Of jealousy, notes, & rose petals

Of jealousy, notes, & rose petals

“And the winner is…..Super Junior!” the host of M!Countdown announced.  Smiles broke out on all of the members as Leeteuk went to accept the award, making it their Triple Crown win for y Free & Single, and saying a few words of thanks.  The studio erupted with the sounds of ELFs cheering loudly for their boys.  The atmosphere was overall very cheerful and happy except for one unhappy bunny. 


While everyone was celebrating and giving their thank you speeches, Sungmin had unnoticeably slipped to the back of the large crowd onstage with a visible scowl on his face.  Now don’t get him wrong, he was of course elated that Super Junior had once again won another award to add to their ever growing collection.  But the happiness had been replaced with anger when he saw a very unsettling sight.  There in the front of the crowd was Kyuhyun, yes his boyfriend of 2 years that he loved with every fiber in his body, with his arm slung across Donghae’s shoulder, his face very close to the latter’s, both with wide smiles on their faces.  This wasn’t the first time this has happened, and Sungmin had reached the end of his rope with putting up with this.  Lately, he had seen the two seemingly growing closer and closer, and Sungmin did not like it one bit.  At first, he had thought it had just been fanservice for the fans, but when they started acting that way in the dorms, away from the cameras, Sungmin was downright jealous


But, being the professional he was, he hid his discomfort and faked a smile the rest of the way through the recording.  After they had accepted their award and did their encore performance, the boys went backstage jumping up and down, hollering in excitement. 


“We did it again guys!  You should all be proud of yourselves, we’ve all worked hard and it has clearly paid off.  Let’s keep performing and winning for the sake of our dear ELFs!” Leeteuk cheered, holding the trophy high and proud.  The boys cheered in agreement.  After the encouraging talk from their dear leader, all the members broke off into smaller groups gathering their things preparing to go for a celebration dinner.  That was when Kyuhyun noticed his boyfriend on one of the couches, by himself, sulking. 


“Cheer up Minnie, we won! Aren’t you happy?”  Kyuhyun sat beside Sungmin, taking his hand and intertwining their fingers.  A wide grin still on his face.    


Sungmin just slipped his hand out of Kyuhyun’s, putting it in his pocket, ignoring Kyuhyun.  He couldn’t figure out why his boyfriend was acting this way, now that he thought about it though, Sungmin had been acting kind of distant from him lately and he just didn’t know what the reason was.  “Don’t worry, Kyu, I’m just fine.” Sungmin said sarcastically flashing Kyuhyun one of the fakest smiles he could muster before standing up with a heavy sigh and walking to the other side of the dressing room.  Kyuhyun was shocked at the other’s actions and was even more shocked when he saw Sungmin grab his bag, sling it over his shoulder and walk out of the dressing room without another word to anybody.  The door closing with a loud bang, making the whole room fall into a sudden silence.


“What the hell was that?”  Yesung asked, to no one in particular.  He then saw Kyuhyun sitting on the couch staring at the door in disbelief.  The last time he looked over to the couch, he saw Kyuhyun and Sungmin chatting away, but now Sungmin was missing, which begged the question, “Where’s Sungmin, Kyuhyun?” he asked the maknae, walking over to him.  Kyuhyun could only shrug his shoulders.  “I don’t know hyung, one minute I’m trying to cheer him up since he looked upset, and the next he storms out of the dressing room going off to who knows where.” 


“Well you’re his boyfriend; you should know where he is at all times!  Aish, you’re so irresponsible Kyuhyun-ah.  Whatever, I’ll just text him.” Yesung took out his phone, sending Sungmin a quick text asking where he was. Minutes later, his phone vibrated signaling Sungmin had texted him back:


Hey Yesung-hyung ^^, you don’t have to worry about me, I’m just really tired after the show and decided to go back to the dorm and turn in early.  Have fun with the others and eat a lot! And be sure to bring some leftovers home for me! :)

Ps. I’ll be sure to feed Ddangkoma


“So that’s it?  He’s just back at the dorm, resting?  Then why did he look so mad when he walked out?” Kyuhyun asked more to himself. 


