Feelings are Fatal

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"...And that's why you do not sleep with your ex." Seulgi's early arrival resulted in Winter getting unwillingly roped into a day-drinking session. As her coach incessantly delves into a lengthy monologue about some ex named Ilene or Irene (honestly, who even remembers?), Winter's just trying to navigate the endless tirade on past relationships. Because, you know, that's exactly what she had on her agenda for today – not.

Just a casual midday tequila marathon at Lingo, the bar-restaurant conveniently nestled behind Ning and Aeri's surf shop. Because, really, who needs a clock to dictate when it's socially acceptable to start knocking back shots?

The cause of her internal chaos was strutting outside, showcasing herself like an absolute goddess in a captivating dark blue bikini. Every inch of her body appeared exceptionally sculpted by the gods, and Winter couldn't help but marvel at the soft hair she vividly remembered tangling her fingers in last night while getting devoured. And that smile? She had to tear her gaze away before she melted into a puddle of confusion and desire right then and there.

A little too late, perhaps.

"Are you even listening to me?"


Seulgi's voice cut through Winter's mental fog like a rogue wave crashing. Last night's escapade felt like a cosmic prank, disrupting the carefully curated order of her life. She accepted the fact that they were never meant to be a thing, and found comfort in that closure. But the universe decided to throw in a cheeky middle finger her way.

It was probably karma for all the girls she might have unintentionally ghosted. She had her reasons; she certainly wasn't a heartless monster (leading people on and creating false expectations) unlike someone she knew.

She entertained the thought that perhaps she had imagined it all.

But the lingering memory of the softness of those lips she kissed refused to be ignored. The other girl's greedy pursuit was evident in the way she relentlessly sought pleasure, making Winter gasp for air at one point.

And, almost predictably, she found herself choking again at the mere thought of it.

"You okay? Do you need water?" Seulgi asked while Winter was coughing up, choking on her pulutan (drinking snack).

Amidst the coughing, Winter raised a hand to signal that she was okay.

"What's she doing here?" Seulgi discreetly eyed the actress outside doing her regular surf lessons.

"Ever heard of Somi's biography mini-series? Karina's playing her. They're filming for a few months," Winter explained in hushed tones. Somi, the unbeatable surf champion, had garnered attention for her incredible rags-to-riches tale and philanthropic efforts. Her commitment to donating half of her winnings to various charities became a viral sensation, thanks to her heartwarming TikTok videos. The producers, drawn to Somi's compelling story and the promise of a massive fanbase (let's be real, it's about the money), decided to create a TV show showcasing her challenging past and her current role as both an extraordinary female athlete and a humanitarian.

Seulgi pulled a disgusted face.

"She's a fraud. Wasn't she once obsessed with you at surf camp?" Winter shrugged, acknowledging that Somi might've been one of the many she unintentionally left on read. Her memories are a bit blurry at the time. She was aware of the rumors circulating about Somi's questionable TikTok videos, but, you know, no solid evidence. Somi's army of loyal fans always seemed ready to fend off any criticism, ensuring her spotless online reputation.

Believe it or not, the female surfer community Winter was entangled in was really more of a massive gay club than anything else – not that she had any complaints. There were vague memories of Somi hitting on her at random beach parties, but, honestly, blondes weren't her usual flavor.

Except for a certain someone who once bleached her hair.


"Where's my dress?!" Ning was scurrying around, flipping all cabinets open, yelling at Aeri — Aeri yelling back at her for being so unorganized, Winter yelling at both of them to shut up, Ning yelling back and saying the last thing she remembered was handing it to Aeri—no actually now she thinks she gave it to Winter... it was pure afternoon pandemonium.

They're going on a week-long trip to Japan for the wedding of Aeri's sister. And of course, someone's nap buddy was pretty hyped to reunite with Winter.

when r u arriving

thought we were not
on speaking terms
for a month?


i missed you
✔seen 04:22 PM

"Stop texting and help us look!" Ning nearly snatched her phone away.

