Chapter 1

Love To Die

SOrry for the late update u.u, it was a crazy week, too many exams T.T I need to study for the rest ;-; so wait for the next chap. until the bext saturday

Enjoy it<3


Was lying on the leather coach, pressing the buttons of the remote control, searching for good stuff to watch, it was Monday, the most boring day in the history, it was 10 am, the laziest hour in the world, nothing good was on air, he didn’t go to school, he was to cool to attend it. Since his father gave him all that he wanted, he never needed to learn to do anything, he for sure will become the CEO of the family company, he would have all his cousins working for him, the only he would need to do is receive the money and be richest every day. But while he was just enjoying all the luxuries he could have, cars, clothes, jewelry, girls… everything that he wanted he could have it. There wasn’t many worries in his life, the only thing that made him couldn´t didn't sleep a wink at nights was his compromise with the silly girl his father chose for him, he thought she was kinda pretty but she was just to childish and … stupid for his taste. However, he would marry her soon.

Another reason why Kyuhyun wasn’t attending school, was because that day the parents of the girl would go to his mansion to take the dinner and talk about the brilliant future of the couple and the close date of the wedding, he was supposed to be in the exclusive stores buying a suit but he prefer to watch TV and wear something he already had.  Finally, after minutes searching for something to watch, he felt asleep. A deep sleep, he dreamt about a place he never seen in his life but it was really nice and it quiet. He even smile during that dream until someone disturb his mind.

Kyuhyun!- the named boy woke up instantly.

What? What?- he said looking around.

Why are you here?- the women questioned.

Because… I live here?- he wondered.

I mean… Why aren’t you ready yet?- the women in front of him looked worry.

Ugh, C’mon mom, I’ll be ready in few minute, anyway, still being morning, no?-

Of course not! I don’t know what you’re thinking or doing kid, but it’s already 4 pm! Mr. and Mrs. Kim will be here in one hour! Get up you fool boy!- his mother reprimanded him.

Ok ok, whatever makes you happy- with laziness he stood up and walked as faster as a turtle to his room. When he arrived to the his favorite place in the house, he laid on his big and comfortable bed, wondering how boring the dinner would be or how tonto the comments of Sulki would be, he deeply sigh and resigned step by step he stood in front of two black wood doors and opened them, let it him saw what was inside, it was a little room with two rows with hangers, keeping his coats, suits, jackets and sweaters, in the middle was a black commode with draws that kept his shirts, down the rows with clothes were his shoes.

What should I use?- he asked himself, he step into and looked around for something to wear, and after a couple of glances he chose red leather pants, and black shirt with V neck, and a gray suit coat, he wore it with a pair brilliant black boots, he put on some perfume and messed his hair a little bit. He watched himself in the mirror.

Good, why am I this gorgeous?- he replied and left the room, walking down stairs he could heard the voices of three persons he didn’t wanted to see. He waited in the living room for his parents to call him to the hall, they finally did it and the fakest smile Kyuhyun greeted the two people that were smiling at him.

Look at you, you’re getting more and more handsome everyday- Mrs. Kim said kissing the right cheek of the guy.

Haha thanks Mrs. Kim- he smiled brilliantly.

Kyuuuuu!- a girly voice screamed his name.

Ah! The cute Sulki came- Kyuhyun pretend to be happy.

Obviously! I’m here because Kyuhyun’s going to get marry with Sulki- the girl with curly brown hair grabbed an arm of the boy.

Ahh~ young love- both mothers sighed.

Shall we pass to the dining room now?- Kyuhyun’s father ask to the guests, they agreed and moved into the elegant dining room, with a medium withe table and white chairs with adorns all over them. Pictures of famous painters hung on the walls and a chandelier in the middle of the room.

Everybody took sit and started to talk happily while they were waiting for the meal.

How’s the school Kyuhyun?- Sulki’s father asked.

Umm, fine, as always—he just smile mildly.

Sulki bet Kyuhyun is the smartest guy in Kyuhyun’s classroom!- the girl with the beige dress spoke energetically.

Of course he is, he’s such and smart boy- his mother said.