“Don’t worry about it Kyuhyun, let’s just go enjoy a nice dinner, I’m starving.” Yesung patted Kyuhyun on the back before heading to the door along with the other members. 


Kyuhyun decided to follow his hyung’s advice and shake all the worrying thoughts out of his head for the time being.  “I hope there’s turtle soup to eat!” he yelled out, one of his infamous smirks on his face, returning back to his old, evil self. 


“I heard that Cho Kyuhyun! Rest assured you’ll pay for that comment later!”



Back at the dorm, Sungmin was lying on his bed, cuddling the pink stuffed bunny Kyuhyun had given him for their one year anniversary, and staring at the ceiling deep in thought.  The only question running through his mind was “Why?”  Why would Kyuhyun do this to him?  Was he not good enough for Kyuhyun?  Was Kyuhyun going to break up with him soon?  He tried his best to hold back his tears.  He refused to cry over such a small incident.  He assured himself that there was nothing going on between Kyuhyun and Donghae.  Besides Eunhyuk would never allow Donghae to do this type of thing anyway, right?  Sungmin decided to talk to Eunhyuk about it tomorrow; surely he would understand how he felt about the situation since he was in a similar one.  With that last thought, he let sleep take over his body. 


Later on that night, the rest of the members came back from dinner and Kyuhyun immediately broke away from the group to go check on his boyfriend.  He quietly opened the door to their shared room and slowly crept inside, and there on the bed was Sungmin curled into a ball fast asleep.  Kyuhyun made his way over to the bed that they shared and slowly got in, making sure not to wake the other.  He took a minute to just to admire Sungmin’s perfect features, when he was asleep; Sungmin looked even more like an angel in Kyuhyun’s eyes.  He then pulled the covers over the both of them, and wrapped his arms around Sungmin, pulling him closer.  He whispered an “I love you” to Sungmin before planting a soft kiss on his forehead and closing his eyes, all worries long forgotten. 


The next morning, Sungmin woke up in Kyuhyun’s arms and he looked up to see a pair of eyes staring at him.  Sungmin rubbed the sleep out of his eyes cutely and immediately looked away, avoiding Kyuhyun’s gaze. 


“Good morning my cute bunny!  Did you have a good sleep?” Kyuhyun asked sweetly, brushing a strand of Sungmin’s hair out of his eyes before leaning down to capture Sungmin’s lips with his own in a sweet morning kiss.  Sungmin was about to respond when he remembered the current situation and softly pushed Kyuhyun off of him.  Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin in confusion and hurt.  Sungmin ignored him and tried to break free from Kyuhyun’s arms, the last thing he needed right now was Kyuhyun acting all innocent as if nothing had happened, but Kyuhyun refused to let go. 


“Let me go Kyu” Sungmin demanded.  “No” came Kyuhyun’s reply, “not until you tell me why you’ve been acting so weird lately.  Is there something bothering you?  You can tell me anything, you know that right?”


“It’s nothing, don’t worry about it” Sungmin said, anger evident in his voice.  He successfully pried Kyuhyun’s arms off of his body and sprang out of the bed, going to the closet and grabbing a random black t-shirt and a pair of khakis before going into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.


Kyuhyun groaned out loudly in frustration and put his head in his hands.  He didn’t know what was making Sungmin act as though he was mad at him.  Had he maybe forgotten an important date?  His birthday? No.  Their anniversary? No, that wasn’t it either.  He decided to go and talk about it with someone else, maybe they could help. 


He stood up and went to go find Donghae.  He had been spending more time with Donghae lately, he didn’t know why exactly, but it was probably because Donghae was the easiest to talk to out of all the members and he also was a very good listener.  He stood up from the bed, sparing one more glance at the closed bathroom door before walking out in search of the fish-like boy. 


Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Sungmin was crying.  He could no longer hold back the tears; he hated himself more than he was mad at Kyuhyun at the moment.  He hated himself for acting so cold towards Kyuhyun, he had wanted to kiss him back so badly but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it.  He couldn’t crumble and forgive him that easily, he had to make Kyuhyun suffer at least for a little while longer for making him feel so hurt.  Sungmin wiped the rest of his tears and opened the bathroom door only to see that Kyuhyun was no longer on the bed.  He decided to go downstairs to grab some breakfast and to find Eunhyuk to talk to.


