

What planet are you from?

Your values are so different; it's not the same

So different that it's the exact opposite

It's so hard that my heart truly aches

You just say that you know my mind

But you're getting further apart

We're not a good fit so even if I try to match your level

If we break up, nothing will be different

He wakes up to the familiar scent of an alone morning.

Though it has only been half a year, it feels like centuries have whisked by in the short amount of time. His eyes sting a little and his throat feels scratchy as he mentally steels himself for the day’s works. Out of habit, he turns over to face to take in the small, neatly made bed tucked away at the other side of the room.

For a moment, he swears he can still see the outline of the beds original owner, but immediately shakes the image away.

He’s not coming back’ he reprimands himself, and rises from his now cold bed.


He slides into loose sweat pants and a plain jumper before he quietly makes his rumpled bed. He takes in another deep breath and slips into the bathroom to wash the remainder of his dreams from his mind.

The faint scent of strawberry pancakes arises from the kitchen, which alarms him for a second before the muffled sound of sobbing ensues and Jaeseop slowly calms down, exiting the washroom.


He spots Kevin huddled over near the cooking pancakes, his small frame shuddering violently as he silently cried, not seeming to care that the mixture was now tear-flavored. Before he could move to comfort the poor boy, Eli is already at his side, prying his hands away from the pan and guiding him towards the couch.


He doesn’t cry anymore. Nor does he smile, or carry around his lyric notebook. Jaeseop could imagine how shocked Kiseop would react to that last part. In fact, Jaeseop hasn’t tried writing a song since the first week.

His heart twists as he brushes past the couple, grabs the batter and pan and harshly dumps it into the sink, the loud clang echoing throughout the still morning. So far this morning is no different that that of the past six months. As if in a repetitive movie, Soohyun and Hoon finally appear from their bedroom door, eyes red from lack of sleep, dragging their maknae Dongho to the kitchen to cook for the rest of the group.

When the food was cooked, Soohyun and Hoon would ravenously consume the food, Kevin would try to wipe his eyes clean from tears as Eli spoon-fed him and Dongho would pick at the warm meal before taking a few bites out of it, throwing the rest away. Jaeseop quickly finished his portion before quietly placing his empty plate near the sink.


Nothing was said- as they slowly drifted to the recording studio- about the seventh plate that lay untouched and slowly began to grow cold.



“Bwo? You want to write a duet for the album?” Kiseop asked excitedly, looking up from his camera. Jaeseop visibly jumped at the sudden outburst from his band member, and he quickly averted his eyes back to his notebook, trying to convince himself that he was uneasy due to the lack of effort so far into the few lyrics he had jotted down and not because his hyung was lounging on his bed in a… very appealing way.


“Ne” he replied quietly, as he cautiously sat at the end of the bed, watching in amusement as the ‘selca king’ writhed animatedly atop his quilt covers.

“Do you know who’s gonna sing it?” Kiseop asked curiously, “You could ask Kevin or Hoon to sing it- they both have ‘duet-ish’ voices”

Before his mind could catch up to his mouth, Jaeseop blurted out, “I don’t think the song would best suit them”


“Eh?! Not suit Kevin or Hoon?” Kiseop exclaimed slightly shocked “What’s the song going to be about?”

“You” AJ replied mindlessly. Once he realized what had escaped him, he slowly looked back at his silent roomy. Kiseop’s usually pale features were an impressive shade of red; even his ears had turned a shade of light pink.

Jaeseop took a nervous breath as he slowly and carefully rephrased his answer, “I’d… like you to sing it with me…cause I want to write it about us”


Kiseop practically fainted from too much blood to the head.




The remaining u-kiss members were relieved when the manager finalized the last details of the photo shoot hastily thrown together by the producers. The six of them crawled exhaustedly into the large taxi, trying preserve what little energy they had for one of the many fan meetings that manager had scheduled for the young artists.

 It had been like this for some time now.  U-kiss was beginning to resemble an almost robotic like appearance to the public during working hours, and whenever the group could spare the time, much needed naps was not an option. No one could sleep past four hours a day and the group’s health was slowly deteriorating.

AJ slides deeper into the comfortable cushion of the car seat and shuts his eyes, hoping that sleep would wash over him.


We’ll never move on.


The remaining U-kiss members are still clinging to the past. Unwilling to let go, like a stubborn stain.