Winter let out a dramatic sigh, secretly reveling in the chaotic distraction that conveniently shifted her focus away from Karina. Leaving for Japan tomorrow? Well, it seemed like the universe finally threw her a much-needed lifeline.

Meanwhile, on the front porch, the actress was deeply engrossed in a self-help book (much needed, apparently). Thanks to Somi's incessant demands for script rewrites, Karina found herself with one more day off. The blonde wasn't pleased with yesterday's version and insisted on another round of changes. This was one of those rare instances when Karina found herself actually liking Somi. She's mostly very demanding, but now, she's being useful for once.

"Found it!" Ning exclaimed as she finally located her dress in the upstairs storage room. With the chaos over, the three of them collapsed on the couch, sharing laughter and discussing their plans for the first destination upon arrival tomorrow.

Aeri made an itinerary that included lots of matcha places — because, of course, Ning's love for matcha must be satisfied. Winter sent her a list of a few shops and places she wanted to visit, the ones she missed when she stayed in Japan for the competition but none of them got included in their schedule.

Aeri, however, diligently checked off Ning's list.

Winter gracefully accepted her role as the perpetual third wheel, watching the two of them giggle at something only they seemed to understand. While she entertained the idea of yelling, 'get a room,' she wasn't entirely sure if these two were dating. Winter wasn't the typical friend where she'd intentionally open things up, especially when it came to these things.

Ning hadn't been known to date girls in the past, and her closest experience with anything resembling that was a spin-the-bottle dare that involved a quick, ambiguous encounter with a girl named Yeji. Frankly, Winter wasn't even sure if their lips actually locked, as Ning kind of just dipped her face at Yeji and pulled back. But, hey, everyone was too drunk to nitpick details at the time.

She knew her best friend had a leaky faucet mouth but when it came to Aeri, Ning had been tight-lipped. It seemed like there might be something more personal there, and Winter was patient enough to wait and let her share what she was comfortable with when the time was right. She respected that.

"Ugh, I'm out," Winter declared, rolling her eyes at the riveting display of flirting unfolding right in front of her.

"Not so fast!" Ning intercepted her, yanking her to a secluded corner away from Aeri. "Something happened between you two?!" She said as she nodded her head at Karina's direction.

Winter felt her brain do a sudden reboot. She was happily trying to detach from the scandal of last night, and here comes Ning, launching a full-scale interrogation. How did she even find out?

"Not sure what you mean," As the daughter of a well-known actress, Winter Kim had perfected the art of brushing things off. Whether she was navigating through the university paparazzi, deflecting questions about her supposed new girlfriends, being interrogated about her mom's latest feud with Mrs. Yu, or explaining why she flipped off a photographer at fashion week, she had a masterful poker face.

Ning, folding her arms, raised an eyebrow and tilted her head. "She's moving out tonight."

"No clue." Winter replied plainly, while grabbing her wetsuit.

"She was so excited to stay here, private beachfront, away from media and stalkers... It's just weird. I thought you guys had a showdown or something."

Winter let out a nervous laugh. "Come on, Ning. It's been years. We've all moved on."


Everyone had moved on.

It's not as if her heart totally doesn't transform into a gooey mess at the mere sight of Karina delicately pursing those lips, showcasing that oh-so-adorable dimple. And, obviously, her heart isn't throwing a wild rave whenever they accidentally lock eyes, lingering for just a few dramatic seconds. And the scent of Karina's familiar perfume gracefully wafting through the air? Please, that doesn't trigger a flood of memories and emotions — because who would be affected by such trivial things?!

Absolutely, everyone has unquestionably moved on.

"She said she wanted to be near Jisoo. I know she's an actress, but I can tell when she's lying."

Karina unconsciously rubs her elbow when she lies. Both Ning and Winter are well aware of that little telltale sign. Classic rookie move.

