Prequel (Start): Car Crash

Red Threads

"Just listen to me for once, will you?" Seungyoon's father shouted at the top of his voice, all while swerving agitatedly on the road. "I'm your husband! Listen to me!" "Well, I'm your wife, and when have you ever listened to me?" Seungyoon's mother hollered back. "You only treat me as a housemaid, doing the cooking and cleaning for you! When have you ever treated me as your life partner?"

Seungyoon sat in the backseat, desperately trying to block out his parents' argument yet again. They bickered over the littlest things, such as who should drive, where they should eat and so on. As a child, he cried everytime his parents quarreled. Now, as a 17 year old, he had pretty much gotten used to it. I should've known better than to not bring my headphones along, Seungyoon thought to himself, wishing he could block out all noise.

"I must have been blind. I should never have married a male chauvinist pig like you."

These were the last words Seungyoon ever heard from his mum, as his father drove head first into a tree.

Seungyoon woke up with a start, finding a pool of blood where his shoulder was in contact with on the asphalt road. He was out of the car. "You've awoken." A man's voice came from behind him. He looked behind. The man was not his dad. He frantically looked around, searching for his parents. They were nowhere to be seen. He crawled towards the car, unable to prepare himself for the worst. Paramedics surrounded the car. They were not making any movement towards the car. They were shaking their heads.

"Mum! Dad!" Seungyoon wailed. He saw the two mangled bodies in the front seats. Branches crashed through the windscreen, landing on them. He could not believe it. From what he could remember, a few moments ago, they were all alive and well. But now...

"Please, please save them! Get them out! They need help! Please!" Seungyoon begged. "I'm sorry, but we have checked their pulses. They have already passed away. My condolences." One of the paramedics told Seungyoon. He wailed and lunged himself at the car. But he succumbed to the pain of his injury and collapsed. The paramedics dragged him away.

When Seungyoon regained consciousness, he didn't want to open his eyes. He didn't want to let the people know he's awake. He didn't want to hear things about his parents. He convinced himself that his eyes had been playing tricks on him.

He then heard the sighs of the people around him. "Poor child, he's alone now.", "Poor thing, both parents gone at once.", "How will he take care of himself now?". He slowly opened his eyes, allowing his tears to flow freely. "He's awake!" Gasps sounded in the crowd, who seemed relieved to know that at the very least, Seungyoon's fine. "Mum... dad..." A paramedic supported him as he hobbled to the bodies of his parents, now covered with a white cloth.

There's so much blood. Tears blurred his vision like a thick fog. Something stood out from the crimson red blood. He wiped his tears away. Red lines, glowing. What? He slowly rubbed his eyes, wondering if he was going to die too, and this was a vision before death. No, those were indeed red glowing lines. Two of them. What are these? Seungyoon looked for the end of the lines, and found them, tied to his parents' right pinky, with an old fashioned knot. What? He reached for the red lines, but they passed right through his fingers. He did a double take. First, his parents were dead, now he's seeing weird red lines. What were they?

Seungyoon immediately thought of the myth of the red thread of fate, which tied people who were meant to be, together. "No... this can't be..." He shook his head slowly. He looked down at the red lines again. They did look like thread, and the knots were fashioned in the exact same way he saw on television. Why am I seeing this? Seungyoon shook his head, desperately trying to shake this weird vision away. As he did so, he finally caught a glimpse of the large crowd of people surrounding him.

Glowing red lines sprouted from each person, towards every corner. The lines ended at their pinky fingers. Fashioned with knots. The lines shot everywhere, forming a large net. He saw a man with his arms around a woman. There was only one line between them, connecting their right pinky fingers. Seungyoon looked down at his own right pinky finger in disbelief. Sure enough, a red knot, and a line that spread far, out and wide. Are these really the red threads of fate? Seungyoon questioned, taken aback by the absurdity of the whole situation. He looked back at his parents.

The threads from their respective pinky fingers shot out far and wide. What was between them wasn't a single thread linking them together.

The threads on their pinky fingers headed in opposite directions, away from each other.


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This chapter is really Mino's chapter kekekeke


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esesemes25 #1
Chapter 18: Whyyyy ahahah i love mino but team seungyoon!! ahahahahahha... But i trust in you authornim.. Ill wait on how will you spin the threads in this story(ahhaha you see what i did there authornim)...
esesemes25 #2
Chapter 16: Another update thank you whieehhh the start of the love triangle........
esesemes25 #3
Chapter 15: Welcome back authornim!! Worth the wait... Thank you!!!
Minwo033 #4
Chapter 15: Finally!!! I keep reread this story and waiting for you to update. Thanks for updating! Xoxo
This was really good!
Chapter 14: love triangle?
ForvictoRii #7
Chapter 13: ♡ not too fastlaaa xD
6Queen_here #8
Chapter 12: ≧﹏≦soo cute≧﹏≦