Part one

When dreams become reality
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“Dear diary,” 


Seulgi’s fingers moved swiftly across the blank page of the notebook. 


“Today I met her again. She looked as beautiful as always. The way her eyes shined when she was happy. How her lips curled into a shining smile.


She is perfect in every way!


Today she” the  rest Seulgi couldn’t finish as someone knocked on her bedroom’s door. 


Her fingers shook from the unexpected sound that she drew a long line across the whole page. 


“Damn it,” Seulgi cursed. Now her diary was ruined! 


“I heard that!” A voice came from the other side of the door. Seulgi recognised that voice. It was Sooyoung, her best and only friend.


“Come in!” Seulgi invited the girl in. “It wasn’t meant for you.”


“That’s a relief.” Sooyoung sighed.


“Or maybe it was. After all it was because of you I ruined my diary!” 


“You mean your Bae Joohyun’s appreciation book? “ Sooyoung laughed as a pillow flew to her side. She had no problem catching it.


“You know I am speaking the truth.” Sooyoung friend. 


Seulgi just sighed. Sooyoung could be such a tease and prankster but she loved that girl to the moon and back.


“Show me your diary, I am sure it can be fixed.” Sooyoung reached out for the diary which was left at the desk.


Seulgi knew that there was no reason to try to stop her. Sooyoung always did what she wanted.


“Oh my God, look at that one line, so horrible!“Sooyoung faked a gasp.


There was no denying that Sooyoung knew how to cheer Seulgi up.


“You know me. I am a perfectionist.” Seulgi explained. 


Meanwhile Sooyoung just shook her head. “I know, I know.” 


A moment of silence took over as both girls were contemplating what to say.


“So, what are you going to do about it?” Sooyoung was the first one to break the silence. It wasn’t an awkward one but the girls preferred to fill it up with talking.


Seulgi plopped on her bed.” Probably get a new one.”


“That’s a shame,” Sooyoung said. “This one is so pretty.”


“Yes but that one line irritates me so much!”


“Okay, okay.” Sooyoung laughed. “Do you know what else you could do?”


Seulgi nodded her head in a way to tell her to keep going.


“Confess to Joohyun!” 


If there was water in Seulgi’s mouth she would have spat it out.


Confessing to her long time crush? No way!


They were just too different. Seulgi was a shy  nerd who preferred to stick her nose in a good book. Or write a book in that manner. That’s why she was writing a diary- to sharpen her writing skills.


Joohyun was complete opposite. She was outgoing, liked to sing and had huge dreams to become the world’s best singer. 


One was silent and an overthinker. Other lived their life by the motto you only live once. 


Being a writer was completely different than being a singer.


Their worlds clashed.


There was simply no way Joohyun would ever love Seulgi.


“You are crazy,” Seulgi pointed out. 


“But you still love me,” Sooyoung showed her tongue to Seulgi.


Girls could talk for hours about anything and everything. Unfortunately Sooyoung had to go to the theater..  


Despite being best friends they had different interests. Seulgi took language and writing classes, Sooyoung had a passion for acting.


An unusual incident brought them together. 


Sooyoung needed to write a motivational letter to get accepted in her theater. So she went to look for the top writer of the class- Son Wendy. 


Wendy had a request- to get the secret manuscript that Seulgi was writing. 


It was well known that Seulgi and Wendy were fighting for the best story writer title  at the university. Right now Wendy had the title but Seulgi could snatch it if her manuscript turned out really good.


Long story short, Seulgi and Sooyoung ended up bonding with each other and becoming best friends.



“Damn it!” Seulgi cursed for the second time that day as she looked at the ‘closed’ sign. 


How was she supposed to get a new diary? 


She was ready to go home when someone tapped her shoulder, causing the poor girl to jump up and accidentally hit the girl next to her. 


“I am so sorry!” Seulgi reached to the girl’s side but she swatted her hand away. 


“It’s okay. Are you looking for a notebook?” The girl asked.


Seulgi’s mouth fell open. “How did you know?”


The girl laughed. “You are at the front of a notebook shop, silly!”


Her laugh was contagious that Seulgi laughed back. 


“I  have a notebook that will make your dreams come true!” The girl’s look turned serious out of the blue. “Just one thing, don’t let it blur the lines between your dreams and reality.”


Hmm, taking things from strangers could end badly. On the other hand, it was just a notebook. What harm could one notebook do? 


“I’ll take it.” 


It looked like stones had fallen from the girl’s shoulders. She looked so… relieved. Like she had gotten free from a big burden. 


The notebook felt weirdly heavy in Seulgi’s hands. It was a black and white notebook with “Dreambook” written in the middle with bold letters. 


It looked fancier than the previous notebook, that was for sure. 


Seulgi turned to thank the girl when she realized that she didn’t know the girl’s name. The girl was quite far away already.


“What’s your name?” She shouted to the disappearing silhouette .


