Heart attack

The New Guy

Hyunseung pov

I felt so relieved and  happy when the director told me I did a good job. Just when I want to change myself my phone goes off. My face light up when I see whose calling me.


“Oppa you need to come here! I…We need you.” Geurim sounds panicked and it didn’t gave me a good feeling.

“Geurim take a breath. Did something happened?” When I didn’t hear anything I got worried.

“Talk to me! What happened?” The next second I heard soft sobbing.

“It’s mom.”

“What is it with mom? Geurim!” This didn’t sound good. Oh no this didn’t sound good at all.

“…She got a heart attack.” My eyes wide and my heart stopped with beating for a sec. No. No it’s impossible. She can’t had an heart attack. She’s healthy. It’s probably just a mistake. Yes of course.

“I know what you think right now. I thought exactly the same. That it can’t be true but it is. She got an heart attack an hour ago  and is lying in the hospital now. You have to come. Please. I need you.” She nods. I couldn’t hold it back either and start crying too. No mom also. I don’t want to lose her too. I screamed.

“No!” Tears are flowing down my cheeks. I couldn’t stop crying. Then the door is smashed open and through my teary eyes I see Junhyung standing in the doorway. He grabbed my shoulders and made me look at him.

“Hyunseung calm down. Can you tell me who was the person at the phone?” I look at the phone in my hand and couldn’t help but cry harder.

“My sister…she…I have to-“ I couldn’t get out of my words as the phone call plays over and over again inside my head. It was hard to realize what I just heard. My mother, a heart attack? That can’t be true. It just can’t.  I can’t lose her too.

“Take a deep breath and then tell me what happened.” I listen to his words and take a deep breath. As I look at him I can see a worried expression. Since when does he care about me like this? But this was something I care about the less right now. All I wanted is to go to the hospital. his

“My mother. She got a heart attack.” Junhyung’s eyes grow big. He didn’t expected to hear this. I shake his hands off me and grab my back. I wanted to walk away but Junhyung stopped me by grabbing my wrist.

“Where are you going? We aren’t done with the shootings”.

“I’m going to the hospital. I will see my mom if you like it or not.” I hissed. Junhyung nods understandable.

“Alright but at one condition.” I raise my eyebrow. “I’m going with you.” He smiled softly. I nod, agreeing with the condition. I don’t know why but my feelings told me I needed him.


None pov

“Where are Junhyung and Hyunseung? We need to shoot the all dancing! “The director yelled. Doojoon, Yoseob, Dongwoon and Kikwang are sitting quietly, listening to the yelling and the cursing of their director.

“I saw them leave some minutes ago.” An assisent says.

“And you haven’t told me that earlier because?” “ I thought they left because you told them to.” The director sighs irritated.

“I’m sure they have a good reason why they left. We have a free day tomorrow. Is it possible to redo our shooting tomorrow?” Doojoon asks and the director agrees. Dongwoon almost chokes in his food.

“But Hyung it’s our free day. It isn’t called that for nothing” He whines. Doojoon sighs.

“I know that but the mv has to be done on time otherwise we will get troubles with the rest of our schedule. There is no other solution.” All four boys mood went from a good to a bad one. They didn’t understand how Junhyung and Hyunseung could just leave at such an important day without telling them. They better have a good reason because none of them is happy about this.


Hyunseung pov

Junhyung was driving me to the hospital. Somehow it felt weird to be with him alone. I have been with him alone before but this time he actually did something for me. Something nice I didn’t expected. Slowly I’m starting to believe he is finally accepting me.

“Don’t worry too much. I’m sure everything is okay with you mother”. I hum.

“Luckly Geurim was near her. My father died from a sudden heart attack. We were too late for him”. I frown. Junhyung park his car and turns to me.

“Don’t blame yourself for that. No one could know this would happen so there is no one to blame for it.” I raise my eyebrows surprised. He did has a point there. We get out of the car and enter the hospital. I asked a nurse where to find my mother and being at her room I look through the window and see Geurim sitting next to her, holding her hand.

“I will wait here. Go inside.” Junhyung said and sits down. I nod and knock on the door before entering. Geurims looks back and smiles when she sees me.

“You came.” I walk over her and my mother and look at her. She was hooked up at different kind of machines. It is painful to see her like this.

