Sweet Confession

Cotton Candy Confession

Taemin rested his head on his hyung's shoulder like it was an everyday thing. He had been in love with his favorite hyung, Choi Minho, for almost 2 years now. Little did he know that Minho felt the same way.

"Hyung! Let's go to the amusement park!" He smiled up at Minho who was currently flicking through random TV channels.

Minho ceased his searching and looked down on Taemin with his bright, brown eyes. "You know I'm terrified of all the rides you manage to drag me on. Besides, it's too hot to be going out." He huffed. Taemin tried to win him over by giving his hyung the most adorable puppy eyes he could manage. "Ah, Minnie. Who can say no to such a cutie." Minho finally gave in. "Yay!" Taemin exclaimed. "Let's go and get ready, ok." Minho said as he ushered the younger one into his room before departing into his own.

Taemin was freaking out. "What do I wear? What do I wear?" He was muttering to himself. He began to dig through his closet, throwing clothes around, not caring where they landed. "White loose shirt and black skinny jeans or fitting black shirt and red skinny jeans?" He asked himself. He hurried and tried both outfits on, eventually settling with the fitting black shirt and red skinnies. "I look good!" He said to himself as he examined his figure in the mirror. He emerged from his room and walked to the shoe rack to grab his sneakers. As soon as he was done, he waited for Minho patiently while fixing his hair in the small mirror near the front door.

Minho, on the other hand, was having trouble deciding whether he should confess to Taemin or not. "It's now or never." He'd tell himself. But he would always decided against it before walking out of his room. "Ok. Call me stupid, but..." He stopped in mid-sentence to call his friend Jonghyun. Minho had a short conversation about how he should confess. Jonghyun came up with the brilliant idea of using an old amusement park favorite. Cotton candy. After a long battle with his concience, Minho decided that today was the day. The day that he would confess to Taemin.



By the time they arrived at the amusement park it was already 3pm. Taemin wasted no time in dragging Minho to every ride possible. The Drop, Bumper Cars, Ring Toss, the Sky Swing and the dreaded Roller Coaster. Minho already felt queasy after the the Drop but going on all the other rides just made him feel worse.

Minho fnally decided that itwas time to put his plan into action. He held Taemin's hand and was surprised when he felt the younger one tense. "U-Um Taemin..." Taemin turned to face him. "Yes hyung?" Minho racked his brain for words. "Look! Cotton candy!" Minho exclaimed as he pointed to the small stall. He mantally face-palmed himself for coming up with such a stupid distraction. "Eeek! Hyung can I have some? Please!? Pretty please?" Taemin squealed. Minho nodded which earned him a tight, bone-crushing hug from Taemin. He suddenly gasped at their closeness.

"One please." Minho told the vendor. She smiled at them and proceeded to swirl the cotton candy onto the stick. She handed it to Taemin who beamed more than a thousand fireflies. Minho paid her and they were off. "Thanks soooo much, hyung." Taemin smiled while stuffing a piece of the fluffy confectionary into his mouth.

Minho ripped a piece of it off the stick and put one end in his mouth. He looked at Taemin. Taemin got what Minho was trying to do and bit the other end. What happened next changed their lives forever.

They both bit their end of the cotton candy. Taemin thought they would pull away and continue eating normally but he felt something soft and sweet touch his lips. It was definitely not the cotton candy. It was Minho's lips. His eyes widened at what was happening.

It wasn't long before Taemin gave into the kiss, deeping it into a passionate kiss. Minho's lips were sweet, the taste of the cotton candy lingering on his soft lips. During that moment, it was like nothing in the entire world could have interrupted this moment of passion. It felt like they were the only ones on the entire planet.

They pulled apart, gasping for much needed air. They just sat there looking into each other's eyes lovingly, not saying a word. Minho pulled Taemin closer so that their forheads were touching. Taemin could feel Minho's warm breath on his face. Both of them closed their eyes before embracing each other. Nothing needed to be said to see how much they loved each other.

"H-Hyung?" Taemin's voice was soft. "Yes?" Minho said as he locked his gaze with Taemin's.

"I...I love you, Choi MInho...."  Minho smiled at the cute boy in his arms. His heart fluttered and his mouth curved upwards into a shy smile. Minho captures Taemin in an embrace once again. He brought his lips into the younger one's ear and whispered his reply.

"I love you too, Lee Taemin...."


Kyaaaaa~! I seem to be in some sort of "Cute Mode" today ^^ Hope this was fluffy enough!

My inspiration came from this GIF: 

Enjoy! ~_^

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Chapter 1: That was adorable!
Pigeonautumn #2
Chapter 1: Awww~ OMG that was really cute
Aigo theyre lovely XD
I love all those fluffy things, author-nim, daebak^^
Chapter 1: awwww sweet~~~ =)
Kyaaa!! New favorite fic!<3 >.^
Dalliance #5
Adorble. I loved it. ^^
Awww! This was so cute~
But now I crave cotton candy ._.