The Fateful NIght

Now or Never

It was an ordinary saturday night. And as every single ordinary saturday night, Heechul would call five people and add them into a conference call. And just like every saturday, Kyuhyun would be digging into the hidden issues among the members. And tonight's target, it's Donghae.

"Hey~" Kyuhyun answered his phone, his sleepiness slowly fading away. "I was about to sleep and ignore your calls, hyung." The younger chuckled.

"You . Wait up, I'll be calling Donghae." Heechul pressed hold and started dialing the other member's number.

"Ay yo, wassup, yo!" Donghae greeted rather too enthusiastically.

"Hey, not too loud! My earphones are on." Kyuhyun snapped.

"Yah, I'm still older than you!" Donghae protested.

"So? That doesn't mean you could do just about anything." Kyuhyun rolled his eyes.

"Shut up." Heechul growled through his phone. "I'll be calling Sungmin and Kibum, okay? You two have those cheesy conversations..."


"So, how are you?" Donghae awkwardly started.

"Doing great, I guess." Kyuhyun replied, fighting back a yawn.

"I miss Siwon." The older sighed.

"Yah. aren't you dating Eunhyuk?" Kyuhyun perked up. Oh, here comes the issue. He thought excitedly. Kyuhyun is the only member of their group who can manipulate the conversations, turning the tables around and causes secrets to come out unconsciously from the people around him.

"I am. I just miss our friendship."

"Why isn't he talking to you anymore?"

"I don't know. He just stopped sending me messages."

"Wassup~~~!!!" A childish voice cut through the two's conversation.

"YAH! I said I had my earphones on! You guys will be liable if I go deaf!!!!" Kyuhyun shouted.

"Hey, man, chill." The childish one said.

"I swear you guys will be the reason for my death." The youngest mumbled.

"I heard that!"

"I know. I wanted you to." Kyuhyun replied sarcastically.


"Okay, shut up with your bickering." Heechul sighed. Everytime they have conference call, it would be him, the eldest, who is in charge of regulating and taming the members. "Can someone please tell me why I keep doing this every single week?"

"Because you love us." Kyuhyun snickered, Heechul scoffed.

"Who was the newcommer?" Donghae suddenly said.

"You're really slow. You couldn't identify our voices?!" Kyuhyun was becoming more and more frustrated.

"Who said that?!" Donghae faked his anger.

"I hate you, hyung."

"That was Kyu." Heechul sighed.

"I hate you, hyung." The youngest  repeated.

"So, who was the newcomer?" Donghae ignored the other member.

"It's me." The childish voice rang through their receivers.

"Who's 'me'?"

"Sungmin." The childish voice finally gave up.

"Oh. Hi, minnie~" Donghae greeted.

"So how are you and your yeoja chingu.?" Kyuhyun Intrugued.

"She's not my girlfriend! She's my best friend!" Sungmin said, exhasperated.

"Heechul hyung, you've seen them together, right?"

"Yeah. Seriously, you two don't look like 'just friends'." Heechul agreed.

"You guys are teaming up against me!" Sungmin pouted.

"We're not~ We just happen to agree on the same thing." Kyuhyun chuckled along with Heechul.

"Who's this yeoja chingu?" Donghae joined in the conversation.

"Sungmin's girlfriend..." Heechul and Kyuhyun said at the same time.

"She is not my girlfriend!" Sungmin protested.

"Then give me her number!" Kyuhyun dared.

"Should I send it to you or will you take it down?" Sungmin replied.

"You're serious?"


"You're really just sending me her number?"


"You sound desperate, Kyu." Heechul chuckled.

"Whos is this girl?" Donghae, still lost, asked.

"I am desperate! It's been almost three years now since I last got into a relationship!"

"I'm lost..." Donghae mumbled, still being ignored by the other members.

"I'll send it to you, later." Sungmin laughed. "And, for the record, she's not my girlfriend. We're just really, really close."

"Yeah, close enough to rub your faces together." Kyuhyun rolled his eyes

"That is what friends do!"

"Not to the point that the two of you are like exhcanging faces!"

"Shut it, Kyu."

"But it's true. You saw it too, right, Heechul hyung?"

"Yeah. You two really look like a couple." Heechul agreed.

"Who is this girl you guys are talking about?" Donghae asked again.

"We're not a couple. Never will be." Sungmin, once again, ignored the lost child on one of the lines.

"Right. If she's not yours then I can have her, right?" Kyuhyun asked.

"Now you sound like a ert." Sungmin chuckled.

"I always sound like a ert." Kyuhyun replied making everyone laugh. "So can I have her?"

"Sure, whatever." Sungmin rolled his eyes. "Hey, I have to go. Mom's home. She can't see me awake at this hour." Sungmin quickly ended the call.


"Heechul hyung, I thought you were going to call Kibum?" Kyuhyun asked.

"He is on the line..." Heechul replied after checking his phone.

"Since when?"

"Since you guys started intriguing Sungmin's girlfriend." A low voice replied.

"And you decided to not join the fun?" Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow.

