Only One

Smile, oppa!

It was a Monday. It was an established fact that Monday is the worst day of the week. After hardcore partying over the weekend, Monday would always appear around the corner to ruin that feel good feeling, to bring everyone back to the hardcore reality that was life.  I’ve seen what Mondays could do to people. Most of the customers that came to the shop on Mondays always looked like someone just ran them over with a truck... or a blue whale. I believed some were even wearing Sunday night’s clothing in a bizarre attempt to somehow still hold on to fragments of Sunday... Kind of sad really. I mean, life goes on right? There’s always another weekend to look forward to...

As for me, well... whenever Monday came along, I would always put in extra efforts to look nice... I would take an extra hour to get ready, so that my hair falls perfectly over my shoulder, and my makeup spot on. I guess you could say it’s my way of rebelling against the norms of Monday. Not only do I look good, I feel good too... And when I feel good, I tend to be extra nice which is crucial when you have to deal with all kinds of customers.

I own a camera store. Ok fine, not own... I work at a camera store owned by my father. So technically it’s mine right? It’s going to be mine soon anyway. At least that was what he told me... And there was a reason why I dress up on Mondays, besides going against the norms of course. My father, owner of the camera store, never comes to work on Mondays... which suited me just fine, because that was my chance to meet someone without him hovering beside me and breathing down my neck. Ok, granted that the shop is a small corner shop that people rarely visit, there was the occasional Romeos every now and then. But I was often unable to do anything because my father was always around. Today though, today would be different. I can feel it in my bones that something good was going to happen to me today... provided that such Romeo step into the shop of course...

I was cleaning the store; it was only 10 am in the morning, when the bell above the door jingled. Turning around, I noticed a man around 20-ish stepped in. He had curly hair, and his outfit seemed to have seen better days. I cringed inwardly. He was not the Romeo I was hoping for. Regardless, I made my way over to him, a customer is a customer after all, and smiled.

“Yes? How can I help you?” I asked pleasantly.

“Ahh Miss. Do you sell batteries?”

“For what?”

“For my phone. I don't know what happened, but it just died on me.” He said, showing his phone to me.

I raised my eyebrow, wondering if he was for real. Did he not see the big neon sign above the store? Did he not see that this is a camera store? Maybe he couldn't read... Yeah, that has to be it.

“Sorry, we don't sell anything like that here. This is a camera store.” I informed him as politely as I could.

He nodded his head and rubbed the back of his neck somewhat nervously. “Uhh right... ok. In that case, do you sell anything to eat?”

I flashed him a forced smile, all the while thinking that this man must’ve been crazy. He couldn't get his battery so now he was asking for something to eat? Seriously?

“I’m sorry, but I think you should leave.” I said, making sure that I didn't sound so rude.

“Uhh yeah... Uhh sorry.” He mumbled before walking out.

Not a second later, the bell jingled again and his head appeared in between the opening, a goofy smile on his face. “So... since you don't sell anything to eat, mind telling me where the nearest grocery store is?”

I sighed before replying. “Just go straight and turn right. There’s one there...”

“Right, thank you.” He said with a nod.

I shook my head as I watched him walk away. I made sure that his shadow disappeared with him... I didn't want him coming back. A terrible customer I could handle, but when a lunatic like that came around, I just wouldn’t know what to do. What happen if he tries something weird? I was alone in the shop after all... I knew a few karate moves, but definitely not enough to defend myself... I shuddered at the thought that something bad might happen to me. Quickly, I said a silent prayer before returning to mychore earlier.

Five minutes later, while I was cleaning the camera lenses, the bell once again jingled. Thinking that it was the man from earlier, I slammed my hand against the table and huffed loudly.

“Ok! What the hell do you want?!” I pointed my index finger in annoyance.

My eyes widened and I gulped upon finding my finger mere inches from the customer’s face, realizing too late that it was not the man from before. But then again, I couldn't be so sure. The cap he was wearing was shielding his face along with the huge sunglasses. On top of that, he was also wearing a face mask! It’s kinda hot to be wearing that isn’t it? It’s freaking summer!

“Were you expecting someone? Or is that how all the people here greet their customers?” He asked, a hint of humor in his voice.

I flushed red and dropped my hand, embarrassed. “Jaesonghamnida... Err, so how can I help you?”

He ignored my question and made his way to one of the walls, where I hung my most prized possession: Developed photos of my beloved idol. Honestly, I have to say that this wall is practically and literally my baby. It’s my most favourite... wall of this whole place. It’s one of the reasons why I always come back to the shop, when there were so many other things I could be doing, like going to college... But I put that on hold, so I can stare at this wall all day, and see my beloved idol smile back at me. It is the best feeling in the world, you know what I mean? Of course, I’m also staying at the job because my father actually pays me, and I use my salary to go to the fan-meetings so that I can capture those beautiful photos of my beloved idol... I know what you’re thinking. What a life huh?

He was staring at the wall for far too long, but I let him be, because he was actually the first person to actually admire that wall beside myself... So I studied his back view. I guess you could say he looked good... I mean, his height was just right, his shoulders broad and his style was... okay for a Monday. Could this be the Romeo I was looking for? Unless... if he was the guy from before. But I highly doubted that. The other guy was shorter, much shorter than this guy...

When he finally turned around, I tried to picture how his face looked like. I mean, even though his build was just nice, his face might not be. He doesn’t have to be as good looking as my beloved idol, but he can’t look like giraffe either. That’s a definite no-no.

