Goodbye my love.


"You ate everything and I ended up without anything, do you remember?" Tears were rolling down her cheeks. "You were tired, so I carried you. You were cold, so I gave you my hoodie. You were hungry, so I cooked for you, you were .. Do you even remember it all?!" He shouted, but she didn't react. "We were walking, holding hands... I remember how cold your hand was when you touched my cheek and then you kissed me. I your hair and you laid your head on my shoulder. You really don't remember, do you..." He couldn't hold back his tears anymore. "Seon Eun. Seon Eun-ah. Jagiya, agiya, honeystickie... Don't go.. Not now. I need you. I love you. Stay" He whispered in pain, but she kept silent. Her tears wouldn't stop. "I lost you..." He took her hand and it. He caressed her face, he kissed her lips. Months ago she would have answered his kiss, but now she was like a doll. A sleeping, lifeless doll. "I don't want to be alone. Stay, please" He cried out. The piercing beep resounded in the room. He had really lost her. 

"Where's mommy? I want to see her!" Tae Wook shouted. "Mommy's in heaven right now" Jaejoong answered. He tried to sound strong in front of his son, but his voice was trembling. The boy pouted.  "But I want to see her.." "You can't see her, but she's always watching you. Only when it's night, you can see her" He answered, but the infant did not seem to understand what his father was trying to tell him. "Will you show her, daddy? Please?" He asked and wrapped his short arms around his father's neck. "I will" Jaejoong answered and kissed his forehead. 


"Is this mommy?" The little one asked as he took photo from Jaejoong's nightstand. Jaejoong nodded and put Tae Wook on his lap. "That's her" He covered Tae Wook's small hand with his, making sure this treasure wouldn't be dropped and possibly break. "She is really pretty.. Can I still marry her? I want to go to the heaven too! Dad, can I marry mommy? Then I will buy you candies and then she can only love us, okay?" The adult smiled, but he he was forcing himself to hold back his tears. "We will be together once you are old enough, okay? Mommy doesn't want you to go right now. She needs to prepare the gifts and power ranger videos first"

"Really? She'll give me sweets and power ranger videos?! Daddy! Yesterday, I was looking at the stars and I told mom that she didn't need to worry. And I also told her that we love her, will she give me more candies now?" Although children couldn't help it at that age, it sounded so heartbreaking, hearing Tae Wook talking about death in such a way. "Maybe, if you are really obedient" Jaejoong smiled, his eyes playfully shining. "But it's time for you to go to bed now" He continued and carried Tae Wook to his room. "WAIT! I need to do something!" The toddler ran out of his bed and only a few seconds later he came back with a small box. "I also want mommy next to me when I sleep! You can't have her all for yourself" He said and put a photo next to him. Jaejoong looked at the photo for a few seconds and kissed his son. "Goodnight" Then he turned off the light and went out of the room.

He sat on his bed, alone. There was an empty space next to him. On the other side, there was a photo.  "Dad-Mom-Me" A gift the couple had received from their son for Parents' Day. 

He realized Tae Wook would grow up without a mom. Without the person he used to love -and still loves- so much. Tears were falling from his eyes. Honeystickie... these two man will love you. We'll be together again.. ever, then there will be three special stars in heaven. 

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blackcrown97 #1
OMG...I cry already.....T.T
Nesrine007 #3
Ang_9095 #4
omg i cried so much<br />
<br />
so sad. i can't.
SO SAD :(<br />
<br />
Byeongari #6
T___________T /crying this is so sad. :<