Chapter 1 - The story

The Heart Breaking Break Up

          Sungmin awoke at 6am to the soft sound of the birds singing happily outside. The bedroom window was open and so a slight, comfortable breeze crept in every now and then to gently caress Sungmin's face. The morning sun was shining its first rays of the day across the purple-blue sky; also lightened up the man's clean, white bedroom. Slowly, the sleepy man swung his legs lazily over the side of the bed and sat his body up, trying to gain back full consciousness and bearings to his surroundings. He smiled happily as he looked at a beautiful pink rabbit teddy, that was sitting down nicely by his pillow. It was looking at him with uts cute button eyes and soft, furry face. Sungmin loved this teddy, it had its own special place inside his heart, not just because it was his favourite colour or animal, but also because it was given to him by a very special person.

          Kyuhyun was the ultimate love of his life, he couldn't even begin to imagine life without him. Everyday Sungmin would wait patiently for a loving kiss and comfortable embrace from the younger male. It was as if his lover was his life's energy source and was souley the reason he awoke every day. To live another day with Kyuhyun next to him.

          Sungmin was snapped back into reality, when his mobile phone beeped, indicating that he'd been sent a text. As if by some amazing coincidence, the sender turned out to be the exact person Sungmin was just daydreaming about, 'Meet me at Hangang park in 10 minutes. We need to talk. Lots of love, Kyuhyun xxx' Without thinking twice, Sungmin jumped from his bed as he rushed around his room to find a fresh pair of clothes that he messily placed on his bed, ready for him when he gets back from freshening up in the bathroom.

          In record speed, Sungmin was washed, clothed and ready to meet his lover at the park. It was only around the corner from where he lived, so he could easily get there in 3 minutes max. Taking his keys, he opened his front door and locked it behind him. He lived in a good neighborhood and was friends with pretty much all of the residence, but as Kyuhyun had taught him, you can never be too careful.

          Sungmin was enjoying the warmth from the morning sun against his skin. He walked down the path, each step he took had a happy rhythm in it. He soon saw Kyuhyun sitting on the park bench, the pained looked on his face not going unnoticed. The older male also noticed how the other seemed a lot paler than yesterday, however,  he just shrugged off the thought as he rushed over to his lover's side. Kyuhyun was wearing a red hoodie, with dark blue Japanese writing across the chest area, and a pair of dark blue jeans. Sungmin slowly inhaled the sweet scent of Kyuhyun's body spray as he tightly hugged his boyfriend. Kyuhyun gently patted Sungmin's head before leaning forward to join their lips together into a love filled kiss. They were both silent for was seemed like hours, completely absorbed into the gently kiss, until Sungmin decided to break it by slowly pulling away. "What did you need to talk to me about Kyu?" Sungmin asked, unsure of weather he actually wanted to know the answer. Curiosity wanted him to know but the deathly look Kyuhyun's face casted told him otherwise. Kyuhyun however, said nothing and just stood up and started walking down the path, expecting the older male to follow, which he did. Kyuhyun would constantly look back at the beautiful male and give a sad sigh before he carried on walking. The park was quiet and this time the silence made Sungmin nervous. Suddenly Kyuhyun stopped dead in his tracks, which caused the older male to accidently bumped into Kyuhyun's muscular back.

"Sungmin,I want to break up" Kyuhyun quietly said, not looking back at the younger. Sungmin's eyes widened as his brain processed each word that had left Kyuhyun's mouth with great detail, as if trying to put everything together. "W.....Why?" The smaller male asked, tears were starting to sting the back of his eyes.

"I don't need you in my life anymore" Kyuhyun said, in a forced harsh tone, still refusing to make eye contact with the other. "What did....What did I do?" Sungmin asked, trying to recall anytime he may have hurt the other male, weather that was cheating or even a small disagreement. He knew that he's never hit him, or lied to him before. In fact their relationship was pretty much perfect, he might have done something but couldn't, for the life of him, remember causing any pain to his lover. "You didn't do anything Sungmin, I........*inhale* I just don't think this relationship is working out. Just forget about me and carry on with your life like you normally would" By now Kyuhyun had turned around and was looking Sungmin in the eyes, but he still looked distant, as if he wasn't really there; then Sungmin gasped slightly as he could see pain in his boyfriend's eyes. Sungmin opened his mouth to speak but Kyuhyun stopped him from talking with his lips. It was a gentle kiss but you could feel the aching pain and was in it. Pulling away, Kyuhyun looked at the younger and smiled before handing him a note.

"Min, promise me that you won't open this until you get home. This is my last request to you" Kyuhyun said looking desperately at Sungmin. The smaller male just simply nodded, unable to say anything due to the shock of everything that's just happened. He held his pinky finger up to seal his promise and Kyuhyun gladly accepted his pinky. "Thank you" Kyuhyun whispered and looked into Sungmin's eyes. He couldn't help but feel like his heart had broken into millions and millions of pieces by seeing his lover in tears, all because of him. Again, he leaned in and planted a soft kiss on Sungmin's forehead for the last time. "Goodbye Minnie" he whispered, before walking off into the distance, leaving a devastated Sungmin just standing there in the park. No matter how much he commanded his legs to run after the man walking away from him, they just wouldn't was as if they were rooted into the ground.

