
Tumbling [Hiatus]

“Changjo! COME ON PASS!” Yeowon shout to her younger brother. He quickly passed her the ball, and made a shot straight in. The buzzer went off, and everyone began to shout with pride. Once again, they won the basketball tournament.

“Nice going, but there’s always next season” Daniel remarked.

“Yep, and that’s where we’ll beat you for sure, you girls!” his younger brother chuckled.

“The only here, is you Dominic, think about it. A girl beat your brothers , its time you found a new partner” and with that Changjo grabbed his sisters arm and lead them out the gym.

“You have got to stop swearing like that, boy” she chuckled nudging his hair.

“Yaaah, nunaaaa~ that’s so annoying!” he whined.

“That’s the whole point, you twit!” she laughed, punching his arm.

“You definitely are not a girl...” he sighed. Expecting her to be pissed off, he was surprised on what she said next.

“Well, someone has to be you’re big brother” she let out in almost a whisper.

They made their way home, talking about the next football game, about to air on tv. Yeowon made some plans, so after dinner she went upstairs to get ready. By the time she made it down, her father was dressed up.

“Dad, where are you going? I have plans” she sighed.

“You’re on Changjo duty…I have a business flight to catch” he kissed her forehead and waved goodbye.

“This is so unfair” she whined stomping her foot on the ground.

“Nuna, I’m hungry” Changjo shout from the livingroom, engraved into his video games.

“I’m coming, I’m coming” she stomped into the kitchen.

After eating, she sent him to his room, and closed the door. Quickly putting on her jacket she stepped out the house, in hope to catch a bus.

As she walked down the stairs, a voice called out to her.

“Nuna, where you going?” he asked curious.


“I’m 16, why on earth would I sleep at 9?” he folded his arms, stepping up to her.

“Ok look, I have to meet someone very quickly, so let me go for a few minutes, I’ll be back”

“Fine, then I get to go to Ricky’s house” he smiled crossing the street.


“What?” he questioned stopping in the middle of the road.

“I need you to stay home, just for a few minutes, Please Changjo”

“You Yeowon!”

“I know…but, oh my god CHANGJO LOOK OUT!” Yeowon jumped in the way, of the huge bus about to hit her younger brother.

The bus stopped.

Yeowon panted, at the pain on her side. Looking down, her brother was smothered in blood. His breathing was weary….and he moaned in pain.

“Yyeeoowwoonn” he shivered in pain.



“Nuna, I’m scared” he whipered.

“Shh…it’ll be alright, I’m always here Changjo”

“You’ll never forget me, right?”

“Of course not!”

“Promise me”

“I promise, Changjo. I love you bro.”

She woke up the next day, in the hospital bed. Exploring her surroundings, she caught her father sleeping by her side, with dry tears shown on his pale cheeks.

“Changjo…where?” a feeling of pity and hurt, strikes her insides, as she slowly got up to go in search for him.

On her way out, she was caught by a nurse, telling her that she needed to rest. “I need to find my brother! Please!” she begged in tears. “He’s no more!” she heard her father squeak in the middle of the hallway.

“Wwwhat!? FATHER THIS IS NO PLACE TO JOKE AROUND. WHERE IS CHANGJO!” She shouted with all the power left in her.

Mr. Park stepped forward, and held her by the shoulders. “Last night, you guys got into an accident right outside of our house. The bus, hit you guys in the middle of the street. God gave you a second chance, but let Changjo go. I would not be lying at a moment like this, sweetheart. I need you to please come back to sense.” Her father slowly explained, tears flowing uncontrollably.

“It’s all my fault” she whimpered, “It’s all me, Changjo…” she cried as her father hugged her. “No honey, it’s not your fault.” He patted her hair, crying along.

The entire hospital stopped to watch the scene, everyone felt pity for the family who lost a 16 year old boy. 


So yes, I guess you call this my COME BACK. lol Hope you readers enjoy this fiction so far. Let me know what you guys think so far in the comment box below ^^

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