The nagging thought that her text last night might have hurt Karina lingered in her mind. After all, the taller girl did reciprocate the kiss — with quite a bit of enthusiasm, she might add — and let's not forget the hair-pulling.

But Winter's no stranger to this scenario. She's been down this road before, and she knows exactly how it ends.

Sure, Karina had her moments, but being dumped a week after their Christmas vacation on this very island (where she almost spilled her feelings — thank god she didn't) was absolutely brutal.

"I don't know, Ning, maybe talk to her or something. Gotta go." Desperate for a swift escape, she hastily put on her wetsuit. Winter daydreamed about channeling her inner Jane Austen heroine—taking a dramatic dive into the ocean, burying her face, and eagerly praying the waves would wash away any lingering traces of last night. If she wants to move out, then fine. Let her do whatever she wants. Winter thought, even though her heart stung a little, deep down, she believed it was for the best.

Hoping for a superhero speed to breeze past the front door without locking eyes with Karina, she quickly realized something. Their apartment, complete with its fancy sliding glass doors for that 'ocean view vibe,' came with a flaw – the occasional tendency for the door to stubbornly stick, requiring a minute or two of wrestling with it.

Sure, Winter had dropped Ning a casual heads-up about fixing this minor inconvenience the other day. But as expected, her best friend had a talent at letting responsibilities slip through the cracks.

Karina was seated on a couch, directly facing the door. Now, Winter was stuck facing an awkward few minutes in front of the girl with whom she'd shared some steamy kisses just last night.

She cautiously approached the front door, half-expecting it to be a bit tricky. True to form, it lived up to its reputation, getting stuck with an annoying defiance. Sighing, she prepared herself for what felt like the longest two minutes of her life.

In those seemingly endless moments, she silently battled with the glass door, muttering a mix of curses and pleas for cooperation. And to add an unexpected layer of discomfort, Karina was in front with an intense stare burning through her as she wrestled with it. After a couple of minutes, finally, with a triumphant jiggle and a sigh of relief, it gave in, allowing her to break free.

"ing fix this!" she yelled at the oblivious pair inside still engrossed in their Japan itinerary discussions.

As if escaping captivity, she hastily stepped outside with the urgency of a madwoman. The brisk walk ignited a throbbing sensation in her ongoing ankle injury, a pain that seared through like a hundred needles relentlessly pinching it. The discomfort prompted her to slow down until she finally reached the shore.

Karina's eyes followed her, initially curious about where she was going. Soon, she noticed the familiar limp, sighing at the realization that the issue hadn't been taken care of yet

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things happened!! i know but ive just been really really busy. comments and feedback are appreciated and motivate me to write more! hope everyone's well <3


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Winrina1st #1
Chapter 9: CAN WE PLEASE COME TOGETHER N MASS REPORT @.karinayudefender???
No_looksies #2
Chapter 10: I love this story so much you have no idea.. I am so glad that Rina and winter are getting closer... Please be more honest with your feelings guys
plutoooooo #3
so goooooood! I love this fic too much🥺🥺🥺🥺
cleofierayne 26 streak #4
Chapter 10: Myghadddd really those people so fast connecting things up with just photos. Hahaha 😂

I wonder how will Karina's mom do after knowing this. And now Ryu getting sus with what's going on with the two.

Pleasee I just want them to lay their honest feelings now after Karina blow Winter's phone with her drunken confession 🥺😭😆 I'm sure they're gonna talk after leaving that party.
jushshhh #5
Chapter 10: karinayugf fighting for her life 😭
jushshhh #6
Chapter 9: i'm feeling bad for ryu, i hope she's not an 😮‍💨
jushshhh #7
Chapter 9: jenrina kinda 😜
jushshhh #8
Chapter 7: the fans 😭😭😭😭😭 lol
Chapter 9: this fic makes me want to rip my hair out… but like in a good way…