What he deserved

Safety in numbers

This time there will be more KaJay action~!



Chapter 2. What he deserved



When my alarm rings the next morning I hardly open my eyes. It's hard for me to open them at all. I don´t want to get up. Without moving a finger, I'm lying in my bed and bury my face in my pillow.
I'm tired, I didn´t slept very well. Actually, I was hoping I would get some sleep but Hyunmin´s words have taken me longer than I had expected.  It annoys me extremely.
What upsets me even more is the fact that my phone starts ringing loudly.
" ...,", I growl and grab annoyed my phone.
"Hello?", I lifted off and hearty yawn.  Whoever calls me at this time should have a good reason for the calling.
"It's terrible Suhoonie! I think I must die! Eli wants to introduce me to his parents today! ", Jihae screams into my ear. She is my best friend, so I guess she´s having a bad problem. She knows me so she does know that I hate to get up early. Even when it´s her whose calling me.
Right now I´m not mad at her for calling me so early.
Especially when I can understand her problem.  It is a serious problem.  When Eli wants to introduce her to his parents, we must carefully consider what to wear and how she should behave. The first impression is important and in this case it is particularly important.  Jihae would kill herself voluntarily if something goes wrong.
I slowly sit down on my bed and through my hair which is totally messed up.
"Come down Jihae.  Do you already know what you want to wear? ", I ask for when I finally get up from bed.
"If only I knew I wouldn´t call you! I have no idea! I wish I could wear a skirt but I don´t have a single skirt that´s long enough!  With my skirts, I'll look like a ! What should I do? "
She is desperate, I simply can tell that. The laughter I can´t hold back anymore didn´t make the situation better. It´s her fault if she sounds like an excited pig. I mentally compare her with a pig but I’d better keep it to myself. Jihae is not particularly pleasant when she´s referred to a pig, and usually I avoid it as well. It would be cruel to call her a pig.
"Okay ... just pack quite a lot of things into a suitcase and then come over to us. We find out together what you could wear and what we do with your hair and make-up. ", I already know that there´s also need for make-up advice. She didn´t even had the chance to complain about the fact that she doesn´t know what make-up she should wear.  The make-up should be carefully picked out when you first meet the parents of your partner.
"Good idea. I throw everything I have into a suitcase and come over. I´ll be there in a second! ", she hangs up and I leave my phone lying on the bed. I stretch thoroughly, and go to my closet to search for some clothes I could wear.  I decided for some Baggy pants, a top and a red beanie under which I hide my messy hair.
Not a particularly unusual outfit but it is adequate. Today I have to do but writing out my lyrics and giving Jihae some help to survive the day.
Just as I was leaving my room there's a knock at the door and I open it. I promptly look into the face of Injoon.
"I just wanted to wake you up for breakfast.", he starts to grin and steps aside so I could leave the room.
"Hyunchul-ah has really made an effort with the breakfast. This time even Hyunmin had helped him. I think the guy was afraid that Hyunchul would really put something into his food. ", he chuckles happily and leads me into the kitchen.
"That's right if he´s afraid.",  I let myself down on my usual stool and take the bowl in my hand.
"Good Morning Hyung~ Did you sleep well?”, turns Jihwan to me while playing on the radio. He´s looking for a station he likes. For some time he turns on the radio around until he throws a CD into it and come to the table where he is eating more.
"More or less.  I would like to have slept longer but Jihae has called. She will be here soon. ", I respond Jihwan and just as I have expressed my words it ring at the door. She must forget her hand on the bell because the ringing doesn´t stop.  As I get up to open to the front door the bell doesn´t stop.  When I open the door her hand still lies on the bell and she looks at me with her big eyes. Head shaking I´ll take her hand from the bell.
"God, hey, what's going on here? We´re you asleep while ringing on the bell? , complains Hyunmin at Jihae which look at him angry and pushes her suitcase into his arms.
"Bring this into Suhoonie´s room! So you could do at least something good!", she snaps at him and headed into the kitchen where the other three sit around.
“Good Morning Noona. Would you like to eat something? ", offers Hyunchul her a bowl and she respond with shaking her head violently.
