CHAPTER 9 - (>_<) (>_<) (>_<)

Then Came You





"So you're saying you, people, basically own Baekhyun?" Tao’s eyes narrowed on the tall blonde man before him.

"Why, of course, not. I spent the last hour explaining why the sky was blue," Kris answered with a smirk.

Tao was so tempted to wipe that grin off the guy's face, preferably with a few strategically placed kicks, but it was getting late and Chanyeol needed to know everything as soon as possible. He stepped closer to Kris, pushing the taller man against the car again. "You're lucky I don't have the time."

"Time for what?" Kris raised a taunting eyebrow.

"To turn you into a salad." Tao leaned in and gazed straight into the other's eyes. "You are never to come near Byun Baekhyun again."


"Yes, 'yeah'." Tao straightened and got out a pen and a slip of paper from his suit pocket. He glanced up and saw the surprised look that Kris tried to conceal. "Why? Is it the first time you've seen a pen?"

"No. I thought you were going to take out a gun and finish me off," the guy answered with a shrug.

"Unlike you, I'm not a thug."

"Excuse me. Do I look like a thug?" Kris asked, his arms spread wide.

Tao's gaze slid from the top of his slicked back blonde hair, down the white suit jacket, tailored jeans and white loafers. He looked more like a runway model than a goon and he sounded educated, too. But why would he even tell the guy that?

Deciding not to answer, he scribbled something on the paper and shoved it against the other's stomach, smiling when he saw the taller guy wince. "I'll meet you again in 36 hours. Now run along to your papa and call off those thugs who were hired to look for Baekhyun."

Kris read the thin, scratchy handwriting. "So just like that? I'm supposed to let you order me around just like that?"

"If you know what's good for you, then yes." Tao pulled back.

"Well, since you already kneed me to the groin, slammed my face on the roof of my car and punched a hole through my stomach, can I at least know your name?" The taller guy raised his dastardly brow again.

"You don't need to know. Thirty-six hours, Kris Wu." Tao started to walk away.

"What if I don't show up?" Kris called after him.

Tao didn't even turn around when he answered. "Your loss." He entered his car and heard a laugh before he closed the door. Strange guy, he thought. Not at all what I'd expected. He drove off, anxious to get to KSE.

Tao had seen the way Chanyeol looked at Byun Baekhyun and how his voice changed when he talked about the smaller guy. His friend would get all defensive when he asked how Baekhyun was and if he was doing okay. Chanyeol would complain and rant but when Tao offered to take Baekhyun in again, he would go all no, no, no and change the subject. He still wasn't completely sure what it meant but what he knew was that Baekhyun was good for Chanyeol. He could see the Ice Tower thaw when he was with the puppy. Now his friend had to know everything he learned as soon as possible because how else could Chanyeol keep Baekhyun?






I have important business to attend to. Go home.

Chanyeol felt it wasn't enough. He was walking across the lobby on his way out to meet Zitao while staring at his phone, unmindful of the people around him who were also hurrying out the doors. He wanted to say a lot of things but the words seemed to be running uncontrollably around his head that he couldn't catch them.

Don't go talking and being friendly to anyone you meet.

Don't get into trouble.

Don't go anywhere else but home.

This is stupid, he thought. Chanyeol stared at his phone some more, the screen still blank and the cursor blinking back at him.

I wanted to take you home.

Now he wanted to kick himself. Where did that even come from?

He got outside and saw Zitao waiting by his red car and looking solemn. He didn't have time for this but he somehow found his fingers tapping on the screen and before he could think twice, the message was sent.

Stay safe.

He quickly went down the steps and walked to his assistant. "What's so important?"

"Not here, boss. Get in," the younger guy answered.

Chanyeol went to the passenger side and was opening the door when his phone beeped.

Ok. You, too. (0^ー^0)

Then he felt heat climb his neck only to rest on his cheeks and he couldn't believe what was happening to him. He immediately got inside and fastened his seatbelt to keep himself from hitting his head against the dashboard. He felt foolish and embarrassed because this wasn't what Park Chanyeol does. Park Chanyeol doesn't fidget over silly text messages that shouldn't mean anything. Park Chanyeol doesn't wait for replies and feel like a happy idiot when he receives one. And Park Chanyeol doesn't blush over smileys, damnit.

