
I never wanted to go


Taehyung walk mindlessly deeper into the garden as his mind is filled with the picture of Bella and Jongin. That look on Bella’s face as he looked at Jongin, that could be him. But he lost her. She’s his lost star and he didn’t even know if Bella know that, or even if she knew, would she believe him? Hands over his head, he close his eyes tightly out of frustration and he crouched down as he cover his face. 

“Look at you.” A voice said.

Taehyung looked up only to see an unexpected face to be there with him.

“What do you want?” He said as he looked away.

That man chuckled at his reaction.

“I don’t know you’re this miserable even when it’s already years since middle school.” He replied with his hand in his pocket.

“What do you mean?” Taehyung frowned at the situation. 

“You think I don’t know what you did to her? Are you that stupid thinking that you would get away from that easily?” Woo Bin crouched down to Taehyung’s level to get a better look on Taehyung’s facial expression.

Taehyung avoid Woo Bin’s eyes. His eyes starts to wander around as if looking for something that he will never found.

“I can’t believe Bella was suffering over you. I mean like God damn it she could have settle for something more than this.” Woo Bin stood back up to his feet.

“After I found out what actually happened to her, I quickly tell my man to find you and believe me, you have no idea how close i was to come to you and beat you up myself.” He continued.

“- but knowing how you’ve learnt your lesson in a very hard way makes that urge gone.” Woo Bin said as he crossed his arm.

“But surprisingly, up until now.” Woo Bin smirked.

Taehyung get up from crouching down and run his fingers over his hair.

“Well are you happy now? After all of that and you still messing around with that picture of us together? After all that she had suffered and you still want her to go through that again by publishing that tabloid? You’re worse than me.” Taehyung replied.

“Well actually, I never intended to do that but since I saw you guys together, I mean why not?” Woo Bin said calmly.

Taehyung walk towards him and grabbed him by his collar- 

“You think this is a joke? Do you ever think the consequences of your doing?!” Taehyung said almost screaming.

“Unlike you I think very deeply of the aftermath of my actions.” Woo Bin smiled mockingly at Taehyung’s face.

Taehyung was furious until the next word that come out of Woo Bin’s mouth got him startled.

“You still love her don’t you?” Woo Bin said as he tilted his head giving Taehyung a deep stare. 

Taehyung let go of Woo Bin’s collar. He put his hand at his waist as he looked down to his feet. Was it that obvious? He thought to himself.

“The meeting between you too were pure coincidence but I’m a man who knows where to grab my opportunity.” Woo Bin said.

“What are you implying?” Taehyung looked at Woo Bin’s face.

“After she spent a few weeks at our grandparent’s house in Italy, she was recovering, but I suggested her parents to send her to London to continue her study there. So that she will never meet any of you. Fortunately her parents did not suspect anything.” 

“I keep you under my radar so that you will do nothing funny. But apparently, once she come back to Korea, you won’t stop trying to contact her. I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Knowing her reputation and her status, she got all eyes on her.” Woo Bin lean against the tree. 

“However, I’m not that cruel to let her marry off to someone she doesn’t love whole-heartedly. Bella would do anything for her family especially her parents including marrying someone for the sake of their company to merge.” Woo Bin said firmly.

“So what do you expect me to do?” Taehyung said after quite sometime.

“Just try to win her back would ya? As simple as that.” Woo Bin clasped his hand together and rubbed it.

“This conversation is over and I’m heading back to my party since my tea must have been cold.” Woo Bin slightly smiled and head back to the party.

“How sure are you that she still like me?” Taehyung said loud enough for Woo Bin to hear him.

Woo Bin stopped briefly and spun around- “I don’t know. But it’s worth the try. Don’t you think?” With that he walked away and left the very puzzled Taehyung alone there. Taehyung can't stop thinking about what Woo Bin just told him. He quickly make his way back to his motorbike and drift away.

"Where was that friend of yours Bella? Taehyung wasn't it?" Her dad asked.
"He already went back home. I saw him drift away on his motorbike." Woo Bin interrupted. He continue on sipping his tea like nothing happened. Bella was confused. She don't know how to feel. She does feel bad about what had happened between him and Taehyung but at the same time, ever since Jongin indirectly told her whether if she feels comfortable to talk about things with him when he is her fiance, made her feel a lot more worse.

"Would you guys excuse me, I don't feel so well. I'll head inside first." Bella said to her parents and give a peck on Jongin's cheeks just so to make sure that he won't be following her. Which she was right since the light peck on his cheeks is enough to make him freeze at his seat since he was not expecting it. With that, Bella get inside her house and make her way straight into her bedroom. 

She throw herself onto her bed and started to let out a groan as she cover her face with her pillow. Suddenly she heard someone was turning her door knob left and right as if that person was checking whether the door is lock or not. Later, she heard that person walks inside, without a word. She was not even bothered to check who it was but the next thing she knew, she felt a movement beside her on the bed. 

"You okay?" Yi Fan said as he was lying beside her on the bed.
"You think?" Bella said as her voice was muffled by the pillow.
"Hey, you know how Woo Bin Hyung do his thing right? You need to blame him on this one." Yi Fan continued.
"That's what I'm tired of. Everything he do, it's always his way. He never consider how would I feel. I know he do it because.."
"He has his own reason." They said in unison. They both chuckled and the room started to become quiet again.
"You want to talk about you and Jongin?" Yi Fan asked her as he turned his body facing Bella and rest his head on his arm.
"Give me that pillow." He said as he tried to pull the pillow away from Bella's face. Bella refused until Yi Fan snatched it away and put it on their head.
Bella groaned.
"Tell me, quick. I have a lot more important stuff to do." Yi Fan forced her.
"Then just go back doing whatever you think that is much more important than me." Bella turn her back to Yi Fan.
"Come on Bella I was just kidding. Of course you're much more important, that's why I come to you first before doing those other 'important' stuffs." Yi Fan pulled Bella shoulder so that she would be facing him.
Bella turned her body towards Yi Fan as they are now face to face. Bella let out a small sigh.
"So, Jogin fetch me from school today and it was a bit intense at first since Taehyung was there as well because I told him to come to our house so that he could meet Woo Bin oppa as well and which I was right he is here. Just like Sehun, I explained to Jongin the reason why Taehyung was there and then again just like Sehun he wasn't having it very well. But then I convinced him that he will come here by his own and I will go with him." Bella took a deep breath.
"It was silent in the car, but nothing awkward, until.." Bella close her eyes as she let out a deep sigh.
"Until?" Yi Fan puzzled.
"Jongin asked me if I was okay and not that he wanted to bother himself with my life but he was wondering what is actually going on. I was so sad. He is my fiance of course he has the right to ask me, why did he have to put it in that way just to ask how I was doing and how I was feeling? I know we are barely truly in love but it's not that I'm not trying." Bella said her eyes started to fill with tears.
"Hey, hey, hey." Yi Fan comfort her as he pulled her closer. 
"Look at me." Yi Fan said as Bella then divert her eyes towards his eyes. Yi Fan smile. No matter how big she have become, to this amazing beautiful young lady which everyone adores, she still his little mèimei. 
"Maybe he didn't mean it that way. Perhaps he was trying to make his way in by trying to not sounds to controlling over your life which well clearly he failed but his heart is in the right place. He was just concern about you. And also, he is yet to know about what kind of a person Woo Bin Hyung is." Yi Fan said as he patted Bella's head.
"You think so?" Bella snuffled.
"I know so. It's okay, we'll figure it out okay?" Yi Fan continued.


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