Painting Planets. 1/1

[fic] Painting Planets.

as sehun lifts up the spray can to the wall, he ignores the silent gasp coming from somewhere behind him and presses down his finger on the top; a soft hissing sound echoing around the dark alley way.

sehun starts off slow, outlining roughly the shape of a circle, followed by other circles of all different sizes. he places the white spray can down on the concrete floor, the can landing with a ting as it rolls away slightly.
there's another gasp, louder than the previous one, and sehun ignores it again as he reaches down for the green spray can - ready to give the circles some colour.

he stands on his tip toes, reaching the far corner of one of the circles and moves his arm in one swift movement, beginning to fill it in.
sehun can feel the burn of a pair of eyes glaring at him on the back of his head, he laughs to himself before doing a zigzag motion, covering the bricks within the black ring green.
"what do you want?" he asks, moving onto the circle next to the other one.
"you," there's a silence, "you shouldn't be doing that."
sehun smirks to himself, dropping the can carelessly on the floor and picking up the blue one, painting random swirls on the brick wall.
"so?" sehun says, taking a moment to briefly review what he's already done before adding one last blue swirl to the picture.
"it's illegal."
sehun nods, he knows it's illegal - of course he knows, he's been shoved into doing community service more times than he can count on his fingers for getting caught.
it doesn't stop him, nothing will. art, (or in some people's books, vandalism) is his way of escaping the world. when things go wrong, he'll grab his bag of spray paints and find the nearest wall to let his emotions run wild on. it's sehun's one and only way of expressing himself. counsellors do nothing, they just use patronizing words and childish tones. writing his feelings down on paper does nothing, it just makes him even more annoyed with everything because there are no words to convey his feelings.

so he resorted to art.

"what are you drawing?" the voice is soft, but even so sehun can tell that who ever is stood behind him is actually interested in what he's doing.
"i'm not drawing," sehun replies, replacing the blue can with the red one in his already dirtied hand, "i'm... painting."
there's a scuffing noise and suddenly sehun can feel the warmth of someone's body on his back, "what are you painting, then?"
"dunno," sehun honestly replies, ignoring the tingling sensation he gets at the tips of his fingers.
"they look like planets."
sehun grins, flicking his wrist slightly to finish the smoky red circle.
"then that's what they are."
there's a breathy chuckle and sehun can feel the hot breath escaping the stranger's mouth as it brushes across his exposed neck.
"i could report you for this."
"do it." sehun challenges, he doesn't know this person, he doesn't know his name, damn - he doesn't even know what he looks like and yet sehun wants to know how far he can push the guy.
"i will."
"go on then, get your phone out and dial the number." sehun lets the red can slip from his finger tips and automatically goes to pick up another coloured can, this time it's yellow.
"what's your name?"
"if you just describe me as the guy who's painting on walls, they'll know who i am." sehun shakes the can before applying it onto the wall.
"your name." the guy asks again, with more force than before.
"lu han."
sehun smiles, "so, lu han, phone at the ready?"
lu han scoffs, "all i have to do is press the call button."

there's a gush of cold wind, and a "tell me what to do" and before sehun's brain can catch up with the situation, sehun's already guiding lu han's hand towards the wall with the brown spray can gripped between lu han's fingers.

sehun laughs. lu han smiles.

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kpoints #1
that was good
Lol the last part xD
Short but really good
muzic123 #3
cute i really love all of your stories