" I can´t eat otherwise I´ll look way to fat tonight when I meet his parents. Eli told me recently that his mother has tried a new diet so I need to look good or she wouldn´t like me. Who likes a fat girl as daughter-in-law? ", she rubs on her flat belly. She isn´t fat but whatever.
"Clearly, you have so much brain as you're fat.", growling Hyunmin as he sat down on the table and made a grimace.
"Shut up you homo sapiens.", Jihae responds to Hyunmins insult and reaches for my hand.
"Let us go. We need to decide for a outfit for tonight. You also have to do my make up still and my hair. ", she looks at me pleadingly and I'll just skip breakfast. Too bad it's not if I eat anything. The less you eat the better it is.
You must pay attention to your weight and I surely can understand Jihae that she doesn´t want to eat. First, she might be too excited to eat and she has to look perfect when she´s meeting Eli´s parents.
Back in my room, she sits down on my bed and pushes me to open the suitcase.
"Wow.... how did you get it all in?”, I ask amazed by her skills.
"A little squeeze and it all fits in nicely.", she smiles to me and took away a dress from me which lied on the top of the suitcase.  She has squeezed all of her clothes into it because the clothes are almost jump at me as I open the suitcase.
 "The dress looks like right? So I would look like a fat cow... ", she sighs quietly and let herself fall back on my bed.  At the moment she called me I knew that it would be my job to find the right clothes. I knew it that she wouldn´t help me at all. She is so familiar to me so it´s no wonder I could guess this. We have known for years and she is my best friend. If I were in her place she would do the same for me.

"I don´t like the dress.",  I answer her and fight my way through the many clothes through. The more I get clothes from the suitcase the more I get the feeling that the case is never empty. Only after a further 10 dresses I get the suitcase empty. Now I'm sitting in front of a huge mountain of clothes. How I should find something out of this mass of clothes for her is a mystery to me. It´s not that easy, but it doesn´t change the fact that I'm doing my best to seek out something for Jihae whose sitting next to me and now we struggle together through the clothes. At least she has turned some music on to which she started to sing along and brings me to participate.
"This is pretty. You've never worn it ... ", I hold up a dress and she looks up in surprise. Apparently she didn´t know that she bought this dress at all.
"I have really bought this dress? I thought I wouldn´t have bought it because I looked so fat into it ... ",  she takes the dress and hold it in front of her.
"You've bought it after I've persuaded you. Put it on, I´m gonna search for some other outfit with a skirt and a blouse for you meanwhile. ", I start to seek out for a skirt for Jihae.  I haven´t forgotten that she had actually want to wear a skirt. I personally find a dress better for the occasion but it´s really not about me but about Jihae. She has stood up and pulls her top and pants off and just throws them on my bed. She has no problem changing clothes in front of me. I don´t see her the first time in my life in her underwear. However, I must say that there is an exception to her.
"Do you think I can wear it?", she puts on the dress and viewed herself from all sides in the big mirror on my wall. She turns around once and then turns to face me. I put my head on the side and just look at her.
"Turn around again.", I call on her and now look at her back. Shortly after that I get up and go to her and tie the bow of the dress all over again.
"Better, the bow has irritated me.", I put my hands on their hips and turn her around. We are very close which is not unusual, and we already begin to laugh at the same time as we have seen in the eyes of the other.
"You are stupid you know that?"
"Says the one who looked at me like some weirdo.", She chuckles and walks past me.
"Don´t say such nonsense. You looked at me first like a fish and now just look at the other outfit ",I let myself fall to my chair and watch her while she take off the dress and then tried on the skirt with the blouse.
After a few seconds she had started to take the blouse off again.
"Hey – “, Hyunmin just comes into the room who is immediately hit with a shoe from Jihae.
"Get lost you ert!", she yells at him and keeps her blouse in front of her torso.  Just because I can see her underwear that doesn´t give that privilege to Hyunmin.
"As if I would get to see something! You are flat as a pancake.", he rubs over the red spot on his nose. Jihae has made good with the shoe she threw at him.
"Get out or I'll fit your up with this shoe!",  she growls at him angry and I decide to break into their fight instead of just sitting on the chair while grin like some idiot.