He shouldn't even care.

"Hey, are you alright?" Zitao asked, throwing him a curious glance before returning his eyes on the road.

Chanyeol took a deep breath and tried to focus on the matter at hand. "I would be if you'd tell me where we're going."

"We'll be there soon," was all Zitao answered.

He couldn't help but feel a bit apprehensive at what his friend had to say. Zitao looked serious and was more quiet than usual. "You have to take me back at the office after this. I have to get Joey."

"I will."

They were turning to a familiar street. "Wait. Isn't that--?"

"Yes, it is."

"What are we doing in a playground?" Chanyeol asked, his brow knitting. "Did you suddenly feel the urge to revisit your childhood?"

As expected, he didn't get any response. Zitao parked the car and got out. Chanyeol was confused, to say the least, but he followed his assistant. And where did that cup noodles even come from?

"You practically forced me to go with you so you could play and eat noodles?"

Zitao just threw him a vacant look and walked on. They finally stopped by the swings where Chanyeol watched in disbelief as his friend settled himself on one of them then proceeded to take the lid off his noodles.

He was starting to get really annoyed but Zitao just sat there eating and taking his damned time about it, too. It was a few more slurps before the younger guy looked up at him. "You can sit, you know."

Chanyeol sighed in resignation and sat down. He felt ridiculous. Here they were, two tall men, in suits no less, sitting on kiddie swings that could barely accommodate their long limbs. "Well, this is fun," he deadpanned. "Of course, I'm not tired from my countless meetings and I don't have work tomorrow so please do take your time because I don't think we look stupid sitting here and I really enjoy watching you eat. It's so my favorite pastime."

Zitao slid a glance at him. "Since you're being all sassy, think about this: Will my indispensible assistant bring me to a strange place for no reason at all?"

He scoffed at the indispensible part just to be contrary. But eventually, he got to thinking. Well, no. Zitao wouldn't take him anywhere without a reason. He looked around. Just in front of the playground were two small streets leading to rows of gated houses (mansions even) marked by the glowing lamplights. It was quiet and from their position, Chanyeol thought it was a pretty well-to-do neighborhood.

He was passing the time counting the lampposts when Zitao spoke at last. "Do you see that house near the end of that street to your left? Up the slope, with the red roof?"

Chanyeol looked to where Zitao was pointing at and saw the place he was referring to. It was easy enough to spot for it was bigger than most of the houses there. "Yeah."

"A rich couple used to live there.They started out small but after a few years they became one of the most successful fabric suppliers in Seoul. The couple soon branched out and owned some clothing shops as well as a big fabric factory just outside the city."

He wasn't sure where Zitao was going with the story but Chanyeol continued to listen, his eyes still on the red roof.

"It was 2007 and by now the business was thriving so the couple decided to bring it overseas. The cost was stiff but the projected earnings looked promising, so they decided to get a loan from the bank to back up the new site. It was a risk to put up everything as collateral but they still went through with it. Not long after, the construction of the new factory was underway." Zitao paused and set down the now empty cup on the ground. He set the swing in motion.

"Everything was going great. That was, until the unexpected economic slump just a year after. A lot of businesses folded and of course, the couple's got hit as well. And the hit was bad. They had to close down the shops and it was all they could do to keep at least the factory running.  Add to that the fact the second factory was still unfinished and they had the bank loans to pay for. In short it was--"

"A disaster," Chanyeol put in.

Zitao nodded and continued. "They had nowhere else to go. Fortunately, or rather, unfortunately, a friend introduced them to a lending company owned by a Chinese group, the Wu's. The company was legitimate but the terms for a loan... well, let's just say, were not so nice. The Wu's practically paid for all of the couple's loans from the bank, including the mortgage taken out from their house, and lent them more money to use. Hoping that things would turn out for the better, the couple accepted."

"Things were looking up. The second factory was close to being finished and the local one was doing extremely well. The loan plus the interest was being paid regularly."

Chanyeol glanced at his friend. "But of course as these stories go, something bad happened, right?"

"Yeah, end of summer. 2009. There was a terrible road accident," Zitao replied.