Slowly –against his better judgment- his thoughts spiral back towards the memories of Kiseop’s angel-like appearance. Jaeseop is still confused about what Kiseop saw in him. He wasn’t as attractive as several of the u-kiss members and other Korean stars as he had frequently brought up in ‘heated’ discussion. He supposes it was just a Kiseop thing to do- like his fierce need for selca photos.

The scenery is a blur when AJ looks out the window, but all the members feel the chill of winter slowly seeping through the warmth of the small car. When the car slowed down enough, AJ could make out the light color of snowfall through the darkly tinted windows, and he holds back a lifeless chuckle.

Kiseop described winter as a ‘love-hate’. He loved that fact that the coldness brought hot chocolate, spicy food and more cuddles from AJ and the rest of U-kiss (meaning just Kevin and Dongho), but he despised the fact that his sensitive nose would become a ‘booger-tap’ and he’d have to stuff several tissues up his nose to absorb the ‘flood.’


The memories over take Jaeseop’s mind for the remainder of the day, and he happily drowns himself in them.

When you said you loved me, it wasn't the truth

Wordlessly, I feel your expression saying goodbye

Don't say you love me if it's not the truth

When the day is finally over and they left their many Kiss Me fans with airy kisses and promises to return soon, the band members found themselves once again back at their dull apartment. Soohyun, realizing that the smell of off breakfast was wafting in the still air, and he scoffed as he quickly cleaned up the mess before heading back to bed.

Several of the others follow Soohyun’s lead and all retreat to their separate rooms. Before Kevin leaves, he squeeze’s Jaeseop’s arm sympathetically.


“Don’t go to bed too late” he gently coos before sleepily walking off in the direction of his room.


When the coast is clear, Jaeseop hurries to the fridge and rips open the alcoholic beverages. He doesn’t think as he sculls down one drink…then two…and then three. Doesn’t think of the fact that now, fat salty tears run down his face. Doesn’t comprehend why he cries out so brokenly.

Doesn’t understand that this wasn’t love- Not at all.

It’s Obsession



Jaeseop was surprised to see Kiseop still hovering around the piano well after rehearsals were finished. He smirked as he glanced as Kiseop’s long slender fingers dancing atop keys gracefully. ‘What a dork’ he thinks fondly.

“Yah! Are you ready to go yet?” he asks, slightly jogging over the other side of the room to where the dancer played.


“Oh… I’m almost done!” Kiseop smiles cutely before continuing, “I was gonna go over a few of the lines of some of the stuff you wrote down.”

AJ can’t help but grin back. “What did you want to work on” he replies, as he squats down on the piano stool alongside Kiseop.

No one says anything for a moment before Kiseop’s hand almost automatically reaches for Jaeseop’s, and he gives their joint hands a smug squeeze before answering.


“The English word thingy” Kiseop replies uncomfortably


Jaeseop can’t help but bark out a laugh.


“Eh? What’s funny?” Kiseop grumbles, completely serious.


“The word Obsession?”


“Yes! That one! Op…sass…ion?” Kiseop stuttered out, trying his best to make his ‘English’ sound as flawless as AJ’s.  Jaeseop sputters, trying to hold back his laughter.


“Ugh! Stop laughing at me!” Kiseop fussed, face growing hot.


“Its Ob… session” he corrected, once he his laughter had dissipated.

“Ob…sass…eon” Kiseop pronounced slowly and carefully, looking up at his ‘mentor’ for praise.


‘Too cute’ Jaeseop thinks affectionately, and he can’t help but lean slightly inwards and lightly peck Kiseop thin lips.

“Its… slightly better” Jaeseop announces, before sealing their lips again in a slightly more heated kiss.




The morning comes again too soon.

Jaeseop finds himself somehow back on his bed again and he turns over to face the empty bed beside him

‘He’s not coming back’ he rebukes himself, before rising out of his cold bed and braces himself for another day.

So... First chapters done ^^ What do y'all think? 

Next chapter will be out soon... i hope... >~< and it'll be the last one ;)

Please drop a review/ comment~ ^^



And here~ have some y Kiseop... :D tumblr_m6gbvnh2DL1rzndu1o1_r1_400.gif tumblr_m6gbvnh2DL1rzndu1o2_400.gif

I love AJ's reaction XD

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OMG Did Kiseop die!! WAEEEEEE!!!
kagaki #2
AJ felt rejected ;3(
Argh I need more!!!!!!! Please update soon!!!!!
update soon~
i wanna know what happen with kiseop. where did he go ? why he left the kitty ? :(