New Experiences

Carnal Christmas

The first room was filled with candles and grunts. Aimlessly, Minho looked around the room. It was hard to focus since Jinki had grabbed his hand. His hand was warm and dry, and felt very protective, like Jinki was keeping him safe from being harassed.

Though if other guys looked at them, they would probably assume that Minho was the dom, tall, manly, and that Jinki was his gentle sub. He certainly looked sweet enough. A part of him felt like a fraud, like he should be honest and explain to everyone that they didn't have a dom-sub relationship. But another part of him wanted to pretend. A small part of him (or maybe not so small) wanted everyone to think that Jinki was his sub. He wasn't sure why, but the thought gave him a warm buzz, a strange sense of pride, and possessiveness. So Minho wanted to pretend. Besides, it was quite possible that the night might end exactly like that, Jinki tied down underneath him. He swallowed.

A loud scream ripped Minho from his thoughts, and he suddenly became aware of his surroundings. They were standing among a small crowd, in front of a bed, where a petite guy was lying , fastened with black fluffy handcuffs, quite loosely. By his side was another guy, bigger, in leather pants and nothing else, apart from a big nose ring with a chain in it. The nose-ring guy was holding a big ancient looking candle stick, and letting drops of candle wax fall down on the screamer. His chest was covered in candle wax, small red drops spread all over, a couple of bigger splashes that had managed to smear out a little before hardening.

“Do you like it?” Jinki whispered into Minho's ear.
Like it? He wasn't completely sure what there was to like.
“Is it turning you on?” He pressed when he didn't get an answer to his first question.

Slowly, Minho shook his head. It all felt a bit ridiculous, like something from a low-budget horror movie, and the excessive high pitched screaming was almost giving him a headache.

Almost immediately, Jinki pulled him out of the room and into the next one. But they only stayed for a few seconds before Jinki pulled him out again. Minho wanted to tell him that he didn't mind staying in either room if it was something that Jinki liked, but he was a bit distracted by a man who was hanging from the ceiling.

The third room was already hot and heavy, a guy lying on his back with his legs spread and tied to the head of the bed. His hands seemed to be free, but it wasn't easy for him to move. Three guys were standing around him, while the fourth was ing him, and something stirred below Minho's waist.

“This...” Jinki's voice was soft, gentle. “This you like.”

It wasn't a question, but Minho still nodded, once. He was getting . Maybe he was just a very simple guy. Seeing turned him on. es going into holes, as simple as that. He didn't need any of the theatrics and props, he was just a straightforward guy, perhaps a bit too boring for a man like Jinki. He pushed the thought away, and focused on the men in front of them.

It was easy to picture that instead of this random guy, it was Jinki lying on the bed, being ed by some strangers. Right now, they were wearing condoms, but in Minho's version they wouldn't be. They would be ing into Jinki's and getting covered with each other's juices, until they came, one after the other, filling him up completely.

Minho's black jeans started to feel even tighter, especially in front, his growing pushing uncomfortably against the fabric. He tried to adjust himself inconspicuously, but from the corner of his eyes he could see Jinki's gaze following his hand and where it went, lingering on his bulge for a moment before his attention moved back to the happening in front of them.

Two of the men lifted the short guy's legs even further up, and then another hit his bottom with a large wooden paddle. The sound was loud in the room, and the poor guy immediately yelled.
“No, stop. I promise I'll be good.”
The tall guy didn't listen, but spanked him again, this time even louder, making him whine.

The petite guy begged for mercy, and eventually the guy dropped the paddle and started ing him again, this time faster. It didn't even last a minute before both of them came, the small guy soiling his own chest with his .

The room was dead silent, apart from the two guys breathing loudly.
“Now that was hot.” Jinki whispered.
Minho nodded briefly, while slowly letting out a breath that he didn't know he was holding. Even if he had tried to deny it, his bulge would have exposed the truth.

Jinki pulled him to the next room where a guy was spread out like a starfish, tied up, while someone was tickling his with a blue feather. That honestly looked more like torture than fun, especially now, when Minho was fully hard, and starting to loose patience with just watching. In another corner of the same room, another guy was on all fours, being whipped a couple of times, and then his dom chose someone from the audience to him.

It was all very nice, very hot, but Minho was starting to feel too frustrated to enjoy it. Originally, he had envisioned them spending hours to warm up, but now his was throbbing and he just wanted to get off.
“Maybe...” he started hesitantly.
Instantly Jinki's face turned to him, looking at him intensely.