          Sungmin stayed sitting on the bench of the park for the rest of the day, he didn't know how long he was sitting there for exactly, but he knew he arrived at the park just after sunrise, and stayed until it was dark. Deep down he was hoping that Kyuhyun would come back to him and say that it was all some kind of joke. But it never happened. Dejectedly he walked home, dragging his feet along the way. Once he stepped through his frontdoor, he was greeted by his best friend, who lived with him, but he just walked straight past him. His friend didn't understand what was happening, he'd  hardly ever seen Sungmin like this. And he can't recall a time when Sungmin didn't have a smile on his face after he because Kyuhyun's boyfriend. He glumly walked into his dim lit room and jumped onto the bed, the tears were still sliding gracefully down his face. He didn't know if he had stopped crying at all since he started today. Digging his hand into his pocket, he brought out the folded note that Kyuhyun had given to him and opened it. 'Minnie, I need you to do me one last favour. In two days please check your e-mails and read the message I sent you. It will explain everything. I'm so sorry. Lots of love, Kyuhyun xx'

Sungmin's tears were still sliding rapidly down his pink cheeks. He constantly re-read the message over and over again, taking in every detail and meaning of every letter. Suddenly, felt a pain in his heart and he couldn't help but scream, his body was now forcing him to relive his pent up stress. Moments after the scream escaped Sungmin's lips, there was a loud, panicked knock on the door; this made Sungmin snap his head towards the closed door knowing who it was already.

"Minnie-ah, are you okay? Can I come in?" Sungmin just stayed sitting on his bed. He wanted to be left alone, yet another part of him was testing Heechul, to see if he cared enough to stay."Please Sungmin" Heechul spoke again on the other side of the door. He respected the other's privacy but due to his extreme amount of worry, he decided not wait for Sungmin's reply and opened the unlocked door. When Heechul set his eyes on Sungmin, he gasped. The younger males looked like he was on the brink of having a breakdown; this resulted in Heechul quickly going over to the boy and tightly wrapping his arms around him, entering a tight hug. "What's wrong Minnie?" Sungmin's tears were coming out more and more now. He was finding it hard to bring out the words he had to say. "Shhhh~ It's okay Minnie-ah" Heechul rubbed the crying male's back and carried on whispering soft 'shhhes'.

          After about five minutes, Sungmin had calmed down enough to get his thoughts pieced together. "Kyu *hiccup* broke up with--with me" Sungmin said in a soft whisper before he completely burried his head into the other's shoulder. Heechul felt his own eyes water as well as anger washing over him. He continued to rub Sungmin's back and try to get him to stop crying but to no avail; instead fell asleep from crying too much, in the others arms. Heechul couldn't help but smile gently as Sungmin's sleeping face; then he laid him down onto the bed before fully covering him with the duvet. Maybe Sungmin would be happier about everything once he'd had a comfortable sleep. 

"I can't believe him! How dare he hurt Sungmin in this way! I warned him!" Heechul shouted to himself as he quickly paced himself around in the livingroom of the shared house. He loved Sungmin as if he was his own blood brother; therefore wouldn't let anyone ever hurt his precieous dongsang. Especially in the way Kyuhyun did. Unfortunately, knowing Sungmin, he wouldn't want the other to make a fuss. So Heechul swore that he would stay and watch over the younger forever.

 Two days later - 

          Sungmin was sitting at his desk, his eyes staring deeply at the computed screen. His inbox on his messages page has a little red number 1 by it. He knew who it was from, and he didn't know weather he wanted to open it or not. But he knew he had no choice. He had never once disobayed or gone against what Kyuhyun had told him to do, and he wasn't going to start now. So with shaky hands on his mouse, he brought the cursor to click on the unread message. Within seconds the e-mail had opened and loaded.

          Moments later, Sungmin brought his hand up to his mouth; this was to muffle any noise that was aching to come out and alarm Heechul. A wet substance gracefully climbed down his cheek. "No, this can't be. I won't let this happen". He whispered to himself as he stood up and started running as fast as he could, out of the house and to Kyuhyuns. He didn't even bother to put his trainers on. 

          Within 10 minutes, Sungmin had reached his destination and was now banging on the front door to his lovers house. Hoping that Kyuhyun was playing some cruel joke on him and that everything would just be laughed off before going back to their normal lives. Together. "Kyu please open up. It can't be  true!" Suddenly the door opened, but it wasn't Kyuhyun, no, it was his lover's older brother Hyukjae. He stood there at the door with red blood-shot eyes, He looked sadly at Sungmin before pulling him into a tight embrace, just as Heechul had done to him earlier.  However, Sungmin stood there, emotionless and not doing anything. Lifelessly Sungmin began walking around the house. Going into every corner of every single room, as if searching for something.  Hyukjae guided Sungmin into Kyuhyun's bedroom. It had all of his possessions in it; it looked as if the owner of the room had only just popped to the shop. 

