Prank On You

Everything About You
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He strolled his way through the fifth floor alone as his head were hung low. He rubbed the back of his neck as he gave it a quick massage. He was a walking zombie. His eyes were droopy and dull with dark circles. His face was paler than usual. He raised his hand up and searched for the elevator buttons, head still hanging low. Once he found it, he pressed the down button. He brought himself to the wall and leaned against it. He was exhausted. After returning from Japan, he immediately reported to the studio to work on his next solo album, which has been delayed for quite some times. It was time for him to pick up from where he had left off.   'Ding.'   He peeled himself away from the wall and raised his head up, yawning and stretching in the process. He opened his eyes after a long yawn. He haven't slept ever since his arrival. He looked up once he heard the door parted ways, welcoming him. "Annyeong!" A grin appeared on his face as he watched two people stepping off the lift. "Hey there, Mr. Zombie."   It was Chaerin and his girlfriend, Eunji.   Chaerin leaned against the wall as Eunji stood beside her, eyes still on Jiyong. Her smile weren't so bright like before after she noticed how warily her boyfriend looked. She wasn't happy that he was neglecting his appearance. She was worried about his health. Eunji quickly waved at him when she noticed that they have been staring at each other for quite some time.   He ran his fingers through his messy hair as he cursed himself for looking so wary in front of the girls. One, he didn't want Chaerin to laugh at how poorly he looked. Two, he didn't want Eunji to worry so much. Heck, she didn't even know he had returned. "What are you girls up to?"   It was obvious that Jiyong was acting like he was still just a friend to Eunji. Cameras are located in every corner while eyes were just basically everywhere. He wasn't going to sacrifice it all. It just wasn't the right time to announce that he and Eunji are an item. Chaerin smiled as she peeled herself off the wall. She stood beside her best friend and rested her arm around the girl. Chaerin began, "I invited her over to show her some moves that we learned earlier today." Eunji nodded as an agreement.   "You should definitely join us!" Chaerin continued.   As much as he wanted to join the two, he wasn't able to. Sleep was what he really needed at the moment. He slightly shook his head as his eyes shifted from Chaerin to his girlfriend. Eunji sort of wanted him to be there. He released a heavy sigh, "I'm sorry. I have to pass on this one." He apologized as his eyes were apologizing and asking Eunji for forgiveness.   "It's okay. You look like you need a whole lot of rest." Eunji spoke up for the first time as Chaerin removed her arm. Chaerin sighed as she hinted that they needed to have a quick chat. She excused herself from the two, stating that she needed to check if the dance room was still available. Eunji flashed an assurance smile to her boyfriend, "Go home and get some rest."   Jiyong cleared his throat as he watched his girlfriend smiling sweetly to him as if she wasn't so bothered by the wary look on his face. He sighed, "I know. And I will. Don't you worry." He assured her as they stood there, feeling awkward that they weren't acting like themselves. Due to the fact that they were right in the opening where anyone could see them, they weren't able to speak to each other like how they normally would. He pointed a finger at her, which caused her to question him as her head cocked to the side, "Don't you dare stay out late."   She laughed.   The two stepped up and gave each other a quick, simple hug.   "I'll call you when I wake up." He whispered real quick before they released each other.   -

“That was awesome!”   Eunji clapped her hands as she watched her best friend dancing her way across the dance floor. She was sitting by the window seat of the dance room. Her eyes has been glued to Chaerin the whole time, admiring how charismatic her best friend could be when she's serious. Chaerin chuckled as she turned off the stereo. She sat on the table beside the stereo. Her legs swung in the air as she glanced over to her best friend, "I'm glad you enjoyed it."   Chaerin leaned back, legs still swinging in the air. "You know what I just realized?"   Eunji shrugged as she crossed her legs on the seat. She was all ear. She waited for her best friend to continue, "We haven't been on the same dance floor in so long!" Chaerin clapped her hands together as she jumped off the table. An idea came to mind as she gradually approached her best friend with a huge smile on her face. Her blond hair swaying back and forth.   Chaerin bent down and grabbed a hold of Eunji's wrists. She pulled the girl up onto her feet and dragged her to the center of the dance floor. "I showed you the dance probably about three times already. Now, I know you have got to know the dance!" Chaerin smirked as she marched over to the ste
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13 streak #1
Chapter 93: I finally finished it
I realized that back then I stopped in chapter 78
13 streak #2
One of my favorite stories,
I still remember it, even after all these years (read it in 2012/2013)
Chapter 93: great chapter! ty for updating :)
Chapter 91: ooo the gasp i made when i read that last line
lmao when jiyong mentioned two hours is enough to cheat
Chapter 90: I was surprised to see this be updated! Glad to see that you're still writing!
I'm looking forward to it
Just checking in if this is still being updated??
thinkdreamlive #7
Chapter 88: What a lovely surprise!
Chapter 88: Thanks for updating! It was nice to read about her thoughts and their relationship
Will there be an update anytime soon?
Chapter 87: Author-nim... I know it has been years since your last update... I hope you can update the fic soon!!! Please!!!! :DD