Part I

Cross My Mind [Two Shot]

Part I


“Unnie, you’ve got a bunch of fan letters again in your locker,” Sooyoung or as she prefers to be called Joy, walked into the room that was shared between the three girls at the dormitory.

Her, Seulgi and Irene.

“Just let them be, I’ll clean up my locker when I get back from Daegu,” the oldest out of the three nodded in reply as she continued to concentrate on the canvas seated at the corner of the room.

Majoring in Art might seem easy to most people but it wasn’t actually.

Once you’ve ran out of inspiration and the deadline’s closing in, it’s like hell.

Irene once went on a backpack trip for 2 days and even skipped her classes just to get some inspiration in her head and the moment she got back, she went straight to finish her assignment in the Art room instead of returning back to the dorm.

Of course, that assignment earned her an A plus.

Seulgi clicked her tongue teasingly in response, taking her eyes off the book that she was reading for a moment only to look at Irene. “Unnie, you’re so cold to your admirers. Why can’t you give them a chance? Some of them look decent.”

“Why don’t you take them then? I’m sure they’ve written their numbers on the letters,” she replied non-chalantly before taking a glance at Joy. “Although I supposed your girlfriend wouldn’t handle that well.”

“A-Ah, I’m just kidding Sooyoung-ah!” Seulgi widened her eyes upon hearing Irene’s words and hurriedly pulled the sulking Joy into a hug. “You know that I love you only babe?”

Irene cringed in response and gave her painting a final touch before giving the two lovebirds a moment of their own as she head out of the room, knowing well that it takes a while for Joy to stop sulking.

She had to admit that she does feel lonely sometimes, seeing all the couples around her. Irene just couldn’t find someone that gives her butterflies in her stomach because that is what falling in love is right?

At least that’s what she had heard and read.

Irene then made her way towards the coffee shop nearby the campus, wanting to get her usual and she was relieved to not see a line at the counter. That means she doesn’t have to wait long just for a cup of coffee.

Just a few steps away from entering the shop, a hand reached out from the back to tap Irene’s shoulder and she immediately turned around to face the person.

She was greeted with a smiling brunette around her height, with a slightly English feature on her face.

“Excuse me, I’ve been following you from the campus earlier. And I was wondering if I can have your number?” the girl spoke in Korean fluently, which was not what Irene had expected but what surprised her even more was the words said to her.

The girl wants her number?

Irene had heard of some girls swinging the other way at the campus, and she’s even living with two of them but she never thought of them being this bold. And did she just say she followed her from the campus?

Joy and Seulgi started off as friends, as she heard from them so that was understandable but a girl asking out a girl on the streets? You don’t find that often.


“Ah, I’m sorry if I freaked you out,” she smiled sheepishly and held out her hand for a handshake. “I’m Wendy. I’m a transfer student actually, and seeing that you came out from the girl’s dorm earlier I’m assuming that you’re a student there too?”

Wendy pointed towards the university grounds not far from where they were standing at to which Irene can only give a nod as a reply.

“So I was right!” she let out a cute bubbly laugh and Irene stared at the girl in amusement in return.

Never once had she met a girl this bright and bubbly. Wendy was like a walking sunshine.

“Anyways, would you be willing to give me your number? I promise that I won’t do any harm to you.”

For some odd reason, Irene was so drawn into the girl that she actually agreed to give her number and nodded once again in response.


“Oh my god! A girl hit on you earlier unnie?!”

“Uh huh,” Irene nodded and continued to eat the cup ramen that she held in her hands, watching people come and go from the balcony. Eating her dinner at the balcony of their room seems to have become a habit for her and it all started a year ago when she first entered the university.

Everyone was so hyped up on having dinner with the seniors and Irene actually got quite a number of invitations to the group dinners but she refused them all politely, giving the excuse of already having an appointment with someone and such.

She just couldn’t stand being in a room filled with drunks.

“Then what happened next?” Seulgi squealed in excitement and hurriedly sat next to Irene.

“Well, I gave her my number and she thanked me for it before walking away,” Irene shrugged.

