Ready, Set, Go (Final)

Finish Line - Running to catch you (A Nam Taehyun One Shot)
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Hi guys! This is my very first story on here (I have been witing German Fanfics before), it is a fluffy little one shot starring WINNER's Nam Taehyun! :)
The story was requested by user amusuk. (Thanks again, hope you like it ^_^)
Since my mother tongue is German, please excuse any mistakes in my English. (Do point them out to me, though.)
The reason for writing this, is because I'm planning on posting a multi-chaptered WINNER & Block B Fanfic on here, but kinda first wanted to see how my writing's received, so... Here you go!
Please do tell me your opinion about the one shot in the comments, I'd really appreciate it. Enjoy reading~ ♡




The bleachers of Jung Lily’s school’s sports field were her favorite place to spend her time during breaks.

Not particularly because they really were her favorite place, but because the bleachers were always secluded from any happenings you would find at a typical middle school. It was peacefully quiet. Except for that one day, that changed everything in a fraction of a second’s gaze.

Until that specific day Lily’s only hobby was reading Manhwas. You could say she was a little addicted. Also not particularly because she felt like Manhwas were her only resort, or something the like, but simply because she was not the type of person that liked to mingle a lot. She was very shy and she seemed to have come to the conclusion the people around her were either completely blind to that fact, or they didn’t even care.

Lily never had a real friend, a real passion and also never experienced real love. So she withdrew herself into the ever-changing world of the different stories of her little Manhwa books. Dreaming and Hoping.
Halfway into her 1st year of Middle School, she had already given up on her dreams and hopes a little, the spark of both only lingering somewhere hidden in the glowing embers of her heart.

But that one day, everything changed.



The bell had just freed the students into lunch break and Lily took off, heading to the bleachers. Excitedly, because she had bought the first book of a new series. But at her arrival, the excitement quickly vanished.
The bleachers were full of people, students to be exact. Cheering students.

Lily frowned upon the noise and observing what seemed to be a sports event.
Suddenly someone put a hand on her shoulder and turned her around.
Her sports teacher.
    “Don’t you want to join us and watch the competition?” he asked.
Considering her lack of friends, she just nodded yes and followed him to a seat next to her teacher and in the first row.



‘Jeongwan Middle School vs. Gongseo Middle School!’ a banner read in flashy characters.
It was a Running competition. Lily was never interested in running. Or any other sport for that matter. She never had the motivation to even start something.

So she watched in boredom. But then the finale was about to start.

And that’s when Lily spotted him.
There at the start line he was stretching his legs, preparing for his final run against a boy from her grade.

    “Lee Seunghoon of Gongseo Middle School versus Nam Taehyun of Jeongwan Middle School.”

Nam Taehyun, Lily repeated in her head.

She, in a crowd of cheering people, gaped at his beauty and it felt to her like it made her painfully visible.

But she couldn’t help it.

The boys both then went kneeling down at the start line, getting in position.

    “Ready, set, GO!” the announcer shouted and off he dashed.

Even in the first second this Nam Taehyun already had left behind his competitor in a cloud of dust.

He sprinted along the racecourse like a maniac. Not a crazy maniac. But a dedicated maniac. And his dedication made him unutterable attractive.
Lily’s eyes followed the young boy as he ran his rounds, his slightly longer hair getting heavier with sweat with every step he took.

She sat close to the course and when Taehyun passed by her, she thought she’d seen his eyes glitter.
Admiration flooded Lily’s heart, it pounded loudly.
Like in one of my comics, she thought.

She realized he would’ve never noticed her in the crowd, because the only thing he had in mind was the finish line.
And it made her want to have the same goal as him, it made her want to follow him. Ultimately she got lost in his goal.



The next monday after the competition, she still wasn’t able to get Taehyun out of her mind. She had sawn that boy for about 5 minutes, only running, but his image was stuck to Lily’s mind.
His delicate features, glistening with sweat, while smiling brightly at the prize he had won.

She could not even concentrate on her favorite hobby and she found herself standing and walking on the racecourse.

She knelt down like Taehyun had, when he got ready to run and she felt a little out of place.
But she still continued. In her head she had a little countdown and then took off.

After not even one round of fast running, Lily had to stop and lie down, heavily breathing.

