My Little Butterfly

나비소녀 (Don't Go)

   It was a beautiful Spring day, just like today, the first time I ever laid eyes on her. She was dancing with some friends at our local park, what seemed to be a VIXX cover they were probably filming together. Naturally, I was so exited, instilled with pride; my little butterfly was dancing to our song! You know, float like a butterfly, sting like a bee? She was sp graceful and her smile so radiant my eyes felt like I had to look away if I wished to keep my sight. My poor heart couldn't take much more when I heard her rapping my parts. I wanted nothing more than to go over and say something to her... but I got so nervous I just couldn't possibly talk to her, let alone her perfect English! Oh, she must be a foreigner. I hope she's studying here, then I must come again soon! Until then, my little butterfly.

   The following weekend we were given a day off, and I wanted, no, needed a break from all the dance practice and late nights spent composing. So I'd decided to walk around the city, maybe grab a bite to eat, the usual. Talk about fate and second chances, none other than Butterfly was inside the Starbucks I'd stopped by. sorry for this location cliché, btw their lines just fit my story idea best ugh cause eating alone meh SORRY Ok, play cool Wonshik, you can do this! After a deep breath, my cold feet had warmed up, and I went to approach her... but she went to wait for her order, and the hand I'd stuck forth to get her attention went to the back of my neck in embarassment. No matter, just a temporary hindrance. I ordered a green tea, and that's when it hit me. Buy her something, be cute! Can't go wrong with a cookie.

   Being as cheesy as I'd never been, I cautiously approached her as we both stood waiting for our drinks by the counter. Trying to speak English as if my life depended on it and suddenly cursed myself for not paying more attention back in class.

   "Uh, hello! You were dancing, last week? Good job, rap. VIXX!" Great job, Wonshik, you sound like a complete fool.

   "Ravi?! Oh my god!" She gasped, and I felt my face heat up. She knows me~ My silent reverie was interrupted by the sight of her covering shyly, and I was glad to know I wasn't the only nervous one. "I'm sorry, I'm just such a big fan-- oh, wait! Right, right, Korean!" She babbled so cutely I couldn't help but stare. Her English slowly transitioned to some accented, but very impressive Korean. "You saw us last week? The cover filming?" Her cheeks tinted with pink now, making my heart constrict. Oh, right, answer her!

   "Y-Yeah, I happened to be in the area and... your dancing really drew me in." I admitted, adding a possibly awkward smile at the end. Oh, I could stand here all day and it wouldn't feel like any time has passed... or not. The barista called for our orders and we received our drinks. "If it's alright with you, would you mind sitting with me?"

   "Yes! I mean, no-- ugh... I'd love to." She tucked some hair behind her ear, and then I noticed she was wearing a cap. It actually dcan get better? Her style's just my type~

   "Kim Ravi, but please, just call me Wonshik." I extended my hand before we walked to an empty table. "It's a pleasure."

   "Just call me Kristien, and the pleasure is all mine." If you say so, but I doubt it!

   "Care for a cookie? A sweet for a sweetie?" I cringed, feeling blessed she laughed at such a cheesy remark. She accepted the cookie with a bright smile, one of those you just can't look away from, as well as my phone number and a promise to a second? date.

   My lovely little butterfly did not disappoint me one bit. As smart as she is beautiful, as sweet as her dancing is graceful. She was a bit shy around me at first, as was I, but we've both slowly opened up to one another, and I've never felt happier. Spring had sprung and unsprung, bringing upon summer and all its unspoken promises of love and travels. We met more often now that she was on vacation from school, blissful days spent together under the sun and in the water at the beaches both nearby and in my hometown.

   As the months flew and I'd realized my feelings for her, I invited her to come back home to meet my family, and they loved her. My precious little sister and my lovely little butterfly became the best of friends, two of the most important girls in my life (along with my mother and our Starlights!) One day whilst at the beach, we spent it joking around, flirting everywhere, feeding each other, taking silly pictures and splashing until out arms were sore. As the sun began to set, I carried her back through the sand, laying on our towels with hands intertwined.

   In a sudden wave of daring, I pulled her closer, into my lap, arms wrapped over hers around her waist. I'd caught her off guard, and she was looking at me with a mixture of shock, awe, and that fondness that was forever present in her eyes when they met mine. I knew I had to act quicky to take advantage... with her permission of course.

   "May I?" My hand traced her chin, her jaw, stopping at her lips. She gave me that adorable giggle while nodding.

   "You don't have to ask every time."

   "I know. But it's worth hearing that laugh every time." My last words mumbled as my lips met hers under the glow of the sunset. It surely wasn't our first kiss, but well, it was our first "romantic sunset beach kiss"... we can cross that off the bucket list.

   She was supposed to leave Korea within the following year, but decided to extend her stay for her studies, as well as for a chance at being with her Rava... yes, she teases me wiith that nickname, but I love the way it casually falls off her lips. Now, it's been two years since, and we're still happily together. It's time for her to pick a major, but I think soon she'll be picking a lot more than just that. I'm talking wedding planning and all its details. Today's the day I propose, and I'm praying she says yes...

   Oh, my little butterfly, I am but your flower, and you've got me all wrapped around your precious finger.














But hey, I'm also posting this for all the Ravi stans, VIXX fans, and any reader/fluff lover than comes across this xD

I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, and lemme just tell you HOW much better it is than the original, omfg (and it was like 3 pages written out in my notebook, but with all the stuff I added here it's probably like 4 xDD)

Thank you, thank you to anyone who reads and/or supports this story!



Love y'all!

xoxo, JJ


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