
Suicidal Love

Here I am, standing on the road, seeing the love of my life walking happily with another girl. My mind drifted back to our past days, and to the most recent days, when he avoided me more and more. Now I know the reason.


"Open the door!!!" Jonghyun shouted from the outsie, oretty much frustrated. I opened the door for him, revealing an angry Jonghyun.

"Were you walking with a ton of steel tied to your foot?! It's cold out here!!" He said as he came inside and took his shirt off, revealing sratches on his back and lip marks all over his neck. I made up my mind to not believe that he cheated on me.

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled befire going to the dining table, setting his favourite food for him. He sat down and we both ate togther. 

Pin drop silence.

Not even a word did he speak.

He soon ate his food and went to our room, falling flat on the bed. I sighed as I got up and cleaned the dishes. 

His words weren't harsh before.

He was not this angry at me before.

Nor did he smell this much female-ish before.

Is something wrong with him??


Now, I was inside the bathroom at my lonely house, with a bottle full of sleeping pills and a sharp, really sharp knife. 

I didn't want to live anymore.

Not after seeing him cheat on me, the one who loved him the most.

I took a dozen of the small pills and gulped it down my throat in one shot. I felt light headed and dizzy. I took the knife as my vision strted to blur. I slowly made a thin cut on my left wrist, hissing at the pain. Blood started to fliw out sliely from the cut. I deepened the wound, wanting to end myself faster. I fell on the wet, cold bathroom floor, seeing my wrist and smiling to myself. I closed my eyes,  I couldn't keep them open. Someone took me from the floor and placed me on their lap, slightly slapping my face. I tried opening my eyes and after a heck load of attempts, I saw Jonghyun patting my face and keeping me awake. My hand went for his cheek, feeling them one last time.

"Why did you do this?! Didn't you think about me?!" He questioned me whilst crying. I wiped his tears with my thumb.

"I never thought I'll do this to myself...... I thought I'll live happily with you, Kim JongHyun..... but no, no one ever get what they expect. I too took the same way to escape the cruel reality, leaving everyone; vanishing from the world; vanishing from reality. But do remember, I'll always love you, even if I'm not in my physical form or I'm not there at all....




I love you, Kim JongHyun." I finished as I closed my eyes for the last time, seeing him cry. My soul went out and I saw Jonghyun hugging me tightly, crying over my limp body.

"Minhee!!! Please come back!! Come back to me!!! I'm sorry!! Please don't leave me!!! Please please please!!!!" He cried helplessly.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do anything anymore.... I'll always love you......." I said as I flew away from the place. He shouted to my body, but I was not returning anymore.


You think how I tell you all of this?? Let me explain - I'm an angel, a mere soul. I look over Jonghyun at times, and is wandering aimlessly. Why am I telling this? To make you guys realise - Death is not the only option to escape sadness and reality of life. Death is not the solution to end everything. Even when I'm dead, regret is now killing me slowly from the inside.


A/N - Soo...... how was it?! I'm sory I at one shots...... I have a thriller one shot, will post it after I get comments on this. Seriously, to those thinking about committing suicide, my sequel will tell how your closed ones will feel your absence. Should I write a sequel? Coment and subscribe guys!! Love ya all!! :* :* :*

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Chapter 1: Ohh great story....really sad...