Softly whisper to me.

Sweetheart, It's Our Secret!
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     It’s a proven fact that Kim Jongin should never mess with the kitchen on any occasions. He’s a simple -up when it comes to kitchen basics, and no matter how many times Luhan desperately forced himself to help him with cooking 101 lessons, he still ends up being a -up. The idol just doesn’t have the skills for cooking, and he should never attempt to improve himself (or so according to Luhan).

The digital clock on the kitchen counter reads 8:45AM and Kai is already in the kitchen wearing a checkered pattern apron in three shades of grey. He doesn’t have any events to attend to until the evening, and he figures it’s better to do something productive than lying his lazy down on the bed and looking like a handsome moron. Plus, it’s the morning and he needs his daily nutrition to start the day off. Maybe add in the fact that he subconsciously knows that Do Kyungsoo might be waking up at around this time with a huge hangover and needs some morning bliss in the form of food to feel better. Not that Jongin gave deep thoughts about this – clearly not. It just so happened to cross his mind as soon as his eyes opened to the morning rays of sunlight.

Nice Kim Jongin, you’re being nice and you care for him.

That’s all.

That’s all there is to this.

Kai nods to himself for reassurance about the conflicting feelings developing within him and sets off to search for a pan (or is it a pot?). He’s planning to make scrambled eggs with bacon and a side of his favorite apple juice for a drink (which would probably be the only thing he doesn’t up on). The idol clumsily retrieves the pan from the rack hanging above the stove and places it to the side before grabbing two eggs from the fridge. He uses a foot to close the fridge door behind him. The male proceeds to grab some cooking utensils, only to accidentally knock over some glass cups and sending its content spilling onto the floor.

He gasps as the glasses make a loud noise as they collide with the marbled counter. The idol stares at the mess with wide eyes and inwardly cusses.

“…” Kai mutters as he stands there awkwardly in the kitchen.

Suddenly, without realizing his actions, he turns his gaze to the staircase and fear rushes through his body as thoughts of the tired CEO possibly waking up from his deep slumber. When he doesn’t see a shadow approaching the stairs of hear the sound of faint footsteps, Kai breathes out a sigh of relief and turns his attention back to the mess he’s created. As he’s about to get a several paper towels and clean the mess, the idol grasps why he just thought of Kyungsoo’s wellbeing.

“You…Kim Jongin…” he mutters softly before shaking his head, “Whatever.”




Kyungsoo rubs his eyes tiredly before running a hand through his brown locks and letting out a groan as his headache worsens. He sits up in bed slowly and let his eyes adjust to the bright rays of sunlight bending its way through the glass doors of the balcony. The male frowns when he notices that he’s in bed instead of the futon in the living room downstairs. He vaguely remembers his last memories of the night before – Kim Jongin…

“Don’t tell me he…”

The CEO doesn’t finish his thoughts, but he already has an answer.

Kim Jongin, it’s always Kim Jongin recently.

Kyungsoo finds it hard to deny this, and he can’t say he doesn’t truly appreciate it.

The idol can be useful at times, but unexpected moments just seem to grab at the CEO’s cold heart. Kyungsoo agrees that Kim Jongin is stupid in every single way, but somehow when he least expects it, the idol always find a way to enter his bitter world and leave unwanted traces behind.

Sighing softly, Kyungsoo removes the blanket from his body and gets off the bed. From the corners of his eyes, he sees the glass jar of paper stars glimmering beautifully in the sunlight and his heart quietly aches in pain. He then shakes his head to rid of all possible thoughts concerning the past and grabs a new set of clothes for today. Once he steps out of his personal bathroom, Kyungsoo hears a loud crashing sound from downstairs and widens his eyes in surprise.

“What was that?”

Quickly, he grabs the documents scattered on his work desk and rushes out of his room in worry. The CEO doesn’t exactly know what he’s worried about, but he just is…




“What the hell are you doing in the kitchen?” Kyungsoo questions sternly as soon as he sees the idol’s back figure awkwardly standing by the marbled counter. There’s a quick wave of relief that goes through him as he realizes nothing has been damaged (or injured). The CEO raises an eyebrow in curiosity before he trails his eyes down to find the floor near Kai wet. He furrows his eyebrows and looks back up to see a glass knocked over on the counter. After he pieces the clues together, he rolls his eyes and crosses his arms.

Kai turns around immediately and shyly rubs the back of his neck, “Oh – oh…hi!”

“Clean that up.” Kyungsoo directs his gaze to the mess on the floor.

“Okay!” Kai timidly nods his head before grabbing several paper towels. “But why are you up so early? Don’t you have a headache from consuming five bottles of beer yesterday?” the idol gasps softly after he finishes bombarding the shorter male with questions.

