-12- To be begged

I’m not a hero.
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Action filled chapter so we're back to the YOU pov for abit ( intermission to tell you the mental struggle I went on trying to get material for this chapter, I decided to refresh myself on Spider-Man's fighting style by well... 100%ing the game...dlcs included. The first game. I started the series when I 100%ed the miles morales game and thought MinNing would make a cute miles and Ganke, then the Peter one went on sale and I started playing it like... 6 months ago? When I started getting INSANE amounts of writers block, quite evident from the lack of quality these past few chapters (I'm sorry.) so today, I've 100%ed black cat dlc, main game, hammerhead, and I'm 88% done with silver sables. I have a few crime here and there and I CRIED when doing the screwball chase. I mean, the game kept bugging out and her photobombs were slo moing when her character was still normal time and I'd just fail the challenge for starting the photobomb- and oh god I'm crying again...anyway, I'm really really stressed. And I'm sorry for the quality drop. It'll come back soon, hopefully. With the new Spider-Man 2 game 😃 until then, this story will take a niceeee little month break. For my sanity. Sorry for this rant I just needed an outlet, I'll let you- go back to reading... sorry for quality drop)


You find yourself groaning as the pair of hands on your left shoulder shakes you , it's way too early to be up and active, seriously. 


"Minjeong? It's 8...we have school, get up already-" The sound of Jimin's voice lulls you to sleep, although the contents of her sentence shoots every goosebump you have on your forearm upright.


"OH ! MY CLOTHES ARE AT HO-" NingNing smacks you in the head with her backback, grinning at the fact she got to do that for once. Listen, Aeri's clothes are nice and amazing, but you'd really rather not get into the first dating rumor of the school year.


" Got it for you, where's my praise hm?" She smirks and tilts her head up to the sky, leaving you to groan again, rolling your eyes to compliment it.


"Uhm, hello~" Sighing, you finally choose to give in.


"Thanks... Ning." She grins while you stand up, holding your eyes as a way to warm them up.


"Not exactly praise but~ I'm nice so I'll allow it." You shove both Jimin and Ning out of your room before turning around to remove your top, that was- until someone coughed out loud.


"I was- doing work- sorry, let me just..." Aeri hurriedly gathers up her things and folds her laptop fully before pushing past you and opening the door to slip out.


"Oh and- nice abs!" You groan again before hopping into the shower, washing your face, drying your hair, waxing it so it would stay, even if you end up putting the suit on, and then finally slipping into the flannel baggy pants and black hoodie, this time just a simple cursive writing in the front.


Once you're done putting on the perfume Aeri ended up lending to you, you walk out the room and grab the web shooters you left on the dining table, sliding them onto your wrists, they were disguised as thicker wristbands, really... they still do look weird, but no one really pays that much attention to you either way.


"Ready to go? My drivers already waiting downstairs actually." Right, rich kids. Damn-


" Y'know...I feel like we're forgetting something." Rina chips in from beside you, scratching her scalp while looking down at herself, checking for anything she forgot.


" Wallet, phone, earphones, bag, perfume, Minjeong, what am I forgetting?" You shake your head, doesn't...seem? Like theres anything.


Hopping in the backseat of the six seater, you buckle up and plug in one of your ears as you lean your head to the window to catch a few more minutes of rest, falling asleep.


"Theres nothing you can do now, seriously. Stop wasting your time, its not even human, why are you so concerned over it?" Your arms are constrained in chains as you kneel on the floor, the smell of metal rust wafting throughout the dungeon. Was it the bars rusting, or was it your blood? You couldn't tell the difference at this point.

" Shut up. You'd never understand, nor would you even try to, father." Your head floats up at the sound of a voice you'd numbingly missed, the voice of the woman you'd sworn your life to love, even now as her family locks you in this jail, torturing you.


" You will not speak to me that way. I am still your king." You see Karina's eyes fall into a glare at the older man whose hair was tinted with white, her eyes blazing with a burning passion of hatred.


