
Locked Up with Miss. Right

Cap’s POV

“Guys shut up she might hear you,” I whisper yell at them as I look around to make sure that ___ isn't’ anywhere around.

They guys don't’ seem to care, “So how long have you liked noona?”

I glare at him, as I blush looking down at my hands, “Since I first met.”

“Wait that was,” Neil says as he starts counting on his fingers, “ Cap that was 4 years ago.”

“Shut up,” I growl at Neil.

“Nope, not unless you want me to walk over to her, over there,” he tells me as he points over to ___ who had just walked into the library.

She spots us and waves us over with a smile on her face.

Your POV

I notice the guys talking amongst each other as Minsoo runs over to me.

“Minsoo what are your friends talking about?”

I see him look back and sigh, “I have no idea but I have a feeling that it’ll bite us both in the somehow.”

I laugh and I notice something in his eyes but he quickly looks away from me.

I notice L.Joe sitting by me with his arm around my shoulder.

I smile at him as I reach over and pull it over, "What have I told you but that?”

“Oh come on you know you love it,” he says to me.

“No, I don’t,” I say and think to myself at the same time, “I only like it when Minsoo does that rarely."

“Oh come on now,” L.Joe whines to me.

Minsoo bends his arm away from me, but also careful not to hurt his friend.

I smile at Minsoo, “Thanks."

He nods his head and smiles at me, “You really should fight against him more.”

I giggle as I look up at him, “That’s why I have you. I’m glad that I have you.”

He looks a bit annoyed with me.

Should I tell him that when he first said that after we became friends 4 years ago I took classes and probably could break L.Joe’s arm if I really want to?

I watch as the guys study my features and it seems Neil gets an idea, “Hyung how about we go to that old school village.”

I watch him shrug, “Yeah," he looks back at me, “___ do you want to come with us?”

I nod my head, “I’d love to.”

I watch as he smiles slightly at me but it’s gone in a few seconds.

The warning bell goes off and I take Minsoo’s arm, “Come on we need to get back to class.”

I hear his friends whistle at us and I ignore them, but Minsoo seems bothered for some reason.


“Yes, finally the weekend,” I shout as we leave the school grounds.

Minsoo and her friends laugh at my sudden outburst.

Neil decides to talk and ask, “True so do you guys want to go to the village tomorrow right?”

I sigh when I get to the bus stop and I hear the guys laugh

“What want to get rid of us, sweetie?” L.Joe flirts with me.

“At least get rid of you,” I .

I walk over and give everyone a hug skipping L.Joe and saving Minsoo for last.

I give Minsoo the longest hug as I pull away I feel a small kiss on my forehead.

‘What’s wrong with Minsoo today? No, it must have been my imagination.’

Neil’s POV

I watch as ___ gets on her bus and it leaves.

When the bus is far enough Minsoo has L.Joe in a headlock and giving him a nasty noogy like everyday when L.Joe flirts with __, but today it seems worse.

I smile to myself hoping the two of them are ready for tomorrow.

At least maybe L.Joe will stop and save himself from Cap's beatings.

Your POV

I sigh when my phone is going off in the morning waking my lazy bum up.

“Yes?” I answer.

I hear L.Joe in the background about how someone is hurting him causing me to laugh.

“Morning,” I hear Neil gush out.

“Morning why did you call me this early?”

“Oh honey,” Neil jokes, “it’s noon already. We told you we’d pick you up around this time.”

“Sorry mom I’ll be down in a little bit,” I back.

I quickly dress in a simple red short jumpsuit with a white tank top under it. I zip it up part way as I brush my hair and decide to leave it down today. I jump down the stairs when I find my pair of plain black vans tennis shoes I hear the boys shout for me outside.

I notice my mom smiling at me, “Wow they are rowdy this morning.”

“Be sure to be home by 9 tonight.”

I love my mother, “Yes mom.” I walk over to her and kiss her cheek, “I’ll see you when I get back,”

She nods her head as I wave my way out the door.

“Hey guys,” I shout out to them and L. Joe surprisingly stays sitting on the ground with a pout.

“What’s wrong with him?”

“Oh nothing we just explained something in detail to him,” Neil tells me.

“Haven’t you guys been doing that since I don’t know I met all of you?”

“True, but today I think we made a breakthrough. I think his ego or something is hurting.”

I smile at them as I bend to L.Joe’s height that he’s at, “L. Joe you know that I’ll never feel that way for you and when you act like that it makes me uncomfortable.”

“You should have told me then,” he whines.

“I was afraid that I’d lose you as a friend, because when you’re not hitting on me you are a pretty cool guy.”

"Really?” he asks me all excited like I told a child we’re going to Lotte World,

I nod my head, “Yes, you’re just far from my type,” I tell him while peeking at Minsoo at the corner of my eye.

I think L.Joe notices and sighs, “I should have known. How am I the idiot of the group?’

I look at him and sigh throwing my arm over his shoulder as a joke as I tell him, “it’s not that you’re dumb it’s just you are kind of dense.”

He gives me a look and smiles, "Says the girl that hasn’t noticed she’s the only girl in the eyes of the guy she likes.”

I look at him confused and wonder if he noticed me looking at Minsoo.

Also if L. Joe is telling the truth.

