Chapter 6. Challenged

Year of the Zodiac: Story of the Ox

Joong Ki sat still in his chair, he could not believe the nerve of that girl. She had basically said he was just as average as any other guy on the street.

And he was not like them, at all. He kept himself neat, his hair wasn't an all over the place mess, nor did it look like he had just gotten out of bed.

He wore his suits with a skinny tie to flatter his size and he even matched his socks to his pants color to make him seem just a little bit taller. He endorsed a face cleanser brand and he used that faithfully every night to keep pimples off his face.

He was good-looking and Ms. Yang Mi Cha had to realize that. There was no way she wasn't attracted to him. She had to be lying.

"Something wrong with your new secretary, Joong Ki?" Gwang Soo asked him, interrupting his thoughts. He hadn't even heard him come in. This was bothering him more than it should.

"Nothing is wrong with her." Joong Ki said confidently, "Does it seem like there's something wrong?"

"You seem like you miss being hit on." Gwang Soo said, getting in all the digs he can before Joong Ki started to get mad.

Joong Ki opened his mouth to retaliate but a knock on his door interrupted him, "Come in." He said.

Mi Cha walked in very humbly as she placed the thin manila folder she was carrying onto his desk. "I finished all of the spreadsheets that you had me do. Is there anything else that is required of me?" She asked politely. She was never one to forget her place whether it was in society or at work.

He looked at her in shock as she had managed to complete a task that Sori would have taken half a day to complete, in one hour. He shook himself out of it but he didn't miss that sly smile on Gwang Soo's face, it was a smile of triumph. "Nothing for now. Let me review your spreadsheets to make sure they're correct and then I will see if you're capable of another task." He told her, his words turning a bit harsh. He had to remember to be hard on her, or else she could change from that perfect secretary to someone who was flirting with him again.

She bowed her head, "Very well, I will wait for another assignment." She said, leaving the room and closing the door softly behind her.

Gwang Soo turned to Joong Ki revealing that triumphant smile again, "She's good huh?"

Joong Ki glared at him before flipping through the folder she had given him. Everything was in its proper place, the work was all in order, she even ordered the pieces of paper chronologically, latest on top. He sighed, "What if she turns out just like the others? What if this is just an act?" He asked him.

Gwang Soo looked out at her through the glass window pane. It was tinted so Joong Ki could always keep an eye on his secretary but she could never see inside his office. "I don't know about that, Joong Ki. When I interviewed her she didn't even come dressed to seduce you. She just wanted a job and that's what she got." He told him, "Besides, you fired Sori for flirting with you. Now you have a problem with Mi Cha not flirting with you?"

Joong Ki glared at him again, "Get out, Gwang Soo." He said fiercely.

The man held his hands up in surrender, "Ooh, touchy. Fine, I'm leaving. I just wanted to let you know that your father would be coming back soon." He said.

"You could have said that without all the extra stuff." Joong Ki told him.

"Yeah, but then I wouldn't be your friend, now would I?" Gwang Soo smiled deviously, "Bye bye, friend." He waved as he left the room.

Gwang Soo walked over to Mi Cha's desk as she sat idly, "You're doing a great job. So don't ever let him tell you different, okay?" He told her.

She looked at him in confusion but before she could ask him what he meant, he had walked away. She was left to her own devices once more.


Joong Ki looked over the work again, scrutinizing every detail. Nope, she had done everything to perfection. He sighed, this had to be some sort of joke. What kind of person wouldn't know about him or want to be with him?

“Maybe it was just a fluke.” He told himself. Maybe she was lying because she is waiting for her chance to jump him. He would just have to try and figure out how to get her to admit the truth to him.

And that would mean trying to get her to flirt with him. He had to make sure that she was speaking the truth and that she didn't like him at all. He had to make sure his new secretary was the real deal. He approached the mirror in his office and adjusted his dark purple tie, dusting off his shoulders of miscellaneous things and standing up tall.