"It's not like I have anything to say."

"How can you survive not talking while you're in a call conference?!"

"I've always been like this."

"I know. Let me rephrase that. How the hell do you survive not talking at all?!"

"I don't know. I just survive." Kibum shrugged.


An awkward silence enveloped the conversation as Kyuhyun slowly thought of a remark.

"This is awkward." The youngest sighed. "I wanted to make fun of Kibum but he just freaking kills the mood."

"Sorry." Kibum replied quietly.

"Seriously?!" Kyuhyun scoffed. "Heechul hyung~" He pouted.

"Don't use that cutesy voice on me, Kyuhyun. It doesn't fit you." Heechul rolled his eyes.

"I was going to say I love you." Kyuhyun clicked his tongue. "Looks like I'm going to take it back without you even hearing it."

"Then I'll happily accept that love, Kyu." Donghae butted in.

"I don't like slow people, though. But maybe I can cut you some slack..." The younger chuckled.

"Heechul hyung! He's bullying me again!" Donghae protestsed.

"Oh, shut it." Heechul sighed.


"So about Siwon..." Kyuhyun started. He heard a faint sharp intake of breath from one of the line's ends. He knew it was Donghae. The only person obvious enough to gasp when he hears about a certain person's *coughSiwoncough* name.

"Oh, right. That ungrateful bastard." Heechul's words were full of venom.

"What did he do to you?" Donghae asked almost immediately. Oh, here comes Siwon's guardian angel.

"He was on freaking snob."

"Snob? From what he tells me, he talks to all of you as much as possible."

"Right. He talkes to us only when one of us calls him." Heechul, again, rolled his eyes.

"Don't be too harsh on him." Donghae defended. "Maybe he was just too busy."

"Busy my . His bodyguards just keeps on getting in the way."


"Yeah, his fangirls."

"What do those girls do?"

"Simply glare at everyone who freaking gets within his proximity of like 5 meters."

"Maybe they just don't want to hurt Siwon."

"Oh stuff it, Hae. You know what I mean." Heecul snapped back.


"Just admit it." Kyuhyun then joined the conversation.

"Admit what?" Donghae asked.

"Admit that you freaking like Siwon and you're protecting him even if he really did something wrong."

"I don't like him!" Donghae sighed, frustrated. "I am dating Hyukjae."

"So? It doesn't mean that you don't like Siwon at all."

"Well, I liked him. But he never liked me back."

"So that's why you dated Hyukjae?"

"Well, kind of."

"So you used Hyukjae?"


"Then he was your rebound." Kyuhyun ignored Donghae's protests.

"Aish. Fine. I really liked Siwon." Donghae gave up.

"I knew it." Heechul chuckled.

"But he didn't like me back so I stopped liking him."

"He doesn't like you back?! Where in the world did you hear that?!' Kyuhyun half-shouted.

"Well, I'm like a friend to him."

"And? You're the only freaking person he replies to!"

"That's not true. You have his number."

"I do have his number but hell, he only replies with a few words!"

"He only replies with a few words to me too!"

"But with a freaking different vibe!"

"What vibe?"

"Do you want me to read to you the messages he sent me and the messages he sent you?"

"Sure. I dare you." Donghae breavely replied.

"I still have the first message you sent to me with the name Siwon in it." Kyuhyun chuckled darkly.

"Why am I having a bad feeling about this?"

"Because it won't be anything good. The first message was sent four months ago."

"You really still have that?"

"You said 'Kids! Let's support Siwon on this upcoming contest! Let's tell him to join the Mr. Simple 2012!'" Kyuhyun read aloud along with a teasing, girly tone.

"Well? That's mainly it."

"Oh, there's another one, during the convention when he was spending time with me and Sungmin at the backstage."

"Really? What did I say?"

"'Hands off of my Siwon! He's mine! Stop making me feel guilty for not attending!'"

"I was joking then!" Donghae defended.

"Joking my ." Heechul scoffed.

"Should I keep going?"

"No." Donghae said nervously.

"You should." Heechul replied (ordered).

"I should follow what my elders tell me~" Kyuhyun mocked.

"Say that again and I swear I'll kill you, Cho." Heechul growled.

"Geez, I was just kidding." The youngest surrendered. "Shall we continue? 'Hi HaeHae~'"

"HaeHae? Really?" Heechul laughed.

"Hey, he just said that because I called him WonnieWon..."

"You two even have pet names."

"And? What's the big deal?"

"I'm his friend too, Donghae, and he has never given me those kinds of replies." Kyuhyun sighed in frustration.

"Maybe he was just being friendly." Donghae shook his head.

"I don't know if you're simply dense or you're just plain stupid. Siwon likes you, Donghae. And you were very stupid to have Eunhyuk as your boyfriend without even considering who liked you first!" The younger was getting mad. He knew Donghae was very slow in getting the hints but he never figured that his friend was this stupid.

"Okay, okay. Continue." Heechul sighed impatiently.

