Chapter Three

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A silence but so much to behold; so much hidden to be in a light. 


9:08 am


A morning of June; a newly arrived month with the first date, and a month of continuous rain since the daylight had yet to be shone down the world being blocked by the darkening clouds as the early morning had a mist of dew with an indication of yet another rain. 


But it had to be continued for the people who had a purpose to be done; the wait has been too long to stop now. 


And his steps walked down the floor; loud, but softly presentable that the eyes around him had to spare a glance at his presence with whispers, and the topic of new gossip that he wasn't new to as he continued his pace towards the elevator in a formal suit, a formal presence at his built up building and his owning business when there was a time he had nothing to own but to be sheltered by the ones he couldn't even feel owning it. 


This was his own. 


“How do I look, Lee?” 


Baekhyun questioned, his back against the handrail of the elevator as he had his hands fished in his pockets with a tilt of his head, showing a good line of his upwards hairstyle and kept his stare on Kang-min who was standing in a suit but spared a glance at him with a neutral expression after pressing the floor to his office. 


“You look,” He trailed off, his eyes blinking and Baekhyun's forehead creased, “Cool?” 




“I don't like your choice of words again.” 


Kang-min rolled his eyes. “That's how I am, sir.” 


“You need a termination letter.” 




And this time Baekhyun had rolled his eyes as he walked out of the elevator. “Whenever I wish.” 


Kang-min followed suit with a silent yet tired sigh; morning hadn't even begun yet his stress level was already up on the line, and the cause of it was his best friend, and his boss; always him. 


“What time is the meeting with the employees?” 


Baekhyun questioned, his footfalls echoing on the floor towards his cabin while his eyes roaming around the interior of the building; a choice of his colors, and his preferences which turned out to be a good idea that he had discussed years back before starting the brand here in LA, and things have been happening mostly through calls, and video chats because he wasn't here; he never trusted blindly anyone enough to run his brand behind his back. 


“You have a meeting around ten, sir.”


And Lee Kang-min has been an exception to it. 


“Anything else?” 


He walked past the break room before opening the door of his cabin; a first time for him at this place, and for a moment, Baekhyun stood there in his deep thoughts of how long it took him to be here, and how many monsters throughout his journey to survive to stand here; a feeling of accomplishment yet not complete because his mind had something else to accomplish, and he was at the point of getting it started now. 


“Do you not like it?” 


Kang-min asked, tilting his head as he stared at his hard to read expression where Baekhyun met his eyes with a blink; neutral. “Do you like it?” 


“What do you want me to say?” 


“Your honest thoughts.”


Baekhyun shrugged, walking inside with a glance at the other buildings through the glass window of his cabin; his feet stopping in front of his table and his fingers were quick to graze his name on the name palate with a title of CEO, before turning around so he was leaning against it; his hands either side of it. 


“It's good if that's what you want to hear, sir.” 


Baekhyun couldn't help but chuckle. “You chose the right words now, Lee.” 


“You look out of your mood today.” 


His one sentence and Baekhyun had met his eyes to find a concern glint in his eyes; he could get it, as he his lips, “It feels strange being at this place again,” He trailed off, his eyes drifting to the glass window, “I have been planning for years to be back here after leaving but I couldn't predict the feeling and now that I'm standing here, owning this building, things, places, and maybe closer to the purpose, it still feels strange and I can't even pinpoint it.”


“I was also surprised when you told me your intentions of leaving Korea, and starting your business in LA and coming back here.” 


“You barged into the room.” 


Baekhyun stated, and Kang-min gave him a look; he remembers two years ago of them being in his apartment in LA, and an accident of the coffee on his clothes had led him to the closed room where his intentions had been etched on the broad, and Kang-min had to question it after staring at it for good minutes; Baekhyun was adamant to not to disclose it enough to threaten it but Kang-min being the brat, had to be adamant to know and when he had come known to it, he was blown away from the information. 


