Ch. one

But I Still Love You

You watched Daehyun from the side of the stage. Your boyfriend always looked the most irresistible to you when he was performing. He looked y with sweat dripping from his face as he danced to “1004,” but what really got you was his voice. His high notes made your toes curl and your heart race even after a year of being together. B.A.P was performing “Body & Soul” for their last song so you were anticipating the end of the song, when his voice overlaps the others.

You got chills just as he hit his crescendo, and you applaud along with the audience when the boys finish. Quickly, you check your hair and makeup in the reflection of a mirror that stands behind you-- you always wanted to impress him no matter where you were. There were thousands of girls in the audience so you always felt the need to stand out from them even though Daehyun was already yours.

“Jagiya!” Daehyun smiles as he catches sight of you.

“You did well, oppa.” You smile back at him and wrap your arms around his neck tightly. He scoops his arms around your waist and squeezes you in. Your arms quickly become sticky from the sweat on his neck, and it only makes you want him more. “You looked so damn y out there, baby,” you whisper in his ear. Daehyun pulls his head back slightly, lust beaming from his eyes.

“Yeah? Well you always look y. If there weren’t so many people around right now I’d—“

“—Daehyun!” You cover his mouth and blush. “Talk any louder. I don’t think Himchan or Jongup quite heard you over there.”

Daehyun smirks and bites your hand playfully. You pull away and pout at your boyfriend. “Well I just have to go meet a few fans now who have backstage passes. Meet me by the cars in about ten minutes and I’ll drive you home myself, ok?” You smile in agreement and Daehyun kisses your forehead before leaving the room.

You wipe off the saliva he left on your forehead with the back of your hand and smile to yourself. Even though you have been going out for a year, you always got insane butterflies when Daehyun kissed you. The way his lips felt against you sent shivers up and down your back.

You make your way back to the dressing room to fetch your rain jacket. It had been pouring all night, and now that the concert was over you could hear thunder rumbling as well. You stroll gleefully down the hall and reach the dressing room. As you enter, you see all the boys except Youngjae and Daehyun. After slipping your jacket on, you begin to make your way out of the room.

“Yongguk-ah…” you pause at Yongguk and he smiles. “Where’s Daehyun?”

“Um, he went to the bathroom with Youngjae... I think.”

“Oh, ok. Thank you oppa!” You smile cheerfully and leave the room. You take a couple steps towards the exit when you hear laughing around the corner behind you. It sounds a lot like Daehyun so you decide to take a look. You reach the corner of the hall, and peek down the next corridor. There you see your boyfriend chatting with two girls who were in the audience.

Youngjae isn’t even with him.

Daehyun has his back to you and is leaning against the wall comfortably. You furrow your eyebrows and continue to observe. The girls keep smiling and giggling at everything Daehyun is saying; you can’t quite hear exactly what he’s saying but the girls’ expressions irritate you to no end. Why is he talking to them all by himself? You wonder. You can’t help but feel jealous. A wave of anger comes over you as you watch.

Suddenly your stomach drops. Daehyun touches one of the girl’s upper arm casually, and almost flirtatiously, as he says something directed to her. She smiles and bows slightly, thanking him.

“Aish seriously?” You whisper with a scowl on your face. You turn around and storm down the hall to the back exit.

You push the door open just as a boom of thunder roars in the sky. You jump forward as it startles you and the door closes behind you. The rain pours down so you put your hood up to protect your hair. “I can’t believe he’s flirting with those girls,” you mumble, not paying any attention to the lightning cracks in the night sky. You reach for the doorknob to go back inside; there was no use standing out in the storm and getting drenched. You twist the knob to the right but it stops short. Your eyes widen. “Locked?” You jiggle the doorknob but it doesn’t turn. “It’s locked?” You begin to panic. You look around for another door but there isn’t one. “!” You jiggle the doorknob a few more times, and even bang on the door, but you fail to catch someone's attention. “Damn!” You pout and adjust your hood to stay as dry as possible.

Thunder rumbles loudly in the sky making you feel uneasy. Daehyun should be here any minute, you think. You crouch down and huddle by the building wall, shielding yourself from the storm. Time inches by and you know for a fact it has been more than ten minutes. Daehyun still hasn’t shown up. “I’m going to kill that idiot!” You frown. You wipe off a few rain drops that managed to drip onto your face. A few more minutes pass before the door opens.

Suddenly Daehyun pokes his head out looking for you. You stand up and he sees you. “Oh my God! Jagiya!” He hurries out to your side and throws his hood up. “Were you locked out?”

“Just bring me home now,” you snap. You begin to walk to his car and he follows behind you. He unlocks the car and you both get inside.

“Is everything alright, ____? Are you ok?”

“Oh I’m fine,” you say full of sarcasm.

“You’re not fine…”

“Ok, I’m not fine. I was sitting in the pouring rain for twenty minutes, I’m soaking wet, and I’m cold. But as long as you’re fine after having a twenty minute conversation with your girlfriends in the dry building.”

Daehyun glares at you. “Wait what?”

“I saw you flirting with those girls in the hall.”

“Flirting? I was just talking to them. They were some fans!”

“And I’m your girlfriend, Daehyun!”

