as I am almost every week, when I suddenly saw a very uncalled for comment. Someone said I 'looked like someone who can't cook'.. which is blatant defamation if you ask me. So I started calmly explaining that I in fact COULD cook but then to my surprise, the whole chat agreed that I couldn't cook. So that's why I'm here today. In this video I'm going to cook a meal for my boyfriend that I love very much and I'm going to prove to all of you that I am a great cook."


Hyukjae put on an apron, he explained what he planned on cooking and how he was going to proceed. Once he had all the ingredients ready, he started to cook.


He had to admit that he had picked a pretty easy meal to cook, he didn't need to further embarrass himself on the internet.


He somehow prepared the sauce with very little struggle, following the instructions on his phone as closely as he could. Once the sauce was done, he became a little too confident and decided to finish without the instructions on his phone.


He took a bowl out and put water inside. He added raw pasta and said he was going to heat it in the microwave for a few minutes.


The microwave did a sound to announce it was done and at the same time, Hyukjae heard keys on the door.


He let the bowl inside the microwave for now and turned around to lower the temperature of the hotplates, not wanting to burn anything.


He knew that he was about to need a little time to explain everything to his boyfriend who just got home.


"Hey babe, i'm home." Donghae said, walking to their kitchen.


He was surprised to see Hyukjae wearing an apron and looking at a pan with the camera on and recording on the other side of the kitchen island.


He stood behind the tripod and looked at him for a second, trying to understand what was happening.


"Umm love, what are you doing?"


"I'm cooking a meal for you"


"For me?! Well thanks babe but why? We both know you can't cook for the life of you." he said laughing softly at the last part.


"I know but I wanted to try something on my own since all I do is help you with the easiest of things when we cook. I thought it might be fun. And also, someone on my stream yesterday said that I looked like someone who can't cook. I thought about banning them from the chat after my 10 minute defense speech about how I CAN cook but I decided to just prove them I could."


Donghae walked to Hyukjae while he was explaining all of that. He was standing next to him when he stopped talking. Donghae took Hyukjae's chin in his hand, tilted it up a little and gave him a soft kiss.


"Hey you" he said smiling, letting go of his chin but hooking his arm around Hyukjae's waist now.


"Hi" Hyukjae answered, looking up at Donghae with a smile on his face.


"So, you decided to poison me to prove to your viewers that you could cook. I'm so happy to date you." he said sarcastically.


They both chuckled a little at that. Hyukjae turned around, stirring what was in the pan. He then walked to the microwave and took a bowl out of it.


"Am I ruining your video by standing there? Or can I stay and make sure you don't burn down our apartment ?"


"You can stay but don't help me too much, otherwise it defeats the purpose of the video. Also you don't mind appearing on the video right? You're like, standing in the middle of the frame right now."


"No I don't mind, just tell them I had a lazy day at my mom's and that's why I'm dressed like this."


He looked right at the camera then and said


"Next time I'll make sure to put on a fancy outfit for you so your viewe

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fun_aly #1
Chapter 1: This was super cute! I can imagine the two of them being this fluffy IRL.
1586 streak #2
Chapter 1: LOL Hyukjae. How does microwaving pasta instead of just boiling it properly before putting it in sauce "add texture" to it??? All that salt he was gonna put in too! 😭

Can only imagine what other dubious freestyle culinary choices he would have made if his boyfriend hadn't showed up to intervene a little for his own survival. Hyuk is all bold confidence and no real skill or desire to follow a recipe, a dangerous combo. But this time he had high luck (Donghae) so it turned out surprisingly better than it could have. Not sure if he really proved to anyone that "he can cook" - more like he can narrowly avoid disaster, with the right supervision. Haha.

Very cute. I always like aus where one of them is a streamer, making all the viewers thirdwheel lol. ♡
Chapter 1: Nice fluffy story! Tbh I was expecting something really dumb to happen. I was thinking the bowl of pasta was gonna explode in the microwave. lol