         Silently Sungmin walked over to the nightstand by the bed and looked at the photograph placed on it. It was the first ever picture the two boys had taken together as lovers. Sungmin looked at Kyuhyun's smiling and happy face. "You left me in this world. Please come back. Come back to me now!" After that he burst into tears and fell into the featal position on the floor. Hyukjae could only watch as his bother had left a scar on his lover by leaving him. A scar that no other human could heal.

          Sungmin felt like he was suffocating from being in his lovers bedroom. He needed to get out. Wiping away his tears, Sungmin stood up, said a quick 'goodbye' to Hyukjae before running out of the house. Not caring where he was going. The only problem was that Sungmin seemed to have forgotton that Kyuhyun's house was right outside of a buisy main road. A car horn beeped at the young male followed by the screetching of  wheels trying to pull into a sudden holt. Hyukjae closed his eyes and focused on his hearing. He heard it. The sound of something soft falling onto pavement.

          Sungmin weakly opened his eyes, scanning his surroundings. He was lying on a bed in a bright white room and there was a man sitting beside him holding his hand. It took him a few moments to reaslize who it was. "Heechul?" Sungmin said in his barely audible voice. However, it caught Heechuls attention because he snapped his head up and looked at Sungmin with red, watery eyes. "Sungmin" Heechul said simply not knowing what to say.

"where am I?" Sungmin tried to say loud enough for Heechul to hear.

"Your in the hospital"

"What happened?"

"You were in a car accident"

"Am I going to be alright?"

          Heechul burst into tears next to the weak man next to him. "I don't know. The doctores said that you would never wake up. But you're awake now. I don't know" Heechul said honestly as he grabbed a hand full of his own hair. Sungmin smiled at the broken man and brought his hand up to pat his head. "It will be alright" Heechul didn't answer, he just stared at the smiling angle in front of him. He thought that it would be ages until he saw Sungmin's smile again "Please don't leave me Sungmin" Heechul begged but he knew it was a helpless situation. Kyuhyun had broken Sungmin, and now Sungmin was going to reak him. The doctors said that Sungmin was going to live, but he didn't know. Sungmin looked as though his life was draining from him as the seconds passed.  

          Sungmin pretended for a few hours that none of this happened and talked with Heechul about nonsense making eachother laugh. But happiness never lasts forever.

"Heechul, I feel sleepy" Sungmin said slowly closing his eyes. Heechul looked sadly at the tired man and knew that it was time to leave and let him rest. "Then sleep Minnie". Sungmin drew short breaths as he cried silently. Then everything stopped. Sungmin was now resting. He had a smile on his face; Heechul knew that he was dreaming of something nice.

          Sungmin opened his eyes to a shining light blinding him. He looked around and saw he was lying in the middle of a beautiful field, holding hands with a very familiar person. "Kyuhyun!" Sungmin screamed in joy as he saw the love of his life smiling happily at him. "You left me all alone" Sungmin said as he cried in Kyuhyun's arms. Kyuhyun hugged Sungmin, crying slightly himself as he tried to calm his love. "Shhh, I never left you. I love you too much Minnie" Kyuhyun said as he leaned in for a long awaited kiss. "Dear Sungmin, I have a confession to make. Remember when i said a few years ago that i'd die fore i saw you cry from a broken heart? That is also the reason why I never asked you to live with me. My life was planned perfectly before I knew about this, I was going to marry you. I love you so much. But I would never have let you marry someone who was going to leave you. So I spent my years watching you be disappointed. The day before I broke up with you, I was going to leave in a matter of hours. I am so sorry for only telling you this through a computer, but I didn't want to see you cry. I want you to move on and be happy and as much as it pains me to say, please forget about me. I will always love you but I can't have you living your life full of regret. I will be waiting for you~ You made my life complete, you were my reason to keep fighting but I guess I couldn't hold on any longer against my fate and having to move on. I will always be smiling, so don't cry and also carry on smiling. I will miss you dearly Minnie. Love from Kyuhyun" Sungmin recognized these words. 'from the e-mail kyuhyun sent me before he'd left' Sungmin the reaslized that this wasn't real. Even though it seemed it. His vision blurred, and he could hear Heechul's voice calling for him. Asking him to come back, he didn't want to. He was being dragged back from Heaven into Hell. And there was nothing he could do to fight it.He wished that they were finally able to live a eternity  together, in eachothers arms. But now he knows that Whoever said there was such a thing as happy ending...LIED!


Hello everyone. I decided to improve this story. I didn't actually write it. A girl I kinda know wanted to write it and so I let her put it on here. Sorry if you get confused at the end, but this story wasn't supposed to make sence. lol 

Please check out my other fanfics ^^ thanks for reading *bows*

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Aww this is so sad :( I really thought Sungmin was going to die and be forever happy with Kyuhyun, but then again the last line "who ever said happy endings exist lied!" was so true ^^
minzy-woo #2
aaaawwww nice ending glad!!!
haahahah cute nice breaking fic.......i almost cried