I'll wait for you.

Sweetheart, It's Our Secret!
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     The sound of heavy rain splattering against the glass window makes Kyungsoo reminiscence back to his regretful past, leaving him isolated in the dimly lit room of the library. He closes his eyes, opens them, and closes them again. It’s a repeated cycle, yet he never seems to be tired of the same actions. Kyungsoo’s sitting on the wooden windowsill with his head leaning against the cold glass and every breath he releases slightly fogs up the glass near him.

His heart feels heavy tonight, and he knows the exact reason.


“You did this to my son! How could you?!” the woman screams in frustration as hot tears run down her pale cheeks. She grabs onto the teenager, her fists tightly grasping the material of his shirt as she continues to sob with fear and anger.


The doctor releases a soft sigh, his gaze downcast. “Your son might not be able to…—”

He sits alone in the confinement of his room, legs pulled to his chest and head tucked in between his knees. “It’s my entire fault… I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry….” He lets out a pained sob.

The woman stares at him with grief as she clutches onto her small handbag. “We’re leaving.”

“Don’t forget me…” He no longer feels the warmth of the other’s hand.


Kyungsoo clenches his fists, hoping that his misery would leave him alone.

Thunder strikes soon after, and when he opens his eyes, the dimly lit room is now engulfed in total darkness. The CEO widens his eyes in surprise for a bit before he gets off the windowsill and tries to turn the light back on. Nothing. He’s still in pitch darkness. Kyungsoo frowns and walks out of the library, only to find a certain idol fumbling around with a flashlight in living room.

“Oh, so you were in there!” Kai speaks up with much relief as he accidentally shines the light directly at Kyungsoo.

The male winces at the sudden brightness and brings a hand up to shield his eyes. “Stupid, shine that somewhere else!” he scolds the idol with annoyance.

Kai sheepishly grins, “Sorry!”

“Whatever,” Kyungsoo mumbles under his breath with a small glare directed to Kai’s direction. “Where did you come from?” he questions as he closes the door to the library gently. Kyungsoo then crosses his arms and approaches the red futon, ready to take a seat for a while before the lights go back on.

However, when he actually gets a clear view of the tall idol, the CEO notices something very different from the usual look he sports on. Kyungsoo knits his brows in confusion and continues to stare at Kai for a long time. “What is up with your hair?”

The idol shyly laughs and runs a hand through his newly dyed blond hair. “It’s for my new album concept. Does it look good?”

“Oh,” Kyungsoo simply says before he heads to the black cabinet to the side of the living room and retrieves two large candles along with their glass holders. He halts his actions for a moment to process the idol’s new look, but the thought leaves just as quickly as it came. After putting the candles inside their glass holders and then on the coffee table, he searches for a lighter.

 “I got it!” Kai suddenly declares and runs into the kitchen to retrieve the kitchen lighter.

Kyungsoo can’t help but lightly laugh at this, and he immediately stops himself before the idol comes back. He still remembers that he hasn’t provided the male with a clear answer yet, and he intends it to stay that way until he’s ready to face his true emotions. Sighing, the CEO takes a seat on the couch and decides to gaze outside at the heavy rain continuous pouring down from the sky.

When the living room becomes dimly lit with the now burning candles, Kai timidly takes the seat next to the CEO and purposely leaves a big enough gap in between them to avoid any awkward situations. “I got back home about ten minutes ago.” He speaks up after a while.

The CEO nods, “I see.”

They fall back into troubled silence as the rain continues to heavily pour down.

Kai bites his inner cheek and glances around the dark room, forcing himself to focus on one sole thing. In the end, his gaze lands on Kyungsoo’s side profile. No matter how hard Kai forces himself to look away, he can’t. Giving up, the idol decides to thin of their past conversation with an anxious heart.


“…when I kissed you, I felt something.”

“Did you also…feel something?”


Truth be told, this has been on his mind ever since it happened. Kai’s beating heart is consumed with curiosity and fear that he cannot express into proper words. He’s been dying to receive an answer from the older male as each passing day goes by. The idol has a slight clue as to why he’s like this, but he wants to confirm it with the CEO’s answer. Yet, the answer doesn’t seem to be coming any time soon now.


“I’ll wait for you…”


Kai remembers the words that he said that day. Those words weren’t what he wanted to say, but they slipped out of his lips before he could notice. Maybe, just maybe, there’s a reason to this slip up. After all, everything happens for a reason, right? He crinkles his nose at the thought.

Kyungsoo isn’t stupid; he knows Kai has been gazing at him for some time now. He’s sure the man wants an answer from him, but hasn’t said anything yet. The CEO appreciates his patience, really. There’s something that Kyungsoo has noticed since they day he started living with Jongin.

Jongin is patient; he’s a good person.


“I’ll wait for you…”


The CEO can’t help but softly smile at the words the man spoke to him from their past conversation. Kyungsoo realizes it’s something Jongin didn’t plan to say that night because of the rush of words that follows after. However, those words gave him a sense of security. He was truly overwhelmed with his emotions and thoughts from that day, and just knowing the fact that Jongin’s willing to wait for his answer makes Kyungsoo’s burden a little less.

There’s something about that Kim Jongin that makes Do Kyungsoo’s inner turmoil deflate.

No longer wanting to stay in silence, Kyungsoo clears his throat.

“Did you accept the drama offer?” he questions although his gaze still lingers on the outside scenery.

Kai is brought back to reality with Kyungsoo’s calm voice, “I – I…”


Jessica gazes at him with confusion, “You don’t want the offer?”

“I don’t think I can portray the main lead well enough.” Kai speaks with honesty from his heart. He realizes that after acting a scene out with Kyungsoo, he’s no longer able to convey the same raw emotions from that night. The idol truly doesn’t want to disappoint anyone, so it’s best to decline the offer.

His boss gives him a small smile, “Is that so?”

“Yes.” Kai firmly nods. “But I can always sing the OST!”

“Alright,” Jessica cheerfully laughs. “I’ll arrange for that to happen.”


The idol scratches his head as he searches for a proper answer. He’s afraid that Kyungsoo might not appreciate his decision after the two of them hesitantly became very intimate for the script reading. For Heaven’s sake, he also kissed Kyungsoo two times when the script barely called for one! Of course, this is something that will probably remain with him to his death bed (because if Kyungsoo figures out the truth, Kai might die on spot).

When Kyungsoo receives no answer, he raises an eyebrow and glances to his side to get a view of the idol.

Kai swallows loudly and avoids any contact with Kyungsoo, “Um…”

Guessing from the male’s nervous posture, Kyungsoo already has his answer.

“I see.”

“Oh – wait, what?” the younger male voices out in confusion by the s

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August 7th, 2018: Thank you for reading!


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Chapter 45: The amount of love I feel for this story is amazing
964 streak #2
Chapter 45: I finally finished reading.
Jongin was the constant Kyungsoo needed in his life.
Thank you so much for sharing.
964 streak #3
Chapter 23: I have been reading this fic since yesterday.
Now, that boy in the accident is still alive. It was a pity that he didn't get to meet Kyungsoo in the party.
Zndjcjaj #4
Chapter 45: Loved this story!
Chapter 45: My heart is seriously craving for more. It was such a beautiful story.
Chapter 45: Thank you for this heart warming story
I couldn’t even remember that I did subscribe for this before. But I’m excited to read it again
Chapter 44: What a long chapter but I'm glad that everything seems okay now