Clearing his throat, Minho gained more confidence, Jinki was obviously very , for sure he would agree to just about anything right now (and if it involved off Minho's that would be even better).
“Maybe... we can try out... some of... this stuff now.”
“Like ?” Jinki asked in what seemed like a calm tone on the surface, but Minho could feel the tension underneath, feel how much he wanted this to happen.
“Mmh.” He answered simply, really wanting the release as soon as possible.
Jinki's prominent Adam's apple moved down, he was swallowing. After a few seconds of silence he looked him directly in the eyes, and very slowly asked:
“Do you want me to tie you up? Or do you want to tie me up?”

The question caught Minho off guard. He hadn't even considered the option of being tied up himself. He was no . Out of the two of them, he was clearly the more manly one. It wasn't an arrogance thing, it was just an objective fact. Nobody would expect Minho to be the submissive one.

But there was some sort of defiance in the way Jinki looked at him, his slightly narrowed eyes made more intense by the eyeliner. It almost felt like he was daring him, questioning if he had the courage to agree to it. Whether he was man enough. Minho felt his competitive side wake up, a heat he couldn't fight, and heard himself say:
“You... to... tie me up.”
Probably he should have regretted saying that, but there was a glint in Jinki's eyes that made his stomach warm.

Slowly, Jinki his thick lower lip, and asked gently:
“Are you sure?”

Although Minho knew that Jinki wouldn't hold it against him if he backed out, he kind of had the feeling he would be disappointed if he did. Besides, Minho was not the type to back away from a challenge. “Yes.”
“And you would be ok with me...” He cleared his throat. “...topping you.”
“Yes.” He answered because he didn't want to be a wuss.
“You have never been topped before, right?”
“Have you ever...” He cleared his throat again. “When you e, have you ever used stimulation?”

Minho shook his head slowly. The thought had never even crossed his mind. It was strange feeling inadequate for the very normal fact that he had not ed himself in the (why would he?). But if Jinki was disappointed in him, he didn't show any signs that he was.

Instead he hesitated for a while.
“Are you Ok with me acting like your dom?”
“Yes.” He said, glad to finally be able to answer positively.
“Do you... Can I allow other guys to touch you... with their fingers?”
“...Yes.” There was no way he was going to back out now. Obviously this wasn't a competition, but somehow it felt like one, and Minho did not like losing. Even though he was not very experienced in these things, he was going to show Jinki that he was just as good and those stupid twinks he seemed to like so much. He started to sweat a little, expecting Jinki to escalate and allow everyone there to him, which seemed like a lot, but Minho had his pride, he couldn't chicken out now.

Very slightly, Jinki tilted his head, looking at him, and then simply said: “Okay.”
He took his hand, and led him out of the room.

They entered another room, smaller, almost empty, apart from a couple of guys who were getting dressed, probably just having finished.

Jinki paid them no attention but turned to Minho and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. It was quick but still made him feel all tingly.
“I'm going to take real good care of you.” He said while keeping his hands on Minho's hips.
He just nodded, but it felt strange. He wasn't used to being taken care of, and it felt a bit unnatural. He was the man, a natural leader, so this felt weird. But at the same time he was just very, very .
“It will feel good, I promise.” Jinki said, while pulling at the hem of his fishnet tanktop, lifting it up.
Automatically, Minho raised his hands, and allowed himself to be undressed.
Jinki moved to his pants, ing them, reaching into his pocket for a before letting them drop. Very awkwardly, Minho removed his shoes, socks, then the very tight black jeans, and tight black boxers.

He had never been shy about his body - years of doing sports and showering with other men probably helped there - and he wasn't shy now. But he was very aware of how Jinki looked at him, his intense gaze making him hot.
“God, you're perfect.” Jinki muttered quietly to himself, then sharply looked up, adding almost accusingly: 
“Too perfect.”
Minho got the strange urge to apologize, but that felt awkward, since this was technically a compliment. But it didn't really feel like one, more like Jinki was mad at him, though he had no idea why.

Getting a thick rope, Jinki started tying his wrists together.
“If it gets too much, just say 'stop', and I will.” His voice was soft again, gentle, but with a hint of impatience to it. “Don't think it's a big deal, because it's not. People stop midway all the time, and we can just do something else instead, something both of us will enjoy, okay?”
Mouth suddenly dry, Minho nodded.