A shock for his friend hiding so much, and planning so much from the time he had known him; their university days, and after knowing it, he couldn't act like he didn't but to help him with it. 


Kang-min had his full trust in Baekhyun from the beginning of their friendship. 


“I guess, it's understandable to be at a place that gave you bad memories but you have good ones too,” Kang-min shrugged, placing the iPad on the table as he stared at the glass window with a gentle expression. “And it's just the beginning to get what's been taken until now.”


Baekhyun gave him a grimace look. “So corny.” 


Kang-min rolled his eyes. “Suit yourself.” 


“Did you just talk back to your boss?” 


“You also gave me a look, sir.” 


“I can.” 


“So can I.” 


Baekhyun scoffed. “What's the schedule again?” 


“A meeting with the employees for now and an invitation for the Seoul fashion show this weekend.” 


Baekhyun's forehead creased. “Already?” 


“And a meeting with Choi Myung-Soo that he wants to have with you.” 


Baekhyun hummed; the name itself felt like a bitterness into his mouth let alone facing that man after years was eating him up but the difference was that time he had to stand and watch his everything falling apart before his eyes and this time too, he would watch it fall apart before his eyes but that man's everything. 


“Let it be pending for now.” 


Kang-min frowned. “What if it backfires?”


“It won't,” Baekhyun shook his head, as he walked to his swivel chair before sitting on it with his leg over the other, “We should see how desperately his greed wins over his pride; I'm sure he's going to approach me with a purpose.” 


A knock on the door had them turn to it and with Baekhyun's permission, the person walked in; a familiar woman almost his age as he gave her a nod. “How have you been, Ms. Gracia?” 


Maria Gracia; a Spanish woman, and someone whom Baekhyun had known throughout the time he had spent in Spain in his teenage years where she, and his two other cousins were together since her grandmother had been a caretaker of him, until, she had moved to Korea years ago to study business and has been working under him for four years now. 


Maria had given him a bow of a greeting with a smile. “I have been good, sir.” 


“Your korean has improved a lot.” 


Kang-min showed her a thumbs up and she smiled. “Living years in this place has been a good perk to learn.” Her eyes glanced at Baekhyun to find him scrolling through the iPad with a deepened frown before looking at Kang-min. “The meeting is about to start, sir.” 


“Alright, we'll be there in a few,” Baekhyun nodded, without looking up. “Thank you, Ms. Gracia.” 


“Did you purposely ignore her?” 


Baekhyun heard Kang-min as he looked up at him confusingly to find Maria out of his cabin to look back at him to see him staring back at him with a frown; he mirrored his expression. 


“Why would I?” 


Kang-min shrugged. “It just felt like that considering the time you were sweet to her back in university.” 


“I have never been sweet to anyone,” Baekhyun trailed off, looking down at the iPad again as he had been looking at the list of the guest for the fashion show, “It's just been years and I don't have time either and it's good if it is like this since she's an employee and I'm her boss, moreover, she's Nana's granddaughter; no more no less.” 


Choi Myung-Soo's name was there and so was his daughter; model, Choi Hae-soo. 


Kang-min's forehead creased; he could see Maria having a crush on him, but man had been too distant to emotion named thing to actually feel it but his words got him thinking again. “Are you sure you haven't been sweet to anyone?”


“Jeon Iseul.” 


Her name rolled off his mouth in a whisper but audible enough for Kang-min to widen his eyes in amusement. “Really?”


“What?” Baekhyun lifted his eyes to meet his amused ones and his forehead creased in confusion to realize his question that had him frowning in displease. “I'm talking about the guest list, Kang-min.”


“I see.” 


“Do you want to get fired?” 


“Can you?” 


“Shut up before I actually do it and get me my coffee.”


Baekhyun handed the iPad to him before standing up as he walked past his standing figure to outside while massaging his temple in annoyance as he didn't want to get reminded of her the first thing in the morning yet her name was the one he had seen, and utter in a trance. 