"Hyunmin, what do you want?", I ask him and ignore all of his curses against Jihae. She pouts while in front of him.
"I should ask if you need something, because the others are going to shopping now.", he said to me and I shake my head.
"I need nothing.", I answer him, and he groans annoyed.
"And I let myself beat by a fury for that? “, he left my room in a bad mood and I cast a glance at Jihae which looks at me innocently.

"I can´t help it. This just happened. He has scared me. ", she says, and throws her skirt and blouse frustrated in a corner of my room.
"It´s all right, we still need shoes and then we should think about what we do with your hair."
I get up and pack the clothes back into the suitcase while she´s looking out for some shoes she could wear.  To find shoes for the dress does need more time than most people would believe. That's why I'm glad we have finally found shoes that we like both and can fit on the dress. At least the outfit for tonight is done.
"Now my hair and my make-up.", she sits on my bed and empties her bag in which she carried around her cosmetics.
"You should wear contact lenses.", I said to her and get up from bed.
"I'll get them.“ I leave Jihae alone in my room and go to the bathroom where I meet Hyunmin who just dries his hair.
"Why didn´t you go shopping with the others?",  I ask him while I´m looking for the contact lenses in a drawer. I have many different contact lenses because I have a tick of them. There is rarely a day on which I don´t wear contact lenses. Even when I'm sick I still wear contact lenses. Not for nothing I buy the expensive contact lenses. They last longer and I can sleep with them without having to take them out.
"I don´t have time to go shopping with them. I have to get ready because I meet this afternoon with Jae Hwa. However, I have to find a solution for the shoe print in my face!” , he mumbles and looks at me reproachfully as if I were to blame for that Jihae hit him with the shoe. He himself is to blame for; no woman in the world would react differently if a guy comes into the room when she changes her clothes at the moment.
"It isn´t that bad and you deserved it.”,  I take the contact lenses and leave the bathroom. His whole superficiality gets on my nerves and so my facial expression mustn’t have been especially nice when I enter the room again.
"What happened? You look so angry.. .",  she asks gently and take the contact lenses so that she could use them.
I stay in silence on the bed and look out to for the things I need to do her make-up. Her hair has been pinned up so that I can do her make up more easily.
"Why are people so obsessed with beauty ideals? Why must everything be perfect? If anyone has an ounce too much on the ribs, he is no longer worth to be loved ... I simply can´t understand. I had listen all the time to Jae Hwa when she cried because Hyunmin treated her like just because she gained some weight.", break my thoughts out of me and I try to avoid to look at Jihae whose done with the contact lenses.
She is silent, it seems she expect I'll tell on.
"He just does as if it would be that easy... it isn´t easy to always have the perfect weight!
You know I'm tired of helping Jae Hwa but I can´t stop it if he offended her because of her weight. "
" Suhoon ...hold your breath for a second", she interrupts me and take the brush away as I have begun to apply her makeup.
"This is the cause of the two and it has nothing to do with you and your ex-boyfriend. Don´t mix these two things. You don´t need to protect Jae Hwa if you don´t like to ", her voice is calm and warm. It ´s soothing and she´s right, I shouldn´t change the facts. Something that has happened to me has nothing to do with the between Hyunmin and Jae Hwa.
"I know what you mean but I feel sorry for her. ", I sigh and continue to do her make-up.
"I can´t understand you. You don´t owe her something. In addition, the idiot will meet today with her to talk with her. Don´t worry too much, okay, “, it comes from Jihae who suggest silent so I can do her make-up properly. It´s difficult for me when she´s talking all the time.
As long as we are sitting on my bed where we talk to each other and make her pretty for today's meeting with Eli's parents I feel better. She will leave a good impression and that's a good thing.
Only because of that reason, I can let her go later with a good conscience. After that I help the other three to tidy up the mess in the kitchen. They finally arrived from shopping and Hyunmin has already gone to meet up with his girlfriend.
"The shopping was really exhausting.", tells me Hyunchul who puts the fruit in a bowl and gave Jihwan a banana as he asked for it.
"So it is in most cases. Have you at least got everything you wanted? ", I ask while I help Hyunchul to put the food in the right place, so I discover my breakfast in the closet. He obviously knew that I had not eaten anything; else he had thrown away the food.