Kyungsoo contemplates whether or not he should shoot Kai down with his usual response, but something is holding him back today from doing so. Before he can answer, however, the idol lets out an awkward chuckle and shakes his head.

“Wait, sorry, no questions, right?”

“I…” Kyungsoo presses his lips together. Deciding to let the matter go, he places the documents on the dining table and sits down as the idol cleans up the spilled content on the floor. He stays silent as he watches Kai move back and forth between the mess and the trashcan. The way Kai rushes back and forth between the two destinations brings an amused smirk to the CEO’s face, but he quickly dismisses it with a frown. He then forces himself to look through the documents, but finds it hopeless when he ends up comprehending the idol’s questions from earlier.

Kim Jongin took notice of him, even in his pitiable state.

CEO Do refrain his eyes from wandering off the pages to a certain someone and slightly moves his body to the side so he won’t have to directly face Kai when he looks up.

Kai clears his throat when he finishes cleaning up.

“What?” Kyungsoo immediately replies without looking up.

“Do…you…want…breakfast?” the idol asks awkwardly and slowly.

Can he even cook? The CEO thinks with suspicion in his gaze. Probably not. He comes to a conclusion and shakes his head to answer Kai. “I’ll just grab coffee on my way to work.”

Hearing this, Kai gasps loudly. “That’s not good!”

“And why do you care?”

“Because – because I just do!” Kai defends himself with a pout, but gasps again once he notices that Kyungsoo didn’t reply with his usual response. The idol narrows his eyes in disbelief. “Why aren’t you being super rude today?”

“Excuse me?” Kyungsoo glares at the idol.

Kai shrugs, “You know – the usual, ‘don’t care for me’ deal. Where is it?”

The CEO stares at him in utter silence before rolling his eyes, “Don’t care for me; there you ing go.”

“Well, well, you know what?”

“The eggs are about to roll off the table.” Kyungsoo points out and interrupts Kai’s sudden important announcement. The idol hastily gets a hold of the eggs before it ends up on the floor.

Kai puts the eggs inside the pan and turns back to Kyungsoo with a determined gaze. “After yesterday night, I’ve come to realize something! I do, in fact and sadly, care for you! It’s just my nature, so don’t stop me.” He declares boldly and points a finger at Kyungsoo’s direction. “Deal with it!”

It would be a lie if Kyungsoo didn’t find the scene to be oddly cute amusing.

“Okay,” the CEO says without giving enough thought to the answer.

Kai drops his jaw in shock, “Wait, that’s it?”

“What? Do whatever you want, just-just don’t mess with me.” Kyungsoo attempts to cover up his huge mistake for agreeing to Kai’s words. His cheeks turn a small tint of red and he in a deep breath to hide the obvious embarrassment that he’s giving off. But then again, the idol is pretty oblivious to his surroundings, so maybe Kyungsoo won’t have to worry about this error – ing hell.

“You’re really weird today.” Kai frowns as he continues to gaze at Kyungsoo.

The CEO starts to feel slightly uncomfortable with Jongin constantly looking his way and uses the document in his hand to block the stare from coming his way. He holds it so that whenever he turns to the side, he won’t have to meet with the idol’s gaze. “Don’t you have work?!”

“Yeah, but not until the evening…”

“ing hell,” Kyungsoo groans in annoyance. “I’m leaving now.”

Kai widens his eyes at this. “But you haven’t eaten!”

“As I’ve said – wait, I don’t repeat myself.” Kyungsoo clenches and unclenches his fists in irritation. He’s been making too many mistakes today, and it’s all thanks to Kim Jongin. He slams the document down on the table and directs a death-threatening glare to the idol. “Don’t care for me!” With this outburst, the slightly flustered CEO grabs the documents and storm up the stairs.

“And there’s the grouchy devil I know,” Kai mumbles to himself with a fond smile.




Kai enters his boss’ office and finds her looking over a script book with interest gleaming in her beautiful brown orbs. He raises a brow an

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August 7th, 2018: Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 45: The amount of love I feel for this story is amazing
965 streak #2
Chapter 45: I finally finished reading.
Jongin was the constant Kyungsoo needed in his life.
Thank you so much for sharing.
965 streak #3
Chapter 23: I have been reading this fic since yesterday.
Now, that boy in the accident is still alive. It was a pity that he didn't get to meet Kyungsoo in the party.
Zndjcjaj #4
Chapter 45: Loved this story!
Chapter 45: My heart is seriously craving for more. It was such a beautiful story.
Chapter 45: Thank you for this heart warming story
I couldn’t even remember that I did subscribe for this before. But I’m excited to read it again
Chapter 44: What a long chapter but I'm glad that everything seems okay now