The only unexpected things in his life had been related to her; he had to get away before his purpose could and he couldn't afford it. 


A tension within the walls of this visage and an eerie silence within the walls of another visage. 


The building consisted of thousands of employees and a few of them had found themselves in the silent room for a meeting; a June morning should have been a nice time to begin the monsoon but here they were, feeling their heartbeats racing because of the sudden silence in the room. 


One female standing in front of the projector silently after finishing her presentation and to get the approval of her boss seated on the head chair of the table; without averting her cold gaze from the screen and a silent observation of her seated figure; Iseul. 


“How do you like the idea, ma'am?” 


Hae-Jin asked, after sensing that no one could utter a word in front of her but flinched the moment he met her gaze as Iseul's eyebrows raised; her hair in a side-braid on her shoulder over her black sleeveless vest-shirt suit paired with a trouser pant before turning her chair to him in her crossed leg manner. “Did you present the idea, Mr. Jung?”


He blinked and pressed his lips. “No, ma'am.” 


“So let her ask who actually did,” She paused, turning her head back to her before giving her a short nod of approval, “The idea is good but those heels,” Iseul trailed off, gesturing her to slide the pictures with her forefinger until the black heels with a touch of jewel attached to the back of the heels displayed and Iseul nodded. “Those heels would be worn by Choi Hae-soo.” 


“May I ask why?” 


“I think you're forgetting that she's our showstopper for the show and it will be good if she's the one wearing the heels which had been made for a show.”


Iseul explained; her voice in a neutral manner yet her gaze serious where everyone nodded at her suggestion before looking at the male employee. “Did you fix the arrival timing of shoes from the factory?” 


“Not yet, ma'am.”


“Why do you think you're present in the meeting?” 


One question of her and another eerie silence followed the room; Iseul's gaze cold at the male as she leaned back, interlocking her fingers on her lap while the male had felt the flush of embarrassment before meeting her eyes for her to crease her forehead for his explanation.


“The issue at the factory a few days back got their double work and the shoes weren't ready yet so I was going to check up on it after this meeting, ma'am.” 


“The issue was taken care of that day; it's been a week and since I had heard from the head that the work was finished yesterday so why couldn't you get it done today?” Iseul tilted her head; her jaw clenched, “Do you think this meeting is a joke? Or do you want to put down my name in front of people out there?”


“I'm sorry, ma'am.”


He couldn't meet her eyes and Iseul let out a deep breath; calming herself before looking at everyone. “Last year we got an award, and I want the same to happen this year and for that, we all have to give our best and,” She paused, her eyes sharp. “I want everything to go as planned this weekend, anyhow.”


“Yes, ma'am.”


“Fix the timings with Ms. Hwang and the head worker; we'll have this meeting tomorrow.”


The next thing Iseul had watched everyone leaving the room; the sighs of relief could be heard to which she had rolled her eyes with a scoff before taking a last sip of her black coffee and stood up. “Send me the minutes, Mr. Jung.”


“Right away, ma'am.”


The moment Iseul had walked down the hallway towards her cabin; a few of the talks had gotten her ears, not that she would care about until her nickname in the office was erupted from the same male who couldn't do his work properly had her stop her clacking heels to stand by the breakroom. 


“Man, this angry bird, why does she like to be so perfect? She thinks she's all mighty and high but we all work hard too. Who does she think she is?”


“Oh goodness, did I hurt your pride, Mr. Gentleman?” 


Iseul uttered, a hint of sarcasm in her tone as she walked in; her hands locked behind with Hae-Jin giving the male's shocked face a pity expression where Iseul stood a few steps away from him. “How about I fire you right now to tell you who exactly I am?” 


“This is not-” 


“If you would have spent more time organizing your work than passing comments on me then I might have praised your little hard work too.” She tilted her head as her eyes stared at him sharply. “It took me years to get here so why wouldn't I want my work to be perfect? And if you can't do it, your resignation letter will be welcomed; a person who hardly gives his best in the field wouldn't make a difference in my company if he's fired.”