“I had to come. I couldn’t leave her and you alone in this place. You both need me”.  Geurim nods. Looking at her face I could see she has been crying, noticing her red eyes.

“Are you okay?” I take a chair and sit next to her, placing my hand on her knee to comfort. Geurim just nods but it was clear she could break out into tears any second.

“It is going to be okay. You found her on time. She is in the hospital now where they will take good care for her.” Even if it was hard for me to believe my own words we had to. We can’t think all negative now. Our mother is strong. She will fight through it. Geurim nods again.

“You are right. She will get better.” She smiles a little and looks at me. Then she raises an eyebrow.

“Nice clothes you are wearing.” I look at my clothes and laugh.

“You don’t like it? It’s what I will wear in the music video.” Geurim’s eyes wide.

“Wait what?”

“I was filming the music video not long ago. I kind of left without saying I went to the hospital.” I just realized Junhyung and I left without letting anyone know where to. Again something he should have thought about better.

“Oh oppa, you are so smart sometimes but I’m glad you are here.” A doctor enters the room and asks us to leave. He has to do some more tests. I kissed my mother’s forehead to say goodbye and we left the room.

“How was it?” Geurim blinks a few time when she sees who is sitting in front of her.

“It was okay I guess. Awful to see my mother like this but I’m glad she is in good hands here.” Junhyung laughs softly when he sees Geurim being frozen.

“Uh Geurim, are you okay?” I wave my hand in front of her.

“You are…you are Yong Junhyung. Oh my God! You brought Junhyung with you?! Why didn’t you told me earlier?! “She yelled in my ear. I squint my eyes from the loudness. It made Junhyung laugh more.

“Correction, I brought Hyunseung here. I didn’t want him to go alone.” Geurim looks surprised at me. I nod smiling. I could feel a little blush coming up.

“And you are his sister I suppose?” Geurim smiles and bows.

“I’m Jang Geurim and I’m a huge fan of yours. I was so happy to hear Hyunseung was going to join my favorite boyband.” She says happily. I look over Junhyung and expected a frown but he just smiled.

“You can really see that you two are related. You are just as pretty as Hyunseung.” He compliments and gave me a wink making me blush even harder. I felt my hands get clamy and by heart raises.

“Yah! Just as pretty? I am prettier than my brother.” Junhyung laughed and pat her head.

“I’m going to the cafeteria here. Any of you who wants something?” We both shake our head and when Junhyung left Geurim slaps my arm.

“Auw! Why did I deserved that?” I ask as I rub my arm. She looks at me as if I’m dumb.


“Why did you didn’t told me you like Junhyung?” My eyes widen. How could she even know that?

“What? No. How get you this insidious idea?” I tried to laugh it off but I knew she could see right through me. She rolls her eyes.

“Oppa, I’m not blind. I saw how you cheeks got red and you got nervous.” She raises her eyebrows as if she is waiting for an confession. I sigh and gave up.

“Okay maybe I do like him a tiny bit.” She squels and claps in her hands.

“OMG this is amazing! My brother is in love with-“ I quickly cover .

“Don’t say that out loud. Not everyone needs to know it especially not Junhyung.” I hiss turning red again. Geurim giggles as she sees me. I’m feeling so embarrassed. Then she hit me again.

“Don’t hit me!”

“Why didn’t you said it was a guy you fell for instead of a girl? The advice I gave you are only working for girls you .” She laughs. I face palm.

“Geurim please stop okay. You are the only one knowing this and I would like this to stay between us.” She nods.

“Of course big brother. I won’t say anything.” She grins and walks towards the cafeteria.

“Oh Junhyung oppa…! My eyes wide.



None pov

Doojoon, Yoseob, Dongwoon and Kikwang enter their dorm all feeling annoyed.

“How can Junhyung and Hyunseung not let us know where they are? Just leaving us without a clue. “Doojoon nags. He really didn’t like how things went today. Now they have to offer their free day for a her-shoot and none of them is happy about that. Kikwang let himself fall down in the couch, sighing deep.

“At least we can rest now.” Dongwoon sits too and takes out his phone, texting again.

“Do you all want something to drink?” Yoseob asks the others.

“Yes please, anything is fine.” Kikwang answers.