The boy drew a deep breath and Chanyeol dreaded where this was going. He hated road accidents because that's what took Jongin's parents from them. And it also happened in 2009. "Wait, Zitao--"

"August 2009. A drunk driver was speeding along the highway. Losing control of the wheels, the car shifted to the other lane, barely missing an approaching car only to collide head on with a black BMW." Zitao's voice broke a little. "I remembered Mr. Kim patting me on the head before going inside the BMW that Wednesday morning."

Chanyeol's chest tightened at the thought of his aunt and uncle. It still hurt remembering how they died so unexpectedly.

"The drunk's vehicle then went on to flip and hit another car, a dark blue one. Two other people lost their lives that day." Zitao nodded towards the direction of the red-roofed house. "The previous owners of that place."

"They couldn't catch a break, huh?" Chanyeol felt sorry for the couple. "A very sad ending for everybody."

"The thing is, the story's not finished yet. Because you see, the couple had a child. A boy who buried his parents way before their time, way before he was ready." His assistant stood up and put his hands in his pockets. "He just got into college and didn't know enough to run a company on his own. He only had one other relative, a distant uncle, who took control of the business but ran it down just within eight months."

"The boy didn't know anything about the mortgage and the loans. He thought that his parents left him enough to finish his schooling so he could reopen the business once he graduated. Now, the lending company was still being paid because the couple set up an account that paid the loan regularly but after nearly two years, the money ran out."

"Seven months ago, the Wu's seized all of the couple's properties but it still wasn't enough to cover the debts and the unfair interest. With no money for tuition, the boy was forced to stop school. At this point, he already lost everything but the company was still breathing down his neck. He tried to ask for an extension, a payment arrangement, but Mr. Wu refused. What he wanted was for the boy to work for him until he paid the debts off, which at the rate the interest was going, would take the boy's lifetime."

Zitao faced him. "So of course, the boy didn't accept it. At first he just received threatening calls but when he stopped answering those, he found himself being trailed and ultimately had people try to take him to Mr. Wu."

Chanyeol frowned. "They tried to kidnap him?"

"Kind of," the other said. "The boy escaped but couldn't even go back home to get his anything because the house was being manned by Wu's thugs. He has been on the run ever since."

There was a pause and Chanyeol felt Zitao's expectant gaze. He was almost afraid to ask. "Zitao, why are you telling me all this?"

"Because," His friend looked directly at him. "After all that happened, the boy is still smiling. And even now--when he's trapped and has nowhere else to go--he keeps everything to himself and makes everyone around him want to smile, too.”

Then Chanyeol knew. An image of a smiling Baekhyun appeared in his head. Brown eyes that turn into crescents and a barely visible mole above soft lips. A stray pup that pouts and laughs and turns him inside-out.

"And you have to know this because they just told me that they own him."

At that, Chanyeol stood up, his eyes hardened. "No, they don't."

"So what are you going to do?"

"What needs to be done." Chanyeol started to walk back to Zitao's car.

The assistant smiled and followed the taller boy. "Okay, boss. Let's do this."






He was staring at his hands on the steering wheel, holding onto it so tight that his knuckles whitened. It had been a long day, he was tired, and more than anything else, Chanyeol wanted to make sure that Baekhyun reached home okay. But he still sat there unmoving, not knowing how to contain all emotions messing him up inside.

He was sad for all the lives lost because of one stupid accident. He remembered how helpless Jongin looked at the hospital, how his hand trembled when Chanyeol held it to let his cousin know he was there for him. He thought of Baekhyun and his stomach twisted. Was there even someone who held his hand through it?

Chanyeol got out, his heart and footsteps equally heavy. He felt so undone.

He reached the apartment lobby and he still didn't know what to do with himself. Was it alright to be a bit happy, too? Baekhyun found him or he found Baekhyun, either way, he was there with him and... And what? Damned if he knew the answer to that.

He pushed the elevator buttons and went inside. The red numbers above the doors blinked, one for every floor he passed. One number for every day since he met Byun Baekhyun. The bus stop kiss, the Starling lightstick, his pink pajamas and his clothes on a much smaller frame than his own. The thank you's, the almost good bye's, and the hopeful eyes that follow him everywhere, even in his sleep.

And these thoughts were confusing. They were dangerous and unsettling.