" King? What type of king betrays their own country and sells it to another nation?" Your eyes land on her fists, gripped tightly almost as if she was strangling the old man in her mind.

" I DID IT FOR OUR FAMILY!" The old man turns to face his daughter, raising his voice at his own blood.


" YOU KILLED OUR CITIZENS, LEFT YOUR DAUGHTER TO FEND FOR HERSELF IN A FOREST FILLED WITH THE ENEMY, TOLD ME TO MARRY SOMEONE I WOULD NEVER LOVE. YOU DIDN'T DO IT FOR ANY DAMN ONE BUT YOURSELF!" Not backing down, Karina only steps towards him, neither of them willing to take a step back. Eye contact never broken.


" Suit yourself, play with your toy if you want to. End of the day, we will find a way to kill it. No matter what it takes" The king pushes past her, leaving her stumbling into the bars of the cell before walking out the wooden door. Gathering back her balance, Karina unlocks the cell and crouches infront of you.


"Minjeong, are you awake? I'm sorry...I can't do anything, end of the day I'm powerless, fragile, and cowardly. I'm no longer the snobby, strong, brave, and reckless princess you fell for... Tell me, why? When I told you to run away that day, why did you stay? Why couldn't you just- leave me behind, run to safety, to freedom, why did you let yourself be chained down this way... Hey, MinMin...doesn't it hurt? Aren't you hungry? Tell me, what can I do to help you?" Her hands travel from your chin, to your cheek, shoulder, and back down on her knee.


" Be happy, try your best to be." Her gloss filled eyes snap to yours, holding your face in her hands tightly, like a wave of pure desperation to hold on to light.


" Minjeong? You're awake?" You nod, but as your head raises back up, you fall unconscious yet again.

" Min, cmon~ we've arrivedd" Ning ning slaps your shoulder and you jolt up, one of those weird dreams again. Seriously, WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON!?!


Hopping off the car, you walk besides Ning as the four of you head for the physics class once again, wait.


" RINA!" She jumps, turning around to you with a surprised and scared expression.


" THAT'S WHAT WE FORGOT!" Her eyebrows slant before dropping into a line again, her jaw falls and her eyes meet yours and fear appears on both your faces.


" THE HOMEWORK! !" She screams and you scream too, looking towards your respective bestfriends for help


" Gurl I finished already, but are you sure you want to copy from me?" Ok no, that'd be suspicious.


" I have your medical note Minjeong, and Rina...You got kidnapped on live tv...?" Aeri hands you an envelop signed by her uncle before continuing to walk shaking her head in confusion towards the end of her sentence.


Once you take your seats, you immediately pass the note to the teacher before taking out the assignment and trying to speedrun it. 

-------A physics class later --------- [author has dyscalculia chem phys and math are the deaths of me]


"What's next again?" You look towards Ning and she looks down at her homescreen.


" Your favourite, english." You walk out of class before feeling the buzz travel through your head and step backwards, two kids run down the hall infront of you and you take a sigh of relief.


"Oh it's just kids...wait, kids?" You pause for abit before Aeri smacks your shoulder. Is there a grudge on my shoulder today?


" Those are the kids from the place Minjeong!" You blink, once, twice, and immediately sprint to the toilet and change out of your school clothes, placing them into a roof panel before swinging through the halls of SM high


"What the-"




" Why is he here-"




You zip launch off the wall before finally catching the first kid with a bob.

"Spiderman! Min-Minju, she's...SHE GOT TAKEN!" You tell the kid to cling onto your back before continuing zipping through the hallway for one of the twintowers.


You accidentally hit Alex in the shoulder and he falls to the ground, cursing under his breath. Lmao deserved, actually- I should find him later, see if his teeth are still gone. 


" AHN YUJIN! STOP RUNNING!" The kid on your back shouts, causing the twin tower, aka Yujin to stop in her tracks, you grab her under your arm before webbing one of the windows open and swinging both kids onto the roof. 