"We got everything. It took only hours until Injoon could decide what we do today as a dessert for dinner. ", Hyunchul continues talking and I let myself down next to Jihwan and start to eat my breakfast. With every bite I take to me it feels like I'm eating stones. My stomach feels heavy, what is unpleasant and therefore I stop eating. Maybe I should make the food hot or I should seek out something that is not so heavy in the stomach.
I haven´t eaten since yesterday lunchtime and my stomach is now sensitive.
"Hyunchul-hyung wait, there is something…", Jihwan stands up from the chair. He goes to the other and picks on Hyunchul´s hair. I watch the two of them and start to smile because of the facial expression of Hyunchul.
Jihwan lowers his hand and remain unmoved in front of the other. Unsure Hyunchul scratches his back and smiles back from Jihwan. That I'm sitting here and watching them must be ignored of them. Well, not so bad. It is interesting to watch because the blush on Hyunchul´s cheeks is pretty cute.
"Now it's gone. Want to try out my banana? ", trying Jihwan to interrupt the silence that has put between him and Hyunchul. I have to refrain from laughing because the words of Jihwan.
"I uhm…", begins Hyunchul put close his mouth again and put his hand on Jihwan's shoulder.
"Wow our Maknae grows up.", Hyunmin enters the kitchen and breaks the mood between Hyunchul Jihwan and so I kick him against his leg as he sits down next to me.
"Hey, why you kick me you hippo?", he grumbles, rubbing his feet.
Jihwan has finally realized how stupid his words sounded and starts to blush. With a cough he comes back to me and eats his banana alone.
 Hyunmin collects a death glance from me because I´m gonna kick his if he won´t stop calling me constantly fat! Gradually, I start to believe him, but I´ve gained some weight.
"Because you deserved it.", warbles Hyunchul who leans against the counter.
"I don´t deserve anything.", he complains about it and I just wonder why he is back again.
"Did you not meet with you Jae Hwa?“,  I wonder and look at him.
"I will, we meet in an hour. She had to do something so we need to meet later.", he replied to my words, and after some time he left again.
I'm doing the same because I go to my room and finally start to write my lyrics. They need to be finished until tomorrow otherwise they´ll cut my head.  Just as I am nearing the end of the lyrics my phone is ringing and I pick up annoyed.
"Hello?",  I'm waiting for a response. I frown because of the sob I hear from the other side of the line.
"Oppa... he broke up with me.... Hyunmin broke up with me!", sobs Jae Hwa and I wish she would have someone else picked out.
'H-he said that he don´t love me anymore and that I've gotten fat.

I left him in the cafe... but he has been already talking with another girl", she starts to cry even more and I would like to bury myself in my bed.
"What should I do? I love him so much! ", she yells into the phone and I close my eyes. I don´t know how I feel. There are so many things I feel. I'm mad at Hyunmin he has made it and then again, I'm annoyed by Jae Hwa that she talks to me about it.
"Jae Hwa ... I'm sorry ... I'll talk to him. However, I'll hang up now. Please talk to someone else. ", I put the phone down and get up from my bed. It's time to give Hyunmin a lesson.
"Hyunchul!",  I am calling for the younger who comes into my room and looks at me questioning.
"What's the matter?", he captures the hairbrush that I thrown at him.
"We have to give Hyunmin a lesson."
"And what shall we do?"
"For that I need your help. We have to show him how it is when someone rejects you just because you´re is not perfect.", I  said to Hyunchul who nods in agreement.
"So far so good and he really deserved it but why is it so important for you now?"
Hyunchul let himself fall on my bed and pushed the cosmetics aside.
 "He broke up with Jae Hwa because she´s gotten fat. “, I explain the situation to Hyunchul who understands immediately. Of course Hyunchul is on my side, it isn´t a surprise for me.
He has talked about it yesterday that Hyunmin need to be lectured.
"What he did is disgusting, I mean I like him but that shouldn´t be. ",  he takes the lipstick and opens it.
"You know what, I have the perfect idea of ​​how can we give him a lesson.", he looks at me excited and I look at him confused.