The doors opened and he stepped out, a turn to the left and he was in front of his apartment. Byun Baekhyun was inside and he was suddenly angry. Angry that the innocent boy had to go through all that alone, angry that he was Park Chanyeol but he was too stupid to know exactly what to do right now. He could pay for every debt that Baekhyun had but that wasn't enough. He felt useless.

It was insane how he suddenly wished the guy would trust him and tell him everything. He wished Baekhyun would share his fears, his hopes and what made him smile. They barely knew each other, he wanted to strangle the pup most of the time and he swore to God if Baekhyun poked him with his lightstick again, he'd... he'd place it somewhere too high for the shorty to reach (Yeah, as a payback it was lame) but it hit him that, right now, he just wanted to make him happy. Although the why's continued to evade him, he wanted Baekhyun to just be happy.

Chanyeol had a plan. In his mind, when he got home, he'd act as normal as possible so Baekhyun wouldn't see that he already knew about his past. He would casually ask him about his day at work and then ignore him for the rest of the night. Just like he always does. But the moment he opened the door--the moment he saw Baekhyun waving at him and calling his name--his plan flew out the window.

The first thing he thought of was that Byun Baekhyun belonged just right there, in his pink pajamas and... It almost felt as natural as breathing when Chanyeol gathered him into his arms.

"Chanyeol," Baekhyun whispered. "Why?"

I don't know. I really don't know. It's because... because...

"Because you're mine." He held on tighter. The words just came out but it was true, wasn't it? Park Chanyeol owned Byun Baekhyun now. He wondered why it sounded way better than it should have. And it really doesn't explain why this--holding him--felt just right.


It was the confusion he heard in Baekhyun's that snapped him out of his thoughts. Then he realized he was hugging Baekhyun. This was Byun Baekhyun's neck against his lips and oh my god. He abruptly let go, pushing the shorter boy back.

Baekhyun looked surprise and concerned at the same time. "Are you alright?"


"Um, I mean, are you drunk?"

It took a while for Chanyeol to understand what the guy was asking. "Of course, not!" He stalked towards the living room, flustered.

Baekhyun followed behind him. "Oh, I just thought... because your cheeks are all red and you, well... you hugged me and--"

Chanyeol felt his face heat up some more. Damnit. "I am not drunk. I didn't hug you. I just... tripped! On the rug!"

"Oh, okay," Baekhyun answered although he didn't look entirely convinced. But then the boy laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" he asked with a scowl but Baekhyun just shrugged. "And it's late. Why are you still awake?"

It was strange, Chanyeol thought, how the older boy suddenly couldn't meet his eyes.

"I was waiting for you."

It was totally uncalled for how his heart basically slammed inside his chest at those words. He cleared his throat. "Well, I'm here. Go to sleep."

Baekhyun beamed at him and as usual, the weird feeling was there again. "Alright, Chanyeol. You look tired. You should go to sleep, too."

He just nodded, not trusting himself to speak.






Chanyeol tried to count sheep and when that didn't work, went on to enumerate all the current members of KSE's board of directors plus their secretaries. When he still wasn't able to sleep, he tried counting the number of times he wanted to hit his head since meeting Baekhyun. He gave up when he reached 256.

"Hey. Couldn't sleep?"

Chanyeol turned his head from his riveting study of the ceiling to find Baekhyun watching him with his arms folded on top of the bed.

"I couldn't sleep, too." The guy sighed before resting his chin on a hand.

He tried to ignore the pup but it was useless. His eyes kept on straying to the boy's exhausted pout. "How was your day?" Chanyeol asked. He might as well go with his botched up plan earlier.

Baekhyun's eyes crinkle when he smiled. "Oh, it was awesome. I was assigned to be the liaison officer for the Promotions department," he said proudly.

Chanyeol's lips twitched. "So you ended up as a messenger."

The pout became a defensive one. "No, not just a messenger. A liaison officer."

"Yeah, a messenger."

"Excuse me, Park Chanyeol. A messenger distributes letters throughout the office. A liaison officer goes to give important documents and talk to department heads." Baekhyun ended with a nod.

"Same thing." Chanyeol smirked. It was nice to rile the pup once in a while instead of the other way around.

