
`◜↷ Aperture Twitter Roleplay 。 ░ Re-opened 12/05/14 ☇ JOIN NOW TO MAKE THE TL ACTIVE!
Ryu Sera

She seems to be hyper and crazy dork, and she really is. /shot; But she can be serious when need be. She tends to seem cold towards people, but she doesn't know she is doing it and doesn't mean to be. Don't be afraid to talk to her or ask her anything, she won't bite... most of the time.

Kim Minyoung

A tad bit crazy at times and tends to have a wondering mind when no one's around. She can get outbursts of frustration when friends beat around the bush for their feelings for each other, but nonetheless she has a heart full of sugar and spice and everything nice!! Easy to talk to and down-to-earth, friends make her world go round so spread the love when she's there!
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Chapter 3: May I be 9Muses Hyuna?
Chapter 3: reserving snsd's jessica.