Revenge is Oh So Sweet

JunSu's Revenge

It is safe to say that Kim JunSu gets bullied by his hyungdeul a lot. He knows it’s always in good fun and that Kim JaeJoong & Park YooChun truly mean him no harm. Most of the time he can play along with their obnoxious fun but some days they irritate the hell out of him to the point that he won’t talk to them for hours.

JunSu is patient though. He gets his revenge here and there with small pranks. He isn’t as conniving as those two so usually it isn’t truly a good payback in his opinion.

Today happens to be one of those days where they pushed him too far. He hasn’t said a word to them all afternoon. But he has the perfect plan for revenge.

He can hear two of the showers running in the locker room at CJes Entertainment and grins wickedly to himself. He knows JaeJoong hyung well enough to know that he won’t have a towel handy for when he steps out of the shower. He keeps everything in his locker. JunSu quietly grabs Jae’s bag, making sure no piece of clothing or any towels are left behind before moving to YooChun’s locker and doing the same.

Quietly leaving the locker room, he runs to the nearest storage closet around the corner and throws the bags inside.

Now comes the tricky part. He knows YooChun hyung will have a towel with him so he has to grab it and run for his life before YooChun can stop him. Chunnie is much faster than he looks when he wants to be.

JunSu quietly approaches the showers as the Soulmates talk animatedly about random things. JunSu isn’t really listening because he’s too intent on his goal: one white towel.

“JunSu-ah!” What are you doing? Are you going to shower in your clothes?” Jae asks with a snicker. JunSu freezes and now that he’s been spotted he knows he’s only got one shot. Lunging for YooChun’s towel he grabs it and takes off towards the door, clutching his prize to his chest.

“YAH! JunSu, what are you doing?” He hears YooChun yell and bare feet chasing after him. He rips open the locker room door and slams it behind him before sprinting down the hallway.

Most of the employees of CJes ignore him as if it’s normal for the idol to be running down the hallways laughing his head off…which it usually is. Some even move out of the way automatically as if they already knew he was coming. JYJ’s fun and games have become routine around here.

He rounds the corner near the storage closet and slumps against the wall, holding the towel in victory. JunSu holds his breath and waits for that one perfect moment…




The roars of the two angry idols from the locker room are really no surprise to the other employees who continue about their business. But there is one very happy Maknae doing a dance of victory in the hallway.

Ah! Revenge is oh so sweet!

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DeeDee_24 #1
Chapter 1: haha how did i find these so late. love these one shots. more??
durian2003 #2
Oh gosh~ This is such a nice oneshot! Perfect to end my night before logging out. Especially on the day of their anniversary. Nice one!! Love it!! XD
oatlover #3
Chapter 1: I love this story
the weird and the good part is I can totally imagine all the scenes in my head
especially Junsu's victory dance
Junsu, let me be your partner in crime next time you plan on taking revenge again lol
Author-nim, thank you for writing this :)
Forever5501 #4
Chapter 1: Hahaha.... Revenge of the dolphin
Chapter 1: XDDD CUUTEEE <3
Aworldofmyown #6
Chapter 1: LOL!! that was really funny!! Junsu u trickster!!!
Eleenluvu #7
Chapter 1: What an interesting story