Once downstairs, he saw a sight that made him almost burst out into tears all over again.  He saw Kyuhyun and Donghae sitting on the living room couch, very close to each other talking and laughing happily.  Before the tears could escape his eyes, he ran past the two and into the safety of the kitchen.  He leaned against the countertop and let out a sigh. 


“Sungminnie? What’s wrong?  Your eyes are all red and swollen like you’ve been crying, are you alright?”  Ryeowook suddenly appeared in front of him, glass of orange juice in his hand and big brown eyes full or worry.  Since there was really no way of avoiding an explanation, Sungmin took a deep breathe and told Ryeowook the whole story. 

“I know just what you need to take your mind off of Kyuhyun for a while.  I’m going to take you shopping!” Ryeowook declared.  “Thanks but no thanks Wookie, I’m not really in the mood to shop right now.” Sungmin declined. 


“No, no, no it wasn’t a question; you are going to go shopping with me.”


Somehow, an hour later, Sungmin found himself walking through the mall, Ryeowook at his side.  He eventually got into the mood and the two boys shopped for hours. 


Ryeowook was right, when they were back at the dorm; Sungmin felt a lot better and was even smiling until he went into his room to put down his shopping bags.  In his room, there was Kyuhyun lying on his bed playing with his PSP.  When he heard the door open, he turned his attention away from his game and locked eyes with Sungmin. 


Kyuhyun began standing up and walking towards Sungmin when Sungmin turned around to run out of the room as fast as he could to avoid Kyuhyun.  He didn’t make it very far when he felt Kyuhyun’s fingers wrap around his wrist, making it impossible to escape.  He turned Sungmin around and started to gain up on him.  For every step Kyuhyun took forward, Sungmin took one step back in fear until his back hit the wall.  Kyuhyun then walked right up to Sungmin, putting both hands on either side of the latter’s head and he spoke:


“Now that you can’t run away, Minnie would you please tell me what’s bothering you so I can fix it?  I miss you, I miss us.” Kyuhyun begged. Sungmin looked down to the floor, doing his best to hold back yet another set of tears that were threatening to fall.  He didn’t want Kyuhyun to see him cry, so he did the first thing he thought of.  He stood up on his tiptoes and kissed Kyuhyun straight on the lips to distract him.  Kyuhyun immediately kissed back, placing his hands on Sungmin’s waist. 


When Sungmin saw that Kyuhyun was no longer trapping him, he broke the kiss and ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind him, tears immediately falling. 


Kyuhyun was once again left alone, confused, worried, angry and a mix of all other different emotions.  He needed to find out what was bothering his boyfriend so much, otherwise he didn’t know how much longer he could go on like this.


Later on that night, Sungmin found himself sitting on his bed, headphones on his ears, blocking out all other distracting noises, and strumming away at his guitar.  Whenever Sungmin was upset, he would take his guitar and just play random songs and chords, and it would calm him greatly. 


Suddenly a knock came on his door, he looked up afraid it would be Kyuhyun, already planning his escape plan in his mind.  “C-come in” he said hesitantly, pulling his headphones off.  It turns out that it wasn’t Kyuhyun but only Eunhyuk.  Sungmin visibly relaxed when he saw who it was.


“Hey Min-hyung, I heard the sound of your guitar, and I knew something was wrong so I came to check in on you” Eunhyuk went to sit beside Sungmin on the large bed.  Sungmin put his guitar on the ground and turned to face Eunhyuk. 


“Well, you may have noticed but Kyuhyun and Donghae have been hanging out a lot recently, and I’m starting to have my suspicions about what might be going on between th-“, “He wouldn’t dare!” Eunhyuk suddenly growled out, interrupting Sungmin.  “Donghae better not be cheating on me!  Don’t worry Min-hyung I’ll make sure I put a stop to this right away!” 