Baekhyun's brow knitted. "It is not."

He turned to his side to fully face the boy. "It is so."

Baekhyun leaned closer. "It is not."

"It is so." And he sounded like a frog as he sing-songed the last word but he didn't care.

"It is not and you're a potato." Poke.

Chanyeol was surprised when Baekhyun's finger hit his nose. "I am not!"

"Yes, you are." And the pup even had the audacity to move closer and laugh at his face.

"I am not." He leaned in, too, and poked Baekhyun's nose in return.

The shorter guy exclaimed before shielding his face with his hands. "You're still a potato."

Chanyeol couldn't believe that he was still going at it. "Ya, byuntae, I'm not!" He sat up and tried to pry Baekhyun's hands away to continue poking at him but the hands stayed in place so he just hit him wherever he could reach. On his forehead, his exposed cheek, on his chin. It was silly and childish but Chanyeol didn't seem to care, either.

Baekhyun's shoulders were shaking with laughter but he was still calling Chanyeol potato. Indignant, he didn't even think twice when he hauled Baekhyun up the bed with him. The shorter boy literally squealed before landing on his lap. Chanyeol laughed in victory because Baekhyun's face was now open for his attack. His right hand went behind Baekhyun's neck, pulling his face closer while the other was clutching on the other guy's flared hip. "I am not a potato. Surrender now or you won't have a nose left after I'm done with you."

"Okay, okay," Baekhyun replied laughingly, lifting his palm up pleadingly and sounding breathless. "I surrender!"

Chanyeol couldn't keep the wide grin off his face and Baekhyun smiled back at him, a mischievous glint still shining in his eyes making him more than beautiful. Mine, Chanyeol thought. You're mine.

Then his eyes rounded and Chanyeol couldn't breathe because no, he doesn't like Byun Baekhyun that way. He doesn't like him. Of course not. That was impossible.

His shock must've shown in his face because Baekhyun looked worried. "Chanyeol?"

I don't like you.


No, no, no.  "I'm in love with Kyungsoo!"

They were both startled by his outburst. Chanyeol felt Baekhyun tense and pull back from his hold. His arms felt terribly empty.

"I know," Baekhyun said with a small smile. He went down the side of the bed and Chanyeol watched as the guy slid under his blanket. "Goodnight."

"Yeah," was the only thing he said before he buried his head into the pillows, wondering why everything suddenly felt so wrong.






"Mr. Kim, Assistant Kang just called in. He wouldn't be able to come to work today. He and Mr. Lee were supposed to be in Do Kyungsoo's schedule today. We have to send a replacement for him," Team Leader Shim said worriedly from the doorway of Jongin's office.

"Do Kyungsoo has a guesting today?" Jongin looked up from the document he was reading.

"Yes, sir. This was plotted two weeks ago and a person from our department was supposed to be there to get materials for the collab project."

"I'm sorry I was not aware of that. Who do you think should we send?" Jongin was a bit embarrassed for not knowing about it. He was still in the process of getting acquainted with his new position and there were a lot he has yet to cover.

"Everyone is busy right now but we could probably send Ms. Kwon. Although, I think she's busy, too. I can ask Mr. Hwang--" the lady drifted off in thought.

"I'll go," he answered. "Since I'm almost finished here."

"Are you sure, sir?" Ms. Shim asked hesitantly but Jongin could see the relief in her eyes.

"Yes, leader Shim." He nodded and smiled.

"That's great, Mr. Kim! Assistant Lee will drive you there. Basically, you would just have to approve what footage to get and what materials we could use. I'll go tell him that you'll be the one going." The woman left only to duck back in. "Oh, and thank you, sir!"

Jongin grinned. The people in his department have been really eager with helping him adjust to his position as department head, especially Team Leader Shim who had shouldered most of his work this week. He hoped to learn all the ropes soon so he would feel more useful.

He would be lying though if he said that he was going to the guesting for purely selfless reasons. Jongin was looking forward to finally seeing Kyungsoo perform live. He has not had the chance to do so for the past three years and he knew he was missing out on a lot.

He finished signing the proposal he was reading and pushed on the intercom button for his secretary. "Is Mr. Byun back? I have something I need to send to Sales."

"Not yet, sir."