I should better have known that the glance in Hyunchul´s eyes didn´t meant something good for me. His ideas were always awkward and this time it´s really awkward.  After a half an hour later I couldn´t recognize myself.
 He has me pinned up my hair and make-up me. With a few extensions he put my hair into an up-do hair style and to top it all, he dragged me to wear the skirt and the blouse that were thrown next to my bed on the floor by Jihae.
"Perfect. You will go into the cafe and turn him on. He will bite it and then you talk to him and if he asks you for a date you´ll telling him that he isn´t your type, because he isn´t pretty enough. ", explained Hyunchul to me and pushes me a pair of shoes from Jihae in my hands.
Well, it´s good that I don´t have big feet otherwise it would be very uncomfortable for me.
Still I even don´t know how Hyunchul could managed to convince me to do that at all.
"Okay... I should hurry up, but I shouldn´t talk too much. At best I try to speak in a high-voice the whole time. ", it comes from me and I put on my shoes. Jihae will have no problem with that I put on her clothes and shoes. She has often borrowed my clothes as well.
"Right!  It will be great. You must always write to me how it goes, okay? ", Hyunchul giggles happily, pushing me out of the room and sprayed me one with lots of perfume.
In the hallway he put the perfume away and I consider myself in the mirror. It is a strange sight.
My hair is pinned up and a few dark strands falling into my face. The make-up looks really good but it is unusual. The red lipstick looks so strange.
"Hey, has anyone of you seen Suhoon-hyung? I wanted to ask him if he wants to go out with me to eat some ice cream?", it comes from  Injoon who the looks from Hyunchul to me.
"We have a guest?", he blinks a few times and I'm starting to laugh just like Hyunchul.
"We don´t have a guest. It's me, Suhoon. ", I enlighten him and Injoon raises an eyebrow.
"What? Why are you running around like that? ", he scrutinizes me. His eyes are as big as plates.
"We want to give Hyunmin a little lesson because he has hurt Jae Hwa. ", I try to explain it to Injoon.
"To lecture him? The guy has pretty good luck ... you look good Hyung or should I say Noona? ", he smiles and looks down at me. I tug around at my skirt, it´s way too short for my taste.
I never thought I would wear a skirt once in my life.
"I feel awkward... The skirt is so short. ", I continue to tug at my skirt. As Injoon get down on his knee I look at him in shock. He actually tries to look under my skirt!
"No ual harassment! ", Hyunchul slaps Injoon's hand away that´s lying on my thigh.
 "S-sorry ..." , said Injoon with a blush on his face. With a smile I say goodbye to the others.
I don´t feel comfortable when I leave the apartment and now I'm on the way to the cafe. I know which café. Hyunmin has always come with Jae Hwa here. It ´s his favorite café. On the way there, I was often stared at by some types. The worst of it was when they tried to flirt with me.
It ´s sick and I will never do that again in my life. I'm doing it just because I want to show how painful it is to be treated like this to Hyunmin and not for some other reasons.
Once in the cafe, I find myself looking out for the other guy. It didn´t take a long time to find him. Easily I identify Hyunmin sitting at a table and talking with a girl.
Hyunchul imagines that far too easily.
I am looking for an empty table nearby and grab my cell phone to write Hyunchul a message.
, I'm there now. But the guy is still talking with a girl. ', I´ll send off the message and put my cell phone in my bag. While I was writing the message I hadn´t realized that Hyunmin has said goodbye to the girl. He looks at me and I return his gaze. The longer he stares at me, the more uncomfortable I feel. What should I do if he recognizes me? That would be the most embarrassing thing that could happen to me...
I quickly turn my gaze away from him and I see on my phone if Hyunchul has already answered me.
, Just try to separate them and draw his attention to you. <3 '
I shake my head slightly and play with one of the strands of hair when I realize I'm still observed. Shortly after the service comes to me and ask for what I want to drink I order a coffee.  And just as I wanted to respond to Hyunchul´s message Hyunmin sat down on the other side of my table.
"I hope the place was not reserved.",  he greets me with a charismatic smile. He always knows how to act when it comes to girls. It's hard for me to swallow my anger I feel. First he insulted me and then he broke up with Jae Hwa because she is too fat! My problem isn´t Jae Hwa right now. To be honest, it´s more like I´m angry at him because of me.
