
Blancheur: Rara Avis



   I’ve always dreamt of a happy ending one day, where I can feel the sun’s heat all over my skin, the crisp texture of grass beneath my foot, with his hand entwined with mine.


   As I stared up above, I wanted to witness clear blue sky hovering above me, daylight that shines brightly as I walked through the vast meadow filled with such greenness before my eyes. Coming behind me, the breeze gently blowing my auburn hair and bright floral dress. I would love to pick the blooming daisies around me, feeling its soft petal, smelling its fresh fragrance.


   When I tilt my head towards my side, I’d wish for him, my prince, to be there smiling as we walk along the steppe, hand in hand, tightly weaved together. His enchanting brown orbs would captivate me even more every time our eyes met. We would talk about anything, everything, just to spend time with each other. We’ll run forward, deeper into the endless greens lying before our eyes with no fears. Our legs would run far away, leading us to places we'll never know. Then he would embrace me close and swing me round as I giggled at his silliness.


   Once we get tired, we’ll sit next to each other under a towering tree leaning against each other’s back. I would watch the sunlight pass through the thin layers of lime-colored leaves, how it will beautifully illuminate what’s underneath, and as the wind blows, the light-play shall begin. I’ll peacefully close my eyes as I feel the spring breeze blowing against my skin and hear the sounds of our collected breaths. I’d love to watch him playfully carve our names onto the tree’s strong branch, letting it act as the day’s memorial; letting the day be eternally remembered.


   I had always wished to live that way, just like those in the old movies projected on the big screen each week. How their love stories are wonderful and romantic. When I came to gaze at the beautiful colorful paintings of vast, endless nature displayed in the gallery, I would come to picture my future inside, reflecting my hidden feelings. It’s home.


   Maybe, just maybe, I am able. I never knew what kind of fate would come to me sooner or later, even right now. Freedom, I thought of the possibilities. 




i know this 'prologue' is a huge chunk of boring description

i am truly very sorry to make you guys suffer reading through it

but pinky promise the fun will start on the first official chapter

wait for it; it'll be there soon!

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continha_troll #1
Update soon, neh? ^^
nice eonni, kk -hw