The rope tightened around his wrists, more than he had expected. A sweet guy like Jinki, he would have expected him to tie the rope loosely, so that he could easily slip away. Without consciously thinking about it, he had assumed the rope to be more performative rather than functional. He was wrong. Even though it already felt tight, Jinki tightened it even more, the rope digging into his wrists, creating a soft burning sensation.

Before he had gotten used to the feeling, Jinki took the long end of the rope and circled it around Minho's thighs. Very skillfully, he made some sort of a knot, pulling at the loose end, forcing the thighs together, and eventually fastening it firmly, right above Minho's knees. He felt strange, tied on his wrists and thighs, with one long rope so everything was connected. Apart from the slight burning of the rope dipping into skin, he didn't feel so restricted. He could stand up normally, and was not tied to any bed like the guys he saw before.

That was until Jinki grabbed his upper arm, dragging him, forcing him to walk a few steps. Technically he could walk, but he couldn't move his thighs, so his steps were short, and awkward. He did not feel or look cool, walking like an idiot, and that made him self-conscious. Especially since now there were three guys watching him. A master and his sub, who he had on a leash like a pet, and then a very big single guy, all clad in leather.

Minho's attention was pulled back, when Jinki cupped his , just holding it, without moving. Then he reached up on his toes and whispered in his ear, so only Minho could hear:
“Next time... we'll tie up this guy too.”
Minho's heartbeat doubled in speed. Tie up his ? How? No matter how it was done, that sounded very uncomfortable. But even so it made his throb. Or maybe that was just Jinki's touch. But more importantly: Next time? There was going to be a next time.

Jinki let go, and helped Minho get on the bed. It was surprisingly hard, even though the bed was low, since he couldn't move his knees freely, but eventually he managed to get his knees up on the red, round velvet bed in the middle of the room. It was awkward, and Minho was not used to having troubles making his body move like he wanted it to. It got worse when Jinki grabbed the back of his neck, pressuring him to bend over. Minho did, but realized too late how much the rope was restricting his movements. His wrists were connected with a rope to his thighs, so he couldn't move them far away, so his hand ended under his chest. That was as high as he could pull them. This was not a comfortable position, not at all, but maybe that was the point. At least he was glad he was in excellent physical shape, allowing him to somewhat keep good balance.

“Ssh, relax.” Jinki ran his fingers through Minho's hair, and then gently, but firmly pushed down on his head, until his cheek hit the velvet fabric covering the mattress.
Jinki let out a long, satisfied breath, while gently through his hair.
“You're very beautiful.” He muttered. But Minho wasn't sure if he was talking about him or the rope. Probably both.
But then Jinki bent down and whispered into his ear. “You are doing really well. Master is proud of you.”
The words created a mixture of feelings inside his chest. It felt condescending, being talked to like that, but he could still sense that Jinki meant well, and it did feel good to hear that he was doing okay.

But all that stopped to matter, when a wet hand went under his torso, grabbed his and balls, smearing it with lube before letting go. His had softened slightly during the awkward walk, but very quickly became fully hard again. He started regretting agreeing to this weirdness. If instead he had asked to tie Jinki down he would be balls deep in his warm right now and it would feel so incredibly satisfying.

Minho grunted a little at the thought, but then realized that he shouldn't be so selfish. Jinki had done so much for him already, showed him an entire new world, given his body up for him, for his pleasure. So it was only fair that he would do the same. Probably it would feel a little weird, but he had a feeling that if he allowed Jinki to do this to him, he would award him afterwards, with a perhaps. Minho could just picture it, being tied up and defenseless while Jinki with his mouth, while everyone was watching, while everyone would be jealous of him. The thought made him quiver. So doing this one thing first was not such a big price to pay. Besides, he didn't want Jinki to think he was a prude (even though he kind of was, at least according to the standards of this place). Minho could take and take without giving anything in return. Jinki would get tired of him and go back to his twinks. Minho couldn't have that. He needed to show him that he was just as good as these guys. Better.

His thoughts were wiped away, by something cold, in between his buttocks. Startled, he wasn't prepared to be touched there, which was stupid, because that was the whole point. He started to feel very aware of his position, up in the air while his face was plastered to the mattress, and it kind of felt humiliating, making him blush, which was very not characteristic for him.

With two fingers, Jinki smeared lube along his asscrack, making it slick and wet, then he focused on his rim, rubbing it gently. It tickled a little bit, made him tingly in a weird way. But Minho didn't necessarily hate it.

