Eunjung just came back from her archery and horse riding practice when her grandfather asked her to meet him at meeting room. As she entered the room, the unfamiliar man in the middle off 50 caught her eyes. He’s sitting across her grandfather.

“Boss, young master was here.” The man who’s one of her follower says. Both of the elder divert their attention to Eunjung.

“You want to see me?” she asked, still standing at the door entrance. “Is there any problem encountered in our district?”

Genji chuckled lightly. “This is one of the reasons why I feel so reluctant to let her go.” He says, smiling to the guest. “Have a sit first.” he turned and motioned her to sit.

Eunjung just follow the order and throw herself down into her chair. She swears she can feel the guest gaze on her.

“Is she my Eunjung?” the guest asked, looking between Eunjung and Genji. At last, he spoke his word out. Genji nods.

The guest smiled once he saw his daughter after 19 years. “You’ve grown up already.” His eyes were sparkling and his words contain joys and happiness. “It was so long, I miss you, princess.” He approached her and trying to pull her in his embrace.

“Wait a minute!”  She jumped off from her seat, moved away from him. Left he dumfounded. “W-what the hell are you talking about?” She stammered, furrowing her eyebrows slightly.

“Dad, please speak a words.” The guest said. Saying it rather like a command than a request.

“Dad?” Eunjung tilted her head towards Genji, a little confused with ‘Dad’ words. She turned to the guest. "Who are you to call my Boss, dad?" She used term Boss all the time unless Genji told her otherwise. It’s because she respect him as their association leader.

 “Sorry Mr Ham, she doesn’t like to be touched.” Genji smiled. “Yuki!” Genji motion her to sit down and she obeyed him. “He’s your father.” He said calmly, keeping his gaze even.

Eunjung turned to the guest and looked away. Her face was still and emotionless. “Mr Ham, what a….pleasant surprise.” Her voice was icy and not at all corresponding to the words coming out of .

The guest startled. “W-What’s with the cold shoulder?” This is not the way he imagined his girl will welcome him. After 19 years, not even a smile she threw to him. He sighed. She’s yakuza after all, he shouldn’t supposed keep a high expectation.

“Look.” Eunjung looked up and her eyes met the guest’s. “I don’t have all day. What do you want?” She asked. Genji smiled to himself, watching the drama between father and daughter.

Mr Ham was trying to draw a smile. “Eunjung, my Princess. Dad wants you to come with me to Seoul. We will live a new life there.”

She rolled her eyes. “Oh. What a great dad you are, Mr Ham. After threw me away from your life 19 years ago, not even a single visit and now you want to take me back? Don’t you have any shame to back your own spit?” A sly smirk curved on her face.

“T-throw you a-away?” Mr Ham stuttered. “I will never do that to my own daughter!” He looks at Genji with burning eyes. “What had you told her?”

“I’m telling the truth.” Genji says, shrugged.

“Which one? The truth that you created by yourself? That I’m the one who dumped her?” Mr Ham chuckled lightly. “I never knew you were this mean. Why don’t you tell her now, the real truth that you’re the person who took her away from me? You are the one who broke the tie between me and my own flesh and blood.”

“What’s the meaning of this?” Eunjung asked. “Boss, what’s going on?”

Genji winced a little. He knows this kind of situation will happen sooner or later. “He’s right. I’m the one who kidnapped you from him.” Eunjung seem dumbfounded. “It’s because he took my only daughter away and he’s the one who killed Yuri!” he add, his voice rising. “He killed your mother.”

“We loved each other! Why don’t you just let her decide her own life?” Mr Ham argued.

“Why should I let her marry with a slave like you? You’re not even worth me anything.”

“Because of your stubbornness, she’s determined to ask me to run away with her. She wanted to live far from your dirty world. And I didn’t kill her, she was dead because of the cancer! The doctor already told her to abort the baby, but she insisted.” Mr Ham’s voice trembled. “Eunjung was apple in her eyes, and she’s dying when you took our daughter away from us.”

“She wouldn’t die if you could afford to bring her to the hospital and give her a better life!” Genji shook with rage, his dark brown eyes flashing, as if ocean waves churning in a storm.

Eunjung watched them bickered silently. Her face masked. She never had been told anything about her mom or her father whereabouts’ until today. The last thing she know she was dumped by her father and her grandfather who’s raised her up and it’s was when she was 3. After that, she never asked Genji again about her parent. Never. It was hurt at first but once she was a yakuza, she learnt to let go the past and throw away her soft side. 

“Stop that!” She shouted and stands up. She tried her best to keep the tremble out of her voice but her hands would not stop shaking. Both of the man turned into silent. They divert their eyes to Eunjung. “I’ve had enough. If you want me to be here and listen to your stupid arguing, then I think I should leave.” She walked away, until a hand grab her wrist make her stop.

