Chapter One/ We Meet Each Other.

Restricted Happiness.

Dressed in ankle boots, an over-the-shoulder shirt and short shorts, Jung Inmae entered the compound of Seoul University hovering her “I Love Geeks” shoulder bag
She turned up the volume of her iPod and bobbed her head along to the rhythm as she walked down the roads.
She read her notes while doing so. Yep, she sure can multitask.
She was walking towards the waffle store when she felt someone tap her back and turn to find a gorgeous looking young man.


“ ‘Scuse me, you speak English? “

He asked politely despite knowing the fact that it wasn’t easy to find Koreans who would want to communicate with him in the language.


“ Yeah, lost your way? “

She asked. She knew that look on his face. The newbie face.
The kind of face that says “I so don’t suit in this place and I desperately need all the help I can get”.
Inmae would usually laugh at how these people convey that face but for some reason, this guy doesn’t make her want to laugh.


“ I am. You don’t know how awfully hard it was to find help. So, do you know the way to the English Literature and Creative Writing class? “

He inquired. This was his first time in a place where he can’t speak their national language at all.
He was at his dead’s end but thank god for this beautiful stranger, he could probably breathe again.


“ Sure I do, I take that class too. Could you wait for a bit? I got to have breakfast. Want to join me? “

She offered this guy.
And without much thought, he agreed.
So two of them got their waffles and got on their way to their class.


“ I’m Horvejkul Nichkhun but you can call me Khun for short. “

Nichkhun introduced and Inmae nodded, trying to guess where’s he’s form by his name and she hasn’t got the slightest clue.
Somehow the name Horvejkul just rolls of the tongue and she liked how it sounds like.


“ I’m Inmae. Can I call you Horvejkul? “

She asked. She knew it was kindda rude to call someone by their surname, it was like calling herself, “ Jung” and it would be kindda rude for people to call out to her, “ Hey, Jung.”.
So she wouldn’t take the risk and would rather as him for permission first.


“ Sure. “

He replied but inside he was dying to know why this girl would want to call him that when it was obvious that calling him Khun would be much simpler.
He doesn’t usually bother much about what others call him by but somehow, someway, Inmae makes him feel nervous and think about everything she says.


“ Where are you from? “

She finally was able to ask the question that had been nagging in her head after she had finished her waffle.


“ Thailand. “

He answered with a bright smile which Inmae could only humbly return.


They both got to their places in the lecture hall and got ready for class to start and in walked Prof. Daniel Armand.
The whole lecture was about modern literature and how it evolved and things like that.
It was rather dry for normal people but for enthusiast in this arena, this was golden.


“ Can I get your number? “

He don’t know where he got that courage from but he finally did manage to ask her after class.


“ Sure. Wanna meet up again tomorrow? “

“ Sure. “

It was just once that the two met but for each of them, they knew this was something more.
Maybe something that could make their life much more different that it is.
Whatever it was, they were both glad they met each other. 



Guess who's Prof. Daniel Armand?

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