A finger prodded lightly inside him, but then was pulled out again.
“Relax.” Jinki said simply, in a very direct manner.
Only a few seconds later, a finger was pushed into him, deeper this time, and Minho automatically clenched around it.

The finger was pulled out again, and then Jinki slapped him on his right buttock, sharply, to the point that it burned.
“Relax.” He repeated, his voice now more impatient, almost demanding.

A bit shocked at the unexpected slap (and how hard it was), Minho didn't want to disappoint him again so he did his best to relax all of his muscles, as much as he could, given his awkward position.

A moment later, two wet fingers started playing at his rim again, rubbing it gently, tracing circles around it. The urge to clench was overwhelming, but Minho resisted it, and relaxed his . Then a finger was pushed into him gently, all the way, a very long finger, or at least it felt long. Minho's breathing hitched a little, but he stayed relaxed.

This felt strange, weird, and he couldn't imagine how it would feel to have a there instead of a finger. A hard . Was Jinki big? Honestly, he didn't remember. Last time Minho had been a bit drunk, and hyper focused on Jinki's so everything else was a bit of a blur. But right now Minho hoped he wasn't too big.

The finger moved around inside him, which made the feeling even stranger since Minho could feel everything that it did. The finger curled up slightly, and started rubbing one spot inside him. It tingled at first, but then it started to feel better, a lot better. He had no idea how Jinki knew to rub him there, but it was definitely the right spot. The feeling was different from touching his , softer somehow, but the more he rubbed that spot, the more his arousal started building up, and building up, until he moaned.

Jinki responded by pulling out his fingers, and Minho figured that he would him now. More than figured, he actually hoped that he would. He wanted to know how it would feel to have Jinki's inside him. He needed to know.

But instead, Jinki pushed in two fingers now, rubbing the same spot. Minho let out a quiet moan, closing his eyes, focusing on the fingers inside him, doing his best not to clench, but keep relaxed so the rubbing wouldn't stop. But eventually it did.

Jinki's fingers were still inside him, completely still, and Minho could feel his rim pulsating around them.
“You're ready now.” Jinki said simply, and then slowly pulled his fingers out.
Automatically, Minho pushed his a bit up, because he was ready. He was so ready for Jinki's to fill him up, to hear his grunts as he ed him, to hear how good it would feel for him.

So he was not prepared when instead of ing him, Jinki sat down next to him, still fully clothed, but he had his back turned to him, so Minho couldn't see his face. Jinki placed his hands on Minho's buttocks, kneading them a little, then pulling them apart. He said something that Minho didn't understand, and it almost felt like he wasn't even talking to him.

Then a finger was pushed into him, deeply. It took Minho's muddled brain a moment to understand what was going on. Jinki had his hands firmly on Minho's buttocks, pulling them apart, so it couldn't be him. Unless he had grown another hand it had to be someone else. Minho tried to turn his head to see better, but since his cheek was plastered to the mattress it was not really possible, and Jinki's back blocked most of the view, but it seemed like there was someone there, although Minho couldn't get a close look.

Only now he remembered what Jinki had said about allowing other men to touch him. This is what he meant. But why? It seemed so strange, wouldn't simply 
ing him feel much better? But then Minho pictured himself in Jinki's position. Watching as different men put their fingers into Jinki's , and it was hot. Beyond hot, so he got it.

The finger was soon replaced with another, and then they just kept coming. Short fingers, long fingers, one or two. Some moved fast, others slow, and some even him. None of them rubbed the spot that Jinki had done, at least not in the same way, though they sometimes brushed against it. Still, it felt kind of good, when these fingers stretched him out, pushed inside him.
“Relax.” Jinki reminded him before he could even think about clenching.

It also felt dirty. To just allow random men to shove their fingers inside him, one after another. It made him feel like a , which was such an unfamiliar feeling because he really wasn't. He was a good guy, played sports, took his vitamins, only had one girlfriend at the time, never cheated, and generally tried to be nice to people.

But tonight he was a . A dirty little hoe, that allowed anyone to touch him, while they all were watching, while they all saw how he was at being touched like that, in the . Even though he was a man. A manly man.