 I feel hurt and that only because he reminds me of how it was with my ex-boyfriend. The insults about my weight.
"No it isn´t.", I disguise my voice and look at him with a shy smile. I have to do it all the time to adjust my voice.
"Perfect, I didn´t expect that. Why are you here alone? ", he asks for me, and now ordered a cup of coffee when I get mine.
Thinking about a story I could tell him.
"I wanted to have a little rest.",  I say to him and playing with the straw in my coffee.
"I hope I don´t bother you then.", he gives me a glance that probably should melt me. What for an idiot. He doesn´t care that he broke up with his girlfriend a few hours ago. Now he´s sitting across from me and trying to flirt with me.
"No, you don´t. But tell me why your girlfriend is just gone? ", I ask him. So I could know why the girl is already gone.

"That wasn´t my girlfriend, I don´t have one. She is an old friend of mine so we talk briefly with each other. ", he says to me, and I nod slightly.
"Why then were you here all alone?",  I play on with a straw and drink from it.
"I wanted to have a little peace and quiet.", he takes his cup and drank a big gulp of coffee. As he puts the cup back on the table, I start to giggle because he has a milk mustache.
"You've got a milk mustache.",  I explain my giggle and he wipes over his mouth.
"Ops ~", he starts to grin and leans a little to me.
"You have an amazing smile...", it comes from him and I realize that I start to blush. This is too much of a good thing. I'm here to lecture him and nothing else!
"I …thank you ....",  I stutter and uncertain turn my gaze.
Only slowly the blush disappears on my cheeks and into my stomach, it tingles strong.
This feeling in my stomach is growing stronger as he grabs my hand and it.
"Your hands remind me of the hands of a very good friend.",  he lets go of my hand and I look at him  with a fake angry face.
"So you want to say that my hands look like the ones of a guy?"
"No, no, he has very beautiful hands even when yours are much more beautiful.",  he speaks out and then drink of his coffee.
"Are you mad at me now?",  he looks at me innocently and I put on a pouty face.
"I didn´t mean to offend you. You really look pretty. ", he caresses my arm and I look straight into his face.
Some time passes while we looking at each other until he drinks more of his coffee.
"Why don´t you drink anything? Your coffee is quite cold. ", he suggested to my coffee.
"I'm tired of it. It will only make me fat. ", I push my coffee aside and look at the table.
His hand finds its way to my chin, forcing me to look at him. I'm mad at him. I want to yell at him that he´s not my type! I want to lecture him! Tell him he wouldn´t be good enough for me. But I can´t.
"Really, you´re weight is perfect. You don´t need to worry about it. Especially not because of a coffee. ", he pulls me closer to him and I stand up quickly.
"I ... I will go. I'm don´t like guys like you. You're not good enough. ", I turn my back to him so I don´t have to look at his face any longer. The look in his eyes was different.
"Wait ..", he grabs my arm and forced me to stay standing.
"Tell me at least your name ..."
"I ... for what? I don´t like you. You're under my level.  Just take a look at yourself! I need a real man and not something like you. ", I slap his hand away from my arm and stormed out of the cafe.
 A few streets away from the cafe I stop and rub with my hands over my face.
 I can´t forget the look on his face. Still less can I forget the feeling I have felt as he talked about my weight.
All this is pure disaster....


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Chapter 2: i enjoy this ! <3
Ooh~ This is getting so interesting! :D
Hyunchul you sneaky thing... :P
I can't wait for the next chapter!
Please........ Update LOL so interesting omfg and hyunmin is a jerk ._. omg lol okay ahhahahah anyways this is interesting!
Aww Suhoonie you're perfect, don't starve yourself.
KaJay. <3 ;)
Jisang..(Gwangchul! Ah, I miss them </3)
"If you would become intimate with me, to say it in your words, you wouldn´t care about the stuffed animals. " OMG. Injun, what are you saying you cute little bunny?! :O (Injun is a beast in bed.... lol)
This story is really cute so far (I jut wish I could go beat Hyunmin for being a jerk)