Daehyun shakes his head and starts the car. “You’re being ridiculous. I can talk to my fans if I want.” You roll your eyes and stare out the window.

“Just take me home.”

Daehyun pulls out of the parking lot and merges into the traffic with a scowl on his face. He drives cautiously down the streets since it’s raining heavily. The only sound you can hear is the windshield wipers swishing back and forth. It’s silent between you and your boyfriend. This wasn’t the first fight you’ve had over his fans. You know exactly what those fangirls think about your boyfriend, and you can’t help but feel jealous. You wanted them to know he was yours and only yours, but he always had a flirty attitude around them. It made you feel extremely insecure about your relationship.

Daehyun pulls onto the highway towards your house and the traffic is unusually heavy. You haven’t looked at him once; you fix your eyes on the rain dripping down the window. Daehyun finally breaks the silence. “You know, you don’t understand how much my fans mean to me.” You furrow your brows. “If it wasn’t for my fans, I wouldn’t be able to do the things I do. They allow me to live my dream and be a performer. Singing is my passion. Doesn’t that mean anything to you?”

“Oh come on you know I want you to live your dream. But maybe you would be better off without me interfering with that.” You snarl. “If your fans are so important to you, you don’t need me!”

“It’s not like that, ____! You’re being ing stupid right now.”

You look at him in shock. “You don’t understand how I feel so just shut up, Daehyun.”

“No I’m not going to shut up! You never communicate your feelings with me! Maybe that’s why I don’t understand how you feel.” He argues. You look back out the window. Tears begin to fill your eyes but you don’t want them to fall. You don’t want him to see you cry. You stay completely silent for the rest of the way home. Daehyun pulls into your driveway and you unbuckle. As soon as he stops the car, you get out and make your way through the rain to your front door. Daehyun gets out as well.

You glare at him. “You can go home now.”

“No, ____. We need to talk.” He approaches you at the door.

“There’s nothing to talk about,” you say stepping inside. You don’t bother to hold the door for him so it closes in his face. Daehyun pushes it back open and walks in himself.

“Yes there is! Just tell me what you want me to do!” He shouts following behind you. You stop and turn around to face him.

“What I want you to do?! I want you to stop talking to girls! Stop flirting with them!”

“They’re just fans!” He takes a step towards you.

“I don’t give a who they are!” you scream. You raise your hand to push him away but he grabs your wrist firmly. There’s a small pause between you two. He looks at your delicate wrist in his hand.

“You’re freezing. Go put on something warm. You’ll catch a cold,” he says sternly.

“I really don’t care,” you reply with an attitude. Your arm is still in his grip.

“Well I ing care!” He shouts. You flinch at the power of his voice. Before you can say anything, he kneels down in front of you and begins taking off your shoes. You stare down at him confused. Once he has your shoes off, he pulls down your leggings.

“Yah! What are you doing?!” You try to pull away put he grabs your legs.

“Your pants are soaking wet. If you’re not going to change yourself, I’ll do it for you.” You don’t know what to say so you just go with it. You lift each leg as Daehyun pulls the leggings off you. He stands up and begins to your wet jacket. “I wouldn’t do this for any other girl. You don’t know how lucky you are.”

“Excuse me? How lucky I am?” You take a step back. “What are you saying? I can’t fend for myself and I’m lucky to have you? I don’t need you Daehyun. I would be just fine without you.”

Daehyun rolls his eyes as you speak and steps forward, continuing to your jacket. “I didn’t mean it like that. You know what I mean.”

“No I don’t know what you mean. Because I’m not one of your fans who is dying to be your girlfriend—“

“—Well you were a year ago.” He smirks. You stare at him coldly.

“Well I’m not anymore. And if you think I’m just like all those other girls then you shouldn’t even be with me. One of them could just be the lucky girl to have B.A.P’s lead vocalist…” Daehyun silently removes your jacket as you ramble on. He throws it on the floor next to your other clothes. “…I guess you just don’t understand that I don’t—“ Suddenly your boyfriend grabs your head in his hands and kisses you passionately. His soft moist lips embrace yours tenderly. You don’t kiss back but you don’t fight it. He pulls his head away and you look at him with a frown. “What was that...?”

“You just wouldn’t shut up,” he says calmly. You stare blankly. Right then a crash of thunder shakes the house and you jump towards Daehyun. He puts one arm around your neck and pulls you in close. “Listen. Let’s just get you into something warm and I’ll run a hot bath for you. I’m not going to let you get sick tonight. Ok?” He looks down at you for your approval. You hesitate but nod in agreement. He removes his arm from you and lifts your shirt up over your head. You're left in your bra and as he begins to walk away to the bathroom. You stand frozen, not quite sure what just happened.

“I-I’m still mad at you…” You unconfidently state.

He doesn’t even turn to look at you. “I know.” He disappears into the bathroom. You stare expressionlessly towards the bathroom, perplexed by your boyfriend’s actions. Suddenly Daehyun appears in the doorway and smiles at you. “But I still love you.”

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Chapter 1: oh my gosh i love the ending ^-^
koruxkpop #2
Chapter 1: So sweet... i want a bf like that...=3
Sheena1611 #3
Awww so cute! Love Daehyun<3