“What about you Dongwoon?” He just hums, not looking away from his phone. Doojoon follows Yoseob into the kitchen.

“Let me help you.” He grabs the glasses and Yoseob fills them with some juice. When Yoseob wants to bring the glasses Doojoon holds him.

“The chair was a pretty good idea wasn’t it?” Doojoon grins. Yoseob looks back and glares a little. During the group shoot Doojoon arranged that Yoseob could sit on a chair. He told the director it would show more variation in the music video instead of all of them standing. But the real reason behind it was that Yoseob couldn’t walk, stand or dance properly because he was still sore from last night.

“We were lucky we didn’t had the chance to film the dance. Otherwise I would have a problem. I’m still so sore.” He groans.

“Don’t think I will let this happen again.” Yoseob said before leaving the kitchen. Doojoon grins. “Don’t say that too soon. You loved it.” Then his phone vibrates. Doojoon looks at the message he got. It was from Junhyung telling him that he and Hyunseung are in the hospital because of Hyunseung’s mother. He messaged back it’s okay and he will talk later with them.

“Hyunseung’s mother is in the hospital. She got a sudden heartattack.” All three the boys stop with what they were doing and look surprised at Doojoon. Kikwang sits up and immediately worries about Hyunseung.

“How is Hyunseung? Is he okay?” “Hyunseung is at the hospital now together with Junhyung. Junhyung just messaged me that during the filming Hyunseung got a call from his sister telling him his mother is in the hospital. That is the reason why they weren’t there today.” Kikwang looks at his hands. Still worrying and somehow feeling jealous of the fact Junhyung is with him. A ping is heard and Dongwoon continues messaging. Kikwang gets annoyed and takes the phone away from Dongwoon.

“Yah!” Dongwoon called and tries to take it back.

“What is so important you have to keep texting while we just heard Hyunseung’s mother is in the hospital. Hyunseung needs us now!” Kikwang looks at the phone’s screen and read ‘Sohyun’. He raises an eyebrow at Dongwoon.

“You are still texting with Sohyun, that much.” Dongwoon took his phone and put it back.

“Yes, so what?” Yoseob nudges him with a grin on his face. Doojoon crosses his arms smiling at the maknae, already knowing what is going on. Only Kikwang doesn’t seems to get it.

“Why is she suddenly so important to you? All you are talking about it Sohyun and you can’t stop texting with her. Why?” Dongwoon sighs. It is time it them.

“Me and Sohyun…we are dating.” Yoseob hugs him tight.

“Whaaa Woonie is dating!” Dongwoon smiles weakly. Dating, yes. Now only Sohyun also needs to know he is dating her. 



I'm kind of back after a long time hiatus. I'm still not 100% back but i wanted to just write. Also to distract myself but also because i dont want you all to wait to long. Things are still ed up with BEAST and Hyunseung and im really scared it won't be solved. But we will see. As for now, I hope you all enjoy the new chapter!! :D 

Thank you all for the sweet comments you left about the issue from Hyunseung. It made me wanting to write again! 

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Aehynj #1
Chapter 30: YES PLEASE. PLEASEE!!!!! 😭
highlightv #2
Chapter 30: ¡actualiza! ❤❤❤❤❤❤
highlightv #3
¡habló español! aunque bueno, no se inglés tampoco y si que google me lo traduce. ?❤
introvert21 #4
Chapter 30: Yes. Please continue
Chapter 30: if you're able to, yes please ;^; I'm still reading!!
Chapter 29: thanks for not giving up on this story, this is my ult. ship and I'm afraid many will leave now and we won't have any more fics ;^;
Chapter 29: Hello welcome back! Congratz for your internship and thank you for not giving up to this story. Thank you for still supporting beast and seung.

Btw, pabo kwang, asdfgdjksllskskms he is so dense sometimes. Woonie is so desperate.idk how to say, i am anticipating your next update author nim. Hope to see you anytime soon
703 streak #8
Chapter 29: i cant wait for the next chapter... i miss my junseung... T_T
skylla321 #9
Chapter 28: I almost had a heart attack when I found out the news too. Keep updating the story. Solo career is hwaiting!
VeeJunSeung #10
Chapter 28: thanks so much for the update.. i need this dear.. to heal my aching heart... T.T