Most importantly, he was Jinki's . Which meant that he wasn't really a . It was Jinki who decided, it was Jinki who allowed those men to touch him. Minho was just being a good sub. It did feel freeing, in a sense, because none of those were his wants, his decisions. More than anything, it felt surprisingly intimate. Here he was, getting by men he could not even see, but still it felt intimate, personal. Because he was giving himself up for Jinki, trusting him with his body. Completely. Helping Jinki to seek out his desires, to fill his most personal fantasies, without judgment or shame. Just by being, just by allowing. He could picture so easily how aroused Jinki was right now, how hard. Maybe he would make Minho him. He whimpered at the thought.

“That's... enough.” Jinki said gently, then he let go of Minho's buttocks and stood up.
Minho missed his body warmth, of not having him pressed against his side anymore. Even more than that, he missed the fingers inside him, filling him up, so he clenched onto nothing, desperate to fix the empty feeling inside him.

A sharp slap on his brought him to his senses, and his eyes opened up. Even afterwards, his skin was burning, this was much harder than before. The burn made him focus on the burns around his wrists and his thighs, and strangely it made his throb even harder.
“Relax.” Even though it was only one word he could hear how impatient Jinki was, his voice more breathy than before, so he relaxed. Even though it physically hurt not to clench his to counteract the emptiness inside him, he resisted and relaxed all the muscles in the back.

He held his breath, waiting for a to fill him up. How would it feel? Would it be big? Would it hurt? Would Jinki like ing him? Would he like that everyone was watching?

Again, a finger was pushed into him, two fingers, actually, faster than before. Maybe Minho should have felt disappointed, but he wasn't. He could just imagine that after watching everyone else him, Jinki wanted to do it too. That he needed to do it too.

Immediately he started rubbing that same spot as before, more aggressively, more deliberately. Minho wasn't sure why Jinki was so good at this (practice, probably), and why it felt so much better when he did it, compared to anyone else. But it did, and his started aching, throbbing so strongly, swollen and painfully hard, too hard. Minho had been erect for so long now. Maybe longer than he ever had before without getting release. So when Jinki started rubbing him like that it felt sinfully good, so he leaned into it, and drooling onto the mattress. Until he realized that this was too much, felt dangerously good, so he was only seconds away from .

“Wait.” He said. Eyes suddenly wide open. “Hyung I can't.” He tried to wriggle out of it, but it was hard when he was bound with a thick rope.

Immediately, his insubordination was rewarded with a firm slap, even harder than before. (How could it become even harder?)
“Relax. Stay still.” Jinki grunted, all his sweet patience gone.
Minho had no option but to obey. So he stayed still, and relaxed. Two fingers were pushed into him, ing him hard and fast.

“Master, I can't. Master I'm gonna...” He tried to explain, but then his brain became too muddled for words. He focused all his senses on not , on not giving into the pleasure that was threatening to take over everything. He wanted to be a good sub. He wanted Jinki to be able to him. But as these fingers moved faster and faster it was hard to think about anything else than how good that felt.

Then the fingers curled up and started rubbing him aggressively, relentlessly, in that same damned spot that felt so heavenly. Using all his stubbornness, he tried to fight against it, to delay his pleasure until Jinki could him properly. But it just felt so good, and everything hurt from needing the release. His was the hardest it had ever been, thick and heavy, threatening to explode. And Jinki just kept rubbing him and rubbing him and rubbing him, until Minho's body betrayed him, giving into the sweet release, allowing the deeply satisfying pleasure to take a hold of him, his aching finally able to release its load, and that was it. Minho had ed, in the most intense way he had ever experienced in his life.



Hey babies, 

This chapter turned way too long, but I didn't feel like splitting it up. The next will probably be short to even things out.

Thanks for reading ❤❤❤ 




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Chapter 8: congratulations minho 😁
963 streak #2
Chapter 8: I wonder if Minho will be punished.
But then, Jinki said that he will make him feel good.
Chapter 7: Usually I like chapters that are under 3000 characters, BUT this time I wanted SOOOO much more 😁
Chapter 7: ahhh now I'm interested in jinki and taemin's history. I'm excited for the scene jinki's going to show Minho tho!
Tempcard #5
Chapter 6: Love this!!!!! Would love for naive minho to get tied up for his december 9 birthday 🤭
Chapter 6: Wow, this is going to be HOT.
Shineepinee525 #7
Chapter 6: 😍
Chapter 6: I've been waiting patiently for an update 😇 I'm so excited to see what happens next.
Chapter 5: VERY intriguing. And Jinki... what a smooth operator XD
HadleyLily #10
Chapter 5: Well someone likes someone already