Chapter 1. Aftermath

Year of the Zodiac: Story of the Ox

Joong Ki walked hurriedly out of the meeting room, he didn’t like this new information given to him.

How could he? He didn’t want to search for his mate, he didn’t even have to search either.

There was someone that threw herself everyday at him, but he wasn’t interested in her. She was a sly girl and she wasn’t someone that would settle down easily.

He wasn’t into that, but she was a good secretary, and he put up with her advances.

“Joong Ki.” Gwang Soo said, calling his attention.

Joong Ki sighed, “Yeah, Gwang Soo?”

“What are you going to do about the announcement?” He asked.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do, Gwang Soo. All I know is that I want to go back to work. I need to do something to distract myself.” Joong Ki said, putting on his sunglasses and heading towards his car.

Gwang Soo sighed and held the keys, time to drive the workaholic back to his addiction.

He felt a tug on his sleeve, “What are we going to do?” Heeyoung asked him.

“I have no idea, Heeyoung. You know how he is. He won’t listen to us, his opinion is the only opinion. Not to mention that woman has been driving him crazy.” Gwang Soo said.

Heeyoung crossed her arms over her chest, “I told you to not hire that .”

Gwang Soo messed up her hair, “I know you did. But the other secretaries would have flirted with him too, I had to choose someone that was capable at least.” He told her.

“Well, that girl is such a . And she needs to learn her place, Joong Ki oppa doesn’t want her.” Heeyoung glared into the air.

“I know, Heeyoung. I’ll make sure I find someone capable that isn’t irritating if he fires her.” Gwang Soo said.

“He won’t fire her, unless she does something stupid. And Kim Sori knows how to toe the line.” Heeyoung remarked.

“After this meeting, I wouldn’t question the possibility of her getting fired.” Gwang Soo said before waving goodbye to drive Joong Ki back to the office.

He sat quietly in the back of the car, staring out the window, which was a first. It had Gwang Soo questioning what was on Joong Ki’s mind.

“Do you really think that there could be someone out there for you? Someone that belonged to you? That held your heart even before you realized it?” Joong Ki asked aloud.

“Do you want the truth?” Gwang Soo asked back.

Joong Ki looked at him, “The only one I have patience for is you. So I will be calm, yes I want the truth.” He answered.

Gwang Soo smiled, “Then, yes, I do believe that everyone in this world has a soulmate, someone that knows you better than you know yourself. But I also believe that everyone has more than one soulmate, or else how would best friends exist?” He chuckled.

“I know you may not hold much value in what Seonwoong hyung said today, but he does have a point. You have been changing into that little fluffy cow more often whenever you get angry. And that affects your work. So maybe you should just keep what he said at the back of your mind.” Gwang Soo finished.

“Wow, so wise.” Joong Ki mocked but then grew quiet.

Gwang Soo did have a point and there was no harm in keeping in mind what Seonwoong had said today.

They pulled into the tall business building that belonged to the Song family, Joong Ki groaned.

“She does her job well.” Gwang Soo reminded him, as he always did before they went into work.

“I know.” Joong Ki nodded and they walked inside together.

“Good morning, sajangnim.” Everyone lined up and bowed at them all at once.

Joong Ki kept walking but Gwang Soo nodded at all the workers as he always did when they bowed.

He walked straight into his office as Gwang Soo sat at his desk outside, as always, she greeted him as he walked in.

“Joong Ki.” She purred seductively, or at least what she thought was seductively. It actually made him want to throw up.

“Sori. Get out of my office and go finish the spreadsheets and filing.” He sighed, running a hand through his hair.

Sori got up from his chair and walked over to him, she even hiked up that short pencil skirt even more before reaching him.

“Awww... Joong Ki..” She wrapped herself around him and brushed her finger over his cheek. “You seem stressed, Joong Ki. I can help you relax.” She whispered in his ear.

Joong Ki tensed up, he didn’t want her touching him at all, he was repulsed by how close she was to him.

He pried her fingers off his body and took a step back, “Go do your work.” He ordered.

She just smiled before throwing herself around him again, “Aww.. Baby, don’t be like that. I can help you relax, besides, the work can wait.” She purred again.

Joong Ki stopped immediately, “Stop touching me!” He shouted at her, pushing her off him.

“Baby, you know you want me.” Sori twirled an end of her hair with her fingers.

“No.” Joong Ki spat, he was shaking, he had to control his temper. He had to get rid of her before he changed, his temper made him lose his control over his body and that made life difficult.

He wouldn't be able to do work for a few hours and his father was coming soon and he needed to make sure the work was in order.

Especially since he was only acting CEO for him and he had to make sure his house was in order.

“Baby..” Sori moved closer again.

Joong Ki rubbed his temples harshly, “Stop it. Stop, go away!! Stop! Leave me the hell alone!” He yelled at her.

“This is why you need to relax.” Sori said sweetly, with a smile on her face.

Joong Ki glared at her, “LEAVE!” He shouted at her again before leaving the office himself and looking for Gwang Soo.

“Gwang Soo!! GET RID OF HER! I DON’T WANT HER HERE ANYMORE! FIRE HER!” Joong Ki shouted at him, walking away before Sori could try come onto him again.

Sori turned to Gwang Soo in shock, but he was hiding his smile, “Sorry, Ms. Sori. But now you are officially let go from this corporation. Please pack up your things and leave immediately.”

Author's Note:
so this will be a different sort of interaction.
Yesung was in college. This one will be somewhat in the business world.


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Joong Ki: those who didn't follow the first story of this set. Please be aware there are two scenes in this just like the last one.


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congratulations on the random daily featured!
Ale3157 #2
Chapter 8: Joong Ki is like the little kid that pulls a girl's hair to show he likes her. Lol
Ale3157 #3
This is my first time reading a Song Joong Ki story, so I'm really looking forward to it. :)
hikari_mizuki #4
Chapter 26: Aigoo that was really hot ending btw ;)
maiquie24 #5
Chapter 18: OMG! I'm on the bus on my way to school and i'm trying so hard not to squeal and embarass myself!
bb_outrageous #6
Chapter 27: That office <3 <3 <3 Naughty naught hands mwuahahaha.
I'm glad you were able to write a Joong Ki story :) He needs more love on this site. I enjoyed reading this a lot unni <3 Especially since I'm biased lol. Wish I was able to comment more like I used to, but I'll make it up soon xD
Can't wait for the Jaejoong one ;P
2490 streak #7
Chapter 27: Lovely story! :) I really enjoyed reading this and I'm excited to continue the series with the Tiger next! :D Great job building up Joong Ki and Mi Cha's relationship, and I'm stoked to see you have in store for us next! :)
Chapter 24: Congrats on getting hired!!
Ack the Song Joong Ki feels... I miss himmm ㅠㅠ
But omg Jae Joong is nexxxxtttt ♡.♡ so freaking excited
Chapter 22: Wait omg they're actually getting married omg glackkfbjskcks.