“Let go of me.” she says, without facing him.

“I will, but after you agreed to come with me.” Mr Ham tightened his grip.

Eunjung hold her fist. “I don’t want to hurt you but if you insist...”

 “This is your mother’s last wish.” Mr Ham cut her off. “Please, Eunjung. Dad’s begging you.”

She sighed. Years of pain and hurt, loss and abandonment made Eunjung irony, cold, stiff and impassive. “What if I say no?” She says, yank her hand off from him.

“Yuki. You will go with him.” Genji voiced out makes Eunjung turned around.

“What the hell are you thinking? I. Don’t. Want!” She says, crossing her arm.

“I never ask for your opinion. And you don’t have any choice either. Come back after 3 years. This is an order.”

“What?” Both of Mr Ham and Eunjung said in unison.

 “We’ll discuss later.” He whispered to Mr Ham. Then he turned to Eunjung. “Go to Korea and bring me back a diploma or forget about being a Boss. Pack you belonging, tomorrow you’ll move there. Listen to me or I’ll consider you are no longer my granddaughter.” He declared, his voice leaving no room for argument.

The words chilled Eunjung, and she could bare it no longer and walked out the room.

“She’s so stubborn. Like her mother.” Genji smiled warily, his smile cold.

“I demand an explanation. You promised me she will be mine if I have a billion assets. I’ve already brought the documents as a proof to you.”  Mr Ham says.

Genji sighed, and his next few words seemed to have been picked and weighted thoughtfully. “Look.” He coughed. “This thing, cancer, was inherited. Doctor says I have 3 months left.  I don’t have enough time. She will go with you to Korea, but she will not live with you until she was completely ready.”

“What do you mean?”

“That girl, she stops crying when she was 5. You already seen how was her before, I don’t even have to explain briefly and I’m 100% sure you can’t change her. I knew someone who can help her. I’ll give you his details and bring her there. ” Genji touch Mr Ham shoulder. “Don’t worry, you have my word. She will be yours. Soon”




“What? You got a new mission?” Myungsoo asked, a little bit surprised. “I thought you already quit your job, dad.” He added.

“Yeah. It was supposed to be like that. But he’s my old acquaintance, and he’s asking for a favor and I should grant him.”

“Oh, come on. If you have 100 friends in your old days, and all of them are asking for the same, then you should consider them too? And I’m 100%, oh not 100 but 200% sure that brother will not agree with you. You already know that.”

“I know.” He smiled. “That’s why I already had someone in mind that is perfect enough for this job.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Myungsoo furrowed his eyebrows. “Who’s neck on the line?”

“You.” His dad answered him nonchalantly.

“What? Me? Why me?”  

“Because if I hired someone else then I have to keep in touch with them 24/7 and your brother will get suspicious. And he will playing tantrum on me. Like he did before..” He paused. “Jeez. I really don’t want to remember how he treats me like a criminal.”

Myungsoo jump off from his seat. “Then don’t do that. It was easy, like ABC. ” He turned his back. “Yes you are. Like who’s in this world that have a gut to be a babysitter for a guy who kidnap Mafia’s son. What is worse than that?”

“Well, it was a stupid mistake that I will never ever do in my life. I never though the baby wasn’t his.” He chuckled.

“You will never do that mistake again because you are not going to do any other such a thing like before. You were already retired, Sir Kim Jinsoo.”

“But you’re not.”

“Hell no.”

“Oh please. I’m begging you. This is the last time. I promise.”

“I’ve heard that word for hundreds time before. I don’t like to say it twice, but NO.”

“Listen to me first.”

“I can’t hear you. Did someone calling? Beep. Beep.” He pretends not to hear his dad.

“Yah, Kim Myungsoo! Don’t you have some respect to your father?” His father yelled.

“I’m sorry, but I have something to do. Got to go, I love you dad.” He says while running towards to front door.

“Okay. Fine. Then I should forget about giving you a new car and a signed contract for a band.” He shouted.

After a while, Myungsoo turned back to his dad. “Did I hear a new car and a signed contract?” He smiled.

“Yeah. But I bet you I shouldn’t keep them because you seem like not interested.”

“Of course you got me.” He laughed. “What’s the deal?”

“Here.” “Work out with these documents. And you should get ready, we are gonna pick her up at the airport. She’s taking her flight from Japan at 9 this morning. So, she should arrive here in another half an hour.”

Myungsoo dumbfounded. “Did you just say ‘she’ and ‘japan’?”

“Yeah. And before I forget, she’s 19. Why?”

“You want me to taking care a 19 years old girl and Japanese?” He looks a little displeased.

“Does it sound great? She probably a wonderful girl and.. “His father paused, lean closer to him. “I heard your ideal type was an older woman.”