Right, he would go out there and flirt with her and see her reaction. If she even tried to take the chance, then he would get rid of her right away. She was not worthy of his time if she was going to hit on him as well. He walked out of the office and stood in front of her desk.

She looked up at him, shifting her glasses so she could see better, "Yes, boss?" She asked.

"The work is all good. But there is something else I need you to do for me." Joong Ki told her, leaning in close. She moved back away from him appropriately and he smirked.

She looked away from him and avoiding all eye contact with any part of his face. "What is it?" She stuttered, this close contact with him was weird. She knew this was definitely out of line and perhaps even a challenge on his part.

He looked down at her lips as he his own, "It's just a small little problem." He said, his voice oozing seduction. This was the most charm he had ever tried to use on a girl before, maybe he could finally get her to admit the truth.

She looked to the side, avoiding his gaze, "I'm sorry, boss. But I really can't help you." Mi Cha said regretfully. She had felt all of that charm just fly over her head. If she had no value of professionalism, then she probably would have done what all those other girls did. But she wasn't like that. Even Hwayoung knew that. It was the reason why she never went out and partied with Hwayoung.

"And why not?" Joong Ki asked her with a pout on his face. How could she reject himself so easily, he never had to use this much charm on a girl before.

She looked to her left and noticed Gwang Soo standing there with an evil look on his face. She cleared lightly and moved away from him entirely. He was left leaning into nothing and she looked down at her desk as she twiddled her pen. "Because I don't like you." Her firm tone speaking for itself.

"I am the most wanted bachelor in Seoul and you don't like me?" He asked her in disbelief, "Are you sure?" He scoffed at her rejection.

"I'm sorry but honestly your arrogance is a bit repulsive." She told him before adjusting her glasses once more. "Now, is there any work for you to give me?" She asked, reverting back to her professional tone.

He frowned slightly, "Not at the moment. If you want to organize the files for yourself, then feel free to do so. Because I'm sure Sori left it in a mess." He said, walking back into his office.

She bowed her head, "Thank you, boss." She said as his door closed.

He huffed in his chair angrily. 'Repulsive'? He scoffed in disbelief. This was it, he would make Mi Cha's life living hell for insulting him in such a way. 

Starting tomorrow, he watched her dump out all the folders that Sori had "organized" before her, she would regret calling him ugly.

Author's Note;
Another update ^^
lol. I hope you enjoy this~
Joong Ki is just so silly huh? XD
so dumb <3


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Joong Ki: those who didn't follow the first story of this set. Please be aware there are two scenes in this just like the last one.


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congratulations on the random daily featured!
Ale3157 #2
Chapter 8: Joong Ki is like the little kid that pulls a girl's hair to show he likes her. Lol
Ale3157 #3
This is my first time reading a Song Joong Ki story, so I'm really looking forward to it. :)
hikari_mizuki #4
Chapter 26: Aigoo that was really hot ending btw ;)
maiquie24 #5
Chapter 18: OMG! I'm on the bus on my way to school and i'm trying so hard not to squeal and embarass myself!
bb_outrageous #6
Chapter 27: That office <3 <3 <3 Naughty naught hands mwuahahaha.
I'm glad you were able to write a Joong Ki story :) He needs more love on this site. I enjoyed reading this a lot unni <3 Especially since I'm biased lol. Wish I was able to comment more like I used to, but I'll make it up soon xD
Can't wait for the Jaejoong one ;P
2490 streak #7
Chapter 27: Lovely story! :) I really enjoyed reading this and I'm excited to continue the series with the Tiger next! :D Great job building up Joong Ki and Mi Cha's relationship, and I'm stoked to see you have in store for us next! :)
Chapter 24: Congrats on getting hired!!
Ack the Song Joong Ki feels... I miss himmm ㅠㅠ
But omg Jae Joong is nexxxxtttt ♡.♡ so freaking excited
Chapter 22: Wait omg they're actually getting married omg glackkfbjskcks.