“Eh? That’s all?” the younger girl scrunched her nose in disappointment. “That girl is a terrible flirt, I can do better than that.”

“Have you tried flirting with someone before then?”

“Well no…” Seulgi coughed awkwardly as Irene glanced at her curiously before bursting into laughters upon hearing Seulgi’s response.

“Hah, you shouldn’t speak bad about people then.”

“Tch, are you defending that girl now unnie? How nice of you,” Seulgi rebutted with a teasing smile and just as Irene was about to answer, her phone suddenly lit up with a notification from an unknown number on her Kakaotalk.

“Who’s that unnie?”

Seulgi curiously peered over Irene’s shoulder as the latter turned her back against her and Irene lightly flicked Seulgi’s forehead in return. “Yah, give me some privacy.”

“Tch, why so stingy- Oh wait, could it be that girl again?”

“Maybe, now you should go greet your darling. It seems that she’s back from the store,” Irene pointed towards the figure walking up to the dorm and indeed it was Joy.

“Oh, Joy is back?” Seulgi immediately stormed up from her spot, leaving Irene on her own in the room.

“Those two, it’s as if they haven’t seen each other for months,” Irene shook her head with a smile and opened up the chat notification. It was in fact the girl from before.

‘Hey there, I’m Wendy. You don’t mind me texting you here right? I thought that it would be too much if I were to call you immediately. ^^’

‘Ah, yes Wendy. How’ve you been?’

Irene quickly typed in her response but soon regretted it as she read the text that she sent. Why does she have to be so awkward with her responses? Of course the girl is well, she had just seen her earlier.

‘I’m good. Haha. I’m sorry again for coming up to you all of the sudden earlier, but can I ask you a question? Do you…like girls?’

“She asks for my number and asks me whether I like girls or not?” Irene chuckled to herself. “Such a weird girl.”

‘Maybe. Why?’

‘Ah, I take that as a yes then! ^3^ You see, I was hoping to ask you out for coffee this Saturday? Will that be okay?’

“Coffee huh,” Irene mumbled and tap her chin for a moment before typing her reply once again. She’s returning to her hometown that weekend so meeting Wendy would be impossible.

‘I’m sorry, I can’t.’

 ‘Ah, is that so… How about Sunday then?’

‘Still can’t.’

‘Oh, I see. T_T I’m guessing that I’m getting rejected then, huhu.’

A smile crept on Irene’s face as she saw the cute emoticon that came after the message. Why does the girl have to be so cute really.

‘Although, I suppose we could have lunch tomorrow. I don’t have any classes.’

And again, it didn’t take long for Wendy to send her reply.

‘Call! I’ll pick you up in front of the girl’s dorm at 12!’

‘You don’t stay here? I thought that you were an exchange student.’

‘Well, I do stay at the girl’s dorm. I just thought that it would sound cool if I said that I’ll pick you up. Hehe.’

‘I’ll see you tomorrow at 12 then. :)’

Irene hesitantly added the smiley face in her reply and before she even knew it, her ramyun had gone cold from all her texting with the girl whom she had just met that day.


“So, I haven’t asked for your name yet,” Wendy chuckled as she slipped her hands into her pockets, walking towards the coffee shop with Irene next to her. The sight of two beautiful girls walking together attracted quite an attention from the others but they didn’t really bother much about it.

“It’s Irene,” she smiled lightly and took a glance at Wendy.

“Oh? Did you happen to live in the States before? I’m from Canada!”

“Nah, I’m born and raised in Daegu,”

It was Irene’s turn to chuckle as she entered the shop, Wendy following afterwards.

“I’m sorry that I couldn’t bring you to some place better, this is the first place that I went to after arriving here,” Wendy smiled apologetically to Irene and headed towards an empty table, pulling out a chair for Irene. “Here you go.”

“It’s fine, I’m more curious on how you can speak Korean fluently actually,” Irene smiled as she took her seat and Wendy sitting across her.

“Oh that?” Wendy quirked a brow, calling up for a waiter at the same time. “I’m actually pure Korean. But I look American don’t I?”

“Yes you do,” Irene nodded slowly. “Then how are you a transfer student again?”