He looks at me and holds his hands up, “I won’t tell I promise.”

I smile at him as I let go of him and walk over to Minsoo who seems to be brooding over something.

That's odd since he was fine just a mi

“Minsoo can I hold onto your arm?” I ask him unexpectedly just for I can be close to him.

He nods his head and I notice that he’s wearing his full pants version of the jumpsuit that I’m wearing, but instead of a white tank, he has on a black one. In addition, he's wearing a red cap and black fingerless gloves and his tags.

“Hey, we match,” I tell him as I pull on the top part of the jumpsuit and smile at him more, “we could pass off as a couple.”

He looks away and I notice for one that his cheeks have a slight pink tint to them.


Soon we’re walking around the village with a lone security guard cause he’s related to Neil I want to say somehow.

I end up at the more richer estate that must have belonged to a general because it had some kind of cell in it. I walk inside and Minsoo follows me.  

We hear a loud shutting sound to turn around to see that our friends and whoever’s cousin.

"What the hell?!” Minsoo and I shout at the same time.

“Oh we decided as a group that the two of you need to get something off your chests, especially you CAP after all these years, so you’ll be in here until that is done.”

I watch as he sets a pair of keys and what looks to be Minsoo’s phone.

He holds up his phone and says, “We’ll hear you when you finally get it off your chest.”

I start to curse at them surprising everyone even Minsoo, “What if we don’t?”

“Then I guess I’ll have to call your mom for you,” he says while holding up my phone.

Soon Minsoo and I are sitting in a dusty medieval cell in what you can maybe call a basement.

“What are they talking about getting something off your chest after all these years?”

He looks away from me and I see him look at his phone, “Maybe we can use something in here to get the keys or the phone to get out of here.”

I point to a broom, “How about that?”

“That’ll work,” he says.

I’m sure we spend a long while trying to get the stupid phone or for some reason the keys to the cell door.

I give up and soon Minsoo does and we’re leaning our heads against the wooden bars of the prison cell.

“Minsoo just tell me why would your friends lock us in here telling you that you need to tell me something, but I’m sure we’ve spent half an hour in here by now.”

He nods his head checking the watch that I had gotten him the first birthday he had when we were friends. It hits me that I hardly ever see him without it or the necklace that I had got him the second year. 

Minsoo always seems to treasure whatever I buy him. 

He looks at me and says, “We’ve been in here for half-an-hour as you guess.”

I sigh and grab a hold of his tank top,  “What the hell do you need to say?”

He looks at me shocked but suddenly leans over and kisses me and I let go of his shirt only to wrap my arms around his shoulders.

We pull away from each other and I see his eyes shine the way they do when he has always smiled at me for the last 4 years.

“Minsoo, I love you,” I tell him since I’m still in shock from the breath-taking kiss I just shared with him.

He smiles as he leans over capturing my lips again, “I love you as well. I’ve loved you since we first met and these last 4 years have just given me more reasons to feel this way about you.”

I bet my face is shining, but also flushed from his confession, my own, and from the heat rising in my chest from my heart racing wildly.

“So this is why your friends decided on this random trip and locked us in here?”

He shrugs, “Probably. I don't’ think L.Joe was part of this since he always spent his time to hit on you.”

I giggle as he pulls me closer to him and I hear a small cough from behind us, “That’s enough love birds.”

I stick my tongue out at Neil before I turn around and kiss Minsoo.

I stand up and pull Minsoo with me. When he's straight, he wraps his arm around my waist and seems like he won't let go anytime soon.

I look at him as I place my hand over his, peel it from my waist, and just hold it.

I look at them with a deep glare, “I won't thank you and your lucky that I don't castrate all of you.”

Minsoo is right by my side holding my hand with a firm grip, but not enough that I couldn’t get out of it if I wanted to.

I walk up the stairs as Minsoo and I walk into the daylight again I give him a deep kiss and I hear gagging sounds.

I turn to see L.Joe who stops and smiles at us, “I’m glad for the two of you. I wish I wasn’t that dense, but the two of you were really no different.”

We nod our heads and I sweep L.Joe into a hug much to Minsoo’s delight... kidding.

I turn to Minsoo and say, “I’m not property."

“True but you are my girlfriend and he has spent the last 4 years hitting on you.”

“Your girlfriend sounds nice and to tell you I’ve spent a little over 4 years of having a crush grow into something more on you.”

He looks at me confused and I shrug, “You'll just have to find out, but I now won’t you.”

I turn away from him and start to walk ahead of him until he snaps out of his little train of thought running up to me and sweeping me into his arms.

This is really nice.

I may actually thank the idiots for this...

I hear hooting and hollering.

I changed my mind.

I guess they are a package deal.

I’m fine with that I’ve had 4 years to get use to this, but dating Minsoo, no CAP, now is going to make me want to hurt them more.

I guess I'll have more time to get used to them. 

Yet I should have known when I first saw him at the hospital. I was there because I had surgery done on my leg and he was visiting someone.

Later when I went back to school, I saw him for the second time.

Then later we met and became friends.

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Chapter 1: That was so sweet <3 ^^
MissSushiYUM #2
Chapter 1: That was cute. ^^
I can't wait^^ Update soon :D
Excited for this one