Jongin looked at the clock on his computer; he still had time before they leave for the broadcast station. "That's okay. I'll just go there myself."

He was walking back from Sales when he caught sight of Baekhyun in front of KSE's Artists' Wall where framed posters and albums of KSE's artists, past and present, were hung. He was about to wave and call the smaller guy over when he heard  Baekhyun singing. He quietly walked forward, recognizing the song as Kyungsoo's I'll be here. He paused for a while, listening as Baekhyun hit the bridge before he ended with the chorus. Jongin thought he had a pretty voice.

He clapped and Baekhyun turned to him startled before smiling when he recognized who he was. "Kim Jongin-ssi!"

"So this was where you were. I was looking for you earlier," Jongin said as he stepped closer.

"Oh, sorry. I just got back from Production and Marketing. And I couldn't resist walking past here," the guy smiled sheepishly. "This is my favorite part of KSE."

Jongin stood beside him and saw what Baekhyun was looking at earlier. It was a poster of Kyungsoo's first single.

"He's the best singer in the world."

"Yes, he is." The taller boy glanced at the guy beside him. "You're a fan?"

"Of course! I'm a Starling."

Jongin recognized the word. "Starling? That's what his fans are called, right?"

"Yup." Baekhyun leaned in close to Jongin and in a conspiratorial whisper said, "I'm actually a fan chant leader for the Starlings."

"That's cool."

"Yes, isn't it? Although, I don't get to go to the headquarters and the meetings now because of work." Baekhyun looked disappointed.

It didn't quite suit well for Jongin to see the ray of sunshine that was Byun Baekhyun sad. "Come with me."


"It's official KSE business. Just come with me."

"Oh, but, um, I have to be back here by five because, um, someone would be waiting for me."

"No problem. We'll be back in no time. Let's go."

And Jongin knew he made the right decision as he saw Baekhyun's jaw drop when they arrived at the broadcast station. "You're letting me watch Do Kyungsoo perform live?"

"No, I brought you to watch over the car." He laughed. "Of course, I brought you to watch Kyungsoo."

"Thank you!" And Baekhyun literally bounced towards the entrance. Inside the studio, Jongin saw a large number of fans standing in front of the stage holding numerous yellow lightsticks, balloons and banners with Kyungsoo's name. He couldn't help but feel proud. Then he noticed Baekhyun turning his head left and right as if looking for something. "Where is he?"

"Where is who?"

"I'm looking for... there! Prez!" Baekhyun waved at somebody to their right. Jongin felt himself being dragged by the hand but he didn't mind for Baekhyun's excitement was contagious.

"Baekhyun-ah!" A young guy with sharp cheekbones waved back. "I thought you had work so you couldn't come."

"I am working," Baekhyun replied and beamed at Jongin. "Jongin-ssi, this is the president of the Starlings, Kim Jongdae. Prez, this is my boss, Kim Jongin."

Jongdae bowed at him. "Oh, are you a Starling, too?"

"No,” Jongin answered with a slight smile. ”I am Kyungsoo's childhood friend, though."

"Really?" Baekhyun asked excitedly. "Well, then you are a Starling!"

Jongin was about to reply when he was cut off by the fan club president. "Yes, he is. In the Starling handbook, Article 1, Section 1.2. A Starling promises to love Do Kyungsoo. So anyone who loves Do Kyungsoo is a Starling."

"You love him, don't you?" Baekhyun nudged at his shoulder.

"I--" Jongin started but he stopped as the guy's words sunk in.

You love him.

You love him.

You love him.

Then the lights dimmed and Jongin was dragged to the front with Baekhyun and Jongdae on either of his sides. He was pushed and squished between the two but his thoughts were moving too wildly for him to care. Suddenly, he found a star shaped lightstick in his hand and the crowd cheered so loudly, the walls of the studio were near to bursting.

You love him.

The words got Jongin stuck and he couldn't run away even if he wanted to. He asked himself why. This was old news. He loved Kyungsoo since they were children. Even before Jongin knew how to read or to write, even before he was potty trained. He was his best friend. Of course, he loved Kyungsoo.

You love him.

But this time it felt different. A strange different. A warm and fuzzy and stomach twisting kind of different.