The maids arrived with the food, and as soon they were served they started to eat, they were having a good time talking, eating and drinking and Kyuhyun wasn’t bored yet, he even was maintaining a conversation with his fiancée, no matter how stupid it was. Everything was going well until the theme of the wedding came out, and Kyuhyun almost spill the wine he was drinking when Sulki’s mother ask him how many kids he wanted to have.

Umm, I don’t know, none, I guess, I don’t really like kids- he replied coughing a little bit.

Uh? Why? Sulki wants a lot of children!- the  girl said crossing her arms in his chest.

But I don’t- Kyuhyun insisted- maybe you could adopt one.

Then Kyuhyun’s going to be father anyway-  when Sulki said that phrase, Kyuhyun imagined himself carrying a baby, playing with a little kid, comforting a girl because her boyfriend broke up with her, walking to the altar with a women to give her away to the groom and he regret the idea completely.

No, definitely no!- he kept his posture.

It’s too soon to talk about making the family big, doesn’t it?- Sulki’s father intervened- what’s more important now…How the preparative of the wedding are going?

Fantastic!- Sulki screamed.

Everybody laugh, except Kyuhyun that forced his laugh for an awkward ha-ha-ha.

Did you already buy your dress, honey?- Kyuhyun’s mother asked.

Not yet, but next week, Sulki and her mother are traveling to New York to find a nice dress Kyuhyun would love- the girl replied playing with a lock of her hair.

You’ll look lovely in whatever you’ll use darling, won’t she, Kyuhyun?-

Yes, totally- he limited his answer.

Oh! Kyuhyun is so sweet- Sulki hugged the boy.

And then it was late at night, therefore Kim family had to left, in the mansion were only three people without counting the personal, Kyuhyun felt uncomfortable with all the thing of the compromise and his nearly wedding, in few days he would become a married boy, he would have to live with his wife, both fathers bought them a house as wedding gift, he didn’t want that class of life yet, specially besides someone he didn’t even like.

But she’s so…- Kyuhyun was looking for some words to not sound too rude.

She’s lovely, she’ll be the perfect wife- his father insisted.

No! She won’t! She will burn herself if she get close to the stove for sure!-

Don’t be rude with your future wife!- his dad argued.

I don’t like her, at all! Why don’t you find another girl- Kyuhyun didn’t give up trying to convince his father.

She’s the one that I choose-

Why can I choose my own partner?-

Because I don’t want you to ruin your life, and consequently mine and your mothers- Mr. Cho looked really angry.

Aggh! I hate you!- Kyuhyun yelled- why you always do whatever you want with my life?

I gave you everything! It’s the least you can do to pay me back- his father left the room, leaving a frustrated Kyuhyun.

He went to his room again, and took all his clothes off, he punched one of the walls with fierce and angry, he was really upset, he was tired of his father controlling all what he did, he was able to deal with it because was his father and one day he would receive his father company and those stuff, but when started to choose with what people he could hang out, he started to complain about it and something he couldn’t stand it anymore was the decision of choose his wife. He was decided to not do it, but he was scare of what his father would do if he regret to get married. That was the reason he only acted like he wanted to be with Sulki but when he was alone with his father he tried to convince him to make him marry Sulki, but it was useless, his father would never change his mind.

One week before the wedding, two of the best friends of Kyuhyun arrived to his mansion to took him to a party he would never forgot since he was bound to get married.

Sulki is beautiful, men!- one the friends insisted.

She’s stupid!- Kyuhyun kept saying it.

Who cares? You can put tape on - other guy said.

Besides, she’s so hot!-

She’s childish! I bet that the only thing she will wear will be dolly dresses and kid clothes- Kyuhyun complained.

But… you know, you’re going to have a wedding night- his friend insisted.

Do you like her?- Kyuhyun ask him.

No- his friend looked to another place.

OMG! Heechul likes Kyuhyun’s fiancé- the another friend said

Of course not!- Heechul replied.

You can keep her, I don’t care- Kyuhyun said.

I don’t want your leftovers-

Stop talking ladies, are we going out or what?- the third asked.

Yep, let’s go- Kyuhyun stood up from his bed and the three walk to the principal door of the house.