"Should I just read you guys the conversations we shared?" Kyuhyun sighed, giving up on the long list of messages that was crammed into his iPhone's inbox. "You know, because that would be a lot easier since we just exchanged six messages..."

"Suit yourself." Heechul blankly replied.

"He even talks to you!" Donghae butted in.

"Shut up, Nemo. He was talking to me about you." Kyuhyun rolled his eyes.

"You're lying."

"I should start reading the messages, then."

"Do it, Kyu. Let's give this kid the benefit of the doubt." Heechul's voice rendered mischievousness.

"So he told me that he was going to this convention." Kyuhyun started/

"See? He even told you where he was going!"

"It was a group message."


"The next one, he asked me if you were coming."

"You're lying."

"Want me to send it to you?"

"No. Don't."


"When we meet Siwon, all the interaction we have is him asking where you are and then take pictures." Heechul added.\

"You guys are lying." Donghae scoffed.

"I don't lie." Kyuhyun shook his head.

"There's a first time in everything."

"Shut up and just listen, Lee Donghae." Heechul growled, making the younger member stay in silence."

"The next message was him telling me to go to this star's fanmeet." Kyuhyun scanned his inbox.

"Lee Minho?" Donghae asked.

"Yes, that fun-meet.""

"See? He invited you."

"Only because I'm currently the only person who actually replied to his group message."

"Which group message?"

"That he was chosen as a contestant for that Minho look-alike contest."

"What did you tell him?"

"I asked him if it was the look-alike contest. He said yes and that I should come and watch him."


"I said goodluck and that I had classes."

"What did he say?"

"He didn't reply." Kyuhyun and Heechu; sighed at the same time.

"So that was the last?" Donghae asked, both nervous and excited at the same time.

"In case you didn't notice, that was already six exchanged messages."

"That was it?" Donghae felt relieved.

"Now tell me that he talks to me like he does to you."

"Okay, I give up."


"Now what?" Donghae sighed as the silence between them ticked him off.

"It's 2 in the morning. What else would you want to do but sleep?" Kyuhyun replied sarcastically.

"Don't leave me hanging like this, Cho Kyuhyun. My sleepiness is gone because you had to bring Siwon up in this conversation."

"I only did that because you were dense enough to stupidly date Hyukjae because you thought that Siwon didn't have feelings for you." Kyuhyun yawmned.

"What do you want me to do now?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Heck, I don't know. What should I do?"

"How the heck would I know? I'm not the one who screwed up."

"I have an idea." Heechul stopped the younger members' bickering. "Why don't you try to talk to him, Hae?"

"I text him. He doesn't reply to me anymore."

"Does he know that you already started dating Hyukjae?"

"I told him that."

"Pabo." Kyuhyun rolled his eyes.

"What did he say?" Heechul ignored Kyuhyun's harsh comment.

"He said nothing. Just sent me a smiley and never talked to me again.""

"Well, that's understandable. You led him on, Donghae."

"I did not!"

"Are you shouting ay me, Lee?" Heechul's remark had a slight threat embedded in it."

"I'm sorry."

"Moving on, yes, you led him on, Donghae. You were sweet towards him but you dated someone else."

"What should I do now?"

"Should we call him?"

"Yeah. What if he doesn't answer?"

"Then he won't. At least now you know why he doesn't talk to you anymore." Heechul was satisfied with what they had done. He was satisfied that he had made things clear to his unbelievably dense friend.

"I'll bet that he really liked you." Kyuhyun stated.

"That's not true."

"You still don't believe us even after all those proof?"

"Yeah. If he likes me then he should reply to me, right?"

"Well, if he liked you then he would reply by tomorrow." Heechul added.

"He'll reply. If he doesn't, that means that he's bitter towards you."

"Bitter for what?"

"You're reallystupid." Kyuhyun sighed in defeat.

"I think Kyuhyun's right." Heechul agreed.

"That he's stupid?"

"That one and that if he doesn't reply tomorrow then he's bitter towards you."

"I'll buy you Starbucks if you win, hyung." Kyuhyun confidently replied.

"Starbucks it is, then. I'm pretty sure he won't reply."

"He might not but I know that he, at one point of that flirting, liked you."

"That wasn't flirting."

"Fine. Continue lying to yourself. I'm sleeping now. Go and keep yourself up." Kyuhyun ended the call and turned his phone off.



How the hell did I get subscribers?! Anyway, sorry if this was crappy. It was written just for a friend and I didn't know that people would be interested in this aside from THAT friend. Anyway, thank you guys so much for subscribing. I'll post a final chapter one of these days, I promise. Sorry again if this was crappy~~ Comments, anyone?

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Chapter 2: Too much eunsihae drought nowadyas
fishy15simba07 #2
Chapter 2: Why you're not make it more long???
I really love SiHae's story, nowadays there aren't much story about them TT.TT
by the way thanks about the story ^^
MaknaeJongie #3
Chapter 2: Lol haha that was cute. Poor, dense Donghae. And poor, oblivious Hyukjae. But why on earth happened to Kibummie and Sungmin after they talked?