"Do Kyungsoo! Do Kyungsoo!" the fans shouted. Jongin felt someone grab his arm--the one holding the lightstick--and he saw that it was Baekhyun, chanting  Kyungsoo's name. The shorter boy lifted up Jongin's hand and shook it, silently telling him to wave the lightstick.

A spotlight and Jongin stood there mesmerized as Kyungsoo stood in the center of the stage.

You love him.

And he does. He really does, Jongin realized. More than anything else.

I love him.

"You're right, Baekhyun," he whispered. "I am a Starling."






Kyungsoo blew air into his cheeks and let it out. He did it for three times, just like he always does before a performance. Doing it helps him stretch his lips and relieve his nervousness.

From the backstage, he could hear his fans shouting his name and Kyungsoo smiled. Leave it to his Starlings to support him all out. He imagined them all with their lightsticks and banners, wearing yellow shirts and delighted smiles when he comes out.

The floor director gave him the signal and he nodded before stepping out into the darkened stage and walking towards the center. The noise was deafening when the fans got a glimpse of his silhouette. He took another deep breath and then the spotlight was on Kyungsoo. The music played and he let it wrap around him.

Then he began to sing. And when Do Kyungsoo sang it was pure magic. Every word was uttered with care and love. Every note was a thank you. His eyes softened as they touch on the lightsticks that lit up for him. Up to now he couldn't believe that people come out to see and hear him sing.

The song ended and there was the expected roar of cheers and applause. Kyungsoo threw them his signature heart-shaped smile and bowed. His smile widened even more when he saw his beloved Jongdae, jumping up and down. His lips froze though when his eyes caught on the solemn figure beside him. He felt the boy's eyes bore into his and it was as if they were the only two people there.

Gone were the cheers, the cameras, and the falling confetti. All that was left was Kyungsoo and his best friend Jongin. Kyungsoo and the boy he loved. This has always been his dream, for Jongin to watch him sing. And it was happening.

He felt his heart clutch when Jongin waved his lightstick at him. How can I not love you?






Chanyeol stood watching Kyungsoo from the screen on one side of his office. It was too bad he couldn't go to see the performance in person. He closed his eyes for a moment and let Kyungsoo's voice wash over him. He always felt calm whenever he hears his best friend sing.

Kyungsoo has always been a kind of anchor for him. He thought he would never have survived all the stress and the exhaustion of succeeding his father's position if it weren't for Kyungsoo's constant support and presence. He never forgot to send him a message or give him a call everyday just to ask Chanyeol how he was doing or if he was okay. They've both been busy lately and they haven't talked that much. A lot of things had happened.

Byun Baekhyun happened.

Chanyeol figured he needed to be with Kyungsoo more because Baekhyun had all but destroyed his peace. He was an earthquake, a typhoon, and a puppy rolled into one. While being with Kyungsoo was like hugging a comfortable lavender-scented pillow, Baekhyun was a ride inside a spin drier that would leave you winded and frazzled and all sorts of confused. Much like what he was right now.

That's why I'm in love with Kyungsoo, he told himself. Over and over again.

He told himself that when he remembered how Baekhyun talked endlessly during their drive to work that morning, about why baked potatoes are the best. He told himself that in the middle of his meeting earlier, when he thought of how Baekhyun had the worst bed hair, his brown hair sticking this way and that when he wakes up.

He told himself that at five in the afternoon, when he sent his seventh text message to the pup and there wasn't even a reply. Where is he, damnit?

That's why I'm in love with Kyungsoo, he told himself for the upteenth time when he sent message number sixteen, part annoyed and part worried but still waiting for the stray pup on their appointed meeting place.






"Oh, dear," Baekhyun whispered anxiously after looking at the wall clock inside the Promotions office. It was already 5:30 and he was supposed to meet Chanyeol at five so they could go home together. Was he still waiting? He immediately ran to his desk where he left his phone. 23 text messages received. 8 missed calls.

"Hey, sorry to keep you for too long," Jongin said as he walked towards Baekhyun. "I didn't know it would take two hours just to get the clips."

Baekhyun smiled reassuringly at the taller boy. "It's no problem, really. I also want to thank you again for taking me along." His phone buzzed.