The next moment, Iseul had turned around without listening to his plea; her heels echoing on the floor towards her cabin loudly like her anger visible on her face before barging inside as she plopped on her swivel chair with her eyes closed; her fist in a tight squeeze to hold her emotions again. 


“Did you receive the guest list of the show, Mr. Jung?” 


Iseul could tell his figure standing by her desk until she heard a soft thud on her table to greet the iPad in front of her and she was quick to grab it to look at the screen through her black framed eyes now; the show was being organized by Ji-eun as being the event planner where her forefinger scrolled through the screen as she read the list of guests. 


Her brows knitted and a name rolled off in a whisper. “Byun Baekhyun.”


“Yes, he's one of the best businessmen in talks nowadays.”


Iseul's eyes lifted to find Hae-Jin's smiling face as she tilted her head. “I didn't ask for his famous information, Mr. Jung.”




“Yes and you may leave.” 


And giving her a bow, he was out of her cabin where Iseul had stared at his name for a good minute; her mind contemplated about his sudden appearance after years and his sudden appearance at the fashion show had her confused but she was sure that there was something she couldn't pinpoint yet. 


Yet the mere name of his was making her infuriated; she had placed the iPad back before taking off the frames, closing her eyes again as her head was already paining from the meeting and his name was doing worse. 


She was doing well not seeing him and now she had to meet him everywhere; it was unlikable. 






“Gosh, I'm so late!” 


The twenty-three year old Iseul jogged down the hallway towards her classroom; her hair in a breeze behind her like she had clutched the strap of her backpack around her shoulder over the thick fabric of her white sweater with jeans, until the familiar figure with silver hair had blocked her path like his broad back in her sight.


Byun Broad Baekhyun; nice name.


"Excuse my way, Silver head."


Iseul jogged past him; his shoulder over his black sweater brushed her shoulder since he stopped by the sudden voice from behind; somehow familiar with the first time of their meeting until Baekhyun was watching her entering the class while his eyes had rolled at her; already annoyed in the morning only because Jeon Iseul.


"On freaking time."


Iseul panted out, her backpack on the desk as she took her seat on one of the stepped row of the classroom before her eyes glanced at Ji-eun beside her chewing her bubblegum while scrolling through her laptop before Iseul's eyes looked around to find the classroom full with students because, obviously, for the attendance that half of the students here for where professor of economy class hardly approves it.


And he was strict with his subject too; fortunately, and pulling her all-nighter, Iseul had come to be a brilliant student in his class and the one whom she had the brain to brain clash with was walking inside the classroom with his roaming eyes around the filled classroom to find a vacant seat.


His only walking presence was taking the attention; one was like the first time, but second was his good looks being admired, and third was his genius brain always on its place to brain it.


Iseul had been an awful huge part of it. 


Her first meeting with him had her think that things between them would be in a smooth ride of classmates for the entire four years until in the first class, they had a debate about the different perspectives of one question, and it followed for three and a half year with clashes, and more clashes, including fighting for good marks in the test, and in the examination where it was a mind blowing push and pull.


And Iseul hated it because no one had given her this much competition and this much attitude had annoyed the mind and sleep out of her system yet deep down she had admitted that he was a smart genius.


And she hated it again.


A deep sigh came out of her lips, and the next second her eyes met his blank ones; blinking in utter annoyance until her own eyes widened the moment she watched him strolling towards her where Iseul noticed the chair beside her being vacant and her mind immediately chanted a huge no. 


Yet his backpack on the desk with a slight thud had her huff; she looked away and he took his seat next to her in a leaned back position that made his legs spread a bit for his shoe to bump into Iseul's where she immediately bumped it back for Baekhyun to glance at her with a narrowed glance to find her glaring his entire existence. 


Oh, so enchanting; he rolled his eyes but kept his shoe back on the previous spot that annoyed her even more and he loved it even more; interesting. 