Uh-oh... His lips are moving! He was saying something! Quickly, I tuned out my inner thoughts and managed to catch the last of sentence.

“... must really like him.” He said.

“Like who?”

He pointed at the pictures on the wall. “This guy. You must really like this guy to have so many photos of him on the wall.”

My eyes gleamed at the mention of him. “Oh yes! I absolutely love him! He can sing, he can dance, he can act! He’s funny too!”

“Did you take these by yourself? They look like paparazzi shots.” He commented.

I giggled and nodded my head, before pointing at my camera that was on the table in the corner. “Yup, with that. Got that last year. Been putting it to good use ever since.”

“By good use you mean...” He trailed off, assuming that I understood what he was talking about.

My smile stretched from one ear to the other. “Yes, only to take photos of him. I have another camera for friends and sceneries and stuff. I know what you’re thinking, I’m one crazy fan-girl huh?”

He laughed and shook his head. “Aniyo... I think... this guy is lucky to have a fan like you.”

“Thank you. I think so too.” I giggled again. “Is there something I can help you with?”

“Ahh yeah. Err... Do you take passport photos here?”

“Yes, we do. It’s right at the back. Follow me.” I said, heading towards the back.

I made him sit in front of the white background while turning on the camera and the lights. I looked at him through the small viewing lens before straightening up, my eyebrow raised.

“You know you’re not supposed to wear all that in a passport photo right?” I informed him, gesturing towards his cap, sunglasses and face mask.

“I’ll take them off... but you have to promise me you won’t over-react...” He said slowly.

My brow creased with confusion but I gave him a nod anyway, wondering why he was so secretive about the way he looked. I watched as he slowly took off his cap, beautiful hair if I must say so, before taking off his sunglasses and finally his face mask. He finally stood before me, a smile on his bare face while my eyes grew wider by the second. My eyes ran over his face, then they glanced at the wall, before looking back at him.

I can sense my mouth opening, and I bit my lip before a full blown scream of joy and happiness could escape. It’s him! It’s the guy on the wall! It’s my favourite idol! And he’s freaking smiling at me! Oh my goodness, he’s smiling at me!

“Oppa! It’s you!” I squeaked after finally finding my voice. I was honestly too shocked to say anything else...

“It’s me.” He said, smiling nervously. “You’re ok right? You won’t faint or anything?”

I shook my head vigorously, feeling like the world was mine. “Aniyo! I’m fine! I’m just so excited that... you’re here! Out of all places!”

“Please help me with the photo... I’m sort of in a hurry and I forgot to take this photo until now. Dowajusaeyo...”

“Ahh yeh... Arasseoyo oppa. Please sit.” I gushed adoringly.

When he sat down, I made a mental note to bring that chair back home and into my room, so that no one else could sit on it. It was going to be my most, most prized possession from now on!

“Ok oppa...” I said, checking his position through my viewing lens. “Tilt your face a bit to the left, yup, oh, not that much! Ok, chin down a little, yeah that’s it... ok, now...” I instructed him. “Smile...”

“Here you go oppa. The pictures came out nicely.” I said, handing him the developed photos a while later.

“Gomawoyo!” He said, taking the envelope. “How much?”

“Aniyo oppa! It’s on the house.” I quickly replied. “This is all I want...” I continued, holding up his passport photo, an extra copy I printed for myself. “I hope you don't mind...” I added with a shy smile.

He grinned. “Take good care of that... Thanks again!”

“Oppa!” I called out before he could leave. “Can I please have your autograph?”

“Yeah sure.” He said before signing at the back of his passport photo with me sighing in the background. He was so handsome, it was so surreal for me to be with him, together in my shop, on a Monday... What were the odds?

“There, all done.” He said before waving goodbye. “There’s a fan-meeting next week! Do come if you can make it! Make sure you greet me!”

“Of course!” I said in excitement. “Annyeong oppa! Nomu nomu saranghaeyo!”

“Nado saranghaeyo!”

I was still smiling to myself hours after he left, his photo never leaving my hand. Why? Because underneath his beautiful signature, in very fine prints, were his phone number. Yes, he gave me his phone number... One could only squeal like a little girl in a situation like that... He liked me? Is that why he left his phone number? I sighed dreamily as I stared at his photo on the wall. Romeo stopped by today, just like I thought he would... You see, going against the norms every once in a while definitely has its advantage huh? If I had looked like a potato sack, I doubt he would leave his phone number. But the fact of the matter is, he did... and I just so happen to be the happiest girl on Earth. The feeling was incomparable... 

Chapter posted on: Jun. 14. 2013

Yeay! Completed another one-shot! Ok, the last part about leaving his number is just my fan-girl fantasy... But hey! it might happen right? Who knows? Hahaha... Hope you guys like this one!!! =D Please enjoy!


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Chapter 1: I can imagine Jiyong oppa went to my work place... OwO Thanks for updating this one-shot! Keep writing author-nim! ^^
Chapter 1: Oh my god. I just can't imagine if this kind of thing would happen to me. Oh *fainted* XD Thanks for the one-shot. I like it! Eh no, I love it!!
nanacho #3
Chapter 1: omg its cute! Im imagine that simon oppa will come to me and ask me to take his pasport photo, just like the story ><
I loooovvveeee it! Keep writing! <3