1 new message

"Oh, I have to go now, though. See you tomorrow, Jongin-ssi and thanks again!" He barely saw Jongin nod goodbye since he was practically speed walking now.

I'm already here. Where are you?

Ya, where are you?

I'm not going to wait here forever.

Byun Baekhyun.

Where are you?



I am a busy man.

Where are you?

I'm going now.

I'm really going now.

I'm going in three...


Baekhyun was breathless and panting when he rounded the corner to their meeting spot but he couldn't stop the grin on his face because it was 5:46 and Joey was still parked there. Another buzz.


I'm gone.

He walked towards the vehicle, the back of Chanyeol's blonde head visible through the window. His phone buzzed again.

I'm really going now.

Baekhyun read the message and he quickly looked back at the car but it wasn't going anywhere. Why do you do this to me? You enjoy pushing me off a cliff.

He reached the passenger side and knocked on the window, waving hesitantly at Chanyeol. The guy scowled but didn't say anything when Baekhyun got in. It wasn't even a second later when his phone vibrated again.

I left.

Baekhyun glanced at Chanyeol who was still frowning at him and immediately tapped on his phone.

Chanyeol was a bit startled when his phone beeped. Baekhyun waited as the guy read the message he sent.

I'm here.  o(*⌒―⌒*)o

Chanyeol raised an eyebrow then began typing. Baekhyun's phone buzzed.

What the hell

Baekhyun could barely keep from laughing when he sent another reply.

Thank you, potato-ahjussi. ( ̄∀ ̄)

Chanyeol looked at him warily when his phone beeped. The taller boy typed in another message and this time Baekhyun did laugh when he read it.


Baekhyun gave a satisfied smile as he watched the little envelope icon disappear from his screen. Message sent.

You waited for me, you're the best. ( ゚∀゚)o彡゜

He saw Chanyeol stare at the screen for the longest time and Baekhyun knew what they were doing was ridiculous since they were sitting beside each other. But he was happy. This was something he could only dream about and he would take what he could. Chanyeol sent him another message before starting the car and ignoring him for the rest of the drive.

Baekhyun didn't mind. He wouldn't have been able to speak properly anyway because there on his phone screen was a little miracle:

Whatever (>_<)

The Ice Tower Park Chanyeol just sent him an emoticon.












An: I am so sorry for a lot of things orz
Sorry for the late updates omg
It’s just life's really been busy and then my pc died last weekend ugh
Also I think my story is turning for the worst idek I cry
im sorry for those who waited for something exciting about baek's past but
well... the main point of the fic is their love story so orz...
i didn't want to make things too complicated (chanyeol does enough of it tbh)
But yeah, no cliffhangers cos I did receive a lot of death threat last time lol
I would be doing a time skip on the story that’s why this chap is like this
The next chap will be set about a week after so
(also I at formatting that’s why the text messages are like this orz)
Omg thanks to thea… juris and ivy for pooling their karma points and giving me that ad
Also to new subbies and old readers THANKS A LOT FOR THE WONDERFUL COMMENTS AND THE UPVOTES I really am so grateful for everything. ;n;
ps. im so busy rn... but i will try to update atleast every weekend... i will try.;n;


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ill be replying to the comments soon.. omg just so many but i will. ilu guys


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Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Oh my gosh at last I FINISHED THISSSSS so yes i really haven’t read this before and I maybe late but oh well better late than never lmao
Eleyeol_614 #2
Chapter 24: Maybe am too late for the party but thissssss...this isssss ssooooooo perfect...
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Your username’s really familiar so i thought I’ve read this one before huhuhu my mind must have forgot this,, silly me
So I came across a twt about this fic. I don’t remember reading this before so might as well read it now lol
akipop #5
Beau1996 1375 streak #6
Very glad to find and read this story - I try hard to read all Chanbaek!!
Chapter 3: So good 😭
bap_panda #8
Hi author nim! So i decided to read this again for the nth time! I was in hs the moment my friend recommended me your fic, now I have my own child. Oh my god, it's been so long! Your work is still one of the most memorable fics Ive read. It's wonderful and it's actually one of my stress reliever ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for this, author nim
Chanbyun614 #9
Chapter 1: omg idk what i should do?? That was so sweet ahhh
Chanbyun614 #10