“Great.” Myungsoo hissed. “Now I feel like we were in some princess protection program.” He says, annoyed.

“I know you will like this.”  He grinned. “Come on. We don’t want to be late.”


As they reach the airport, they heard that flight 247 was coming in. “That was her.” His father extends him a board with name written on it. “Hold this. I need to go to toilet.”

“Yah. Dad, how could you leave me alone?” Myungsoo protest.

“Give me 5 minutes. I’ll be back, I can’t hold any longer.” His father says while jog off, leave him behind.

“But..” Myungsoo flustered.  “I don’t even know her face!” he yells.

“Just hold the board up and called her name and she will come to you!” His father replied without stop walking.

Myungsoo sighed as his father’s shadow can’t be seen. “What a great dad.” He looks at the board and read the letter written on it. “Ham Eunjung.” He scrunched his nose. “Doesn’t sound like Japanese at all.” He mumbles.

 As the door opened and the people began to spill out, Myungsoo craned his head trying to see over everyone else with his hand hold the name plate. “Ham Eunjung!” He shouted the name for a couple of times.

“Geez, this wasn’t easy at all.” He grunted. But then a figure passed by caught his eyes.


‘Damn hot! He’s so beautiful for a boy!’ Myungsoo pout. “But I’m hotter.” And he shrugged.

Myungsoo then turned his attention back to the crowd. He raised his hand with the name board. “Ham Eunjung! I’m looking for Ham Eunjung!” He shouts his lung out.

Not a while, he felt someone tap his shoulder from back. He quickly turned over his shoulder.

“Yes?” But then he startled over his front view. He’s the beautiful guy earlier. “May I help you?” he asked.

The guy points his index finger to the name board that he’s holding. Myungsoo look in between the guy and the name board.

“Oh.. I’m looking for Ham Eunjung.” He smiled. The guy extends his passport to Myungsoo.

“Erm?” Myungsoo furrowed his eyebrows, curios with what the guy wants. He takes the passport and gives a look at the details inside. “Ham Eunjung?” He says, exchange his look to the guy in front of him. The guy nodded.

“B-but. I’m looking for a girl.” Myungsoo stuttered a little. He scratches his back head. “I think you got the wrong idea.”

“Eunjung!” A voice attracts both of their attention. It was Myungsoo’s dad, he’s running to them.

“Dad, he wasn’t..” Myungsoo was cut off by his dad.

“Nice to meet you and welcome to Korea.” His father greets in Japanese language and bow to the guy. The guy bows to him back.

Myungsoo lean closer to his dad, whispered. “Dad, you said she’s a girl. This is a guy with fair skin.”

 “Watch your mouth. Can’t you see she had s?” His dad whispered back.

Myungsoo scan her from head to toe. He smirks a little. “I’m not blind yet, dad. But the truth is she doesn’t have it.”

His dad nudges his arm and chuckled a little. “This is my son, Kim Myungsoo. He’s the one who will guide you over here.” He use Eunjung’s native language when interact with her.

Eunjung took a glance at Myungsoo with ‘I’m not interested look’. “Okay.” she nods a little.

‘What with the cold shoulder?’ Myungsoo thought.

“Great.” His dad smiled awkwardly. “We should move to my house by now so you can take your rest.” Mr Kim led their way. “Come with me.” He says, start walking. Eunjung follow a second later with Myungsoo. They walk side by side.

“So, how was your flight?” Myungsoo asked, trying to be friendly. But, Eunjung just look at him with a blank expression and look away.

“You didn’t speak Korean are you?”  He asked again but he got no response.

“It was no good then because I can’t speak your language either.” Myungsoo says. “But it’s okay because we can learn with each other, right?” He laid his hand over Eunjung’s shoulder and flashed a smile.

Eunjung stop walking and she stare at Myungsoo with strong gaze. Myungsoo quickly lay off his hand from her. “Sorry.”

Eunjung rolled her eyes and leave him behind. “Geez, what a cold blood person.” He mumbled.

On their way back home, Eunjung sitting at the back while wearing her headphone. She wasn’t voice out any word since they hop into the car.  Myungsoo who sit at the front with his dad, take a look at her by using a rear mirror. ‘What an ignorance person.’

Myungsoo’s phone rings. He fish out the phone from his pocket and slide the button to answer.

“Yes, Woo Hyun. What’s up?”

‘Where are you? We’ve already been here half an hour ago!’ Woo Hyun on the other line yell.

“Sorry. I need to pick someone up at the airport. I will catch all of you later in another half an hour.”

‘Who? Your brother? Did he come back to Korea?’

“No. It wasn’t my brother. She’s a..” He paused. Then he looks at his father who took a glance at him. “She’s my cousin from japan.”