Sungmin didn’t get to say another word when Eunhyuk stormed out of his room in rage.  He couldn’t blame Eunhyuk for reacting that way, he felt the same way but he wasn’t about to do anything about it anytime soon.  So, he put his headphones back on and started strumming at his guitar again, getting lost in his own world. 


But, what Sungmin didn’t know was that someone had been listening in on their conversation the whole time and now had a huge smile on his face.  That person?  No other than Kyuhyun of course.  When he had finally found out what had been bothering Sungmin all this time, he knew he had to apologize and make it up to his boyfriend somehow, and a plan was already forming in his evil little mind. 


The next night, Sungmin came home from practice absolutely exhausted.  He threw himself on his bed, not even bothering to change or take a shower.  He was about to fall asleep when he noticed something, Kyuhyun wasn’t in the room with him.  In fact, now that Sungmin thought about it, he hadn’t seen Kyuhyun all day, not even at practice.  Even if he was mad at Kyuhyun, he still cared about him, so he pulled himself to stand up and went to search for Kyuhyun, thinking he was just hiding somewhere in the dorm.  He walked into the living room and saw Kangin sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn, watching some ridiculous variety show. 


“Hey Kangin-hyung, I was just wondering if you had seen Kyuhyun around?” Sungmin took a seat beside Kangin, stealing some popcorn and popping it into his mouth. 


“Now that you bring it up dear dongsaeng, I haven’t” Kangin eyes fixed on the TV, not even looking up to meet Sungmin’s gaze and suppressing a small giggle.  Sungmin knew he was lying; Kangin had always been a terrible liar.  Whenever he lied he wouldn’t look anyone in the eye and would always end up bursting out laughing. 


“I know your lying hyung, where is he?” Sungmin folded his arms across his chest waiting for an answer. 


‘I can’t tell you, but I can give you this” Kangin then pulled out a red heart shaped piece of paper out of his pocket and handing it to Sungmin.  “Good luck Min, you’re lucky to have Kyuhyun, you never see Teukie doing this sort of thing.” Kangin stood up and sighed, patting Sungmin on the back encouragingly before walking to his room, popcorn still in hand. 


Sungmin stood there confused by his hyung’s words but quickly shook it off and unfolded the paper to read its content.


Dear my Minnie, I just wanted to tell you that I love you with all my heart.  Don’t believe me?  Follow these clues and I’ll prove to you that you are my everything.  The next clue is somewhere very special; it’s where we first met.  Go there and you’ll find your next clue.

Love Kyu <3


Sungmin read the note over and over again, scoffing at how cheesy his boyfriend was.  He was hesitant to play another one of Kyuhyun’s games, knowing that they never ended well for him, but something inside of him was telling him to play along, so he grabbed his phone and car keys and made his way to the place where the note indicated.  The first place they had met was back all those years ago in the SM building. 


He pulled up to the tall building and proceeded to go inside to the lobby in search of his next note.  At first glance, he didn’t see anything, but then a tall middle aged woman came up to him and bowed before holding another red piece of paper to give to Sungmin.  He thanked her and went back to his car to read it. 


Good job Minnie, you found the next clue!  Only a couple more to go!  You remember where we had our first date?  Go there and you’ll find your next clue. 

I love you! Kyu <3


Sungmin knew immediately where to go.  Their first date was a memory that Sungmin would cherish forever and he remembered every single detail of it.


He walked into the small café, looking around and smiling softly as he reminisced about their first date.  Then a red piece of paper taped to the counter caught his eye.  He went over to the counter and peeled the note off to read. 


I’m so glad that you remembered Minnie!  You’re almost there so keep it up!  The next clue is yet another place I hold near and dear in my heart, it’s where we had our first kiss!  You remember where that was right?  If you don’t, well we’re going to have problems aren’t we?  It would also make me very sad if you forgot :(

Xoxo Kyu <3


Sungmin could only laugh at the note, this was typical Kyuhyun behavior; evil one minute and the next thing you know he’ll do a total 180 and act like a 5 year old kid.  Of course Sungmin remembered where they had their first kiss, this was another memory he had engraved into his mind and would forever cherish.


