
The Lies (B1A4 Jinyoung Oneshot)
“Haruka………….I-I love you, you know that” Jinyoung said as he’s eyes filled with sadness. The playground silencing at the expressed feelings. Haruka, who had her back facing Jinyoung quickly turned around.
“DON’T LIE TO ME!” She screamed as tears fell from her pretty brown eyes. Jinyoung’s mouth open to protest but closed as he saw his one and only true love sobbing in front of him. He slowly walked up to the sobbing girl, Heart clenching as he got closer.
“Haruka………” He said trailing off trying to find the words to express his feeling. Haruka just shook her head and kept sobbing, Jinyoung lifted his hand up and cupped his love’s face lightly. “Haruka, I love you with all my heart and who ever told you this lie, I swear I’ll-” He started but was cut off by Haruka stepping back out of arms reach. She looked him straight in the eyes. Eyes filled with hate, rage and sadness. She grabbed the heart shaped yin and yang necklace and yanked it from her neck, throwing it at Jinyoung’s chest.
“N-no, you don’t l-love me if y-you d-did you’ve c-cheated on me, y-you jerk” Haruka stuttered as tears threaten to fall from her eyes once again. Jinyoung looked at her, his eyes beginning to fill with tears.
“H-Haruka, who lied to you. I would never cheat on the girl of my dreams, the girl that makes my day with the littlest things, the girl that I think about all the time, the girl that gives me strength-” Jinyoung was cut off again.
“Baro told you this” His eyes darkening as he thought about his bandmate. Haruka scoffed at Jinyoung’s sudden anger.
“Yeah! Baro told me, he said that As he was coming into-” She started but was cut off Jinyoung’s growling voice.
“Baro. Baro, my bandmate. Baro the one that is in love with you and TOLD YOU THIS LIE AND IS TRYING TO BREAK US UP. THAT BARO?!” He shouted. Haruka shook her head and crouch down at the news. “N-no Baro wouldn’t lie to me…………….H-he……”  Haruka thought as Jinyoung silently walked up to her. He lightly put his on her shoulder. Haruka looked up into Jinyoung’s sad brown eyes and asked.
“I-is it true? T-tell me t-the truth…….D-did you c-cheat on me?” Jinyoung sighed and shook his head.
“No. Never. Haruka I love you with all my soul, All the songs like ‘Bling Girl’, ‘Only One’, ‘Be My girl’ and a lot more……..they’re all about you. If I e-ever lost y-you…..” He trailed off as he became all choked up. “I-if I lost y-you my l-life would be m-meaningless” He cried as he fell onto his knees.
Haruka stared at him, her eyes filled with tears, her heart hurting, her hand slowly reaching up to cup Jinyoung’s face. Jinyoung moved his hand to softly lay it on top of Haruka’s small hand. 
“J-Jinyoung………I-’m sorry..I-I’m so sorry…please forgive me, I-I-I.” Haruka stuttered as she felt Jinyoung take her hand away from his face. Jinyoung removed her hand from his cheek and placed her hand over his heart and looked into her pretty brown eyes.
“Haruka, You’ll always be in my heart” Jinyoung said smiling brightly at his love. Haruka quickly pulled him into a hug, hiding her face into his neck. Jinyoung hugged her back tightly.
“J-Jinyoung I-I’m so s-sorry” Haruka stammered as tears fell from her eyes onto his neck.
“Stop saying your sorry, I know that already, Baka~” Jinyoung teased as he pulled out of the hug. Haruka giggled and smiled through her tears. Jinyoung lovingly wiped her tears away. “Don’t cry~” He said still sniffling alittle.
“Jeez Jinyoung~ I hate you” Haruka teased as giggled alittle.
“Haruka…..” Jinyoung said while trailing off and leaning forward to Haruka.
“J-Jinyoung” Haruka stuttered as He leaned forward, closing the space between their lips. Haruka put her hand to his lips and lightly pushed him away.
“Sorry Jinyoung~ I only kiss shotas~!” She teased. Jinyoung laughed loudly at her little anime joke.
“Okay Okay but can I be a shota for now?” He flirted, leaning closer to Haruka again.
“Yes you can” She grinned before Jinyoung pulled her into a kiss.
‘Jinyoung is my only shota~’ Haruka thought leaning more into the kiss, forgetting about everything that happened.
All Done!!!! I'm sorry if it's short and if there's spelling problems~ >//< I hope you like it anyway Haruka!~^^ *throws heart at you* <3333
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