‘Really? Is she a beauty? Yah! Don’t keep her alone. Bring her together with you over here!’ Woo Hyun says, his voice full with excitement. 

‘Myungsoo! Introduce me to her!’ Hoya interrupted their conversation.

“Yah! Did you guys put me on speaker?.” Myungsoo asked, annoyed with their stupid argument.

“I’m your best friend, put me on the list too!” Sungyeol yells.

“Geez. What a stupid guys.”  Myungsoo mumbled. “Listen. She will never join us because she wasn’t interest with guys. She’s a lesbian.”

‘What?’ A chaos can be heard. ‘Are you kidding me?’

“Ah, I didn’t say it right earlier. But she’s a block head, cold blooded, ignorance and the grumpiest lesbian on earth.” Myungsoo says while looking at Eunjung. His dad shoots a strong gaze to him but he just ignores it. “So, just forget about her. I’ll hang up. Bye.” He ends the call.

“Kim Myungsoo. Why you say like that? She will get hurt if she heard them.” His dad says, motion to Eunjung.

“Don’t worry, dad. She can’t listen with that headphone on. Besides, she doesn’t understand Korean language.” Myungsoo laughed.

“What a fool.” His dad shook his head.


“Go with Myungsoo. He will show you your room.” Mr Kim says. Eunjung nods.

Myungsoo point his index finger to his face with his eyes wide open. ‘Me?’ He motions his mouth.

Mr Kim nods with a firm face. “Okay. Come with me.”  Myungsoo says, emotionless as he pulling his legs towards the room.

“Eunjung. Please make yourself at home.” Mr Kim says.

Eunjung flash a weak smile. “Thanks, Mr Kim.” Then she follows Myungsoo with her luggage.

“This is your room. If you need anything just let us know.” Myungsoo says, as he open the door. Eunjung step into the room and sit at the edge of the bed and her eyes observe every single edge of the room.

“Okay. Take a good rest. See you later.” Myungsoo smiled. Eunjung didn’t bother to look at him, she unpack her things and put them on the wardrobe. Myungsoo click his tongue. “Great. Not a single ‘Thanks’, huh? Aish, I shouldn’t expect them from an ignorance person like her.”

“Yah, kid!” Myungsoo was on his way to walk out from the room when Eunjung’s voice stops him. ‘Did she just call me a kid? And.. in Korean?’ He turned his back. “Y-Yes?”

Eunjung walks approach him. “Next time, if you want to talk bad about someone..” she paused and their eyes met. “Please make sure that they really can’t hear you.” Myungsoo swallowed hard.

 “Y-You do speak Korean.” Myungsoo chuckled awkwardly. “I’m sorry, it was a joke.”

Eunjung reached her hands to touch him, running her fingers urgently over him, across the chest. She lean her face closer to him till he could feel her breathing. “I don’t like your joke.” She whispered seductively.  Her breath dancing over his ear and down the nape of his neck, causing shivers of pleasure to run along his flank.

Looking at Myungsoo’s reaction, she flashed a smirk. “If I hear them again from your mouth, I’ll make sure you will regret to spit them out.”  Her voice turned to cold again. She pats his back. “Understand?”

Myungsoo quickly nod and leaving the room. He was trembling over Eunjung’s sudden action. She gives him a goose bump. Both pleasure and frightened at the same time. He walks to the kitchen to clear his dry throat. When he opens the fridge, a sticky note at the door caught his eyes.

Dear Myungsoo,

Dad will be out of country for 2 weeks. I’m sorry for didn’t inform you earlier. I’ve already transfer the money to your bank. Use them wisely and please take good care of Eunjung.  I will leave her to you.

P/s : Don’t make her angry if you want to stay alive. She’s a yakuza.

Love you,






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ffajarr #1
Chapter 4: We miss ur story.. Please update soon :(
Ramjung #2
Chapter 4: It's been a long time since you update this story :( hope you will comeback and update it ^^
1127 streak #3
Chapter 4: Wahh Khunjung or myungjung don't care as long as it's one of them... hehe
Mickey01 #4
Chapter 4: OMG, I really love your story <3
myungjung, khunjung and eunjung with boys it was so cute, funny oh i love it. but it's so bad that eunjung grandfather was died. update soon :)
Princess910603 #5
Chapter 4: Wahhh.. update more please
T-araFans #6
Chapter 4: OMG!!! Nichkhun stop!!!!
Nice update ^^
yasminajung #7
Chapter 4: update soon please...
Ramjung #8
Chapter 4: Omg :o i'm so excited hehe ^^ update soon plz
hahmjungie #9
Chapter 4: i like your story.. please, next chapter.. khunjung or myunjung.. I love to both partners. a fun story..
Princess910603 #10
Thanks for the update..