Placing Yujin down, the bob haired kid hops off too and both of them start rambling alot of information at once.


"OK! Slow down, Who, What, When, Where, How, Why. Now go." You point at the bob haired kid.


" Me, Kim Chaewon, I need you to save Kim Minju, got taken by those dudes that you got to take us away, yesterday night, at the Bae building, they handcuffed all of us, I don't know! I just need to find her!" She bursts out into tears and sends you into a panic, weren't the kids meant to be safe after Mrs Bae's.... 


Taking out your phone, you dial Rina and she pings up after two rings.


" One of the kids got taken, I need to go find her, can you tell me every building your parents have in New york??" Of course, the building itself was also a Bae facilitated orphanage, of course the workers would also be part of Rina's stepfathers people.


" I'll send you a list Minjeong, Rina is telling the teacher that you had a emergency and needed to leave, get into a call with us." The call picks up a dropped phone on the table before Ning replies to you as you pace back and forth on the rooftop, The two kids trying to stop each other from crying.


"You guys have school, and noted Ning." You unlock your phone and wait for the message, subconsciously thinking of how your attendance percentage will be horrendous by the end of the year. 


" Those kids became our responsibility when we chose to save them Min." With that, you hop onto a group call instead.


"Ok, so we can run by orphanages, malls, factories, animal centres, labs, the head quarters. Choose one." Ning whispers and you text her Just text me all of them, and let's just text instead of speaking so you don't get caught


Ok with that, you swi- wait. 


" Are yall able to get somewhere safe?" You look back to the two kids who were able to finally stop crying, you can't really take them with you.


"take us with you!" Right, of course they'd ask for that...


" I can't swing as fast with both of you on my back, and you want me to save Minju fast right?" The both of them nod before shaking their fist, Chaewon picks rock and Yujin picks scissors.


" I'll go, you'll need someone Minju can recognise." I mean, didn't we fight that day? What do you mean recognise???


With the kid climbing onto your back you contemplate if you should add seatbelts to your suit, probably a bad idea...


Zipping to a exhaust pipe,you launch off before diving off the front of the school, swinging at the last moment as Chaewon screams from behind you.




Passing by a drug deal, you swing backwards and land right between all of them before throwing a web bomb on the closest guy, then a electric web right after, leaving you to kick them unconscious quickly right after that.


Restarting your momentum, you pull yourself out of the alleyway in one go before continuing to swing past buildings and people along with cars, zipping onto and off street lights whenever you lose momentum.


Finally reaching the first orphanage, you open the front doors and walk in, a few workers tu

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*pushes glasses* …so what if I just wanted to flesh out 2kims relationship-


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Chapter 20: so much going on 😶‍🌫️
chloe_kim #2
Chapter 19: pls pls pls continue 🙏
Ashyasfuc #3
continue pls 😭
narutoaespaa #4
Chapter 19: please continue 😭
Addlyka #5
Chapter 19: please continue...
21pops #6
Chapter 19: Please continue 😭
Chapter 19: please continue 🥹
163 streak #8
Chapter 19: I think there’s nothing wrong with writing, we have always separated characters from idols, ofc we use their names but we know that’s not who they are in real life, tat’s the beauty of fiction we let out imagination and creativity take over. If you decide to no longer continue because you feel uncomfortable then we’ll respect your decision. If you decide to take a break we’ll respect that too, do what you need to do. Just know you’re not alone, we’re all together.

I’m just a reader but I relate to what you’re feeling, I might have to take a break from Winrina stories while I process this whole thing. All we can do is support our Jimin during this time.
shakieee312 #9
Chapter 19: I totally understand how you feel about the situation and its okay to take a break if you think it will affect of how you’ll write the story. But personally speaking, i think there’s nothing wrong in continuing to write the story but if you can’t do it now don’t force yourself. We are very much intrigued about the story and how it will end so I do hope we get to see its ending but take your time :) thank you for asking our opinion about this too
Chapter 17: 😭 chaewon just kept making it worse at the end