“Well, I applied for this transfer student programme at my university and I was hoping to go to some cool place actually,” Wendy chuckled. “But it turns out that they assigned me to the country where my parents came from. South Korea. But hey, I don’t have anything against it now that I met you, and the people here are really nice.”

Irene unknowingly blush upon hearing the last sentence and she quickly tried to hide it using the menu that was handed by the waiter. “I think I’ll be having some spaghetti.”

“I’ll have the same then. And some water please,” Wendy smiled towards the waiter as she propped her chin on the table and looked over to Irene once again. “What about your drink?”

“Orange juice for me please,” Irene then thanked the waiter before clearing up lightly upon realizing the fact that Wendy was staring at her. “So, what course are you studying?”

“I’m majoring in Business Management actually. I wanted to open up a business of my own since I have a knack in negotiating with people you see,” Wendy grinned and pointed to Irene. “And I’m guessing you already realized that.”

“Maybe,” Irene chuckled. “I’m an Art major. I don’t usually mix with kids with other Majors other than my room mates.”

“Ah? Am I an exception then?” Wendy teasingly wiggled her eyebrows to which earn her another chuckle.


“Why do you like using maybe?”

“And why do you like asking me questions?” Irene rested her back against her seat with an amused smile. It seems that the other girl is not the type to lead the conversation dead, unlike her.

“Because I’m interested in you.”


“Which floor are you staying at?” Wendy once again, becoming the gentleman between the two opened the door for Irene to which the latter thank her for.

“Thanks, I stay at the 2nd floor actually,” Irene nodded as she walked into the dormitory with Wendy tailing behind her, both of them heading for the staircase. “You?”

“I’m staying on the 3rd floor sadly,” Wendy pouted dejectedly. “But you’re welcome to come over to my room anytime! I’m staying at room 43.”

“Room 43?” Irene blinked for a few times as she suddenly recalled about the structure of the building. If she weren’t mistaken, Room 43 would be the room situated exactly on top of hers since she’s staying in Room 43 as well. Only that hers is on the second floor. “Looks like I’m your neighbour downstairs then.”

“Really?” Wendy gasped in surprise before a cheeky smile started to creep on her face. “Well. We must’ve been fated to be together.”

Irene couldn’t help but to laugh at the girl’s unstoppable flirting and it didn’t take her long to reach the second floor, pointing towards her room in the hallway.

“You can go now, I’ll be fine from here.”

“I’m not getting invited to your room?” Wendy pouted once again, with the hope of being able to take a glimpse of Irene’s room but her luck for the day seems to have run out when Irene shook her head in response.

“Sorry, maybe next time.”

“Well, next time it is then,” Wendy smiled and quickly scanned around the place to see whether there were anyone around or not before doing something that Irene did not expected.

She gave Irene a gentle peck on the cheek and ran upstairs afterwards, not forgetting to give Irene a playful wink before disappearing from her sight. And this, left Irene glued on her spot.

She swore that she felt her heart skipped a beat when Wendy kissed her. Even if it was just on the cheek.

Joy and Seulgi had kissed her before on the cheek and it didn’t felt like that.

“Oh, unnie!”

Joy, after spotting their unnie standing near the staircase immediately greeted her but Irene didn't bother to greet her back to which was odd.

Frowning, Joy made her way towards her but she was surprised to see Irene now that the younger girl is facing her. “Unnie, your face is really red.”


A/ N I don’t know why I made this two shot actually, I was just trying to escape from studying- /smacked. I should’ve updated my other two fics. Sobs. 

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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 1: It's sooooo cute but... the part 2 where?
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: Part 2 please???
ReVeLuvyyy #3
Chapter 1: The last part TT
-WenRene15- #4
Chapter 1: So cute... update please. =)
Favebolous 14 streak #5
Chapter 1: I laughed at the thought
Chapter 1: Great! Plsss update
Chapter 1: Great! Plsss update
Chapter 1: soo new reader its soo cuteee damn wendy is aggro that its cute ^^
jessbian9 #10
Chapter 1: WEW! Haha I love Wendy's straightforward character over here xD hope to read the 2nd part soon! :)