The silhouette turned around. They were too far away to make out the girl’s features but to Seulgi it looked like she was smiling.


“Hanni. My name is Jung Hanni.” With that she disappeared completely.



Thirty minutes had passed but Seulgi couldn’t decide what to do.


The notebook was closed and on the table. 


Something didn’t feel right. Why would Hanni give her notebook to a total stranger? 


No, no. It is just a notebook, not something demonic. 


She didn’t have to pay any money as well.


What could be better than a beautiful notebook for completely free?


A smile bloomed on Seulgi’s lips. “New diary, here I come!”


With fast moves Seulgi opened the notebook and got a small surprise.


The first few pages were rules. 


Rules. For a notebook. 


It was so ridiculous that Seulgi started laughing.


Might as well read them, she thought to herself.


The first rule was quite long.


“Rule 1. Anything that is written  in this notebook  will come true.” 


That sounds interesting, Seulgi admitted. She continued to read.


“Write the full details of the event, if no details are provided then they  will be added randomly. 


The details must be provided in fifteen minutes or less.


If someone else owns another notebook and the events clash, then  the one who has had the notebook the longest will make their event come true.”


“ Rule 2.  The events written in the notebook can’t be changed, unless the notebook is given up. 


Rule 3. If the notebook is given up, then the owner will die unless they receive a true love kiss. It has to be real love that wasn’t influenced by the notebook.”


That’s it! That will be the plot of her next book!


A mysterious notebook that makes dreams come true but with a twist. 


But first she had to finish her current book.


Rumors circulated that the new book Seulgi was writing would outshine Son Wendy’s works.


Wendy was known for her enormous talent in story writing. No one could beat her intriguing plot and relatable characters.


That was until Seulgi appeared.


They have been rivals since high school. Their rivalry only grew bigger when they started to attend the same university.


It was unsure who had started the rumors and why but her work in progress wasn’t anything remarkable. The only difference from her previous works was that she put her whole heart and soul into writing it.


Seulgi kept the plot simple. The story was about two girls who bonded over strawberries. The delicious berries were a symbol of their love, which grew like strawberries. 


It had a twist. One of the girls was a ghost who had made a wish to be with her lover forever. They used to be lovers in their past lives. So now the ghost girl lingers around her past lover. 


But the past lover remembers everything. Boom! Another plot twist.


It would be a lie that the story’s main characters weren’t Seulgi herself and Joohyun.


Speaking about writing, Seulgi realized that she should practice typing somewhere else before working on the actual book. 


Or maybe, just maybe she wanted to see if the notebook can actually grant wishes.


It was a stupid thought but the inner child in Seulgi wanted to try it out. What if it really works?


That’s how Seulgi found herself laying in the bed on her back with legs crossed against the wall.


“Oh, dear. What should I write?” Seulgi was confused. There were too many things she wanted to write but at first she had to stick with something basic but unusual so it wouldn’t be just a coincidence. You know, if it actually were to come true. 


Seulgi felt like such a naive child who still believed in santa. But her inner child was basically screaming for her to try it. Inner child was important for Seulgi, that is where she got the creativity to write. She should  add him as a co-author of her book.


It was like a lightbulb suddenly appeared over Seulgi’s head.


She could write the scenes from her book in the notebook! 


She didn’t intend to write much, just the beginning. 


“Here it goes, moment of truth.” Seulgi took her favorite yellow pen and started to write, surprisingly it went smoothly as the words basically poured out. The events unfolded clearly.


“Kang Seulgi was lying in her bed and listening to her favorite song when she heard a knock on her door, so faint she barely heard it. “


In the rules there wasn’t any mention on what tense Seulgi should write so she chose past tense.


“Excited, she came to answer the door and was pleasantly surprised to see a young girl standing there. She looked like she had come out of a dream. Her jet black hair was styled in a messy bun. The white dress made her look like a princess. She was so beautiful that Seulgi’s breath got taken away. 


“I am Bae Joohyun. Your former school mate.” That’s why Seulgi felt that the girl was familiar! 


“I brought strawberries,” Joohyun gave her best smile. “Let’s eat!”


‘That is enough.’ Seulgi thought to herself. Now all she had to do was wait. 


Ten minutes passed but nothing happened. Thirty minutes later and still nothing.


“I knew it!” The young girl sighed.


Maybe she had done something wrong, for example, had written the text too poetically. Or maybe it was all a big joke.


And Seulgi was the fool who fell for it.


Feeling a little angry at herself, Seulgi dropped on her bed and turned her favorite song on. Girls Generation’s songs helped Seulgi to relax and forget about any worries. 


Out of the blue she heard it. 


Faint knocks. 


The young girl’s heart started beating faster.


 ‘ Why am I worried? It is probably just Sooyoung.’ She thought.


With shaky hands Seulgi opened the door. Her heart dropped to the gr

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
update please 🥺
shinchan222 #2
Chapter 1: Intresting!! I'm hooked. Just hoping for a happy ending<3