"What happened?"


Iseul heard Ji-eun beside her and Iseul pointed at the reason named Baekhyun with silver hair. "He happened."




"And annoying."


The loud chaos seemed to subside the minute the professor walked in; his figure stood behind the rostrum and his eyes roamed around with satisfaction to find almost all the students in the classroom before he began to speak, "This is the result of your mock test from last week."


Loud groans were definitely to be echoed; not confident to see their results but among the others had two beings seated confidently like everyone around them had been and they were right the moment the professor had announced their names with a smile.


"Jeon Iseul and Byun Baekhyun are the only top scorers again."


A round of applause erupted, and echoed in the whole classroom while the ones who were being applaud for, were seated still, a wave of pride had beamed in their hearts yet it wasn't shown because they wanted to do more, they didn’t want to be tied with the same scores; they wanted to exceed it, the one who was tied with them. 


"Pass it to everyone and I want a better performance next time."


"Good job, smarty."


Iseul looked at Ji-eun to find her smiling at her that she reciprocated, likewise for Baekhyun who was looking around only to meet Kang-min's eyes giving him a thumbs up that he nodded it off until he was eyeing his result page for a while before his eyes took a glance beside him; the girl he's been having clashes with from the time he's been here.


Her hair covered her back till the waist in smooth curls; so common for a girl but somehow stood in his eyes, to be precise, the only girl who stood out in his eyes, Jeon Iseul and her strands had blocked his way to enjoy that one look of rage; his system slightly flinched the second she met his eyes, the same almond shaped ones, her face didn't show much but her eyes seemed more expressive than her facial expression and it screamed, annoyance.


He watched her turn away only for him to tilt his head down and a smirk graced the corner of his lips.




Exceeding Jeon Iseul in the academics was surely in his list; not that he fancied it before but her eyes speaking rage and annoyance had him fancy it and more because she was brilliant smart, so he was having enough of it; exceeding her surely was but she wasn't.


Not yet, and he didn't need to know it yet.







9:09 pm



Crowd. Flashes. Chaos. Music. Runway. 


“Let the spotlight follow her.” 


A feminine voice ordered; Ji-eun's ear plugged by the earpiece as she stood in her maroon formal suit, her hair in a sleek bun while her sleeves slightly slid back because of the continuous check up on the time from her wristwatch where her heeled feet glued on the spot from her eyes could scrutinize the runaway happening that she was responsible for the organization. 


The day of the fashion show had taken place this evening; happening at the moment, and was being led by her. 


The long stage was occupied by the models doing their walks; the music echoing around where either side of the stage was a sitting area with chairs in a distance that had been almost occupied, and her eyes roamed around to find some familiar people there; business tycoons, actors and actresses including other influencers until her lips had curved in a proud smile the second her eyes fell on her best friend; Iseul, sitting like a known, one of the best businesswomen, and looking undoubtedly beautiful in her attire that she wore with a confident pride. 


The black jumpsuit with a sweetheart neckline fitted her curves; the golden belt giving it a style with a cropped blazer while her hair in a low ponytail leaving her tendrils either side of her face which had a neutral expression yet her eyes observing everything around her, especially her work being shown on the stage. 


But Ji-eun found something else in her eyes; a hidden longing of stage and a fear of spotlights which Iseul kept glancing at unknowingly but known by her and Ji-eun's heart hurt for her. 


Yet the way she had carried her whole demeanor showed elegance and class and her black heels presented her reason for being here like she had come a long way to be here even though she didn't want to but was shining the most and Ji-eun couldn't be more proud of her. 


And wanted Iseul to acknowledge her success of coming out of her shell that was closed, and broken years ago; maybe it still is but not like before because that was the most tragic part of her life. 


Ji-eun had seen it all; cried it all for her and with her. 