She was terribly out of shape, even after just that little exercise, she felt like her lungs were going to burst. But somehow she enjoyed that sensation. And it soon became a habit to run instead of reading.

Lily signed herself up to a running club when her second year of middle school started and started training seriously. She had finally found a real passion, and a year ago she had also found a real love.
And she was determined to catch up with her love, that seemed to be able to run as fast as the wind, blowing through her long black hair.


Years passed quickly. The more time went by, to Lily it seemed, the faster Taehyun would run away from her.
It frustrated her a little, that even though she trained so hard and took part in so many competitions, she never seemed to be able to catch  the crush of hers. She felt like the more she stretched out her arm to reach him, the farther he got away. When she dreamed of him, she only ever saw his back, running from her.

She kind of forgot his face by the time she entered high school.
Lily had picked one that had a good reputation for it’s sports clubs, in hopes to get even better, even fast, to catch him.

Since she started running, she had made it a routine to go to school an hour early and train. She liked the cool air in the mornings, that made her lungs ache even more.

It was her first day at the new school and as always she got up earlier to do her running.

Lily walked behind the new school to check out the field. But then she saw something she would never have expected. Or rather, someone.

The feet hitting the racecourse belonged to no other than the person that got Lily addicted to her passion.

Nam Taehyun, she mouthed. The girl in her trainers stood by the side of the course, gaping. Like the first time she had seen him.

Only this time they were alone. Noone else that was concealing Lily’s present and sure enough, Taehyun noticed her.

He stopped in his tracks and looked at her quizzically.

    “Can I help you?” he asked coolly.

But instead of giving a proper answer, Lily mumbled some apology and left again.
She could feel her face warm up, even though she did not run one single round.
It was the first time Taehyun had actually noted her existence.

On the second day, the club activities started and she did not want to believe her eyes when she found Taehyun had signed up for the same athletics club as she had.

Lily hoped he would not recognize her and by the end of the activities she was relieved as ever.

But a hand on her shoulder held her back.

    “Hey.” Taehyun said monotonously, not giving the slightest hint of his intentions.

    “H-Hi.” Lilly stuttered in response.

    “Were you the girl that watched me earlier on the racecourse?”

She felt terribly busted but he seemed a little unsure so she thought, she’s try.

    “N-no. Sorry. I… I don’t know what you mean.”

Lily wanted turn to leave again but Taehyun’s voice pinned her to her spot.

    “I know it was you.” he then said, matter of factly.
He comes off so cold… It must’ve irritated him a lot, when I watched him.

That day Lily thought she had to die of embarrassment and shame, but the situation turned out to both her liking and advantage.

Taehyun and her did not exactly became best friends, but it started with Taehyun always helping her out.
To Lily’s surprise, because to her, the older male seemed so uninterested in anything else but running.
But then again, he was helping her developing her talent, so maybe it was only about the running again.

Of course, he was the more experienced runner, so whenever Lily made some mistake or the other, he corrected her. He showed her different breathing techniques, styles of running and a lot of other things.

Lily felt like their friendship was more of a professional thing for the young male.

    “You gotta watch your posture!” Taehyun shouted at her from the side of the racecourse, where he watched her doing her training.

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Updated my WINNER fanfic "The Coma of Depend" with the 5th chapter! Please check it out! :D


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Chapter 1: AMAZING (*¯︶¯*)
thankyou for the story too!
love it! ♡
Chapter 1: The angst and romance in one short story is just anazing.. *x*
I read this while listening to WINNER's Different, it suits the sory so well!! This story would be the perfect mv for that song no kidding!
YeolCy #4
Chapter 1: Oh my god the details ;;;;;; short but amazing. Ah, Mino :(
Chapter 1: The details and storyline are just amazing, really love this fic. ^ ^
Chapter 1: OMG
So fluffy and beautiful you make my heart flies to the sky.
I had a hard time reading this, coz i have to hold my giggles while reading this in the classroom, haha but it's fun! XD

I really enjoy reading this! Idk if there's typo or the plot's rushed coz it flows perfectly for me to even care. Lol

Thank you so so much for writing this!
I love you~~! <3
Chapter 1: The last part was kind of a rush but in whole I really like it.
Taehyun is so cute when he was confessing to Lily.