Please, don’t make anything bad Kyuhyun- his mother said when they were leaving.

We won’t let him Mrs. Cho- one of the friend replied.

I don’t believe you, Zhoumi and Heechul are the friends a mother would never trust in- the women said- to be too late, or at least be here for breakfast.

I will mom- Kyuhyun went out followed by the guys. When they were in the principal entrada, the boy asked his friends- you guys bring your cars, no?

Duh! What a dork question- Zhoumi took out the keys of his car- this dumb crash his car yesterday- pointed the other guy.

It wasn’t me! It was that idiot men!- Heechul cross his arms.

Ok, you two are going together then, let’s go for some fun- the three step up to their respective cars, and went to a night club, it was one of the most exclusive and expensive places in the city, it had a big window in one of the walls and from there it could be seen an amazing view of the buildings and the lights of the city. When they arrived they gave the keys to the ballet parking and went to the entrance, the men that decides who can enter and who can’t, quickly recognized the faces of the three guys and left them went inside.

I love being rich- Kyuhyun said to his friends.

I love being friend of a rich guy- replied another.

The three search for a free table and ordered some drinks, in few minutes their table was full of pretty girls wanted the boys to dance with them, they couldn’t regret and had fun the girls that were around them, dancing, drinking, having a good time, many of the girls tried, more than once to kiss some of the three guys but only Kyuhyun regret the girls politely even when he was drunk, in some moment of the night they started to played with the alcohol and started to drank it like if it was water, one of them took out little red pills of his pocket and gave it to the rest of the guys, in seconds they had energy again to keep dancing and laughing for the rest of the night. Around 4 am they were finally leaving the place.

Give me the keys!- Kyuhyun insisted to the guy who kept the keys.

I can’t sir, you and your friends are totally drunk-

You are worrying too much- Zhoumi said while he was searching for his wallet, he took some bills and gave it to the boy-Now give us the keys.

The guy didn’t said anything and gave to them the keys of the cars, they walked to the cars and turn on them.

Oh sorry- Kyuhyun said when he crashed a little bit with another car besides him.

They needed to pass for one of the biggest street in the city to arrive to the house of Kyuhyun, but at that hour the street was totally empty, no cars, no people, the semaphores seemed unnecessary for them.

Kyuhyun!- Heechul screamed from the other car

What do you want know?- he yelled back.

What about a race?- they were in front of a semaphore in red- when the green light flash…

What? No way- he passed that idea, he was drunk not brainless.

Coward!- Zhoumi said from his seat.

I’m not!- Kyuhyun replied.

Prove it!-

Kyuhyun made noise with the motor of his car, ready to win that race, the three smiled, and when the semaphore indicated, they speed up and went all over the large street, without carrying about if there would be a person, they were sure that it wasn’t none at 4 am walking. The cars went faster, any of them wanted to lost, it was another semaphore that slowly turn on its red light, any of the three expected that a men would be sweeping the streets to get them ready and clean for the coming morning, Zhoumi reacted and stop his car, Heechul and him shook his body with power, causing neck injuries in both. Kyuhyun thought his friends gave up and that they left him won, so he went faster, but finally he could see the men, he turn to avoid run over the poor men, but it wasn’t enough.

The men noticed too late, and the only thing he could do was covering his face with both arms. The car crash against the men, the force inside the car was incredibly, Kyuhyun wasn’t wearing the seatbelt, and his head hit the steering wheel.

Look! - Zhoumi said opening the door of the car to look up for his friend.

We’re in troubles-

We? He is the one who crash- Zhoumi replied.

Kyuhyun close his eyes, his body was feeling an incredibly pain, would he be able to pass that? Maybe was a miracle, in that way he wouldn’t be able to attend the ceremony, he couldn’t keep thinking, he just hoped to end with everything.

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Great job! I like this story!!
Variia #2
amazing stroy ;w;
Tinkerbelly #3
I like the idea, please update soon, neh?
I don't know why I subscribed because I am really afraid if angst stories...But the plot seems interesting and I'm really looking forward this fic thought I may cry and get depressed in the end :P