Sungmin got into his car and drove off, heading for the park.  Once there he immediately saw the red piece of paper taped on a tree trunk.  Not just any tree however, this was the exact spot where Kyuhyun had kissed him for the first time.  He ran his hand up and down the trunk, smiling at the memory before reading the note. 


You did it Minnie!  I’m so proud of you, but then again you always were a smart bunny!  Now all you have to do is go back to the dorm and follow the rose petals......

Yours forever, Kyu <3


So that’s what Sungmin did.  He made his way back to the dorm and dug in his pockets for the keys and slowly opened the door with caution.  His heart beating rapidly in his chest the whole time, not knowing what to expect. 


When he opened the door, sure enough there was a trail of rose petals on the floor leading up the stairs.  Sungmin smiled at this and followed the trail that lead to his room.  He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart before opening his bedroom door.  There was smooth jazz music playing throughout the dimly lit room and the first thing Sungmin saw was more rose petals scattered on the bed in the shape of a heart.  He went over to the bed and picked up one of the petals, admiring its delicacy when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist.  He was then turned around and he looked up into Kyuhyun’s dark eyes, which were full of regret. 


“I’m so sorry Minnie.” Were the first words out of Kyuhyun’s mouth.  Sungmin was confused as to why Kyuhyun was apologizing to him when he should be the one apologizing for his behavior lately.  “I had no idea I was hurting you so much when I was hanging out with Donghae, but trust me there’s no reason to get jealous, there is absolutely nothing on between me and him.  Besides, you are and forever will be the only one for me.” Kyuhyun said softly, hugging Sungmin tightly.  Sungmin buried his head in the other’s chest to hide his blushing face.  It was then that Kyuhyun felt his shirt getting wet and he realized Sungmin was crying.  He put a finger under Sungmin’s chin lifting his head up to get him to look at him.  He saw his boyfriend’s tears falling down his cheeks and he immediately wiped them away with his thumb. 


“Why are you crying Minnie?  Did I do something wrong again?” Kyuhyun asked, panic evident in his voice.  Sungmin shook his head and wiped the remaining tears with the back of his hand before he spoke.  “No Kyu, you did everything perfectly.  I’m crying because I’m touched that you would go to this much trouble just to apologize to me.” Sungmin said looking into Kyuhyun’s eyes with a wide smile on his face.


“So does this mean that you forgive me?” Kyuhyun asked.  Sungmin nodded his head before stretching up to give Kyuhyun a peck on the lips.  But Kyuhyun wanted more, a lot more.  He pulled Sungmin even closer to him, making their bodies press flush against each other and deepened the kiss.  They continued the sweet, yet passionate kiss until their lungs begged for oxygen forcing them to break away from each other.  They both then just got lost in each other’s eyes which were full of nothing but love for each other.


“Thank you Kyu and I love you, so much.” Sungmin said with a smile on his face. 


“Anything for you Minnie and I love you too, more than words can describe.” Kyuhyun was about to lean in for another kiss when the couple was suddenly interrupted by a loud moan coming from the next room, “Ohh Hyukkie, do that again!”


As soon as Sungmin heard that, he blushed furiously and hid his head in Kyuhyun’s chest in embarrassment, while Kyuhyun chuckled, Sungmin’s hair.


“Well, apparently Eunhyuk forgives Donghae as well.”  


A/N: Thanks for reading guys! :) <3

If u guys have any plot requests, feel free to comment them, I'm always open to new ideas! :)

Ps: have you guys heard the new songs on the new Spy album? They're so good! 

For those who haven't heard them yet:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fqg_oDdvbcQ   

Can't wait for the mv either!

Spy teaser: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XYpoHLLtmc

I got you little runaway


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Silver-Soul #1
This is so sweet<333 Lol, eunhae's way of forgiveness XD
mewlexi #3
Hehehe love love this!!!
Cute~ keke.. Kyu is so sweet and romantic!! Min is so cute jealous like that.. I love them and the story <33
thanks for reading! <3
Kyu is so sweet *fangirling* I want a boyfriend like that too =3=
this story is great! :3

P/s and yes! SPY is awesome! I can't wait for the MV! *pout*
So cute :3
I lovvee this story :')
KyuMin will always this sweet :D