Her eyes were quick to avert to the stage as the music changed, followed by a wave of nausea hitting her chest that she had been feeling throughout the week of her morning sickness and another row of models had walked their walk; a sudden buzz in her pocket and Ji-eun had fished out her phone with a slight grimace to find a text from Iseul to glance at her with a frown to find her eyes on the stage before checking her message and a scoffing chuckle left her lips silently. 


Smarty - Am I looking too y to look away?


Ji-eun had to roll her eyes; a question at how could she actually joke with an actual flirty remarking of a fact with a straight face and no ounce of humor in her eyes but being her best friend she had been for eleven years had got her to know her every little unspoken and hidden emotion words. 


The next thing she was already typing her message for her; speaking facts would be an understatement. 


Her eyes lifted up to find her texting with a hint of an upward curve; almost hidden but her message was on her screen.


Smarty - And I knew that this soon-to-be mommy would be looking blazing hot in a suit. 


And Ji-eun couldn't contain her smile at her compliment, Iseul appeared aloof throughout these years but never backed out whenever it came to assurance for Ji-eun, and reliability and Ji-eun felt like a blessed person unlike how things had happened around her before with an immediate message back to her; guess, the little one is gonna be surrounded by hot and y beings. 


Her eyes met Iseul's in an instant to find her giving her a soft nod before her eyes shifted back to the stage and Ji-eun's lips curved in a proud smile again the moment, Choi Hae-soo had walked in her style; the slit dress designed by the designers under her father, Choi Myung-Soo's company while her heels designed by The One, Jeon Iseul's brand that was being shone in the most beautiful sight like those etched jewels on the heels. 


It was her best friend's work; her brand and her chest held pride from her like the owning woman was, her eyes held a satisfied glint with an upward curve of her lips; not even a smile but satisfaction of her work being shone, and prideful. 


With a quick order, Ji-eun had the spotlight on Hae-soo where her eyes roamed around to find Choi Myung-Soo's seat unoccupied, but someone else's was the empty as well; Byun Baekhyun. 


She hadn't seen him for nine years nor was she interested in but Iseul held something for him that was detached in a brutal manner that she didn't even want to hear his name; he had been back after years but hadn't shown himself to this side of the world yet. 


Someone who had disappeared in an instant years back but would be walking this floor with a different demeanor that no one had expected here. 


“I can't believe I actually made this out.” 


A sigh left Ji-eun's lips as she watched almost everyone leaving the stage area to inside; the venue where the after-party had started before her palm reached out, caressing her chest slowly to ease her nause

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0 points #1
Chapter 21: Finally they kissed🥰and baekhyun and a blushing is too cute.I hope one of them confess their feeling to each other soon.
0 points #2
Chapter 21: They kissedddddddddd yeahhhhhhhhhh
0 points #3
Chapter 21: Ahhh we enter the lover phase 🤭💙
Chapter 20: My heart hurts for them.....they have gone through a lot of things . I teared up when beak cried and the way iseul comforts him 🥺🥺🥺🥺 my babies 😭😭😭
They are falling for each other . I'm enjoying it soooo much .
How you explain every emotion, it's like I'm watching it . Thank you so much for writing such a fantastic story.
Chapter 20: Not me squealing here whenever they wake up together. (That "you can touch me all you want, sweetheart") like hello sir!?!? You can't just drop these words and expect us to function normally. They both deserve the world ✨
Chapter 19: The flashback scenes are so precious. The innocence of them fills my heart with love 💕 now CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE OBVIOUS TENSION BETWEEN THEM??? like it's so so damn suffocating. Let's just lock them up in a room(Baek will enjoy it to the fullest 😏) Both of them are so hot on heels. Can't handle all this tension. Not a strong soldier for THIS BAEKHYUN!
Chapter 18: Where can I find this Baekhyun for myself?? Ughhh Just reconcile already!
Chapter 17: Iseul, my precious baby don't hurt so much. Everything in this chapter made me cry😭😭😭
Chapter 2: Do you guys know how to save the progress on here?