You Have Got To Be Kitten Me

You Have Got To Be Kitten Me
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Taemin was startled awake by a loud crashing noise from outside of his window. Who the hell is making noise outside at this time of the morning?! The clock on his dresser alerted him to the fact it was nearing 3am. The small male groaned as he dragged himself out of bed and over to the window to investigate where exactly the noise was coming from. As he looked out, he noticed a figure, planted firmly on his grass with his cat sat down as the stranger rubbed at her back. What the hell? 

The now grumpy male quickly threw on a sweater and some shoes to go with his pyjama pants and t-shirt before he made his way downstairs. He unlocked his front door and stepped out into the cold air, slowly approaching the male on his lawn. 

‘Excuse me, what are you doing on my lawn with my cat?’ Taemin asked as he looked down at the figure who he could now see was also male from the glow of the street lamps. 

‘Mm s-sorry! cats are j-just so great! Yours is s-so cuute!’ The male slurred before he let out a giggle as he continued to rub at the fluffy cat who mewed happily’s back. 

Taemin bent down so he was now eye level with the male who he swears he had never seen before in his life and let out a gentle sigh as he spoke to him again. 

‘It’s like 3am. Shouldn’t you be at home?’ 

‘I w-was going home! I swear! I j-just wanted to pet y-your ca-‘ The stranger had projectile vomited in the middle of his sentence, it going all over Taemin’s knitted sweater. 

‘Oh well that’s just ing great.’ The brunette groaned as he stood up again, looking down at his vomit covered clothes. 

‘Mm s-sorry!’ 

‘Look, you’d better come inside and get cleaned up. You shouldn’t be outside in this state.’ Taemin sighed as he helped the stranger up off the grass and carried him inside of his house carefully. Was it a dumb idea to let some random guy into his house? Absolutely. but his conscience wouldn’t allow him to leave the man outside like this either. 

He led the man to his sofa where he put him down gently and instructed him to stay there while he got some water and a towel to clean him off. Taemin threw off his own sweater and tossed it into the machine on the way to the kitchen. His cat Kkoong who had been the cause of the commotion was following after him quite happily as though nothing had happened and this wasn’t technically her fault. 

‘Okay here drink this it should-‘ The male had fallen asleep on Taemin’s couch. He shook his head and decided to leave the water on the coffee table, going back to bed again. That cat flap needed to go. He hated the idea of Kkoong being outside on her own at night despite the fact she is a cat and will most probably be fine out there. 

Was going back to bed with a stranger asleep on your couch a safe idea? Probably not. But what else could he do? What even was this guys name? Taemin made a mental note to find out as he crawled back into bed again. The brunette settled himself into the sheets and lay there, eyes fixed on the ceiling. How could

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Chapter 1: this is the cutest please i loved it so much~~ we need more 2min kkoongdaeng au in this society ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Shinee2020 #2
Chapter 1: Cute! ;) X
Beau1996 1375 streak #3
Chapter 1: Kkong the matchmaker!